Charlie Prime
Paranormal Adept
I don't know how I could say it any simpler. People are people, not a skin colors. Racists like you are the reason there is so much hatred in the world.
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Racism is as natural to the human psyche, as flees are to dogs.
We are all racist of thought, because we are human, it is as normal as wiping your azz.
I am no fan of aggressive cops. I am a lover of all races.
This young thug flirted with danger and got killed. He basically asked to get shot. I think a tazer would have been better but under the circumstances it may have not been an option.
The community's response is unjustified in my opinion and perpetuates the stereotype of a black community.
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Lots of great wisdom throughout there. Educating ourselves out of our racism is an inevitable event in societies and cultures that promote mixing, integration and immigration. We are all destined to have a Chinese uncle in the family (i've already got four of them), the way that everyone used to have an Irish uncle. I can see in some geographic areas where diversity rates are so high that the mixing in some families is profound. This means we will all have a stake in each other's well being and so education will be naturally extended down through all family members. Shadism will be an issue for a while perhaps, but i think even that will be overcome as our initial combinations create families that are multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-faith.Personally, I'm of the opinion that attempting to transcend our primitive, animalistic tendencies is one of the very things that make us human. We can be more than animals and our society should reflect that, otherwise I think we're abandoning a great deal of our potential and squandering the gift of consciousness.
I also disagree that intelligence is completely genetically based, the hundreds of thousands of people with learning disabilities who persevere despite of that hardship and achieve great things belies that argument. These racial groups that you claim are less intelligent, are simply not as well educated, because of many different factors throughout history. When given the same tools, opportunities and education they can do anything and everything that we can, the problem throughout history is that we've made this impossible for them at times, and even after certain freedoms were granted we've gone out of our way as a collective to hamper and oppose their every effort to pull themselves up, whether it be trying to keep them out of schools, our neighborhoods, whatever, it's a fact that we, as a society, did these things.
The message to these people has largely been, you are not good enough, you are not wanted and you are not welcome. Is it any wonder that this creates rage amongst the oppressed that occasionally boils over, right or wrong?
We can do better and I think we have an obligation to do so. That's just my opinion, take it or leave it.
Racist ideas from members and proud of them. Wow , i'm stunned.
Good work, Constance. I've run into this before in anti-racism circles where the DSM changes were to include racism in the manual, especially given the effects racism has on individuals.I think we were meant to be stunned. After sitting in stunned silence for a while, I asked my friend Google for help in understanding what looks to me like pathological racism. So I searched that term and found the following among other results:
Is Extreme Racism a Mental Illness?: Yes
It's even destructive to those who aren't victims of it. Indeed, it's destructive to the human species and the human spirit as a whole, as no one should by now be able to doubt.
Lots of great wisdom throughout there. Educating ourselves out of our racism is an inevitable event in societies and cultures that promote mixing, integration and immigration. We are all destined to have a Chinese uncle in the family (i've already got four of them), the way that everyone used to have an Irish uncle. I can see in some geographic areas where diversity rates are so high that the mixing in some families is profound. This means we will all have a stake in each other's well being and so education will be naturally extended down through all family members. Shadism will be an issue for a while perhaps, but i think even that will be overcome as our initial combinations create families that are multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-faith.
This weaving of traditions and ancestry will increasingly become a bigger and bigger portion of society even while conservative pockets continue to create gated, mono-cultural communities, where everyone only marries people that looks like them, believes like them, worships like them etc. but even these cults will soon fade away as being deemed unhealthy, possibly even anti-social. For who, in the face of real social diversity, will hold onto claims like racial purity? That stuff is already becoming antiquated in the face of true global migration. We are going to ultimately shave off the edges of our conservatism in the face of true equal rights, except for those who live in Russia, China and North Korea (i mean yes, there are other countries and problematic regions but those three serve as a good example of what type of killjoy cultures come with dictatorial rule).
Historically we know nothing about other cultures, their intelligences or their ebbs and flows. While Europe was in the dark ages rubbing sticks and rats together for warmth and survival the Middle East was the centre of civilized thought. Everyone thinks everyone else is, or was, backwards and really the choices, and chance that created the different directions different cultures travelled on is pretty complex. Early slavery was about religion in North Africa, while later in the west we debated with the church in Spain whether or not South & Central American indigenous populations had souls or not, so we could rationalize just how much we could abuse and enslave them. I don't see anything civilized or intelligent in that debate at all. Perhaps intelligence is a matter of perspective, and force and might have been the real game changers in the history of global human exploitation.
I see a future where everyone is welcome at the table, no matter your race colour creed gender or sexuality because we'll grow out of this religious inspired puritanical patriarchy that has taught people to claim scapegoat, treat women, children and the elderly as less than, while others occupy even lower rungs of prosperity still. In the future when power is shared out to all and every kind of identity there won't be fear, ignorance or hatred because we will have learned to embrace diversity. In the future when we are done with hatred and the biases of the past everyone will be able to be a leader and occupy positions of power while dwelling in a peaceful community.
Unfortunately, in this future, if you want to live past 3o you'll have to go to carousel or become a runner. Beware the sandman, runner! Seek sanctuary.
I'd like to agree with that sentiment, i really would. I wish it could be more true but as a human species we seem to be pretty comfortable with ourselves being involved with acts of intolerance for as long as we have been walking upright, and that's what we're really talking about here. Intolerance. Now on an individual basis it's good to see some people rise above fray but good intentions aside i think it's even wrong to linger on racism above other acts of intolerance. As a nation (at least us Americans) it can be said we can identify more with racial prejudices, it strikes a deeper nerve with us as a whole over other forms of intolerance because of our history but you don't need me to point out that there are countries where people are still persecuted because of their religion and their sex where race is not even n issue. In many Arabic nations there is a trifecta of sorts. the Arabs are a culture, not even a race per say, yet to a large degree they find plenty of reason to disparage people that are not male and that are not muslim within their own culture. So in that context you could hardly call them racist, certainly intolerant though and quite frankly whatever label you choose to apply to them, their feelings towards others that are not like them are are just as repugnant and just as worthy of castigation as any racist sentiment. having said that i understand they do find room to lord it over other races as well, mostly worker/servants from the phillipines. Matthew and Grace Huang ( a Taiwanese-American couple ) seem to be undergoing some questionable actions from the country of qatar based on their race and the race of their now dead daughter.
Perhaps cultural intolerance is the real villain here.