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Remote Viewing

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Well, there is evidence of permeating the *liminal threshold* (limen) / perceptual threshold of conscious awareness. The NLP strategies used in marketing utilize the psychological advantage of the liminal threshold.

The limen insulae / island of reil borders the cerebral cortex. Am I saying that's how RV "works"? No, what I'm doing is trying to is hopscotch to keep up with who may have discovered what that might cross-correlate.

For whoever might be interested in this thread.....

~ Evidently some other folks are interested in researching the limen insulae:

~ The latest edition of *eight martinis, with articles on ethics and project discussions from civilian viewers using remote viewing in 2009:

~ The growing list of transcripts of the interviews of remote viewing subject matter experts being conducted live at the TKR remote viewing Expo this month: Gary Langford, Ed May, Charles Tart, Joe and Nancy McMoneagle, Angela Thompson-Smith, Dena Radin, Russell Targ, Richard Broughton: http://www.dojopsi.com/tkr/

Bless you :) As you might imagine, I'm one of those. Someone tried to hypnotize me once. It was a scene right out of a sitcom. He talked and talked, getting more relaxed and using guided imagery. While he was doing his business, I became increasingly agitated by the traffic noise outside the window. By the end of the exercise, he was half out of it. He asked me how I felt. AGITATED, I said, springing out of my chair :) It's gonna take a much bigger hammer than that to knock me out. But it's not like I didn't WANT to relax. I hoped he would succeed. I'm just wired differently. Thanks for the positive sign. I really need to look into this further.

Hi Lefty,

I haven't forgotten you.

I offered to reference you via PEM, but since then I've contacted Lori with your story. Lori Williams teaches Basic Controlled Remote Viewing for Lyn Buchanan. She and her husband are also certified hypnotherapists. She says your story is familiar and you need a certain approach for the hynosis induction.

Lori is planning a website that integrates everything that she does. Meanwhile, she asked that I send you to this one, and let you know that she will be happy to try to answer any questions you may have. Maybe she can help you slow your head down. Just a little, from time to time. We don't want you to lose your edge. ;)


Good luck,

Lori is planning a website that integrates everything that she does. Meanwhile, she asked that I send you to this one, and let you know that she will be happy to try to answer any questions you may have. Maybe she can help you slow your head down. Just a little, from time to time. We don't want you to lose your edge. ;)

Yeah, that's what they said before the thorazine too :)

Seriously, thanks!
Uh, it looks like this thread has been hijacked, but here's my take on remote viewing...and psychic abilities as well.

If something does not have practical applications it falls to the way side. It may take thousands of dollars and years for people to realize that 'something' does not have practical applications and is a waste of time and money, but eventually this is what has happened with Remote viewing.

If, and this is a big if, remote viewing were real, why have we not found Osama bin Ladin? Where's the weapons of mass destruction? Why did it take us so long to find Sadam? Where is the application? If remote viewing cannot be used to save lives (of whatever country the viewer owes allegence to) then it is worthless.

That's why we don't hear about remote viewing. That's why the government dropped it. That's why it's not mentioned with any air of seriousness. It doesn't work. Period.

My very educated opinion.
Sandanfire;68331[/QUOTE said:
... why have we not found Osama bin Ladin?
Who says he's alive and indeed anywhere to be found?

Where's the weapons of mass destruction?
What weapons of mass destruction? None were ever found.
Why did it take us so long to find Sadam?
This doesn't mean they weren't using RV to help find him.
If remote viewing cannot be used to save lives (of whatever country the viewer owes allegence to) then it is worthless.
see Lyn Buchanan.

You're entitled to your very educated opinion but RV is alive and well in public and working quite well. As for government use, how do you know that they're not using it any more? You can say, without question, that the government is not using RV, i don't think so!
Uh, it looks like this thread has been hijacked, but here's my take on remote viewing...and psychic abilities as well.

Not hijacked, you're just coming into the party late. Scroll up. Lefty asked questions about both remote viewing and hypnosis.

If something does not have practical applications it falls to the way side. It may take thousands of dollars and years for people to realize that 'something' does not have practical applications and is a waste of time and money, but eventually this is what has happened with Remote viewing.

If, and this is a big if, remote viewing were real, why have we not found Osama bin Ladin? Where's the weapons of mass destruction? Why did it take us so long to find Sadam?

