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Questions for Jesse Ventura!

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Gene Steinberg

Forum Super Hero
Staff member
Yes, we have him scheduled for early in April. He'll be talking about his new book, "63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read," though I expect he'll want to cover a lot of other subjects.

Please feel free to post your questions and/or comments in this thread.
He was a Navy SEAL, Pro Wrestler, Author (I aint got time to bleed), and Governor of Minnesota. Thats entertaining, I don't care how you slice it.
His book was great. Oddly, it was written exactly how he speaks. Short, choppy, loud, and directly to the F@#$%^g point. So I am pretty sure he wrote it himself. There is a funny story in there about him seeing his D.I. at baseball game after he finished his SEAL training. Pretty funny.

1. Gov. Ventura, you have stated that you are not interested in UFO's, why not?

2. Of all the conspiracy theories you have explored which one is, to your mind, the most plausible? Which is most the most implausible?

3. On 9/11 none of the black boxes were reportedly recovered. Given the engineering specifications of the boxes this is probably the biggest indication that some level of coverup happened. In your investigations what have you uncovered as to why they would not want them to become public accessible?

Hi Gene, Chris & Gov. Ventura,
Q.1 Thanks for your service and what your thoughts on Libyian crisis?
Q.2 Gov. Ventura whats your thoughts on the USA today regarding border control and current threats from transnational terrorism and as some suggests links with drug cartels ?
I like Jesse. I thought he was a great Governor of our state. I had that bumper sticker that said "My Governor can beat up your Governor". I also appreciate that he is one of the few Americans that are "awake" and like to "whack the bees nest" once in awhile.

My questions are:

1. Do you go to the family cabin much anymore?

2. Did you meet your wife at one of the "peace rallies" you used to attend?

3. How long were you a Mongol? Do you still have your "colors" and your Harley?

Bye the way, I like Jim Marrs. He's out there and I don't follow him but he's not boring. :-)
Governor Ventura do you think Vince Mcmahon ruined pro wrestling as a fun little sport (especially the women's division by making a spectacle of it) Or was he a visionary?

Note to forum:
Yes, I know Rasslin is fake and I'm not big fan. But, it used to have some entertaining characters back in the 80's and 90's.
Well done Gene. Although I can't say I agree with his theories on 9/11, I can say that I was a huge fan of him when he used to be on Saturday Night's Main Event.

Looking forward to the show.
Well done Gene. Although I can't say I agree with his theories on 9/11, I can say that I was a huge fan of him when he used to be on Saturday Night's Main Event.

Looking forward to the show.

The greatest thing that came out of 9/11 was discovering that expensive demolition squads are no longer needed to take down a high rise building in a big city. Simply start a couple small office fires and wait a couple hours. The structure will pulverize itself, cut its main support beams and fall at near free fall speed neatly into its own footprint.
Hey Gene and Chris, great getting Gov. Ventura on the show! It should be entertaining and informative!

Governor Ventura;
1. What got you interested in conspiracies?
2. Could you tell us what a NON-issue is, and why the Government and the Media love to shout about them?
3. Could you tell us what you think the most important issue today facing Americans is?
4. What's in the future for you? Do you plan on continuing your Conspiracy show?
Thanks guys!!
Q: Gov. Ventura -what's the closest you ever came to ringing the bell? (He'll know what I mean.)
Q: Having had a glimpse from the inside, was there anything you ran into that you were totally unprepared for (in governing)? Disturbed by? ...Concerned for the future of America for?
Did he ever bodyslam the Hulkster ? ;)

But really, I wonder what got him interested in these 'fringe' subjects in the first place.
Hi I would like to ask Mr Ventura what he remembers about wrestling fans "wanting to believe" and if he sees any simularities with todays society, politics and culture?
thanks a lot Harry
Governor: I'm right with you on the 9/11 crime. It was a carefully planned inside job--probably the Mossad. Thank you for speaking the truth on prime-time TV. Now the big question: how can the guilty ever be brought to justice? Congress doesn't have the courage to do it. I think it will take a multi-national investigation with the suspects being tried at the International Court of Justice. Would you agree?
You have to admit, Ventura is an American classic :)


-The Pentagon is one of the most watched and guarded facilities in the world. Why can't the public see clear footage of whatever crashed into it on 9/11? What do you think really hit the Pentagon?

-Who do you think is responsible for the post 9/11 anthrax attacks, and how were their targets chosen?