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You're a big-time admirer of Bigelow... you started a thread about NIDS/Bigelow.Bigelow…? I think we know his name.
Wade, and everyone, I strongly recommend reading the book: The Sociopath Next Door.You might ask, “Why revisit Skinwalker?” it’s old news, history as it were. The reason being is due to the fact that there has never been such an in depth investigation of scientific anomalies that has been shared with the public. After listening to Dr. Kelleher, Alexander, and Mr. Bigelow, I would suggest that there is more at stake than the, (not so coveted), “Pigasus Award”, which was handed out by James Randi to Mr. Bigelow, and NIDS in 1996.
According to Mr. Bigelow the suggested form of sentience, “did not lend itself to observation, rather performing at its own will, calling the shots at its own behest.” Among the performances, the performers included were orbs, chupas, a pre historic raptor, a structured craft resembling a miniature F-16, some type of portal, and discarnate voices, just to name a few. I almost forgot about the opening act, a wolf that was blasted multiple times from point blank by Mr. Gorman, then turning, and trotting off. There was almost anything you could possibly imagine…, anything except for ET. As in the former is just a sampling of what most any sane individual would consider beyond the pale.
I would find it ironic if Humans weren't doing the manipulation and misdirecting their Human targets to think otherwise.Recently listening to an interview with Dr. Kelleher, he recounted a NIDS board member who suggested that due to the non-duplication quality of the performances, that perhaps a pre cognitive form of consciousness or intelligence was conducting a series of some type of psychological tests. If this were true would it suggest that a pre cognitive form of consciousness or intelligence was actually attempting to gage Homo sapiens evolution of intelligence or consciousness, or might we be attempting to gaze at our own reflections into a mirror. Either way, I would find it rather ironic if these highly credentialed, highly educated researchers would become the researched themselves.
@DissectionStalker - Can I ask you if you have a general interest in paranormal topics (be it as a total skeptic or not) or are you just interested in the Sherman Ranch?
Would you be willing to start a private conversation with me and tell me who you are? (You have my word I'd keep your anonymity if you so wish)
The reason I am asking is that being a forum moderator, I am suspicious when people turn up and repeatedly post on one thread, anonymously and usually in a skeptical manner. I'm not suggesting that there is no place for the skeptical viewpoint but we have had to ban certain behaviour and 9 times out of 10 it comes from skeptics (well, debunkers really).
Sociopaths ARE dangerous. A dead certain way of spotting one is they are expert at twisting facts and distorting logic around and making the illogical seem logical...or at least semi-plausible. Same thing with the truth or facts. Real good sociopaths will have you believing up is down and left is right or at least making it difficult to argue because you aren't even sure what they are claiming.
Have you got a copy of Knapp's book? I would appreciate very much if you would check this out, or if someone else would do so...So, how long have you been like this?
You come across as completely over the edge and repeatedly threatening towards me personally, which is totally uncalled for. Also, you recently joined Paracast after I did, and you have been a strong supporter of Ryan too! You say you, yourself, are a longtime(?) investigator too!Gene and Chris are too nice to say it... but I'm not. This behavior is crossing the line from stalking to harassment. He's getting his way if it's too much trouble for Ryan and DL to put him on ignore and they're leaving or they left. I'm almost sure this character is either an on-line cyber-stalker or working for the publicity department of a competing author out to ruin Ryan and DL's book for future sales.
I would ask for an IP Ban suspension for a couple of days or weeks to see what happens. If not... I got a shovel, a large back yard, and...
The troll theme has long past gone, as I have something completely different in mind.Have you got a copy of Knapp's book? I would appreciate very much if you would check this out, or if someone else would do so...
PLEASE help with the following...
Can someone check Knapp's book to see if Sherman's 3 dogs chased the Orbs OR a light OR ? before being zapped into grease spots. What's Knapp's account? Thanks!
What do you mean by I've "been like this" ?
(Let's stop doing the troll theme please!)
Here's something interesting you offered the readers of this thread. Why don't you share your account, as you suggested you would above. Thanks.Back in the early 1990's my dad and I camped around 4 corners and the next night we had an odd experience with the police. I'll post more when I get the chance later today.
