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Ryan Skinner - Skinwalker Ranch

Free episodes:

You had your chance, and prattled it away…, again. I must now return back to the mother ship.
Oh, wait, wait, please... don't leave us... wholly crap, the mother ship... where???

So, are you Jehowah?

Are you a member of the Nibiruan Council ???

Or, a member of the Greater Nibiruan Council ???

Thanks in Advance!
Another Holy Crap! Knapp is promoting big-time the Dulce connection in his book. Page 164 definitely lends evidence to my idea of 3D image or holographic projection. Mundez sees a huge craft mile(s) across in good detail, but it's semi-transparent and then disappears!

Page 167 has Montoya telling stories about seeing the same kind of Orbs years later in the same area where the Dulce cattle dissections and Orb sightings took place! Pay dirt! :)

In an interview, Knapp tells how Sherman was convinced Military Black Ops was running PSYOPS on his property, and he would go out nights to try and "catch them in the act".

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What happened, I thought you quit reading after the “worthless” first chapter?
That was Storge, not me. I don't have a copy yet of Knapp's book, but I got "a peek" with Google books.

I think Storge agrees with an idea I posted about too. That is, some Indians on the bordering reservation wanted Sherman gone, remember the betting pool, and so his cattle went missing. The mutes that were mimicked like an ET did it, IF ANY, were done by Hoaxers. This could be Sherman himself just lying about it, already targeting Bigelow, or someone that knows about the ET-UFO cattle mutilations. They use this scare tactic to drive him off the land.

The Orb technology does go back to Dulce and the cattle mutes on that Indian Reservation too! So, there is a definite Indian connection -whatever that means. Was it covert Indian Black Ops with Orbs or another Covert Black Ops using Indian Lore as a cover?

I tend to pick the latter... at least at Dulce. Those Orbs are definitely connected to Kirkland Air Force Base, Valdez, and Bennewitz.
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Hmmm…, you should really to go out and get yourself an avatar. That way we know when trouble is brewing. BTW, have you calmed down now? Are you cool? If so try to stay cool K?
I'm out.
The mutes that were mimicked like an ET did it, IF ANY, were done by Hoaxers. This could be Sherman himself just lying about it, already targeting Bigelow, or someone that knows about the ET-UFO cattle mutilations…
What about the calf mute that occurred in the field in broad daylight when Terry & Gwen were in the same field? The NIDS team was onsite later that afternoon... Talented Indian hoaxers at work? I suspect not. You speak in absolutes and that speaks volumes. What (beyond finding "The Truth") are your motivations bludgeoning this overly-labored thread?

Oh, as for the "dogs" I was on the phone w/ Terry. He said he had to hang up— that he would call me back later—his dogs had just run off into the woods after the blue (softball-sized) orb that had just dimmed the farm light after checking out his horses and then Gwen. I spoke with him the following day and he said his dogs were gone, but he had found "three grease piles" in the woods that he assumed were what remained of his dogs—he never saw them again, btw. This occurred in AUGUST 1996—over a month after my initiail trip up to meet him at the ranch. GET YER FACTS STRAIGHT before causally re-formulating history... IMO: You are coming across like a one thread pony jockey w/ an agenda... sheesh dude(-ess?) release yer grip and take a breath—— :eek:———— or at least comment on another of the thousands of threads here at the Paracast Forum.
Chris, I would appreciate a detailed reply, and, yes, I'm taking a break from this thread to post elsewhere in the forum.
What about the calf mute that occurred in the field in broad daylight when Terry & Gwen were in the same field? The NIDS team was onsite later that afternoon... Talented Indian hoaxers at work? I suspect not.
Two Scenarios:

1) Terry could be the Hoaxer or a "team player" before NIDS gets there! OR...

2) They were 300 yards off IF, yes IF, we are to believe their story is accurate. There's enough time 35min-50min for covert Human(s) to use the necessary instruments to do what happened. Knifes and such implements with an impervious ground cover to rest the calf on and take away the remains and blood. Inhalant or drug to subdue the Cow and calf. A newborn 84-lb calf. EASY PEASY. Just have to be skilled at butchering! One or two people could do this very quickly! 15-25min cutting time, easy! These are NO amateurs. These are Pro Black Op Humans trained by ??? What for ???

