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Ryan Skinner - Skinwalker Ranch

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The point I got from that is Mr. Salisbury called no one a liar, which Resident alleged. Salisbury was conflicted by what account he had from Jr. Hicks (maybe someone else too) vs Sherman on the phone on some matters. So, Resident 'mistakenly' thinks Salisbury is telling them what happened, when he is just not matching-up with what Jr. Hicks (or someone) said happened. I think the real differences are between Jr. Hicks (maybe someone else too) and Terry Sherman.

Resident says she did NOT talk to Salisbury, and he was in "the middle" between two (or more) sides or accounts he was trying to reconcile.

I think it's unjustified for Resident to also allege that Salisbury is in it for the money! Get real. He was 84yo at the time. He had a wonderful high paying Academic career throughout his entire lifetime with retirement benefits. I also think Resident is unjustified to say Salisbury was putting his religion into the matter somehow. I suggest everyone should listen to the Paracast interview and decide for themselves. Here it is:


Listen for yourself to get a more balanced view about the history of the area and Skinwalker Ranch. He updated his book in 2010 2nd edition... The Utah UFO Display

Not much has happened at the ranch anyway since 2010. Why? Bigelow stopped doing paranormal investigation in 2010 by official announcement and release of all the researchers, etc. Only caretakers seem to be on the ranch now.

D. L. Wallace does confirm this to be true too. Agreed. :)
Again, you make assumptions. I didn't confirm anything. I merely stated that a similar observation was offered in the book (by one of those that engaged in conversation about the ranch). Res clearly takes the position that Salisbury had a theological angle to his interpretation. And I haven't read any other thread here that a single time mentions money as a motive, except of course yours.
The point I got from that is Mr. Salisbury called no one a liar, which Resident alleged. Salisbury was conflicted by what account he had from Jr. Hicks (maybe someone else too) vs Sherman on the phone on some matters. So, Resident 'mistakenly' thinks Salisbury is telling them what happened, when he is just not matching-up with what Jr. Hicks (or someone) said happened. I think the real differences are between Jr. Hicks (maybe someone else too) and Terry Sherman.

Resident says she did NOT talk to Salisbury, and he was in "the middle" between two (or more) sides or accounts he was trying to reconcile.

I think it's unjustified for Resident to also allege that Salisbury is in it for the money! Get real. He was 84yo at the time. He had a wonderful high paying Academic career throughout his entire lifetime with retirement benefits. I also think Resident is unjustified to say Salisbury was putting his religion into the matter somehow. I suggest everyone should listen to the Paracast interview and decide for themselves. Here it is:


Listen for yourself to get a more balanced view about the history of the area and Skinwalker Ranch. He updated his book in 2010 2nd edition... The Utah UFO Display

Not much has happened at the ranch anyway since 2010. Why? Bigelow stopped doing paranormal investigation in 2010 by official announcement and release of all the researchers, etc. Only caretakers seem to be on the ranch now.

D. L. Wallace does confirm this to be true too. Agreed. :)
I must acknowledge, however, that Resident does state that Salisbury is motivated by book sales.
If you are referring to Resident, then you need to reread your own book. Resident never spoke to Salisbury. Resident only listened. So, there was no interview between Salisbury and Resident.

Is there a quote from someone else too? Please point the way, if possible.
Resident states: Frank actually argued with us...I never met the man, he contacted us through...Hicks. I'll leave it to you to infer what you may.
Resident infers the conversation with Salisbury was via conference call, though the exact term is not used. [...] Res does not state that Res did not talk to Salisbury[...]

Section 1260 Resident says: "I hope I did not come across as too strong regarding Frank. He appears to be a very nice man. [...] So, I myself have not met him or talked directly to him. Just listened on the speakerphone."

