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Ryan Skinner - Skinwalker Ranch

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I disagree, if this technology is being weaponised you would need to test it outside the lab, and the very nature of this weapon would require a high degree of secrecy.

Can you imagine the public reaction to confirmation your Govt can implant memorys in anyone ?
An entire population no longer trusting their sense of reality.

A Voice Only You Can Hear: DARPA’s Sonic Projector | Danger Room | WIRED

The Voice of God Weapon Returns | Danger Room | WIRED

You’ve hit the nail on the head!! “A high degree of secrecy” .., then why here, and not in a third world country where they would have free reign, and less liability?
You’ve hit the nail on the head!! “A high degree of secrecy” .., then why here, and not in a third world country where they would have free reign, and less liability?

They may well have already done that
Perhaps they want to test it on the intended target population.....................

Rumsfeld’s Guinea Pigs: US Citizens at Risk for Military-Weapons Testing

US tests bio weapons on citizens | EUTimes.net

Or it could be a form of "tiger team" testing, ie if we can fool our own people we can fool anyone

Tiger team - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Red Cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It could be to see if your people are vulnerable to these weapons and how to develop countermeasures

Red Teams or Red Cells are United States government terms for the National Security Co-ordination Team (NSCT). These teams or units are designed to test the effectiveness of American tactics

A Red Cell was used after the 9/11 attacks to brainstorm ways to attack America, in order to come up with security measures to prevent them.[1
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The third world countries are the Indian Reservations! No USA laws. Everything is cloaked and/or done at night. And, near Military bases. No way are they flying R&D highest top secret weapons over our borders! Nuts.
They may well have already done that
Perhaps they want to test it on the intended target population.....................

Rumsfeld’s Guinea Pigs: US Citizens at Risk for Military-Weapons Testing

US tests bio weapons on citizens | EUTimes.net

Or it could be a form of "tiger team" testing, ie if we can fool our own people we can fool anyone

Tiger team - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Red Cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It could be to see if your people are vulnerable to these weapons and how to develop countermeasures

Red Teams or Red Cells are United States government terms for the National Security Co-ordination Team (NSCT). These teams or units are designed to test the effectiveness of American tactics

A Red Cell was used after the 9/11 attacks to brainstorm ways to attack America, in order to come up with security measures to prevent them.[1

If they’re trying to keep it a secret, they’re doing a piss poor job of it now, aren’t they?
The third world countries are the Indian Reservations! No USA laws. Everything is cloaked and/or done at night. And, near Military bases. No way are they flying R&D highest top secret weapons over our borders! Nuts.

An excellent point, why would you risk this stuff falling into enemy hands by taking it overseas to test it

Much safer to test it here, its not as if the US has never tested weapons on its own citizens before

Researchers in the United States have performed thousands of human radiation experiments to determine the effects of atomic radiation and radioactive contamination on the human body, generally on people who were poor, sick, or powerless.[55] Most of these tests were performed, funded, or supervised by the United States military, Atomic Energy Commission, or various other US federal government agencies.
The experiments included a wide array of studies, involving things like feeding radioactive food to mentally disabled children or conscientious objectors, inserting radium rods into the noses of schoolchildren, deliberately releasing radioactive chemicals over U.S. and Canadian cities, measuring the health effects of radioactive fallout from nuclear bomb tests, injecting pregnant women and babies with radioactive chemicals, and irradiating the testicles of prison inmates, amongst other things.
Much information about these programs was classified and kept secret. In 1986 the United States House Committee on Energy and Commerce released a report entitled American Nuclear Guinea Pigs : Three Decades of Radiation Experiments on U.S. Citizens.[56] In the 1990s Eileen Welsome's reports on radiation testing for The Albuquerque Tribune prompted the creation of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments by executive order of president Bill Clinton, to monitor government tests

In 1953, the CIA placed several of its interrogation and mind-control programs under the direction of a single program, known by the code name MKULTRA, after CIA director Allen Dulles complained about not having enough "human guinea pigs to try these extraordinary techniques".[122] The MKULTRA project was under the direct command of Dr. Sidney Gottlieb of the Technical Services Division.[122] The project received over $25 million, and involved hundreds of experiments on human subjects at eighty different institutions.
In a memo describing the purpose of one MKULTRA program subprogram, Richard Helms said:
We intend to investigate the development of a chemical material which causes a reversible, nontoxic aberrant mental state, the specific nature of which can be reasonably well predicted for each individual. This material could potentially aid in discrediting individuals, eliciting information, and implanting suggestions and other forms of mental control.
—Richard Helms, internal CIA memo[123]

Unethical human experimentation in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/quote]
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If they’re trying to keep it a secret, they’re doing a piss poor job of it now, aren’t they?