It took NIDS at least 5 HOURS to get there after Sherman contacted them. That's plenty of time to do ANYTHING if Sherman was hoaxing too!
Oh, as for the "dogs" I was on the phone w/ Terry. He said he had to hang up— that he would call me back later—his dogs had just run off into the woods after the blue (softball-sized) orb that had just dimmed the farm light after checking out his horses and then Gwen. I spoke with him the following day and he said his dogs were gone, but he had found "three grease piles" in the woods that he assumed were what remained of his dogs—he never saw them again, btw.
Again, Two Scenarios:

1) Police report? Evidence? Just Jr. Hicks says he saw the spots? EVERY time we get "The Big Kahuna" it's JUST TERRY that is reporting it! (And Jr. follows-up later.)

Terry could have lied to you! Isn't it amazing he just happens to have you on the phone too! Bizarre! You feel perfectly Ok about that? What an awesome witness you make. Seriously. But you don't know anything except what he tells you, right. You (or someone else too) had ALREADY told him Bigelow might want the property, since you were there in July! The wheels were already in motion for Bigelow to possibly buy the place... Now, it makes even more sense -a hoax!

Terry could be a UFO nutcase believer or hoaxer after almost two years on the ranch. His neighbor was Jr. Hicks. He wanted out after some Human(s) started killing his cattle IF that is true too. Do we have police reports? Evidence? Maybe he targeted Bigelow. Jr. Hicks knew of Bigelow! Art Bell was on the radio about the ET-UFO biz.

You knew Bigelow might want the ranch. Seems like common "insider knowledge" that was floating around. If you think this is BS, then I'm going to point you to a post from one of your own guests on Paracast to support my idea.

Let's get this straight Chris... IF Sherman did the scoop mark BS as follows:

This source is more primary than Ryan's book, and I strongly believe this is a key to the HOAX... by David Perkins, Spirit Magazine Vol 10 # 1 1997

Quoting: "The Shermans spent their last day on ranch rounding up cattle. By late evening they were "bone-tired," They locked all the doors and saw their children to bed. Gwen and Terry took hot showers and then fell into a deep sleep. The next morning they awoke to find their bedding covered with blood. They both had a one eighth inch deep "scoop mark" in the same place on their right thumbs."

Then my conclusion is he is a HOAXER, IMO, AND he had all the UFO Lore he needed BEFORE he got to you thanks to Jr. Hicks (other UFO or investigator people?) and Art Bell and the media he had already contacted before you. IF Sherman did the scoop mark story, then it's no surprise he found the screwed-up video camera equipment too! ALWAYS TERRY. (NOT ET.)

2nd Scenario:

2) Now, the Orb technology is real, so it is very possible Terry Sherman was right that some Humans were doing PSYOPS on him too! That's WHY he was going out at nights to try and catch their asses. But once Jr. Hicks got onto him about the ET-UFO mute connection, then he got paranoid (or sly with a plan) and bought into that idea instead of Humans.

That's just my "best guess" current working theory.

Chris, are you suggesting that Humans could NOT be doing this??? How so?


(Thanks for correcting the timeline too. Much appreciated.)

Yes, I will go comment on other threads too, and, hopefully, you will comment on this post too! Thanks!
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What about the calf mute that occurred in the field in broad daylight when Terry & Gwen were in the same field? The NIDS team was onsite later that afternoon... Talented Indian hoaxers at work? I suspect not. You speak in absolutes and that speaks volumes. What (beyond finding "The Truth") are your motivations bludgeoning this overly-labored thread?

IMO: You are coming across like a one thread pony jockey w/ an agenda... sheesh dude(-ess?) release yer grip and take a breath—— :eek:———— or at least comment on another of the thousands of threads here at the Paracast Forum.

I'll say it again - I swear this character is either a competitor writer of another books on The Skinwalker Ranch or works for another publisher's PR department and is doing a really good job hijacking this thread. Or... if that's not the truth than this character is some degenerate scumbag bottom feeder who is jealous of Ryan and his success and wants to ruin it. If he can't ruin it then he wants to attach his name to Ryan's success.

I'm angry about this because I consider Ryan and DL new friends of mine. I choose to "spend time" with them when I read their book and talk about what I think via my own experience in the area. I don't care what non-believers think - there is a magic there - I felt it and other people who have been have too. To try and take dump on Ryan's life's work via hijacking this thread is criminal. I have my friends's back - if I didn't than what kind of friend or fan would I be?

Here's something I think you and Gene should think about - if I published my book and then saw what happened in this thread, why would I want to participate? I think the behavior of this troll might scare off other writers and could do long-term damage to this program's reputation.
That was Storge, not me. I don't have a copy yet of Knapp's book, but I got "a peek" with Google books.

I think Storge agrees with an idea I posted about too. That is, some Indians on the bordering reservation wanted Sherman gone, remember the betting pool, and so his cattle went missing. The mutes that were mimicked like an ET did it, IF ANY, were done by Hoaxers. This could be Sherman himself just lying about it, already targeting Bigelow, or someone that knows about the ET-UFO cattle mutilations. They use this scare tactic to drive him off the land..