To assume that age is relevant to Salisbury’s motives is the weakness in your position. Assumptions are like a house of cards. Pull away the card the house is built on and the whole structure collapses.
To allege he was in it for the money by Resident is the reason why I mentioned his age and wealth and background. It's ridiculous for Resident to allege that he's in it for the money including the religion aspect too. Also, alleging that Salisbury was calling them liars is outlandish! That's a house of cards, imo.

Furthermore, an 84yo man on a speakerphone can be very difficult for someone's hearing at that age. The echo and delay and distance can be hard to hear and understand and communicate vs a headset on-ear at either or both ends.

Mr. Salisbury comes across as a gentleman with a kind spirit too. I'm sorry, I do NOT appreciate Resident making such harsh allegations regarding his religion, money, and lying! That House of Cards is a pile of BS being more than just mean spirited, imo.

He said Sherman would only answer indirectly too, which is no way to get to the bottom of things. It's like he had to play-out different "what happened" scenarios that would only approximate the truth. Two sides to every story. ;)

What matters most is what Garth Meyers and "son of Garcia" know about the ranch before the Shermans got there. Those two people are going to be more accurate than what the Shermans learned second hand or by hearsay about the past that predates their time on the ranch.

What is very interesting about this situation of "before and after" is this means the Shermans were targeted and not the ranch. Very little has happened in comparison to what they experienced. This seems to verify very little happened before they came too.
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Section 1260 Resident says: "I hope I did not come across as too strong regarding Frank. He appears to be a very nice man. [...] So, I myself have not met him or talked directly to him. Just listened on the speakerphone."

To allege he was in it for the money by Resident is the reason why I mentioned his age and wealth and background. It's ridiculous for Resident to allege that he's in it for the money including the religion aspect too. Also, alleging that Salisbury was calling them liars is outlandish! That's a house of cards, imo.

Furthermore, an 84yo man on a speakerphone can be very difficult for someone's hearing at that age. The echo and delay and distance can be hard to hear and understand and communicate vs a headset on-ear at either or both ends.

Mr. Salisbury comes across as a gentleman with a kind spirit too. I'm sorry, I do NOT appreciate Resident making such harsh allegations regarding his religion, money, and lying! That House of Cards is a pile of BS being more than just mean spirited, imo.

He said Sherman would only answer indirectly too, which is no way to get to the bottom of things. It's like he had to play-out different "what happened" scenarios that would only approximate the truth. Two sides to every story. ;)

What matters most is what Garth Meyers and "son of Garcia" know about the ranch before the Sherman's got there. Those two people are going to be more accurate than what the Sherman's knew about the past that predates their time on the ranch.

What is very interesting about this situation of "before and after" the Shermans is this means the Shermans were targeted and not the ranch. Very little has happened, since they left the ranch too. This seems to verify very little happened before they came too.
I am left with not other option than you are impossible to have a logical conversation with. With the types of value statements that you make, the conversation dies: gentleman with a kind spirit...I don't appreciate...harsh allegations...alleging that Salisbury...84 year old man on a speakerphone... What am I supposed to respond to these types of assumptions and evaluations and what they infer? They only outcome is to state that you are absolutely correct in all your assumptions and interpretations. In fact, I'm sure that most people who have had contact with you have come to the same conclusion. I find no entertainment value in this conversation. You like to read, so I recommend you read about thinking systems, mental models and the influence of both advocacy and inquiry. It's not too late.
Talk to me about the Orbs in the photographs that are in these photographs that are mentioned in the book - reading about them makes me want to go back through all the pictures in my collection and see if there are ghosts or spirits in them.
Character assassination that is unfounded by Resident, such as, quote: "Just out for the money in the book." is poisoning the well. Resident: "He basically called us liars and said nothing ever happened there." is poisoning the well.

Just go to the 1-hr : 09-min : 45-sec mark and "the truth will out"... be sure to listen on the other side of the commercial break too.