More like, where is the media? Why did it only get miniscule coverage when it was declassified? Why aren't psychology professors addressing it? Why is Japan coming to Lyn's house to make documentaries? (I was almost in one.) Why is Japan flying Joe over there to make documentaries? Why is India using it as part of their intelligence program?

Where is the application? If remote viewing cannot be used to save lives (of whatever country the viewer owes allegence to) then it is worthless.

It's been declassified for years. Get imaginative. Try thinking outside the military box. Lyn has a collection of mugs and baseball caps. It's the only fee he asks of law enforcement.

That's why we don't hear about remote viewing. That's why the government dropped it. That's why it's not mentioned with any air of seriousness. It doesn't work. Period.

Never trust a person who says "trust me" but trust me. You really should rethink this.

My very educated opinion.

We aren't just a handful of hand-picked people and we don't work out of beat up shacks anymore. Have a question you'd like answered? I can refer you to the appropriate business. Yes, business, as in professional. You won't find them on late night radio and they're used to debunkers. Come in above radar and it's all good. Wear camo and you'll never make it past the voicemail.

Let me add to your source material. We don't deal with the "if it works" issue anymore, we're into dealing with the "how" and we're working with random number generators. http://www.crvreg.org/index.html

Who says he's alive and indeed anywhere to be found?

You're entitled to your very educated opinion but RV is alive and well in public and working quite well. As for government use, how do you know that they're not using it any more? You can say, without question, that the government is not using RV, i don't think so!

The videos coming out of Al Jezera are a clear indication that, though bin Ladin is in poor health, he is still alive, at least he was a few months ago. You could be right in that he may be dead at this point but we had years to find him and we would have employed all resources to do so.

Regarding the "...how do you know that they're not using it any more?" that borders too close to conspiracy theory stuff and I certainly do not buy into that. We, as a country, are faltering far to much to have an "ace" like RV in the wings without employing it. No, there is no practical application for it, it's not being used. There simply is no evidence for it.
The videos coming out of Al Jezera are a clear indication that, though bin Ladin is in poor health, he is still alive, at least he was a few months ago. You could be right in that he may be dead at this point but we had years to find him and we would have employed all resources to do so.

Finding him and actually getting to him are two different things. And since he was a CIA asset, who says they even want to get him?
"They" could have easily found him with one of the myriad of other intelligence methods or allied agencies. Whether or not the RV method found, or didn't find him, is absolutely irrelevant.

Regarding the "...how do you know that they're not using it any more?" that borders too close to conspiracy theory stuff and I certainly do not buy into that. We, as a country, are faltering far to much to have an "ace" like RV in the wings without employing it. No, there is no practical application for it, it's not being used. There simply is no evidence for it.
To think that the military would just dispose of RV as an intelligence gathering tool is, quite frankly, very naive.
If you have bothered to take the time to research and have a look at the sites, personnel and information available, provided by Teresa and others on this thread you would find that RV is very much alive in the public arena and being run by some extremely credible ex-military and civilian viewers.
Whose to say that the military isn't using any one of these private entities to Remote View targets etc.. It seems reasonable seeing how the militaries of this world often outsource to private contractors for a number of different activities.
Remember that Donald Rumsfeld said, prior to 9/11, that some $6+Trillion was unaccountable and it could be reasonably said that funding for in-house black RV projects or out sourced black RV programs could be alive and well. Probably no-one, including me or you may ever know.

I respect your opinion, but whole heartedly disagree.

Hello to a fellow Hoosier. I was born and raised in Noble County. ;)

I can see that you are passionate about the Osama issue as are many others. I don't blame you, but I'm not going to armchair quarterback that emotional or political hot button with a ten-thousand foot pole.

What I will do is say that until you've put remote viewing pen to paper you are not as educated as you could be. For a true grasp of it, remote viewing requires hands-on experience.

The 2009 IRVA conference DVD's should be available for purchase any day now. Pull $30 out and put it on the table. That $30-ish will buy you Coleen Marenich's presentation that gives the overview of Lyn's advanced practice program, which explains how far post StarGate remote viewing has come. A program that she and Lyn developed that could be applied to any methodology for the trainer's asking.

I didn't make the conference so I didn't get to see people's jaws hit the floor or watch them walk out of the room. The people who say "there's a structure in a field" and that's the extent of their remote viewing session.