You may have answered this elsewhere and if you did so I apologize but quite frankly the scenario you paint is a little cumbersome to follow, at least for me BUT first of all it wouldn't be much of a stretch to surmize that the local tribal people would want Sherman out. Safe to say that alll the indigenous people all over would not only the Shermans, but other ranchers, the military and even Bigelow himself out...and most likely the next person or organization that Mr. B would sell to. And therein is the catch, what's the end game here sir ?

I"ll be willing to start a betting pool myself that whatever happens here the land is not going back to the tribal hands, Bigelow isn't going to find religion. Even if your scenario of black ops indians ( or whatever) was tangible. It sorta blew up in their face didn't it? I wonder if they thought that Mr. Sherman would just walk away and the tribe just jumped in, my guess is this wouldn't last long. Other than a betting pool the tribe seems to have little to gain by having either Mr. B or the military there, even if there was/is a conspiracy between all these disparate groups. the local tribes would get the shaft ..as per usual...so it seems a little out there to suggest the tribes committed such acts with the intent of getting themselves or someone else there, any money involved isn't going to trickle down into their pockets.

Let me repeat myself a third time i never doubted that human interplay cannot be dismissed but not for everything. I would be more receptiive to the idea that the military is complicit in some events and taking advantage of something that has been there for some time, that it's a companion sceanrio with multiple sources. BUT honestly DS i have to say some of things you suggest are just as far out as anything that you claim ryan has to say. While i DON"T dismiss a certain element of your final analyisis, how you're getting there is just as under question as ryan's ideas and worthy of being questioned as much as anything else posted here. That's an very intriguing set of dot connecting you're going about on. I don't find this to be a bad thing, i really don't , i lauded mike earlier in this thread for that same thing (creativity and conjecture) and i'm being sincere when i say that . BUT in as much as you DEMAND written documentataion for anything that ryan has to say, it's no less unreasonable to ask the same thing of you and your suggestions, even though a human factor is more palatable to most people (and yes there is a history of military psyops) i would like to see direct documentation that corroboration. You CAN prove a negative in many cases and as i posted earlier you can't always hide behind the old duck and hide of "the burden of proof lies on the shoulders of the person making the more outregeous claim" anymore, especially in this day and age,there is enough sources out there to do an invstigation to put such things to bed. Perhaps you should get in contact with Nick Redfern...sorry Nick ;) ...he seems to be a champ at getting information using FOIA, i assume you know what that is, you are certainly capable of doing the same. If there is a military op going on here you know there is paperwork involved...it probably isn't all that easy as you have to be explicit in details...and i would think any mention of indian betting pools is going to be met with a trip to the round file so i would avoid but if you show the same tenacity in that endeavor as you do here, you'd do a bang-up job. No offense to the other forum members here but in a way you are wasting your time here in that we all now know what you think especially as many of your posts are repetitive and as mike mentioned as it stands now we just agree to disagree. Time to take it a step furthur.

Perhaps you could find the time to write a book as ryan did, and showing how everything about hunt for the Skinwalker and Skinwalker Ranch is a complete sham, but be sure to show your work not just use smoke and mirrors. And when you come under question show as much patience as ryan has but also keep that spirit and tenacity that you are showing here.
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thats why i blocked him he/she speaks in absolutes as if his position and understading of the facts are truth, reality is they are confusing misrepresntations.

Not to worry ryan, i'm hanging in there on your behalf. While i have to grant him the right or throw any doubt on something that he hasn't personally witnessed , i've yet to come across anything he has suggested as documented at least in this case, it's not unreasonable to ask the same of hm, Lance would do no less.. Now if someone with plenty of time on his hands could go about securing documentation that the military is behind 100% of the things that you and Mr. Sherman witnessed ...other than general possibilities and present them in a less smoke and mirrors format then i'd be on his side.
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I'll say it again - I swear this character is either a competitor writer of another books on The Skinwalker Ranch or works for another publisher's PR department and is doing a really good job hijacking this thread. Or... if that's not the truth than this character is some degenerate scumbag bottom feeder who is jealous of Ryan and his success and wants to ruin it. If he can't ruin it then he wants to attach his name to Ryan's success.

I'm angry about this because I consider Ryan and DL new friends of mine. I choose to "spend time" with them when I read their book and talk about what I think via my own experience in the area. I don't care what non-believers think - there is a magic there - I felt it and other people who have been have too. To try and take dump on Ryan's life's work via hijacking this thread is criminal. I have my friends's back - if I didn't than what kind of friend or fan would I be?

