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Ryan Skinner - Skinwalker Ranch

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Thank you. I hope my words can add a little INsight to the book. I would love the opportunity to answer any questions or respond to comments.

It must have been a labor of love. How do you even survive as a writer? I mean $2.99 to download the Kindle version is so.., well cheap. I’ve downloaded it, and have just started into it.

In Chris' interview 3-23-14 with Greg Bishop the yellow helicopter story started at the 1hr 15min 45sec mark. Chris said he went to this ranch, heard about the yellow helicopter & took the skull 13 years after its death, THEN, the next morning [which was] 13 years later [when the cow was dissected "mutilated"] Chris saw the yellow helicopter!

Get it!!! According to Chris in this interview the Yellow Helicopter appears the very next day after he took the skull from this ranch. Yeah! The mutilation took place about 13 years beforehand, but Chris was there just the day before hearing the yellow helicopter story for the first time, he collects the skull... And, the NEXT morning the Yellow Helicopter appears.

Chris went wild about it on the show... "The whole trickster element smacked me upside the head." "I've just been off to the races ever since."

If that had happened to me, then I would have checked the FAA records for this type of helicopter in the area. You can get the owner and location information to track this down. There might be real connections to this happening! Attractions & seemingly impossible encounters do occur for unknown reasons. Bummer, Chris doesn't follow-up. Maybe it's better to imagine the wondrous possibilities, rather than have to run down the truth and reveal the hard-cold answer? Open ends keep the story spinning... round and round we go... "The whole trickster element smacked me upside the head." "I've just been off to the races ever since."

I'm not crazy about answering for the actions of others BUT I've heard Chris re-account this story many times and he has mentioned that he had later followed up on his flyover sighting at local airports and w/FAA officials mainly along the lines of how could such an archaic machine go the distances it would have needed to go from the Sutherland Ranch to/from any certified field and came up empty. In the book The Mysterious Valley he mentions that the Sutherlands did the same at the time of their sighting.

The fact that he did not bring it up in the above show doesn't mean it didn't occur. I don't want to come off nit-picky and this specific issue you brought up may be small potatoes but you really aren't doing yourself any favors when you bring up these points without looking into it a little more deeply. You bemoan the fact that Ryan does not possess certain appartus to do a real scientific study and at the same time all you need to do is pick up his book or ask Chris what he did as a follow up, but you keep making assumptions. Chris is not one to let such an obvious stone go unturned but if he did he'd take it on the chin. He's always been open and forthright to us forum members if we wanted more insight.

being a sceptic is fine but sceptics need to be informed as well. you can't just squeak by and have a moral leg to stand on by just saying "prove it" to any claim you find dubious. yes the old canard about the burden of proof being put on the shoulders of the claimant is still true BUT that doesn't mean the nay sayers should get a free pass, If you want to take the moral high ground and empower yourself you should be in a position of showing WHY that person can't be right. Somewhere on these forums i posted a link to an essay written by a skeptic and posted on skeptic.com ( i think) who said this very thing and he earned my respect for doing so...not that he was seeking it... I hope Randall is reading this thread as he is really good at pulling these things out.
Personally, I love the Native Indian lore and the possibility of a lingering presence to the ancestral spirituality, and that means portals of origin and whatever may be on the other side of mortality. The Skinwalker is simply part of that lore and spirituality. That said, if extraterrestrial life (visitors) were to key in on some earthly intensity, think beacon, doesn't it make sense, given the potential of how long it would take to travel here, it would be emanating from our most ancient peoples? Okay, now I'm speculating. But you know my point. [...] To add a word to the overall discussion, I have found no evidence that either the government or Bigelow, who seems like a man with a valid mission and dream, have any nefarious designs relative to the Ranch.

It seems Ryan's friend would take issue that there is no evidence of "nefarious designs", since he was brought on the Paracast show as a legitimate whistle blower that Chris and Ryan validated as such. Nefarious designs is a vague idea considering the kinds of scarey and dangerous events that supposedly took place on or near the ranch. Bigelow doesn't show-up for low-tech stories or mythology tourism with an arsenal of expensive guards and X-Military with spook and top secret backgrounds and the genius or "mad scientists", all with NDA's. Typical spook compartmentalization too including medical exams without explanation. Obviously, human experiments were being done on the unwitting human "lab rats" if we are to believe the whistle blower.

Quoting the whistle blower:

"We were the guinea pigs. They were testing us. They were examining us. We were the test dummies here. Like they have some new military thing out here, and they wanted to see how it effects people."

Also, that same guy said he knew of top level military that also visited the ranch including a General with 3 other military in uniform.

Skinwalkers, Police Orbs, Orb-Wolves, and Grease Spot Dead Dogs (true or not) is not a uplifting mythology by any means. It's meant to drive away what is there. Could ET's be seeing this as some kind of ancient friendly beacon??? Disneyland?

Man, read Tony Hillerman. The Indian lore of Skinwalkers doesn't seem to exist until after "the white man" conquered and isolated them on reservations. Skinwalker legends might be born from this sad ending to their freedom? I honestly hope this is not true, but I'm curious if it is.

