I'm not sure what you are getting at here, are you suggesting that Chris's yellow helicopter flyover was choreographed by a human trickster ? You should review the event in Chris's book The Mysterious Valley. There was a (nearly). 13 year gap between the 1980 event and the flyover which occured during the time that he was reviewing his notes to put his book together. You would have to argue that the MilTricksters had bugged his place and waited close to13 years to hook him in.
(And referencing your critique in your post 142.)
As an example of having to correct [your] misinformation, I did so with a latter post, which you then critiqued in post 142. In fact, I've done a lot of reading and posting quotes about what I find that builds a solid case for what I'm suggesting. I don't see many people quoting specific interviews with time marks including links to the download. I've found inconsistencies in "the record" to show people the contradictions including in their posts too. I've provided some valid information and ideas.
But, I don't have to be perfect, I don't have to read everything, and I'm not selling anything! I did correct my post 133 to address your critique in 142 as follows: (Update: Apparently, Chris did do some follow-up to I.D. the helicopter long ago. But Chris did have many years available to search an online database before he published his book, and it might still be located to this day.)
Wade Ridsdale said:
You bemoan the fact that Ryan does not possess certain appartus to do a real scientific study and at the same time all you need to do is pick up his book or ask Chris what he did as a follow up, but you keep making assumptions.
No. Not accurate. Ryan admitted no knowledge, and I quoted him. Ryan from a recent post: "Also if I am not familiar with current topics being discussed I will not pretend to be an expert on such topics (3d projection technology)."
I was complaining that Ryan admitted in the interview he knows nothing about 3D imaging or laser or invisible light detection equipment. I'm certain some researchers already have done FOIA requests regarding this, so I'm sure there is much to be learned from experts that do 3D shows and also finding declassified info. There would be some retired laser experts from industry or in university now. I bet some Phd thesis' and published research can be found online about this too.
This is absolutely totally bizarre that he goes to this area for over 6-7 years now, and is not equipped to discover if these types of devices are doing this?
I am seriously shocked there is not one single thread topic about this subject, because that is a PRIMARY means of creating Skinwalkers at ground level or UFO's in the sky.
The military will test in both isolated and populated areas. They DEFINITELY target media people (authors/tv) to co-opt as unwitting serious believer patsies at arms length to do their dirty work. For example, Linda Moulton Howe. Study D-Day and the vast fake armies/weapons on the ground that were used to confuse the Germans in WWII. Foo-fighters from Germany?
Anyway, the whistle blower seems to say it best, and, just remember, both Chris and Ryan validated this guy. They say he is legit, and I think Ryan maintains a friendship with this guy too.