If it's a step-up from being insane or involved in some conspiracy or disinformation campaign, then please do share...The troll theme has long past gone, as I have something completely different in mind.
Thanks. One last thing about this. Could you (or someone) give the actual quote Knapp uses about the assumed "dead dogs". What is the description of the remains? Give us the actual quote.yes sherman let his dogs go to chase the orb because the orb had scared his wife.
About 2 years ago you wrote:
Recently listening to an interview with Dr. Kelleher, he recounted a NIDS board member who suggested that due to the non-duplication quality of the performances, that perhaps a pre cognitive form of consciousness or intelligence was conducting a series of some type of psychological tests. If this were true would it suggest that a pre cognitive form of consciousness or intelligence was actually attempting to gage Homo sapiens evolution of intelligence or consciousness, or might we be attempting to gaze at our own reflections into a mirror. Either way, I would find it rather ironic if these highly credentialed, highly educated researchers would become the researched themselves.
I would find it ironic if Humans weren't doing the manipulation and misdirecting their Human targets to think otherwise.
What's precognitive about any of this?
Professor Philippe Schyns, who led the study, said: 'It's a bit like unlocking a scrambled television channel. Before, we could detect the signal but couldn't watch the content; now we can.
'How the brain encodes the visual information that enables us to recognise faces and scenes has long been a mystery.
'While we are able to detect EEG activity in certain areas of the brain when particular tasks are performed, we've not known what information is being carried in those brainwaves.
'What we have done is to find a way of decoding brainwaves to identify the messages within.'
Learning skills like characters on The Matrix set to become a reality, say scientists | Mail OnlineScientists at Boston University and ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories in Kyoto, Japan, believe that in the future learning a new skill might involve nothing more than sitting in front of a computer screen and waiting for it to ‘upload’.
They have been studying how a functional magnetic resonance machine (FMRI) can ‘induce’ knowledge in someone through their visual cortex by sending signals that change their brain activity pattern.
Drug addicts could have 'memory wipe' to stop using, Cambridge scientists claim | Cambridge News | Latest News Headlines From Cambridge City & Cambridgeshire | National News | Cambridge NewsA Cambridge University scientist wants to wipe memories of drug use in addicts in a bid to stop them using again.
Using light to stimulate key nerve connections in the brains of rats, scientists were able to erase certain memories, and then restore them with a second type of light.
"We can form a memory, erase that memory and we can reactivate it, at will, by applying a stimulus that selectively strengthens or weakens synaptic connections," study senior researcher Dr. Roberto Malinow, a professor of neurosciences the University of California, San Diego, said in a university press release.
Mike, I really appreciate your bravery to post to this thread and offer ideas that PROVE this technology is taken seriously by the military, much less, about what secret organizations could gain from this too! Think of THE POWER the Sociopaths will have with this in their hands! Or, a psychopath! Or, a covert operation. Etc...
Here's another aspect of this for Plausable Deniability. Do the PSYOPS in terms of local mythology and popular mythology to really frack with everyone's understanding. Do it next to and on the Indian Reservations, so it's off USA territory and "off the books" of our laws! Few witnesses, isolated areas, and close proximity to military and secret installations or bases.
Another thing, at least some this technology (now or someday soon) might be beamed from satellites too, so it's possible another nation could be testing this off their territory too! I agree, this is far fetched for the present, so I'd rather stick with national players and not off-shore. But this too is possible to some extent. This is another reason why we are always given "the excuse" for developing such weaponry now, because the opponents are doing it too.
Then there’s Dr. Kelleher’s account which takes place while out at night in the pasture with a NASA researcher. They were out calibrating night vision gear when an orb the size of a basketball lit up the entire pasture, then went out while the NASA researcher noticed, (via his night vision), that there was some type of cloud materializing along the tree line, up in the trees in front of him. Then the NASA researcher heard a discarnate voice relating, “we are watching you.” Interesting is Dr. Kelleher saying that the night before they were able to capture some interesting images with their night gear.