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Ryan Skinner - Skinwalker Ranch

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There is a familiar pattern being told here of a UFO narrative being used as a screen for industrial experimentation. The paranormal and UFO lore & investigations have been encouraged by a variety of sources related to the Sherman Ranch. There has also been a conscientious Bigelow effort to legitimize the pursuit of paranormal/ufological research through the involvement of such esteemed figures as Vallée. But beyond this, the story has in fact been popularized by the same guy who brought us Lazar & by a head scientist who was there to legitimize the NIDS' goals of paranormal pursuits. Is there something being hid (psyops) or is it simply a failed research project?
I think an interview with Knapp on C2C March 31, 2013 blows the doors wide-open to begin to understand Bigelow thanks to the Mind-Meld of my Spock fingers onto this broadcast. :)

It is a goldmine of treasures. Here we begin to unlock the doors of perceptions and see this slick-operator in action.

Bigelow seems enthralled and entranced by what goes-on at the ranch. He knows how to "pump it up" and offer the Human bait. Soooo much is revealed about his personality, and he even does a whopper Fruedian slip too. This guy is a control freak, when it comes to this secret knowledge. He wants all the privatized knowledge (a lot of it was government funded for sure by your tax dollars) to remain the property of these companies and not be part of the public's domain. IF this secret knowledge is real, then I have to say his wishes have Societal Sociopathic consequences on everyone.

This secret information is for "the breakaway" insiders?

My point is, IF this super-power mind-control stuff is real, with his kind of thinking and mindset to control the knowledge that Bigelow proclaims exists "out there", then we have the makings of a Master Race. A real Planet of the Apes for you and me! Hitler's Master Race is soon to be reincarnated into a more subtle form, but this Master Race will be far more dangerous, imo.

It's covert and not overt. It's a Silent-Matrix Armageddon scenario. This Master Race really could "Be the Savior" to its Planet of the Apes. We Beings Being Their Apes! Think about it. These are the same elites who get into the secret bunkers placed all over the world, now! It's true... Homeland Security has seen to it to identify those few that will be saved, and you and I will be left to fend for ourselves. If the Nazi's had a secret base in Antarctica in WWII, then there is one there now just in case. At least disaster planning is important and needed. That's for the survival of Mankind. But! Should these same elites be entitled to keep this secret superpower knowledge, and we become their Planet of the Apes?

Of course, Bigelow might just be "the patsy" and "an out" for the other Master Race of Black Ops and PSYOPS, and we are already their Bigfoots and Blue-eyed Wolves too... :)
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DS, even in those "other" threads you've made mention of the ranch. Not trying to be a wise guy, but your focus on this particular thread suggests you on some kind of mission.
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My mission is to get closer to the truth. If you have some ideas about understanding what that is and why, then please do share those ideas. Right now, I'm focused on reading the book and thinking of all the possible Human causes, as any wise investigator or thinker should always do, imo. The first sentence above is my conspiracy and agenda, you can join it secretly to make it official, and if it hurts someone's feelings over their pet theory or hidden agenda -so be it.

So far, I've got an ex-spook, or someone that had a high top secret clearance, so he claims indirectly, that wants to know my real name. WTF?

Is this some kind of Honey Pot? A place for people to spin mythology to build-up the support base of sheeple and an artificial brain trust that spouts 'the faith' like a replicant? Then they waste their time and money chasing after their beliefs, it is exciting and interesting, and the Spinmeisters are laughing all the way to the bank and/or the PSYOPS mission wins for the "bad guys" and "the aliens" keep winning...

I guess I'm just paranoid about what Humans really do!
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Wow, this thread has really taken off!

After reading only some of the first half, I have to say, if anything the skinwalker phenomenon HAS to be psychological. We get reports of campers have weird interludes and fugues. If PSYOPS are involved, I would guess the gubermint men are attempting to learn from the masters here, not beguile the paratourists.

Yes, Ryan mentioned 3 triangles during the interview. It's interesting he forgot.

Howe just recently gave an extensive interview on 3rd Phase of Moon. I rest my case regarding her. She didn't come off very well in Mirage Men. "I want to believe."

What has always extremely interested me about skinwalkers, the ranch, the dogmen cycle in general is the FOREIGN LANGUAGE overheard by the victims/percipients. Has anyone recorded even bits of it, even as EVP? I would surmise the crux of the mystery might be revealed if that language(s) were indentified (Hopi, Navajo, Ute, other?).

