You can imagine a virtuous scenario where the government/military would not disclose the "alien" presence to the masses. Does the same apply to the presence itself or is their secrecy always nefarious no matter how you slice it because they are the ones doing something to or with us sans explanation & consent?
i Know, it seems like i have hijacked this thread and taken it off topic, but the "logic junction" i mentioned may bring it all back into focus (i hope)
lets just say for the sake of the simple joy one might get from an imaginative foray, that my hypothesis has some semblance of merit, that the prescence is in fact "us" in the next dimension.
lets say for the sake of the plot, that just as placing a set of rotating blades canted at the right angle can un naturally lift you hundreds of feet in the air, so to can a toroid of rare earth metals rotating in a liquid, superconductive medium, manipulate Gravity, and in doing so manipulate time....
A simple technology, like the helicopter.
in being able to cancel out time, you step out of linear time.
so lets assume the greater reality is as ive described it thus far, that our linear time reality, and spontaneous conciousness in an animal species, acts as a sort of spawning ground for conciousness, which is then transfered at the point of death to the greater population living in the place generated when you step out of linear time.
that this is phase one of existance, the tadpole stage.
now what happens when time travel is actually invented in linear time.......................?
or rather what happens when the population living in linear time all become aware of its existance and want to use it to step out of linear time ?
the loop snaps shut, the snake eats its tail, there is no more growth.
now there are a couple of workarounds to this, one is that those who invent the technology can simply use it, and leave the rest of that "frame" in linear time to continue merrily away spawning original conciousness in the manner we see happening now.
this would allow you to continuing harvesting the conciousness component up and down time, relative to the moment the technology is invented.
with this in mind (more twists than a bag of pretzels i tell ya) the Atlanteans might have invented time travel cloning, and conciousness transfer long long ago............
alternatively if the invention of time travel or as i like to call it true travel (any where, anywhen) happens uptime relative to where we are now, then stopping the snake from eating its tail may entail use of the next dimension.
that is after true travel is invented its operators can step outside of linear time, in this "place" cause and effect as we know it no longer apply, they can then come downtime and make sure that we "dont" invent True travel and therefore create a new reality which locked into linear time will be a continuing source of the conciousness component
in either example , keeping the spawning ground locked in linear time is the key to the greater population growing.
perhaps disclosure, would be like taking the spawning grounds out of linear time, and thus destroying its ability to continue to populate the out-time or 4th dimensional universe.