Here's something I think you and Gene should think about - if I published my book and then saw what happened in this thread, why would I want to participate? I think the behavior of this troll might scare off other writers and could do long-term damage to this program's reputation.
We aren't going to block contrary opinions, even if they seem to have little basis in fact. We do monitor behavior, and if the arguments get too personal, we will do what's necessary.
and let me preempt any reply by asking, please, please, please, don't hide behind any trite statements such as being a patsy, a believer, a ballloon boy victim, a nuburian(?) or anything suggestiing you don't care if anyone believes you or not, your posting history would suggest otherwise.
I’m just glad there are people around here who have the time, knowledge, and patience to deal with this.

Speaking for myself

Time - pretty much so, slow news week don't you know ;)

Knowledge- I'm just a dillitant at this, as I said before I'm nowhere near being an investigator but I do need to know potential motive, just following the money or whatever platitude one wants to toss out...without showing a logical coherent path is not enough for me.

Patience-In some cases, yes but with caveats, it depends on the situation in this case it has little to do with needing to believe in something, or even defending ryan, I'm happy to do it but he doesn't need it from me, it's more about asking someone to do something that he asks, actually I think the operative word here is badgering others over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Let me be clear be DS. I'm not asking you to go away I'm asking you to substantiate your suggestuons. I want to see documentation of an Indian betting pool...for starters. We'll go from there, little baby steps don't cha know.
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TBH, I have barely read Ryan's book...sorry ryan but my reading list is longer than my arm...but I do have it on kindle and a quick search on it revealed nothing about any betting pools, I don't recall seeing it in HFTS either. Could you please remind me again, where you got the evidence of a betting pool ?

For your convenience, later today...i have to go to work right now. .i will post a link to a Paracast episiode that Nick Redern was on... He's a frequent guest so it might take me a little while to hunt down... But he answered a question from yours truly about how to go about putting in a top notch foia request I will post it little bit later so you can use it to get started on trying to hunt down the evidence of these Indian betting pools, or possible local tribal black ops teams or any other shenanigans the military would be up to.

You know, this IS a little addictive, I think I'm getting an adrenaline rush. Please somebody stop me before I type again.
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thats why i blocked him he/she speaks in absolutes as if his position and understading of the facts are truth, reality is they are confusing misrepresntations.
Ryan, PLEASE answer three simple questions that are critical to understanding how these events are happening inside your head. PLEASE just answer the three questions given to you as a courtesy at the end of this post.

When you won't answer important questions, then I think this way:
Ryan could have cleared-up a lot by answering three simple questions I posed. He could have answered all three questions in 1 or 2 paragraphs or less. That makes him "suspect" as to his motives and authenticity about his account(s), what happened to him, and, so, I become more skeptical, naturally! That's common sense and not being JUST stupid and/or a believer.
Ryan, I've answered multiple times that I do NOT speak in absolutes. You're misrepresenting how I think about this. For example, I posted this...
I can't possibly be not flawed and not subjective. I'm just coming at this story from different angles. There's a lot of possibilities. It's impossible to know 'The Truth", but it is possible to get closer to the truth one way or another. So, I may end-up with 2-3 probable solutions, and that is as close as I can get to that truth. Everyone is going to have their own solutions too.

Ryan needs to answer about "his wolf" and "the porcupine smoking a cig" and why he doesn't see the same things his human companion does sitting right next to him. Who is this other "investigator" ? Why can't you both see the same thing? Because it's inside your head or ?

Ryan writes in Kindle location 1477:

"I often wondered if that was an illusion or a picture put into our head to distract us from something else going on. Because when we were there, two of us, we started not looking at the same thing. One would look, observe the obvious, and the other would search for something else, and we usually would find something else going on."

Ryan, please respond to what you wrote above and the following:

1) It seems Ryan does NOT quite see the same things his companion investigator sees at the same time he does??? It's only about 5 feet away, and yet there is confusion about what is being seen?

Here is what Ryan wrote about this confusion, which is his MOST IMPORTANT experience. Quote: "I'm on a solo survivalist adventure in the Florida keys, just returning from living on a deserted island for a week. I'm typing on a cell and 4,000 miles from my office but Vallee's assessment is spot on. Absolutely ruthless inhuman and surprisingly there may be a aspect of humor related to this. If you listened to my wolf story I left a part out because it was too silly. After the wolf dematerialized a porcupine approached us and was holding something in its paw. Confused and still is shock I asked my fellow researcher what the hell is it? He said it's a porcupine and I think it's smoking a cigarette. Never went from sheer terror to literally laughing out loud , strange transition given the bizarre circumstance"

2) No where does Ryan answer about drug use (legal or not), though I'm not finished with the book. Do we have Carlos Castaneda? He is intrigued by the Indian uses of forced altered states initiated by food, water, drug manipulation within ceremonial rites. What is going on with this? What altered states or rites/ceremonies or other mind altering practices does Ryan engage in??? Seriously!