Im not sure i can agree with that, we still have no proof this is a psyop using this technology, Most people think aliens and paranormal when it comes to this case.

If it is a test i mark it sucessful, they managed to implant some very bizzare memorys including recollection of physical contact, while at the same time cloaking it as paranormal not technological

It got well publicised using figures like Bigalow, yet no one (with one enthusiastic exception :D) is screaming US govt is testing mind control weapons on us
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Im not sure i can agree with that, we still have no proof this is a psyop using this technology, Most people think aliens and paranormal when it comes to this case.

If it is a test i mark it sucessful, they managed to implant some very bizzare memorys including recollection of physical contact, while at the same time cloaking it as paranormal not technological

So, instead you openly torture your own citizens in a protracted manner. That is one tall conspiracy theory, I will admit. Although impractical, with all of the other theories abuzz who’s to say?
So, instead you openly torture your own citizens in a protracted manner. That is one tall conspiracy theory, I will admit. Although impractical, with all of the other theories abuzz who’s to say?

Did you read this link,

Unethical human experimentation in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Compared to this, Skinwalker is small potatoes

All quite legal too

Get a load of Section 1515, another part of Chapter 32, this one entitled "Suspension; Presidential authorization": After November 19, 1969, the operation of this chapter, or any portion thereof, may be suspended by the President during the period of any war declared by Congress and during the period of any national emergency declared by Congress or by the President.
You got it. If the President or Congress decides were at war then the Secretary of Defense doesnt need anybodys consent to test chemical or biological agents on human beings. Gives one pause during these days of a perpetual "war on terror."
Its not a stretch to wonder what kind of clandestine WMD tests the Defense Department could be conducting in the US right now, on military or civilian populations, without consent, let alone on populations abroad.

Rumsfeld’s Guinea Pigs: US Citizens at Risk for Military-Weapons Testing

You know Mike, it’s not like this is the very first time anyone has ever considered that possibility. There are others out there that have given this serious thought, including that of Robert Bigelow. Why else would he let your observation be published in his book? The PSYOPS theory is only a theory, just like any other. We’ll just have to agree to disagree, as you are certain, and I, not as.
They told the reason for this is they saw a portal open and saw 2 "humans" manning it....
These are high altitude platforms that have a light-air component to go high or low. These are the giant triangles. Some may be a hollow tinker toy triangle frame, possibly using holography to "shape shift" and project, and others have a lightweight skin around the skeleton. The inside of the frame may have a framework to support whatever it's being equipped with.

The somewhat see-through skin, think movie screen, may be back-lighted to glow colors or use camouflage coloration to blend in the clouds or sky. The newer tech ones have something like you have on your high-rez LED screen, but it is a flexible skin to conform with the craft.

Those huge Black Triangles are using this cloaking concept too. One eye witness in Phoenix reported when the triangle flew over he saw the stars "through the object" BUT the star sky appearance had a heatwave effect too. He said what looks like you see coming off a hot road. This could have been a PSYOPS test over a populated area to study its effect. Then the military drops flares later to cover-up the PSYOPS test.

Anyway, the triangle high-altitude platform makers are/were in the New York or Hudson Valley area. It seems this is where these were first spotted in the early 1980's.

I'm interested in the projection of 3D imaging too either by projected invisible laser or light beams or the actual firing on aerial objects designed to light-up and move across the sky. Billions are spent on "Star Wars" for decades now, so surely this could be a good use of such weaponry to fool humans and radar!

I do want to add the possibility of even Hollywood playing some connection with the Military too in connection to the Phoenix lights. That is, the year before was the movie Independence Day, which made a ton of money, AND just a few months later *after* the Phoenix lights Men in Black was released and made a LOT more money. I swear, I would not put it past the Military to try a PSYOPS mission as a "test case" to get a reaction from that sighting over Phoenix. I wouldn't even put it past Hollywood to be involved in it somehow to boost PR for these movies. What better timing at least for a PSYOPS mission??? (Especially, if many believe ET is here already it could be "a probe" to study the reaction.) Anyway, these large triangle craft seem to have some light-air aspect to these, so it could have the ability to inflate & disassemble too.