OK, I promise to read the rest of the posts at some proximate point in time. Keep on truckin Ryan.
I thought reading the NIDS' reports was closer to a primary document; whereas, The Hunt seems more like a secondary source in its "Skinwalker" dressing and its persistent UFO angle. If I'm going to invest time in reading patanormal then i'd prefer to read something that is less dressed in stories. A lot of Skinwalker is now a dressed, paranormal meme with a stalled investigation. The Bigelow angle seems to push it all more towards the industrial military complex as a true focus. Since when do all UFO reports suddenly get funneled through Bigelow, who shares little, & who thought this was a good idea?

The problem(s) with Hunt for the Skinwalker by George Take a Nap is/are:

1) He lies about the actual location of the ranch (says SW Utah instead of NE iirc);
2) He misrepresents the family name of Sherman as Gorman (although admitting he is doing this);
3) He gave final editing rights over to Bigelow (I think he admits as much in the introduction).

Does George Take a Nap know what's good for me better than I do? He thinks so. This is not real journalism, it's bunk. Therefore I stopped reading after chapter 1. Bigelow had final control over the book, as he had over NIDS, and Bigelow is evidently interested in covering certain things up, so Hunt is worthless as a primary source, imho.
The security logs summarized in the book cover a period of 11 months. Some readers point to their repetitive quality as suggestive of an editing issue. However, the purpose is to allow those interested to gauge for themselves the type and degree of activity that over this time was being observed. At the risk of appearing speculative, the "evidence" does not support some of the more spectacular reports of others, nor is there much to go on that would suggest any type of military installation or activity. I can't help but focus on the lack of structures on the property--three trailers and a house, or the lack of driveways, roads, etc. In addition, local stories pertain more to the Indian mythology and paranormal than UFOs or technology advancement. These stories go well south of the Ranch into Arizona and New Mexico, both with significant land dedicated to Indian reservations. Finally, the wealth of documents/narratives obtained only mention Mr. Bigelow superficially and a search on him results in significantly more information on his space stations than anything paranormal. The ranch comes across as a novelty more than anything else, a small expenditure to satisfy a curiosity.
DS, even in those "other" threads you've made mention of the ranch. Not trying to be a wise guy, but your focus on this particular thread suggests you on some kind of mission.
A search and destroy mission, as he’s playing some here like a harp from hell. If there’s a point to be made here, it’s that some will believe anything. Do I think this guy’s insane, I’m not so quite sure, as of yet? I will say that at the very least he’s been able to weasel his way this far without being handed the boot (props for that). Whoever it is sure has a lot a free time on their hands, and has Ryan in their crosshairs. It’s someone who has possibly learned just how far they can go in sizing up the gullibility of those around him.
You are welcome DS, the other old hands here on the Paracast ranch know ive long had a keen interest in these technologys

And ive found your outside of the box ideas on this topic very interesting, Sometimes how we think about a topic is even more important that what we think about it.

Solving the enigma often requires imagination, its a powerful tool in our search for an answer in my opinion.

Opening the door even just a crack on the possibilty of a technological explanation takes us into even larger corridors and rooms.

Dolans breakway civilisations being just one of the many doorways that line this corridor.

If the answer to the question was never going to be what we expected, imagination and speculation opens us to the ideas outside our preconceived notions, and its not impossible thats where the answer resides, behind that improbable, but not impossible door.

now THIS is the type of wide open thinking I could sink my tooth into. As I mentioned earlier... and the others allude to as well... given the circumstances, i/we never denied there could be another source but I just am not convinced it's all humans all the time, regardless of their psychological make up. But it is this type of supposition that could lead me in that direction..BUT..even though Occam's Razor COULD apply here, I always need to know possible motive, or at least have a bone tossed my way. I just cant hang with a "it's all about mind control" or psyching out the locals meme. Why would the locals need to be dicked with when the technology involved is PROBABLY to a high degree known to be effective...or at least SHOULD be known...given the length of time this technology would have been tested,after all we're humans for pete's sake, and guys like DL, Ryan and Chris could put my feet to the fire on this but i would think a lot of the local population would be already partial towards accepting a supernatural answer, the psyops guys would be preaching to the choir, which in my opinion wouldn't make for a good sampling. Better to try their hocus pocus on us "sophisticated" city folk. This posting did nicely. And I'm with Mike 200 % on his position that speculation can be a valid step forward. Good job Mike.
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OK, after reading almost ALL of the posts (skimming a few) and receiving a reply from Ryan here in the meantime, I have some random points to make, in no particular order:

1. Remote viewing a la Ingo Swann and Puthof at SRI was Scientology from the beginning. If you approach it from the Scientology belief system, it's merely Hubbard's full track, which he claimed to be able to pilot or something (See Fishman's expose).