Ryan goes to a deserted island off Florida for an entire week alone. Share your adventures and experiences Ryan! He spends time in the desert near the ranch with friends or "ranch watchers" practicing "the occult" or some weird incantations or connection techniques to these entities.

3) Ryan seems to say, where I quoted him that none (or almost none) of what he is experiencing is "nuts and bolts". He agrees with his Dad that it is all between his ears. Well, now, don't you think Ryan should expand on this topic? What does he mean by this?

Here is what Ryan wrote:

Quoting: "[...]The entities domain appears more attuned towards residing and manipulating human consciousness than towards the nuts and bolts 3 dimensional physical machines we assume ET flies around within. My father, forever the skeptic, used to laughingly tell my family the only aliens that exist are not in outer space, [but] are there between your own two ears Ryan[!] Everyone would laugh, and I remember being frustrated, however unknown to any of us, years later I've determined his remark was exactly correct."

Ryan: Do you still agree? It's exactly correct? Please explain.
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I just wanted to jump into this thread to say that I bought the book and I'm really, really, really enjoying reading it. I love the way the different types of documents give you a kind of fly-on-the-wall view from various perspectives. The writing is really good and the material is presented clearly and logically which makes a strong contrast to the very creepy content. Even if I hate the second half of the book, this has got to be the best three dollars I ever spent.
TBH, I have barely read Ryan's book...sorry ryan but my reading list is longer than my arm...but I do have it on kindle and a quick search on it revealed nothing about any betting pools, I don't recall seeing it in HFTS either. Could you please remind me again, where you got the evidence of a betting pool ?
Yeah, me too. I asked about that long long ago... from post #176...

Quoting from my post:

This is critical: What references or documentation (or whatever) are there about Quoting: "according to other available resources tribal members established a wage pool based on the length of time the new owners would live on the ranch before being driven off."

Location 388 on the Kindle.
Let me be clear be DS. I'm not asking you to go away I'm asking you to substantiate your suggestuons. I want to see documentation of an Indian betting pool...for starters. We'll go from there, little baby steps don't cha know.
Wade, see above. :)
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Now if someone with plenty of time on his hands could go about securing documentation that the military is behind 100% of the things that you and Mr. Sherman witnessed ...other than general possibilities and present them in a less smoke and mirrors format then i'd be on his side.
Are you seriously sooo naive to believe a trail of crumbs will be provided leading to the Perps? I don't think so, especially, if some "government related" or "Indian related" or "Bigelow related" entity or entities or combinations are involved.

Did you ever consider that there is a long enough timeline that all might have been involved at one time or another and more than once too??? This is not necessarily one continuous set of player(s) cooperating since 1994.

1) Did you listen to the Paracast 'carefully' with whistle blower "Chip" ??? PLEASE see post #396 for details.

Quoting the whistle blower "Chip" from that show:

"We were the guinea pigs. They were testing us. They were examining us. We were the test dummies here. Like they have some new military thing out here, and they wanted to see how it effects people."

2) Now, the Orb technology is real, so it is very possible Terry Sherman was right that some Humans were doing PSYOPS on him too! That's WHY he was going out at nights to try and catch their asses. (George Knapp interview.)
[...]reality is they are confusing misrepresntations.
Ryan, I found a critical idea and piece of evidence you're providing in the book to be potentially EXTREMELY misleading or a glaring error or ??? See posts #385 and #389 for more details, but here is the jest of it...

Please respond to the following:

Who is Charles M. ? This Charles M. appears to be very misleading in your book. You seem to be implying this may be a Meyers saying this???

You write in Kindle section 1300 and 1313 :

"Also, according to Charles M. [the family members] would huddle together as tiny golf ball sized Orbs would fly around the house [...]"

This is bizarre. There is no Charles Meyers, yet you seem to imply a Meyers is telling you this story? This needs an explanation, seriously, as this could be very misleading. You have no other mention of a Charles M. in the entire book. This is it. BS ???

How would neighbors know what happened inside the Meyer's house? The Meyer's lived alone and had no children.

Bottom line, Mrs. Meyers lived in the house for 7 years alone, so I guess she was happy enough to remain there. I'm sure she could have left if she wanted to. She had family to go to.
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