Based on my recent studies: Terry Sherman is a Balloon Boy -Big Time!
Now, why Sherman was either made into a Patsy "useful asset" or was cooperating from the beginning (or driven-off for other reasons) is not too relevant to what happens years later. His whole story becomes A FRONT and A COVER for Covert Operations. Bigelow and some Covert Black Ops seems to be what is going on in 2009 considering the following evidence. (See Ryan's quote below too.)
At this point, I believe this Skinwalker Whistle Blower named "Chip" is giving an accurate and true account to the best of his knowledge. If you have NOT heard this Paracast, then you definitely need to check this out. This may be a HUGE CLUE about what was really going-on there. I think so. Please keep reading down below this link, as there is more good info below it along with Ryan's quote too...
Here is the link to the free Paracast download:
Please listen to this Paracast: Christopher O'Brien on the September 2, 2012 broadcast said one of the undercover guests "Chip" did work on the ranch, and Chris said he had enough proof to believe it. That guy said they were government funded by contract to Bigelow. Listen to it yourself. Chris indicated he believed him. Ryan confirmed he's legit too. So, follow the money! Also, that same guy said he knew of top level military that also visited the ranch including a General with 3 other military.
Quoting the whistle blower "Chip" from that show:
"We were the guinea pigs. They were testing us. They were examining us. We were the test dummies here. Like they have some new military thing out here, and they wanted to see how it effects people."
I spoke with Chip a few days ago, his boss was ex NSA, but their checks were signed by Bigelow. The company had a contract with the Department of Defense. I even have a copy of a NIDS/BAASS paystub as proof. Chip was confused, which in turn confused me regarding the NSA reference. His boss worked for the NSA, but the NSA was not the department responsible for the contract with Bigelow.
Here is the Broadcast Audio Paracast/Podcast Info:
September 2, 2012 — David Weatherly, Ryan Skinner, and “Chip”
Gene and Chris present a special roundtable discussion covering one of the most important on-going cases of location-specific phenomenal events on record: The Uintah Basin/Sherman Ranch (Skinwalker Ranch) case. This episode will feature new information and up-to-date analyses of these enigmatic events that continues to baffle scientists and researchers of paranormal events. UFOs, crypto-creatures, cattle mutilations, portals, native legends, a shadowy billionaire, melted dogs and rumors of fire-fights with aliens. Our guests include investigators
David Weatherly and
Ryan Skinner. We'll also present "Chip," a Sherman Ranch insider, who will offer exclusive details.