2. DS is not a troll. He/she is reading the material in question, asking questions and posing possibilities. If anything, his/her style is bot-like, but of a superior kind never seen before, and I only say that because of certain lapses in style in his/her posts: repetition verbatim of his/her own previous texts, a quirky "human-like" propensity for hyphenating verb phrases that make us of a preposition (suck-up, buckle-down) and a lack of general human forum finesse/etiquette which may be a function of a) not being a native English speaker b) being too young or inexperienced c) not giving a damn. All his/her points should be considered on their own merits (despite the suspicious appearance out fo thin air and mass-postingon a single topic) and I for one find it refreshing that the Scooby Doo gambit is at least being considered ("And I would have gotten away with Sherman's ranch, too, if not for you damned meddling kids! Oh, wait, I DID get the ranch. Never mind.")

3. Chris KK O'Brien has been consistent over the years in his recounting of how he advised Sherman to consider selling the ranch, and how he provided two contacts, one of them Bigelow.

4. Art Bell, Area 2000? I was listening to Art back in 91 and 92 and don't remember this. It was called Coast to Coast, came out of Nevada, was on the AM dial, later I think he added a few extra hours and called them Dreamland, but it was the same thing, just longer. Wild card line, west of the Rockies, it was all in place back then. What Bigelow might have had to do with that I have no idea. Knapp came along later. After Bob Lazar, as I remember it.

5. There is a third possibility regarding Linda Moulton and Howe: she might just be a ditz.

6. Seeing Bigfeet doesn't make Ryan or Mr Sherman a less reliable witness in my book. After all, if the latter saw human-like wolves, it's no great leap. Speaking of which, the dog-man meme didn't emerge out of whole-cloth after Sherman moved in, there are some OTR episodes dealing with dog-men, and of course the film from the 1970s about the lost Indian warriors, and of course the whole werewolf craze current in America from the 40s I guess until now. Whether drug use makes them less reliable, I'll say if it was pot, then no, but if they were on prozac, then yes, I will have to discount or rethink some of it.

7. Wolfgang Gossett was a paranormal radio host from Utah whom Clive Lewis said was one of the very earliest investigators of the skinwalker ranch. Lewis also thinks he was D B Cooper, but that's another story. Does Ryan or anyone else have any views of Wolfgang Gossett's work on skinwalker? Are there discrepancies with later research? For more see:

MY LIFE WITH DB COOPER | Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis
Well, if DS's focus in this thread is to make light of Ryans recent book and research, he only has served to create a very large thread, consisting of the skeptical, believer, and those on the fence. THIS in itself, is actually positive, overall, in creating more book sales from those who once held little curiousity over the happenings on the ranch. In short, if DS's quest here was to mock or sabotage Ryans investigations/book- his postings have kept this thread alive and on top for any and all to see- and perhaps spark curiousity in some forum guests who may have once had none. By the way, I don't believe for a second that DS is here searching for "truth" -his theory/mind was made up, regarding the ranch and Ryans work, long before he signed in here.
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DL, not DS, sorry. It seems to me he/she is exploring mundane possibilities, but hasn't come to very specific conclusions?