Don't know if you still can, but we used to be able to pick up WOWO for thousands of miles once the white noise chatter died down at night. Change that up and apply it to the discussion of human ability here.

Consider this a wake-up call.

bin Ladin is but an example of where remote viewing could have been employed for practical cause, albeit one of the most dominant examples today. Here rv has failed, and it's failed to show the American government and American public any practical applications.

Rv will fall to the way-side, like parapsychology (which I very much wanted to be not only real but also practical, myself). Parapsychology essentially does not exist in America any more because it offered no practical application. (You can still get a degree in parapsychology in the UK, but in America all that's offered are certificates of achievement. No credited American college offers a genuine degree in the field any longer). As a result, parapsychology is slowly, but surely, fading away. Paranormal research that was addressed by parapsychology is being distributed among the more mainstream sciences, say physics, to explain said-paranormal phenomena. Oh, there are hangers-on but eventually the field of parapsychology will fade into non-existance. I very much wish I was wrong in that...even hope to be proven wrong some day soon.

Remote viewing is in the exact same boat.There is no genuine practical application and, therefore, it's slowly dying away aside from some true, if despirate, believers. Please note, I'm not saying, here, that there are no results from rv, there very well may be, but those results are so miniscule and so inconsiquential that time, money, and effort are wasted on finding them. When you're talking rv and parapsychology you're not talking about results. These fields are not like, say, chemistry or biology which give the human species practical applications that literally affect our daily lives.

One big probem with rv is it suffers the same weaknesses as psychic abilities and cold readings; the results are self-fulfilling and vague to the point that they can be twisted to fit the desired effect. In other words the answer can be corrupted to fit the question thereby giving a positive 'hit' when, from a neutral prospective, the hit is actually a null value. As such, the field of remote viewing, like parapsychology will never do what other fields of science do for humanity and, therefore, vm is doomed to falter, perhaps eventually fade from thought altogether.

If I'm wrong then you (rv believers) have a serious uphill battle, not to convince someone as insignificant as myself, but to convince the grand majority of the human species in general.

bin Ladin is but an example of where remote viewing could have been employed for practical cause, albeit one of the most dominant examples today. Here rv has failed, and it's failed to show the American government and American public any practical applications.
now that is funny... why would they want to catch an asset? lol. they may need him again.
i have a RV tutorial on tape. i should listen to it and come visit y'all.
Well of course since Bin Laden wasn't found by the Remote Viewing method means that RV is a complete failure. Gee we should have all known that!!
Basing your whole argument on that fact is totally correct and we all should dismiss RV as a total waste of time because Sandanfire says so. What were we all thinking of. I mean the hundreds, if not thousands of people worldwide, using RV successfully along with other methods should just give up!
And since your thorough research and application of the RV methods currently available is so complete and all encompassing that you are the definitive authority on all things RV and Parapsychology, how could we have all been so damn blind to this!!!
Teresa. Sorry mate but Sandanfire, he of the very educated opinion, has declared RV and parapsychology have failed and fallen by the wayside, apparently, so you'll just have to hang up your cloak of invisibility and return to watching Oprah as it's all just a cruel joke. I know i am.
Hell if Sandanfire tells me to give up life all together i reckon i'll do it!!!

Sandanfire, like any typical DEBUNKER you fail to do any research and are limited to making all encompassing pronouncements that comprise your very narrow minded thinking in which you believe that everyone should think like you and share your very UNEDUCATED opinion.
Just what are you basing your facts on? Reading a couple of paragraphs of Skeptoid monthly and joining the chorus of other pseudo experts in activities or methods that they have never really researched let alone actually tried or used.
Yeah you're entitled to your opinion and welcome to it too!
Try checking out people like Joe McMoneagle, Lyn Buchanan, Paul Smith et al., look into their backgrounds, get some of the information Teresa has accumulated for this thread, spend a couple of dozen hours or more of cursory research before you ring the death knell on all things parapsychological including RV.

Oh i forgot. Your like any typical debunker and you don't have the time to do that. I bet you've got time to rush out and buy Skeptoid Monthly though!
I hear this month they've got the James Randii and Joe Nickel swimsuit edition happening. Can't wait for that!!! :):)
now that is funny... why would they want to catch an asset? lol. they may need him again.
i have a RV tutorial on tape. i should listen to it and come visit y'all.