These same type of craft have been seen before too... also doing a lot of hovering and slow movement in those early 80's sightings I mentioned. Listen to the interview at Open Minds "Linda Zimmermann - Hudson Valley UFOs - June 2, 2104" ...in there she gave an account of huge "tinker toy" triangles. Imo, light-air tube-frame tests with disassemble design. Inflatable skin for full triangle shape. More large triangles were seen fully skinned hovering for long periods. I believe these are the prototypes to these Phoenix/Belgium craft begun to be seen in the early 80's. Supposedly, 1000's or more people saw these craft over a period of time in the NY area she notes in that interview. This is the R&D source and initial testing. Phoenix was a PSYOPS test and Hollywood loved it too!
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Next month, a V-shaped airship bigger than a baseball diamond is due to rise from the West Texas desert to an altitude of 100,000 feet (30.5 kilometers), navigate by remote control, linger above the clouds and drift back to earth.
"The full-size station in our grand vision is 2 miles across," John Powell, the company's founder, told MSNBC.com. "

Airship groomed for flight to edge of space - Technology & science - Space - New Space Race | NBC News

For almost a quarter-century, Powell and his volunteer team have been working away at what he calls "the other space program." Over the next few years, he hopes to test a three-part system that could put people and payloads in orbit without rockets.

Sounds like a pie Bigelow might have his finger in...........
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You know Mike, it’s not like this is the very first time anyone has ever considered that possibility. There are others out there that have given this serious thought, including that of Robert Bigelow. Why else would he let your observation be published in his book? The PSYOPS theory is only a theory, just like any other. We’ll just have to agree to disagree, as you are certain, and I, not as.

Ive been very careful in this narrative to not "be certain", the phrase "i dont know" is about as honest and accurate a claim anyone can make in this funhouse.
I avoid absolutes if possible.
All i'm saying is the Psyops theory isnt one i can rule out as an absolute, and that some aspects of the story align with that possibility
Ryan had some friends or people he knew with him near the ranch that were practicing some occult techniques (old post), so I'm still seriously wondering about the use of mind altering substances.

I don't believe the black op contractor (or military) is going to operate there very often. These are going to be testing missions that are likely to move once an area gets too much publicity. I seriously think a lot of these Black Ops are associated with Indian Reservations, because USA legal system is not in effect there. This is still going to be above ground air based systems.

Don't forget the ranch was vacant for about 7 years before the Shermans arrived, so an abandoned property was ideal for testing.
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There is a familiar pattern being told here of a UFO narrative being used as a screen for industrial experimentation. The paranormal and UFO lore & investigations have been encouraged by a variety of sources related to the Sherman Ranch. There has also been a conscientious Bigelow effort to legitimize the pursuit of paranormal/ufological research through the involvement of such esteemed figures as Vallée. But beyond this, the story has in fact been popularized by the same guy who brought us Lazar & by a head scientist who was there to legitimize the NIDS' goals of paranormal pursuits. Is there something being hid (psyops) or is it simply a failed research project?

So on the surface there is this abandoned ranch that exists in a region with a very colorful history from an Indiginous perspective, from Junior Hicks' perspective, & from Sherman's perspective. The stories that flow from these three sources may simply be just stories. After all, NIDS has little to show for their investigations, yet we continue to debate dog faced men smoking and people getting decapitated by Lovecraftian creatures dropping from portals. Those aggrandizements remain as simply unproven stories against a backdrop of a fizzled investigation into paranormal activity and/or the hunt for UFO's. But we also know that where there's smoke there's either fire or a hoax, or maybe a smokescreen.

Like the orbs that are seen more often in photos than in reality mentioned by Mr. Wallace there has been a sincere effort to promote the notion that there is paranormal activity happening at this ranch. But aside from the stories that we all know, both the reports and the colorful history, what actual evidence is there of actual paranormal activity or is it simply another handful of stories structured into an undeniable, salivating narrative? Who needs hardcore proof when you have stories more wild than anything Ray Palmer ever produced.

Chris O'Brien may in fact be the one person to best evaluate the existence of a paranormal reality on the ranch as he was first on site and best able to evaluate the reality as it was told to him. He saw the cottonwood trees that were sheared by a UFO r was it an orb? Is there a photo of this or does Chris remember the extent of this shearing? Since when do UFO's or orbs crash into trees anyway? That sounds more like Hessdalen - a natural phenomenon that crested and then subsided? Either way, his retelling confirms some pretty thick paranormal smoke.