Again, I want to know more about the mysterious language spoken, bullhorned and mumbled according to multiple accounts. Is it Russian? Navajo code-talkers? Bigfoot dialect? I guess the assumption has always been it's a native language of some sort.
i would be happy to do an official or unofficial podcast to answer all of these questions to the best of my knowledge. I believe DL would also participate
The Scooby- Do concept is a nice thought, but in those shows the idea was that someone was trying to get rid of people that were in the way, given the amount of high - strangeness acts in the area, I would say these "experiments" are having the effect of drawing in meddling kids, hence the goon squad security. Low profile would have been the better way to go. The only documented acts we have would indicate that Terry and his family were a target of hostile harrasment...for some reason... and the idea that there were previous victims (the positioning of the locks inside and out would suggest the previous families also were harrassed) So in a Scooby Do sense what would we make of this ? That the military kept driving people away so Bigelow would come in, secure the ranch and work with them ? Or that Bigelow jumped on it thinking there could be something exotic at play, found out it was just military pranksters (much to his dismay ) but was convincef to go along with tbe gag? Why would they need Bigelow to run interference for them ? The military could be a more intimidating factor as far as keeping people out. I've often wondered about the dichotomy between Sherman ranch and Bradshaw ranch which would seem to share the same phenomena, but at Bradshaw there is just a giant KEEP OUT sign courtesy of the forest service. I'm sure the Bradshaw ranch has its share of interlopers but you certainly don't hear of it as much, perhaps because if there is also some psyops shenanigans going on there the powers that be there took a different tack and are doing it on the QT?
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By the way, I don't believe for a second that DS is here searching for "truth" -his theory/mind was made up, regarding the ranch and Ryans work, long before he signed in here.
100% Wrong!

I only follow a logical rule to eliminate the Human causes before considering other phenomena. The usual suspects! It's police work, not belief work! I've repeatedly told people to read Tony Hillerman. (Skinwalker Detective Stories, etc.) And, to also read: The Sociopath Next Door.

Do it!

If you read through my recent posts in the last week, then it is obvious I'm learning about things for the first time. I AM SHOCKED by the naivety and "belief system" here that people haven't picked-up on how key Human players can END THIS STORY before it even gets off the ground except for all the media hysteria, which was started by LMH on national radio BEFORE Bigelow bought the ranch. Suckers! ??? Art Bell was an awesome voice "out there" on the AM in that desert region, and he was a super star. Throw-in Jr. Hicks RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING with Sherman, and this ET-UFO Molotov-cocktail starts this media riot!

Bigelow wanted his media empire start-up to PLUG the Paranormal. He was paying LMH at that very time frame. ALL the media-hype elements were just pre-positioned by this lift-off, and IT'S PROVEN PSYOPS WORKS WITH ET-UFO PEOPLE. Ha, ha, too bad, ten years of Doty and Bill Moore (and the Avairy) in the eighties, and their PSYOPS is still working with many people to this very day 35 years later including what LMH started too and still believes!


Btw, this does not necessarily mean this was some kind of organized conspiracy, as all the seeds were planted just "to grow" these stories. LMH would see the cattle deaths as ET-UFO's, PERIOD. Let the Whoppers begin! Suckers! ???
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i would be happy to do an official or unofficial podcast to answer all of these questions to the best of my knowledge. I believe DL would also participate
Ryan needs to answer about "his wolf" and "the porcupine smoking a cig" and why he doesn't see the same things his human companion does sitting right next to him. Who is this other "investigator" ?

Ryan writes in Kindle location 1477:

"I often wondered if that was an illusion or a picture put into our head to distract us from something else going on. Because when we were there, two of us, we started not looking at the same thing. One would look, observe the obvious, and the other would search for something else, and we usually would find something else going on."

Ryan, please respond to what you wrote above and the following:

Please read post 122, which already asked about 1, 2, 3, below...

1) It seems Ryan does NOT quite see the same things his companion investigator sees at the same time he does??? It's only about 5 feet away, and yet there is confusion about what is being seen?

2) No where does Ryan answer about drug use (legal or not), though I'm not finished with the book. Do we have Carlos Castaneda? He is intrigued by the Indian uses of forced altered states initiated by food, water, drug manipulation within ceremonial rites. What is going on with this? What altered states or rites/ceremonies or other mind altering practices does Ryan engage in??? Seriously!

Ryan goes to a deserted island off Florida for an entire week alone. Share your adventures and experiences Ryan! He spends time in the desert near the ranch with friends or "ranch watchers" practicing "the occult" or some weird incantations or connection techniques to these entities.

3) Ryan seems to say, where I quoted him in post 122, that none (or almost none) of what he is experiencing is "nuts and bolts". He agrees with his Dad that it is all between his ears. Well, now, don't you think Ryan should expand on this topic? What does he mean by this?
The only documented acts we have would indicate that Terry and his family were a target of hostile harrasment...for some reason... and the idea that there were previous victims (the positioning of the locks inside and out would suggest the previous families also were harrassed) So in a Scooby Do sense what would we make of this ?
WTF? What is documented??? Police reports? Jr. Hicks saw what? Pictures?

