Chris, I would appreciate a detailed reply, and, yes, I'm taking a break from this thread to post elsewhere in the forum.
What about the calf mute that occurred in the field in broad daylight when Terry & Gwen were in the same field? The NIDS team was onsite later that afternoon... Talented Indian hoaxers at work? I suspect not.
Two Scenarios:
1) Terry could be the Hoaxer or a "team player" before NIDS gets there! OR...
2) They were 300 yards off IF, yes IF, we are to believe their story is accurate. There's enough time 35min-50min for covert Human(s) to use the necessary instruments to do what happened. Knifes and such implements with an impervious ground cover to rest the calf on and take away the remains and blood. Inhalant or drug to subdue the Cow and calf. A newborn 84-lb calf. EASY PEASY. Just have to be skilled at butchering! One or two people could do this very quickly! 15-25min cutting time, easy! These are NO amateurs. These are Pro Black Op Humans trained by ??? What for ???
It took NIDS at least 5 HOURS to get there after Sherman contacted them. That's plenty of time to do ANYTHING if Sherman was hoaxing too!
Oh, as for the "dogs" I was on the phone w/ Terry. He said he had to hang up— that he would call me back later—his dogs had just run off into the woods after the blue (softball-sized) orb that had just dimmed the farm light after checking out his horses and then Gwen. I spoke with him the following day and he said his dogs were gone, but he had found "three grease piles" in the woods that he assumed were what remained of his dogs—he never saw them again, btw.
Again, Two Scenarios:
1) Police report? Evidence? Just Jr. Hicks says he saw the spots? EVERY time we get "The Big Kahuna" it's JUST TERRY that is reporting it! (And Jr. follows-up later.)
Terry could have lied to you! Isn't it amazing he just happens to have you on the phone too! Bizarre! You feel perfectly Ok about that? What an awesome witness you make. Seriously. But you don't know anything except what he tells you, right. You (or someone else too) had ALREADY told him Bigelow might want the property, since you were there in July! The wheels were already in motion for Bigelow to possibly buy the place... Now, it makes even more sense -a hoax!
Terry could be a UFO nutcase believer or hoaxer after almost two years on the ranch. His neighbor was Jr. Hicks. He wanted out after some Human(s) started killing his cattle IF that is true too. Do we have police reports? Evidence? Maybe he targeted Bigelow. Jr. Hicks knew of Bigelow! Art Bell was on the radio about the ET-UFO biz.
You knew Bigelow might want the ranch. Seems like common "insider knowledge" that was floating around. If you think this is BS, then I'm going to point you to a post from one of your own guests on Paracast to support my idea.
Let's get this straight Chris... IF Sherman did the scoop mark BS as follows:
This source is more primary than Ryan's book, and I strongly believe this is a key to the HOAX... by David Perkins
, Spirit Magazine Vol 10 # 1 1997
Quoting: "The Shermans spent their last day on ranch rounding up cattle. By late evening they were "bone-tired," They locked all the doors and saw their children to bed. Gwen and Terry took hot showers and then fell into a deep sleep. The next morning they awoke to find their bedding covered with blood. They both had a one eighth inch deep "scoop mark" in the same place on their right thumbs."
Then my conclusion is he is a HOAXER, IMO, AND he had all the UFO Lore he needed BEFORE he got to you thanks to Jr. Hicks (other UFO or investigator people?) and Art Bell and the media he had already contacted before you. IF Sherman did the scoop mark story, then it's no surprise he found the screwed-up video camera equipment too! ALWAYS TERRY. (NOT ET.)
2nd Scenario:
2) Now, the Orb technology is real, so it is very possible Terry Sherman was right that some Humans were doing PSYOPS on him too! That's WHY he was going out at nights to try and catch their asses. But once Jr. Hicks got onto him about the ET-UFO mute connection, then he got paranoid (or sly with a plan) and bought into that idea instead of Humans.
That's just my "best guess" current working theory.
Chris, are you suggesting that Humans could NOT be doing this??? How so?
(Thanks for correcting the timeline too. Much appreciated.)
Yes, I will go comment on other threads too, and, hopefully, you will comment on this post too! Thanks!