I agree. Bin Laden was and probably still is, a CIA asset.
The catch him and the whole Al Qaida thing is over and their bogey man to scare the world into terrorist submission is gone.
I love the Al Jazeera (sp?) home movies of Bin sitting around in his cave preaching death and destruction to the world looking different every time you see him, sometimes older , sometimes younger, big nose this time, smaller the next!
Well of course since Bin Laden wasn't found by the Remote Viewing method means that RV is a complete failure. Gee we should have all known that!!
Basing your whole argument on that fact is totally correct and we all should dismiss RV as a total waste of time because Sandanfire says so. What were we all thinking of. I mean the hundreds, if not thousands of people worldwide, using RV successfully along with other methods should just give up!
And since your thorough research and application of the RV methods currently available is so complete and all encompassing that you are the definitive authority on all things RV and Parapsychology, how could we have all been so damn blind to this!!!
Teresa. Sorry mate but Sandanfire, he of the very educated opinion, has declared RV and parapsychology have failed and fallen by the wayside, apparently, so you'll just have to hang up your cloak of invisibility and return to watching Oprah as it's all just a cruel joke. I know i am.
Hell if Sandanfire tells me to give up life all together i reckon i'll do it!!!

Sandanfire, like any typical DEBUNKER you fail to do any research and are limited to making all encompassing pronouncements that comprise your very narrow minded thinking in which you believe that everyone should think like you and share your very UNEDUCATED opinion.
Just what are you basing your facts on? Reading a couple of paragraphs of Skeptoid monthly and joining the chorus of other pseudo experts in activities or methods that they have never really researched let alone actually tried or used.
Yeah you're entitled to your opinion and welcome to it too!
Try checking out people like Joe McMoneagle, Lyn Buchanan, Paul Smith et al., look into their backgrounds, get some of the information Teresa has accumulated for this thread, spend a couple of dozen hours or more of cursory research before you ring the death knell on all things parapsychological including RV.

Oh i forgot. Your like any typical debunker and you don't have the time to do that. I bet you've got time to rush out and buy Skeptoid Monthly though!
I hear this month they've got the James Randii and Joe Nickel swimsuit edition happening. Can't wait for that!!! :):)

Joe, Lyn, and Paul, I commend them for their time and efforts, but I could spend hours practicing the guitar and still suck....LOL! The government dropped the Stargate project for obvious reasons. You can gloss over it all you wish, or come up with conspiracies that it's still in effect but bottom line is there was no application and very minimal, if any results. Other experiments into remote viewing, too, have come up with 0 off-mean results as evident here, and frankly people are tired of hearing about it. You can ran and you can rave about the blessings and affectiveness of remote viewing and in the end you still have ashes and empty wishes in your hands.

Again, bin Ladin was an example and a clear one, too. Remote viewers could not help us in the cold war, a 'war' we won because the Soviets imploded NOT because of psychic or paranormal input. Remote viewers cannot help America in our financial crisis, or with government health care reform. Remote viewers cannot help crime victims nor find missing persons. Remote viewers cannot help the jobless nor the homeless. So what purpose does remote viewing serve? Answer me that simple question, then give me genuine, practical results that accomplish the answer to that question.
Neither can Joe, Lyn, or Paul, for all their efforts. Remember, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary results." These results are not being shown, proven, or witnessed. It's very simple and clear cut that remote viewing is so far fetched from any empiracle evidence that, at this point, the belief in remote viewing is more liken to a religion then anything else. And we all know the time and effort put into religions in humanity's past, right? Some of us would even agree that such was a waste for that, too.
Now you can attack me again, call me a debunker (a mantle I sort of wear with pride) for being a critical thinker and a skeptic, but in the end you still cannot answer the question I've posed.

As far as the Randi and Nickel swimsuit edition, I already have mine pre-ordered...:D!! I need a few new coasters for my coffee table.
Joe, Lyn, and Paul, I commend them for their time and efforts, but I could spend hours practicing the guitar and still suck....LOL! The government dropped the Stargate project for obvious reasons. You can gloss over it all you wish, or come up with conspiracies that it's still in effect but bottom line is there was no application and very minimal, if any results. Other experiments into remote viewing, too, have come up with 0 off-mean results as evident here, and frankly people are tired of hearing about it. You can ran and you can rave about the blessings and affectiveness of remote viewing and in the end you still have ashes and empty wishes in your hands.