I suggest everyone should listen to the Paracast interview and decide for themselves. Here it is:


Listen for yourself to get a more balanced view about the history of the area and Skinwalker Ranch. He updated his book in 2010 2nd edition... The Utah UFO Display
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Resident infers the conversation with Salisbury was via conference call, though the exact term is not used. Resident further states that the frustration came from Salisbury telling Resident what is was that Resident experienced. To this Res took exception, which Res states clearly. You read it wrong. Res does not state that Res did not talk to Salisbury, Res states having not participated actively in the conversation, not that Res was not part of it. As for Salisbury’s motives, Res presents a perspective from Res’ interpretation. It is not up to me to question that perception, or anyone else for that matter. To assume that age is relevant to Salisbury’s motives is the weakness in your position. Assumptions are like a house of cards. Pull away the card the house is built on and the whole structure collapses.

DL. you have to understand, this is just what trolls do. I've listened to Salisbury, and read his book. The troll truncates the narrative in presenting it in a poor light. That's what trolls do, and that's just how they roll.., on and on, and over, and over... I think you get the point here. On top of this all, you can ask the troll a straight forward question, and they'll never respond. Do you know why? Because, that's just how they roll..., over and over, and on, and on, ..........
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Talk to me about the Orbs in the photographs that are in these photographs that are mentioned in the book - reading about them makes me want to go back through all the pictures in my collection and see if there are ghosts or spirits in them.
Generally, these orbs are referred to as visual anomalies. Depending on the source (as expressed in the book), these orbs manifest to the naked eye or more often only appear in photos. That said, there are witnesses who attest to their fact. If you do a little research, you'll find online pages that suggest they are relative to camera shutter speed and not indicative of any paranormal entity. However, contributors to the book's narrative associate their appearance with intense feelings of fear or anxiety, spiritual presence and voices without a corporeal presence.
DL. you have to understand, this is just what trolls do. I've listened to Salisbury, and read his book. The troll truncates the narrative in presenting it in a poor light. That's what trolls do, and that's just how they roll.., on and on, and over, and over... I think you get the point here. On top of this all you can ask the troll a straight forward question, and they'll never respond. Do you know why? Because, that's just how they roll..., over and over, and on, and on, ..........
I appreciate your take on this.
I must be an odd duck

While DS is clearly an enthusiast, i cant discard his theory of human psyops in this case outright.
Hes presented imo some good examples, to support his premise.

Is he right ? i dont know, But i havent read anything that allows me to discard the theory this case maybe a human Psyops
I want to re-engage this conversation. Something about "DS" was striking a cord with me and enticing an emotional rather than intellectual response. The human PsyOps is absolutely one of the hotly debated theories for what is occurring on the ranch and cannot be discarded, however the 3d laser project theory ... to me... is just too far out there. Other investigators I have gone to the ranch with are convinced its human activity, I myself disagree, but try to keep an open mind to the possibility. They told the reason for this is they saw a portal open and saw 2 "humans" manning it....
Then we have this technology

It would also appear possible to create high fidelity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction... Thus, it may be possible to "talk" to selected adversaries in a fashion that would be most disturbing to them.1 US Air Force, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century1

Prior to the mid-21st century, there will be a virtual explosion of knowledge in the field of neuroscience. We will have achieved a clear understanding of how the human brain works, how it really controls the various functions of the body, and how it can be manipulated (both positively and negatively). One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be,
  • pulsed, shaped, and focused
  • that can couple with the human body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements
  • control emotions (and thus actions)
  • produce sleep
  • transmit suggestions
  • interfere with both short-term and long-term memory
  • produce an experience set
  • delete an experience set

Mind Control - The Ultimate Brave New World - 1

US Air Force, New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century – Ancillary Volume, Scientific Advisory Board (USAF), Washington, DC, Document #19960618040, 1996, pp. 89-90. EPI402
This document actually talks about an ability to insert memorys in subjects remotely
Scientists at Boston University and ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories in Kyoto, Japan, believe that in the future learning a new skill might involve nothing more than sitting in front of a computer screen and waiting for it to ‘upload’.
They have been studying how a functional magnetic resonance machine (FMRI) can ‘induce’ knowledge in someone through their visual cortex by sending signals that change their brain activity pattern.