Bigelow's certainly not there just for fun after all, but I wsh that we could clear away all the background colour, falsifications and hearsay and see clearly what's left: a failed research project or a cover for industrial investigations &/or experimentation.
There is a familiar pattern being told here of a UFO narrative being used as a screen for industrial experimentation. The paranormal and UFO lore & investigations have been encouraged by a variety of sources related to the Sherman Ranch. There has also been a conscientious Bigelow effort to legitimize the pursuit of paranormal/ufological research through the involvement of such esteemed figures as Vallée. But beyond this, the story has in fact been popularized by the same guy who brought us Lazar & by a head scientist who was there to legitimize the NIDS' goals of paranormal pursuits. Is there something being hid (psyops) or is it simply a failed research project?

So on the surface there is this abandoned ranch that exists in a region with a very colorful history from an Indiginous perspective, from Junior Hicks' perspective, & from Sherman's perspective. The stories that flow from these three sources may simply be just stories. After all, NIDS has little to show for their investigations, yet we continue to debate dog faced men smoking and people getting decapitated by Lovecraftian creatures dropping from portals. Those aggrandizements remain as simply unproven stories against a backdrop of a fizzled investigation into paranormal activity and/or the hunt for UFO's. But we also know that where there's smoke there's either fire or a hoax, or maybe a smokescreen.

Like the orbs that are seen more often in photos than in reality mentioned by Mr. Wallace there has been a sincere effort to promote the notion that there is paranormal activity happening at this ranch. But aside from the stories that we all know, both the reports and the colorful history, what actual evidence is there of actual paranormal activity or is it simply another handful of stories structured into an undeniable, salivating narrative? Who needs hardcore proof when you have stories more wild than anything Ray Palmer ever produced.

Chris O'Brien may in fact be the one person to best evaluate the existence of a paranormal reality on the ranch as he was first on site and best able to evaluate the reality as it was told to him. He saw the cottonwood trees that were sheared by a UFO r was it an orb? Is there a photo of this or does Chris remember the extent of this shearing? Since when do UFO's or orbs crash into trees anyway? That sounds more like Hessdalen - a natural phenomenon that crested and then subsided? Either way, his retelling confirms some pretty thick paranormal smoke.

Bigelow's certainly not there just for fun after all, but I wsh that we could clear away all the background colour, falsifications and hearsay and see clearly what's left: a failed research project or a cover for industrial investigations &/or experimentation.

“He saw the cottonwood trees that were sheared by a UFO r was it an orb? Is there a photo of this or does Chris remember the extent of this shearing? Since when do UFO's or orbs crash into trees anyway?”

So why give Chris any less credibility than you? Isn’t that what you stated in your narrative, in having your experience?
“He saw the cottonwood trees that were sheared by a UFO r was it an orb? Is there a photo of this or does Chris remember the extent of this shearing? Since when do UFO's or orbs crash into trees anyway?”

So why give Chris any less credibility than you? Isn’t that what you stated in your narrative, in having your experience?
I'm not questioning his credibility at all. If anything he comes across on the whole, as being a more credible and critical voice than most. He may support some people that can be challenging for me sometimes, but I would never claim to know his mind or the whole of his motives so i've learned to reserve judgment. I just think the sheering of the trees is interesting as it would provide some unique details if we knew if these were thirty foot trees or young saplings. It would also be interesting to know if he saw these trees as cracked, shattered, bent, or we're they cut down? I feel like we already talked about this point many, many episodes ago but it still sticks in my mind as a detail from his first engagement on the scene.

The idea of an intelligently operated craft crashing into a bunch of trees is as ludicrous as a space ship being brought down in Roswell by our radar. But a light orb, as seen spiralling into treetops in the infamous Hessdalen documentary, is indicative of a different kind of phenomenon altogether.

Interestingly, the Hessdalen documentary is called, of all things, The Portal.
Could be, I don’t know. I guess that’s why I find this narrative of much interest. As sure as the earth rotates into the sun, this will remain a true mystery. BTW, I’ve posted that clip a few times, as you probably know. Its really cool, isn’t it?
I woud rate the Hessdalen movie to be one of the most compelling recordings of strange lights in the sky ever made. I only hope the upcoming Ghost Rockets documentary out f Sweden will be as exciting and intriguing as The Portal. I really wish more came out of Hessdalen than the valley behaving like a large battery that was 'igniting' dfferent elements present in the air. Somehow that wasn't too satisfying for me. I would much rather see people discover new life forms based on light and energy, but then I'm still disappointed that Rods are insects instead of real 'sky critters.'

