THAT is a really interesting take on the idea of salvation, mike. I read somewhere long ago that the message of Jesus was really all about accepting his take on reality so that you eed not suffer through the continuing and debilitating cycle of reincarnation over and over again. The idea was that physical life is addictive and once you get into it you keep wanting to come back resulting in a cycle that is difficult to break. But if you want to move forward with your progress as a soul, you have to break the addiction to move on. If you look at a lot of Jesus's standard sayings in this light 'salvation' takes on a whole new meaning.
Beats me where I heard this. Understand I've been reading pretty heavily in his stuff for over forty years and sometimes stuff pops up that I have no idea where it came from. I just know it's not original with me.
Hmmm, i didnt think the Tradition to which the jesus character is ascribed, subscribes to the idea of reincarnation, though on that note there are some interesting theological aspects.
in the reincarnation scenario you keep coming back "here" to the earthly plane....... until you learn enough to become enlightened, where apon you go to nirvana. a sort of heaven or paradise. until then you keep coming back here.....
jesus mentions during his walk in the desert meeting satan, who he describes as the prince of this world......
melding the two traditions suggests that this is hell, right here.....
but that aside i dont find the things said by this character incompatable with the idea that "life after death" is a technical possibility, but not a universal natural event.
perhaps what he meant was unless you can let go of your feral state, and the earth, you cant get into the "heavens".
and perhaps its not us from the future, perhaps it really is ET's with the technology to transfer conciousness.
perhaps feral conciousness in an animal species is so very very rare, that those "sparks" of ID are considered worth saving, in a vast and lonely universe
once freed of our animal feral bodys, and the lusts and fears that come with them we are easier to get along with, perhaps contact happens on an individual basis at death.
for me i could give up all the senses but one, that of mentation...thinking...i love it i even think about how i think... i could happily give up sex, food etc as long as i could continue to absorb data and process it
i would have no problem waking up in a grey container and being able to travel the heavens/universe in search of knowledge, free from my feral desires and constraints.
for me a hive mind is a powerful expression of love, and i'd have no problem being part of one.
for many though the idea of being a Hive mind is an unhappy one, the idea that you would have to "sacrifice" yourself, your mental privacy which once gone reveals your true self....
of course were back to the jesus ideas now....
who knows, perhaps there is life after death, and perhaps the greys have something to do with it.
it fits with the whole you have to evolve spiritually message to, not as a species, but as an individual perhaps, so that your persona is ready for the technological process and reality that awaits.
the idea that to get into the "heavens" you have to be willing to give up your earthly attachments
its funny because priests and nuns do just that, as an example
it would explain why they dont "contact" us in our "feral" state, whats the point it would be like trying to discuss a complex subject with a pre schooler, better to wait till they graduate for that.