I was saying boo-urns
The BALLS on these people! Killers telling people not to kill. They attack Russia with a proxy in Georgia and then try to blame them. Amazing. They are LOOKING for a war with Russia.
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The Russians hate us for our freedom? Doubt it.
They want Georgia back? Mebbe so, but if so, why?
The magic word may be *pipelines.* We have plans for a pipeline directly to the Black Sea. Russians have plenty of pipelines in the works for the similar routes. I've read that our pipeline would sit a mere few miles from the Russian border in Georgia. That's probably the real story, but there's a lot more reading to be had for the critical eye.
Recall that magic word when looking at a global map of the Middle East. Pipeline from the Caspian Sea to the Indian Ocean ... through Afghanistan and Pakistan. Shenanigans begin to make sense ....
I suggest you do some reading up on the subject before commiting yourself to posting vague outlandish statements.
God Bless America !
As for the EU
This ^^^^^ is more like this vvvvv
I'm not very informed on this matter, but so far I would just like to express how idiotic Bush is in telling them to cease fire. After the Iraq war!? Seems hypocritical to me. Bush can head a bogus war, but Russia can't attack Georgia? Oook. Maybe my views may change once I am more informed though.
I assume you are talking to me. What are the "vauge, outlandish" statements that you are talking about exactly?
Well for starters how about Elaborating on this Proxy war ?
And why does the USA want a WAR with Russia ?
But this isnt one of them.
Also i find it far from hypocritical Iraq is a totaly different situation in my opinion, thats not to say that I agree with the IRAQ question.
That’s easy.
You understand how I am using the term “proxy” in this case right? Well, it goes like this.
The Republic of Georgia is a puppet state of the US/Israel and ran by the Western powers. The military is lead by and trained by the same group. That means ANY attack that would not be the act of a few random people would not only be known, but directed by the US/Israeli military/intelligence. That would mean the attack that started all of this, the unprovoked attack on the people of South Ossetia by the US/Israeli powers that control them.
That = a proxy war
As for WHY they want to attack? I would suggest, and this is MY opinion here, that the Neo-Conservatives and the Lukid party are ran by DEEPLY mentally ill people who are suffering from megalomania. I think it is important to address them as such and not as “idiot bunglers” that just have bad ideas. No, no, these are people who should be in mental homes. They are unstable and completely irrational. Why did they invade two countries and have a criminal military (ongoing) occupation on both of them? Why did they arm Pakistan with nukes and put a puppet dictator in only to now threaten them? Why have they given arms to both Sunni and Shai terrorists, hoping they wouldn’t go rouge? Why are they running war games to prepare for an air strike on Iran (possibly nuclear) when Iran hasn’t done anything and our own CIA say they are 9 years away from being able to create a nuclear weapon? These are patterns. Now they are hated by everyone and out of power soon and have done something beyond even I would think they would do. When there is no RATIONAL explanation for these actions you can only look at the people doing them analyze them. These are crazy murders who are going for broke. I don’t know how else to say it.
IT SHOULD HAVE NEVER STARTED, THIS IS A SERIOUS ISSUE THAT NEEDS TO BE RESOLVED BY BOTH Russia and Georgia's by themselves..... THROWING INSULTS AT EACH OTHER IS SERIOUSLY CAUSEING TENSIONS TO BUILD EVERY DAY in this crisis ....Americans neo cons are no even handed brokers they have there own you really think they care about Georgia's welfare this is a power game between two super nations who were once enemys......oil is one reason, Bush so called democracy for every nation is another reason they are intervering into this internal conflict...let Europe broker a deal between this two nations not bully boy george and his cronnies if it does not work, invited the two leaders to a summit in a neutral venue of there choosing:question:Nonsense. The conflict between South Ossetia and Georgia as well as Abkhazia has been on going for many many years.
And the true definition of a Proxy war is Georgia and South Ossetai have a war and both party's are armed and advised by Russia on part of the Ossetians and The USA on the part of Georgia.
Thus both partys are not engaged in Conflict directly but both are guideing the Course of events.
Your Argument dosent stand up as it is Russia Proper who is heavily engaged on behalf of the South Ossetians.
Also Georgia isnt a Puppet of the USA. In my veiw Georgia wants to be part of the west integrating fully with all democratic institutions and her Citizens want to prosper and live in peace also Georgia wants to guide her own destiny. Now what the hell has that got to do with Moscow ?
Now here i was expecting you to enlighten me with some deep insight as to why the USA wants to start a War with Russia but you havent delivered have you.
You just come out with some Biased off the hip statements which are leading me to the conclusion that discourse with you is seemingly pointless.
Also i notice how you are quite fond of Including Israel in this. I would ask you to elaborate as to whats it got to do with the Israelis and what part are they playing but i wont be holding my breath for any Logic.
Good day to you Sir.
IT SHOULD HAVE NEVER STARTED, THIS IS A SERIOUS ISSUE THAT NEEDS TO BE RESOLVED BY BOTH Russia and Georgia's by themselves..... THROWING INSULTS AT EACH OTHER IS SERIOUSLY CAUSEING TENSIONS TO BUILD EVERY DAY in this crisis ....Americans neo cons are no even handed brokers they have there own you really think they care about Georgia's welfare this is a power game between two super nations who were once enemys......oil is one reason, Bush so called democracy for every nation is another reason they are intervering into this internal conflict...let Europe broker a deal between this two nations not bully boy george and his cronnies if it does not work, invited the two leaders to a summit in a neutral venue of there choosing:question:
Russia wants back it's former Soviet Republics. It is not acting in a civilized way at all. Their Diplomats say one thing and their Army does another.
Saakashvili is a Stupid man he comes out with ill thought out statements he took an enormous gamble and now risks losing his Country.
These conspiracy "Neo cons" theories drive me up the wall.
They say that Conspiracy theories are the new religion and i think that it could be true. Its like a comfort blanket for idiots ! They dont fully take into account whats really going on as its easy spout the word "Neo-Cons".
Fuck it I'm a Neo Con then.
90 % of Conspiracy theories are the real Con ! Theyve all got books to sell !
Admittedly there are Conspiracys out there such as J.F.K., WaterGate, Roswell, and more.
But not everything is a Conspiracy Dammit !!!!!!!!!!!
Why didnt the Neo cons Grab Georgia at the fall of the Soviet Empire in 1991-2 when Russia was weak because they could have couldnt they ?
A Sovereign nation with a democratically elected government gets swallowed up by a much much larger country against its will and all people can do is blurt out NEO CONS.
Ive only heard this theory bandied about in general terms no specifics no outline and certainly no proper thought. And you know why ? because its the new mantra for Idiots who are too lazy to think things out for themselves so they go with whats fashionable on the Internet ie Alex Jones et al.
I just want to know the plan the Neo-cons have in the Caucasus ? Because i cant see one.
This is nothing anyway you wait for the Ukraine question to arise. Georgia is just Russia dipping her toe in the bath to see how hot the water is.
The Ukraine is a scenario of World War 3 type proportions.
Americans neo cons are no even handed brokers they have there own you really think they care about Georgia's welfare this is a power game between two super nations who were once enemys......oil is one reason, Bush so called democracy for every nation is another reason they are intervering into this internal conflict
let Europe broker a deal between this two nations.