Fedora Chronicles
Paranormal Maven
Could someone please show “Ignored Member” AKA the ssociopathic troll how to put me on his own ignored users list – I don’t want him reading or responding to my posts any more.
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Keep in mind, Alexander was simply the first supervisor hired by Bigelow, and I don't think there's all that much to read into it other than the logical. Bigelow was a successful businessman with a business background (degree). So he does what business people do when they have an objective in mind: he hires someone with "experience" in or relative to the field. In the book, one of the security personnel accounts his own interview experience with Bigelow's team in which open-mindedness in terms of the paranormal was one of the qualifications. Alexander didn't last long in the position, and NIDS too was short-lived.Colonel John Alexander is a real colorful, cloak & dagger kind of figure and i'm curious about what you discovered regarding why he's involved with The Ranch in the first place. His lengthy and detailed history & involvement in psychological warfare using technology and all manner of serious weirdness to aid such endeavors while scheming with his Satanist buds is well known. What do you think is his overall role & purpose with the NIDS crew, or at least what does his appearance here indicate from your perspective given what you've learned about him and his modus operandi? Does he remind you at all of Richard Doty?
Just a general observation about psi-ops & psi-tech: if I had some orb technology handy I would send that stuff right after people like Ryan while skulking around my perimeter in order for him to write about it and promote my paranormal screen. At least if my plan was to make him a prophet I would Bennewitz him. But that hasn't really happened from what we've heard. Do you think this is indicative of what may have once been an actual, active phenomena that has since gone quiet in the way that the Hessdalen phenomena fizzled out once the cameras were turned on it?
S.R.L. in your thread you started about Bigelow & NIDS you gave a link to some group you belong to. You wrote: "Sorry, no guarantees, but you may visit our welcome page!"Alexander, although in presenting himself as a truly colorful narrative, is not as dark and shadowy as of a figure, as some conspiracy theorists may want to believe. There are some interesting thoughts about behavior modification via electronic means as related in the Washington Post article below in the mentioning of Alexander.
Sorry, no guarantees, but you may visit our welcome page! First Time Visitor's page
The whole theory of the events at Skinwalker Ranch being a series of experiments of the Government’s Psy-Ops experiments doesn’t wash for me [...] to say “The Government” is responsible is about as ridiculous as saying Halliburton is responsible for global warming on Venus, Mars, Europa and Titan, too.
[...]I think people forget they work hand in glove with the government on this. According to insiders I've interviewed, that is who pays their pay checks, NOT Bigelow.
yes i'd like to do an actual show. We have the producer connections, i'd like something that focuses on the basin, the private/government connections [...]
I found this from Ryan!Resident = Gwen Sherman
In case anyone is still wondering Gwen Sherman has to be Resident. Why? Because Terry has to do the talking to Salisbury for his book interview, and Resident says she's ONLY listening to the conversation on the speakerphone. She specifically says she has never met or talked to Salisbury! The way she goes on about the family I just don't think it's possible it's one of the children.
So, Gwen Sherman = Resident!
I can't imagine Gwen doing the interview with Salisbury. But, IF Ryan's log is somewhat misleading, then it's possible it's Terry. Does anyone care to say why this is Terry and not Gwen??? Hey, I'm very happy to be mistaken! Seriously. I just want the facts or best guesses.
Based on D.L. Wallace's comment we can deduce this is Terry! It is confusing, but I can go with that too. I'll be rereading the Resident log tonight.
wow I've never heard of this before. I'd like to learn more and hear that interview! I've spoken with Gwen but never with Terry, i'm sure he has some amazing tales to tell!
Could someone please show “Ignored Member” AKA the ssociopathic troll how to put me on his own ignored users list – I don’t want him reading or responding to my posts any more.
I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
"If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all...
Noam Chomsky
We can never be sure that the opinion we are endeavoring to stifle is a false opinion; and if we were sure, stifling it would be an evil still.
~John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, 1859
The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error.
~John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, 1859
I found the answer to this and posted it with part of my current "skinwalker theory" here:Thanks. One last thing about this. Could you (or someone) give the actual quote Knapp uses about the assumed "dead dogs". What is the description of the remains? Give us the actual quote.
Thank you.
S.R.L. in your thread you started about Bigelow & NIDS you gave a link to some group you belong to. You wrote: "Sorry, no guarantees, but you may visit our welcome page!"
To S.L.R.:
What is this about?... Is this some kind of SyFy "religious group" you're a part of or what? Are you a Nibiruan Council Member or ? You put that link in a thread you started about your great admiration for NIDS/Bigelow, so it's worth knowing what you're trying to get at by posting that link to get this kind of information and connections you're associated with.... ???
What does this have to do with you and/or Bigelow?
About Us
The Nibiruan Council
The Nibiruan Council (also known as the Greater Nibiruan Council) is comprised of all the council members of the smaller, dimensional Nibiruan councils. It is one of the largest Council in the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and therefore, carries out the duties of the overseeing council of the Earth Grand Experiment for the Galactic Federation of Worlds.
The 3D Nibiruan Council
The Nibiruan Council in Lenexa, KS (suburb of Kansas City) is a field office for the Greater Nibiruan Council. The 3D Nibiruan Council is managed by Jelaila Starr.
Are you: Jehowah ???
Is this weird or what??? Check this out:
Nibiruan Council - Fact , Fraud or Prophets for Profit?
Below is an excerpt from this person (click link above) about the Nibiruan's...
Does This Mumbo-jumbo sound familiar? Then BEWARE!
"Now, looking into the group’s philosophies, they are familiar with Zachariah Sitchin’s books (the five books of The Earth Chronicles Series) and writings, and literal star trek terminologies. It is almost verbatim of Sitchin’s Theories including mankind’s origins, the 12th planet Nibru and a good and evil duel among galactic races which many UFO type of groups use.
There seems to be a perpetual ‘carrot’ dangled in front of students and prospective members until large sums of monies are paid for learning, According to ex members, they are put through emotional hell to either submit to the teaching or walk away WITHOUT a refund of course! Once the ‘on the carpet’ session starts the Apprentice has already signed a Mentor/Apprentice Agreement[6], which consists of a multiple page contract - If they walk away, it’s without the monies."
I noticed you changed your Avatar right away!This was probably your best post.., congratulations!
So, are you Jehowah?…and I noticed, that you noticed.
Here's something from a Ryan Burns. Another UFO person going to the ranch that Skinner quotes:Yes, thanks for reminding me of that encounter, but it still wasn't as exciting as say a dog man trying to chase him around the fence while smoking a cigar, or an actual orb zapping around him.
Prominent UFO journalists have shown interests in uncovering it's secrets. Only a select few are aware... [...] We were bombarded with High-Strangeness during our first night investigation of the location. The Lights were amazing...
What planet are you from?Not always, only when I change my Avitar. So what would like to ask, as my time is limited here?
Is Bigelow your leader or a Nibiruan Council Member?Earth, have you heard of it?
No. I think it's YOUR STORY. LOOK, you offered to answer the questions:Take your pick.., it’s your story man.
Please see the previous questions I posted just above, which you seemed to offer you would answer.Not always, only when I change my Avitar. So what would like to ask, as my time is limited here?