Again, bin Ladin was an example and a clear one, too. Remote viewers could not help us in the cold war, a 'war' we won because the Soviets imploded NOT because of psychic or paranormal input. Remote viewers cannot help America in our financial crisis, or with government health care reform. Remote viewers cannot help crime victims nor find missing persons. Remote viewers cannot help the jobless nor the homeless. So what purpose does remote viewing serve? Answer me that simple question, then give me genuine, practical results that accomplish the answer to that question.
Neither can Joe, Lyn, or Paul, for all their efforts. Remember, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary results." These results are not being shown, proven, or witnessed. It's very simple and clear cut that remote viewing is so far fetched from any empiracle evidence that, at this point, the belief in remote viewing is more liken to a religion then anything else. And we all know the time and effort put into religions in humanity's past, right? Some of us would even agree that such was a waste for that, too.
Now you can attack me again, call me a debunker (a mantle I sort of wear with pride) for being a critical thinker and a skeptic, but in the end you still cannot answer the question I've posed.

As far as the Randi and Nickel swimsuit edition, I already have mine pre-ordered...:D!! I need a few new coasters for my coffee table.
Yeah thanks for the link that goes nowhere (a bit like your argument).
So what purpose does remote viewing serve? Answer me that simple question, then give me genuine, practical results that accomplish the answer to that question.
RV is used as an adjunct to other intelligence gathering methods, used by military, law enforcement and industry.
Notice i say ADJUNCT! Not the be all and end all as you often and mistakenly seem to think. (a common mistake with debunkers)
Joe McMoneagle was famous for discovering the existance of a new Soviet Nuclear submarine some years ago, giving detailed drawings and a location to the US military when all other intelligence methods had not picked it up. If you took the time to look into his work and the work of Lyn Buchanan you would get all the information you need.
(Yet another fault of debunkers, the lack of a real research ethic. Teresa has suppiled numerous links to all the material you need.Please do us all a favor and at least have a look at what she and others have supplied. They don't need to do your work for you.)
So you still haven't done any research into RV as proven by your response. In the end it doesn't matter if any government is still using RV or not and neither you or i could say definitively whether it is or not. The argument is irrelevant.
You are saying that RV is useless and good for nothing, completely ignoring the results gained by the viewers that you mentioned. Once again just because you choose to ignore what they have achieved doesn't mean that they have nothing to show for.
You seem to think that RV is being touted as some magical ability akin to a sci fi movie or show. Rv was only ever used by the US government in CONJUNCTION with all OTHER intelligence gathering tools.
Today it is sometimes used by law enforcement in the same way. A good cop isn't going to rely wholly and solely on a bunch of RV sessions or the word of a psychic. They are going to correlate ALL of their available facts and leads from many different sources to find what they are trying to find.
You say that you wear the badge of "debunker" with pride. That isn't half obvious. It is for this reason your comments place you in the same league as the "doe eyed believer" camp and afford you about the same amount of credibility.
It doesn't matter how much evidence is presented to you you're not going to take it on board. You are welcome to your comments and i wish you well with your skeptoid porn collection, something that you seem to gain more pleasure from than doing real research.
i have a RV tutorial on tape. i should listen to it and come visit y'all.

And we'd be happy to help you and / or answer any questions you may have. There are several viewers from several schools here....feel free to ask away and we'll see what we can do.

So where are all the remote viewers when a child gets abducted?

Wondering when the not-remote-viewers will learn to trust us enough to give us a chance and appreciate what we could contribute. Pretty hard to establish credentials or do your best work when you're being flogged.

RV is used as an adjunct to other intelligence gathering methods, used by military, law enforcement and industry. Notice i say ADJUNCT! Not the be all and end all as you often and mistakenly seem to think. (a common mistake with debunkers)

Hi Phil,

I just came across Lyn's video about working with customers and thought you (and others) might enjoy it. Actually, this link has several videos from several people; gave it a quick scan and a partial list includes Buchanan, Allgire, Brown and Wheaton.

Don't know why posting the link brings up the vid, but I'm finding that sometimes when that happens it will get pulled for Terms issues. If you go to youtube.com and plug in: Lyn on the analysis of RV data it will pull them up.


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