IF your three dogs were zapped, then wouldn't you have the police investigate??? This stinks!

Now, the cattle losses were real, and I bet Jr. Hicks started the idea the ET-UFO's were doing it. Once LMH got there -game over! Those evil ET's are at it again!

As for the previous family, Mr. Salisbury's account directly conflicts with Ryan's account. I trust Salisbury more than I do Ryan, because Ryan avoids answering important questions that could have been easily answered since these were posed. Also, strong bias is presented by Resident against Salisbury, so I've become even more suspicious.

Also, GET REAL. An isolated husband and wife living in the middle of nowhere for their entire lives BORDERING and Indian Reservation! Do you not think some Indian trickster gamesmanship was not happening and/or some cattle rustling. Need I remind you of their betting pool for the Shermans. This woman lived alone on the ranch after her husband died. IF it was soooo dangerous by entities, then she would have left at that point. No, this is just "protection" from the Human dangerous elements that were very real. Some spooky Humans are very real and very dangerous too!
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Btw, the dogs went missing just before Bigelow bought the ranch! Get it! This is a set-up... ET-UFO investigators were already involved. Did Sherman report this on Art Bell? This was told to Chris O'brien by phone the first time O'brien spoke to Sherman: That the dogs had run-off. Hmmm, did that happen WHEN Sherman was actually talking to Chris??? Yes, this is what Chris said in the interview... Chris is "on record" about it.

Another thing that does not add-up about this story is Chris is not shown where the dogs were killed, when he goes to the ranch the very next day! Why isn't "the investigator" shown the most critical evidence of an amazing kind, when Chris is going to get him into contact with Bigelow??? Bizarre!

So, Chris O'brien is not shown the critical evidence... Knapp's book: "Three large circles of brown, dried out grass were in the middle of the clearing. At the center of each circle of shriveled vegetation was a blackish greasy mess."

Maybe someone was fracking with Sherman and took the dogs, and they left "hot spots" to fake the dog deaths. More likely Sherman could have done this, he has Chris faked-out on the phone, and I personally think Sherman is a Balloon Boy. (See scoop mark reasons below.) Even weirder, is Sherman does NOT show Chris the evidence. It is possible the Black Ops Cover was running at that point with perhaps Bigelow somehow being involved directly or indirectly, or someone is trying to scare him off for another reason (but still done as an entity attack). No matter what... the dogs were never killed, IMO, so this has to be a fraud and a hoax. Here's why...

Also, what is just 'unbelievable' to me is the INSANE STORY about the scoop marks that were found on both Terry's and Gwen's thumbs with blood on their bed sheets THE VERY DAY THEY LEFT THE RANCH. Now, who the hell 'originated' this WHOPPER??? Yeah right, ET swooped-in at the last moment to get those blood samples just before Terry and Gwen are leaving! Seriously? Seriously? Seriously?

That is such a PATHETIC human trickster's LAST ACT.


That person is definitely involved in this HOAX. IMO.

This source is more primary than Ryan's book, and I strongly believe this is a key to the HOAX... by David Perkins, Spirit Magazine Vol 10 # 1 1997

Quoting: "The Shermans spent their last day on ranch rounding up cattle. By late evening they were "bone-tired," They locked all the doors and saw their children to bed. Gwen and Terry took hot showers and then fell into a deep sleep. The next morning they awoke to find their bedding covered with blood. They both had a one eighth inch deep "scoop mark" in the same place on their right thumbs."
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A fair point, it was a poor choice of words on my part. There was no real documentation in a legal sense. what I meant to say is the while the harrasment of the Shermans, while could be considered heresay because Mr.Sherman wasnt't savvy enough to have a public notariain in his prescence at all times happened in a present day narrative (real time). The fact that the previous tenants may have faced the same thing was conjecture based on the placement of the door locks that was the intent of my narrative. Doesn't change my points one bit though.

But it does seems under your guidelines EVERYTHING is heresay and is open to scrutiny which I guess is also technically true, with the notable exception of military psyops I'm guessing even if ryan had said he relieved himself behind a rock, you would require a police report or a witness

Oh, and a piss test.
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