Paranormal Adept
I think an interview with Knapp on C2C March 31, 2013 blows the doors wide-open to begin to understand Bigelow thanks to the Mind-Meld of my Spock fingers onto this broadcast.There is a familiar pattern being told here of a UFO narrative being used as a screen for industrial experimentation. The paranormal and UFO lore & investigations have been encouraged by a variety of sources related to the Sherman Ranch. There has also been a conscientious Bigelow effort to legitimize the pursuit of paranormal/ufological research through the involvement of such esteemed figures as Vallée. But beyond this, the story has in fact been popularized by the same guy who brought us Lazar & by a head scientist who was there to legitimize the NIDS' goals of paranormal pursuits. Is there something being hid (psyops) or is it simply a failed research project?

It is a goldmine of treasures. Here we begin to unlock the doors of perceptions and see this slick-operator in action.
Bigelow seems enthralled and entranced by what goes-on at the ranch. He knows how to "pump it up" and offer the Human bait. Soooo much is revealed about his personality, and he even does a whopper Fruedian slip too. This guy is a control freak, when it comes to this secret knowledge. He wants all the privatized knowledge (a lot of it was government funded for sure by your tax dollars) to remain the property of these companies and not be part of the public's domain. IF this secret knowledge is real, then I have to say his wishes have Societal Sociopathic consequences on everyone.
This secret information is for "the breakaway" insiders?
My point is, IF this super-power mind-control stuff is real, with his kind of thinking and mindset to control the knowledge that Bigelow proclaims exists "out there", then we have the makings of a Master Race. A real Planet of the Apes for you and me! Hitler's Master Race is soon to be reincarnated into a more subtle form, but this Master Race will be far more dangerous, imo.
It's covert and not overt. It's a Silent-Matrix Armageddon scenario. This Master Race really could "Be the Savior" to its Planet of the Apes. We Beings Being Their Apes! Think about it. These are the same elites who get into the secret bunkers placed all over the world, now! It's true... Homeland Security has seen to it to identify those few that will be saved, and you and I will be left to fend for ourselves. If the Nazi's had a secret base in Antarctica in WWII, then there is one there now just in case. At least disaster planning is important and needed. That's for the survival of Mankind. But! Should these same elites be entitled to keep this secret superpower knowledge, and we become their Planet of the Apes?
Of course, Bigelow might just be "the patsy" and "an out" for the other Master Race of Black Ops and PSYOPS, and we are already their Bigfoots and Blue-eyed Wolves too...

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