Learning skills like characters on The Matrix set to become a reality, say scientists | Mail Online

This new battlespace is not just about influencing hearts and minds with people seeking information. It’s about involuntarily penetrating, shaping, and coercing the mind

Hacking the Human Brain: The Next Domain of Warfare | Opinion | WIRED

Careful analysis and processing of these raw electrical signals then ascribes them to individual cells firing in particular patterns. These patterns are then correlated to the processes of learning, memory, sensory processing and other brain functions. In this way, electrode-based studies rely on passive observations.
However, optics combined with genetics – a field now known as optogenetics – allows researchers to directly control brain function with extreme precision instead of merely observing it. This has been a major development in neuroscience, wowing many in the field.

RealClearScience - Optogenetics: The Physics of Mind Control

Memories can be unreliable. We created a false memory in mice by optogenetically manipulating memory engram–bearing cells in the hippocampus

Creating a False Memory in the Hippocampus

And this is the public stuff on mind control and implanting memorys, if the suggestion black budget science is always decades ahead of what we see in the media, its not impossible that such technology exists and is being tested in the field

Not saying thats what happed in this case, but it remains a possibility imo
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I must be an odd duck

While DS is clearly an enthusiast, i cant discard his theory of human psyops in this case outright.
Hes presented imo some good examples, to support his premise.

Is he right ? i dont know, But i havent read anything that allows me to discard the theory this case maybe a human Psyops

Why should you be an odd duck? I have always agreed that there could possibly be some type of PSYOPS involvement there. But why would the government’s military want to go and conduct long term psychological torture on its own citizens? It just doesn’t make any practical sense, as it’s illegal, needless, senseless, and waste of money.
I want to re-engage this conversation. Something about "DS" was striking a cord with me and enticing an emotional rather than intellectual response. The human PsyOps is absolutely one of the hotly debated theories for what is occurring on the ranch and cannot be discarded, however the 3d laser project theory ... to me... is just too far out there. Other investigators I have gone to the ranch with are convinced its human activity, I myself disagree, but try to keep an open mind to the possibility. They told the reason for this is they saw a portal open and saw 2 "humans" manning it....

I can't help but wonder if someone is a part of an official program of disinformation and distraction.
Why should you be an odd duck? I have always agreed that there could possibly be some type of PSYOPS involvement there. But why would the government’s military want to go and conduct long term psychological torture on its own citizens? It just doesn’t make any practical sense, as it’s illegal, needless, senseless, and waste of money.

I disagree, if this technology is being weaponised you would need to test it outside the lab, and the very nature of this weapon would require a high degree of secrecy.

Can you imagine the public reaction to confirmation your Govt can implant memorys in anyone ?
An entire population no longer trusting their sense of reality.

At a government workshop some time ago I head someone describe a new tool that was described as the “voice of Allah.” This was said to be a device that would operate at a distance and would deliver a message that only a single person could hear. The story was that it was tested in a conflict situation in Iraq and pointed at one insurgent in a group, who whipped around looking in all directions, and began a heated conversation with his compatriots, who did not hear the message. At the time I greeted this story with some skepticism.
Is there any basis to this technology? Well, Holosonic Research Labs and American Technology Corporation both have versions of directed sound, which can allow a single person to hear a message that others around don’t hear. DARPA appears to be working on its own sonic projector. Intriguingly, Strategy Page reports that troops are using the Long Range Acoustic Device as a modified Voice of God weapon:

A Voice Only You Can Hear: DARPA’s Sonic Projector | Danger Room | WIRED

That brings us back to the Voice of God/Allah Weapon. Is it real or bogus? In one version — related to me by another defense reporter — it’s not just Allah’s voice — but an entire holographic image projected above

The Voice of God Weapon Returns | Danger Room | WIRED