The Ranch does not have what is needed for unique phenomenon to be better understood and integrated into mass culture. Instead of being an open scientific project where results are shared and colllective dialogue is promoted there is a shroud of corporate secrecy that hangs over the whole thing. For me, that feature, and the promoting of the paranormal as a cultural meme via repeated stories, will possibly leave the Ranch at the end of the line of other familiar titles: Roswell, The Bermuda Triangle, Mothman, and now 'Skinwalker.' We will never know the reality behind these types of "mysteries" but we all own copies of the books that tell their tale.
I woud rate the Hessdalen movie to be one of the most compelling recordings of strange lights in the sky ever made. I only hope the upcoming Ghost Rockets documentary out f Sweden will be as exciting and intriguing as The Portal. I really wish more came out of Hessdalen than the valley behaving like a large battery that was 'igniting' dfferent elements present in the air. Somehow that wasn't too satisfying for me. I would much rather see people discover new life forms based on light and energy, but then I'm still disappointed that Rods are insects instead of real 'sky critters.'

The Ranch does not have what is needed for unique phenomenon to be better understood and integrated into mass culture. Instead of being an open scientific project where results are shared and colllective dialogue is promoted there is a shroud of corporate secrecy that hangs over the whole thing. For me, that feature, and the promoting of the paranormal as a cultural meme via repeated stories, will possibly leave the Ranch at the end of the line of other familiar titles: Roswell, The Bermuda Triangle, Mothman, and now 'Skinwalker.' We will never know the reality behind these types of "mysteries" but we all own copies of the books that tell their tale.

Who’s to tell, perhaps the entire Uintah Basin will reveal her secrets eventually.., stay tuned!
I've taken the position of several possible causes at or near Skinwalker regardless of my main guess posted recently.

1) PSYOPS by those experimenting in 'mind control' or 'trickster' concepts:

These are PROVEN technologies ALWAYS under development and testing:

a) Project audio into the mind. DONE. Experiments continue as ongoing testing is needed to refine techniques and test new scenarios and strategies and train new generations of personnel. This means there will always be periodic training at least every 5-10 years, and probably more often at times.

b) Cloaking technologies of Aerial Objects manned and unmanned. DONE. Experiments continue as ongoing testing is needed to refine techniques and test new scenarios and strategies and train new generations of personnel. This means there will always be periodic training at least every 5-10 years, and probably more often at times.

c) 3D and visual projections. Nighttime magic shows. DONE. Experiments continue as ongoing testing is needed to refine techniques and test new scenarios and strategies and train new generations of personnel. This means there will always be periodic training at least every 5-10 years, and probably more often at times.

d) Mind Altering substances delivered by various means. DONE. Experiments continue as ongoing testing is needed to refine techniques and test new scenarios and strategies and train new generations of personnel. This means there will always be periodic training at least every 5-10 years, and probably more often at times.


WHY IS THIS SOOOO IMPORTANT ??? Look, it is already possible to do these things, NOW. Think of the power this has... They can play GOD, literally! They can start wars. They can drive anyone insane. They can control society and shape it. They can do an alien invasion. False flag anything! Create a new religion!

My current working theory, which is by no means the ONLY possible answer is:

We were fooled by the Sherman's and Jr. Hicks, and the media hysteria made it real. Or, it branches off to other solutions as follows.

How did this happen?

1) It is a fact SOMEONE wanted the Shermans OFF the property.

a) Maybe Terry wanted off ? A balloon boy and/or financial reason concept. He fakes the dog kills, and fakes-out the UFO believer(s). Jr. knew of Bigelow. It's easy to fake-out believers isn't it??? Seriously, think about it. His stories with Jr. Hicks believing are a perfect set-up. People can lie very well indeed. Did he have some good motives???

b) A human could have easily killed the dogs OR faked the kill spot, but that human also needed to know about the ranch's "mythology". The Indians had a betting pool knowing the Shermans weren't going to last. Someone attempts to scare them off. This is where the Orb technology might be needed, because this is Sherman's story. So, you can stop right here with how this branches off. Sherman is either lying, or someone has Orb technology. We know Black Ops uses this from the Bennewitz case all the way back to 1979.

Who else might have this? An entity or a human that can do this.

Based on A and B above it is likely A or B being a human criminal with intent and motive to drive them off the property. Or, deep cover for Bigelow and/or Black Ops. The whole thing was a set-up at some point in the process.

THINK. Give some serious consideration to this. Don't just jump the shark!
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