Hillerman is a great mystery writer making great detective stories from these Skinwalker legends in a modern context.
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I'm not sure what you are getting at here, are you suggesting that Chris's yellow helicopter flyover was choreographed by a human trickster ? You should review the event in Chris's book The Mysterious Valley. There was a (nearly). 13 year gap between the 1980 event and the flyover which occured during the time that he was reviewing his notes to put his book together. You would have to argue that the MilTricksters had bugged his place and waited close to13 years to hook him in.

(And referencing your critique in your post 142.)

As an example of having to correct [your] misinformation, I did so with a latter post, which you then critiqued in post 142. In fact, I've done a lot of reading and posting quotes about what I find that builds a solid case for what I'm suggesting. I don't see many people quoting specific interviews with time marks including links to the download. I've found inconsistencies in "the record" to show people the contradictions including in their posts too. I've provided some valid information and ideas.

But, I don't have to be perfect, I don't have to read everything, and I'm not selling anything! I did correct my post 133 to address your critique in 142 as follows: (Update: Apparently, Chris did do some follow-up to I.D. the helicopter long ago. But Chris did have many years available to search an online database before he published his book, and it might still be located to this day.)

Wade Ridsdale said:
You bemoan the fact that Ryan does not possess certain appartus to do a real scientific study and at the same time all you need to do is pick up his book or ask Chris what he did as a follow up, but you keep making assumptions.

No. Not accurate. Ryan admitted no knowledge, and I quoted him. Ryan from a recent post: "Also if I am not familiar with current topics being discussed I will not pretend to be an expert on such topics (3d projection technology)."

I was complaining that Ryan admitted in the interview he knows nothing about 3D imaging or laser or invisible light detection equipment. I'm certain some researchers already have done FOIA requests regarding this, so I'm sure there is much to be learned from experts that do 3D shows and also finding declassified info. There would be some retired laser experts from industry or in university now. I bet some Phd thesis' and published research can be found online about this too.

This is absolutely totally bizarre that he goes to this area for over 6-7 years now, and is not equipped to discover if these types of devices are doing this?

I am seriously shocked there is not one single thread topic about this subject, because that is a PRIMARY means of creating Skinwalkers at ground level or UFO's in the sky.

The military will test in both isolated and populated areas. They DEFINITELY target media people (authors/tv) to co-opt as unwitting serious believer patsies at arms length to do their dirty work. For example, Linda Moulton Howe. Study D-Day and the vast fake armies/weapons on the ground that were used to confuse the Germans in WWII. Foo-fighters from Germany?

Anyway, the whistle blower seems to say it best, and, just remember, both Chris and Ryan validated this guy. They say he is legit, and I think Ryan maintains a friendship with this guy too.
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Since apparently there are such opposing views here, why doesn’t someone create a thread so not as to hijack this particular thread? There’s already been one guest that has left in disgust, and I’d really hate to see it happen again here. Peace to all.., hopefully.
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I think when Bigelow pulled-out back in 2010 and let go all his employees regarding the Black Ops testing, then maybe all that's there now is some caretakers on the ranch???

The whistle blower said all the security cams are down, and the security ops trailer is abandoned with everything torn down or disconnected.

Does Ryan indicate a lot of activity since 2010?
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Ryan, I hope you're not a false prophet, or that you follow anyone else's footsteps in this journey, as it has a habit of messing with people, as you probably already know.

Ryan is an admitted hyper focused person, and he is totally obsessed over this mystery. He is in love with the desert there, and he get's invigorated into a kind of hyper mania at times by being there. He is a desert nomad hooked on Orbs, and their magic revelations. He's so far down the rabbit hole that he's not coming back, unless one of those Orb wolves smites him where it hurts.

These are real from Ryan's mind's eye. Quoting: "when you see one of these things face to face be sure to tell it its only a government mirage for me...."

To be honest, I don't want to see one of these dangerous weapons of PSYOPS and warfare, if true, nor do I in my mind's eye if that's where its reality is based from too, if true. Either way, it's a lose lose proposition. You're a Richard Dreyfuss in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, but your LIFE is more weird than that cool movie. May you somehow find peace and happiness in your search for the Orb wolves, otherwise you might consider abandoning that quest if you want other achievements. Maybe there's an Orb Lady you can hook-up with? Lonesome otherwise?
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Hey, Ryan - Thanks buddy! I bought your book and read the first couple of chapters and then I couldn't sleep all night. I'm on my 3rd cup of coffee and it's only 6:30 AM.

Back in the early 1990's my dad and I camped around 4 corners and the next night we had an odd experience with the police. I'll post more when I get the chance later today. Gotta get the family ready for the day.
Hey, Ryan - Thanks buddy! I bought your book and read the first couple of chapters and then I couldn't sleep all night. I'm on my 3rd cup of coffee and it's only 6:30 AM.

Back in the early 1990's my dad and I camped around 4 corners and the next night we had an odd experience with the police. I'll post more when I get the chance later today. Gotta get the family ready for the day.
can you please email me your story directly? I am very interested to hear it. [email protected] and to discuss it personally with you.
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Ryan is an admitted hyper focused person, and he is totally obsessed over this mystery. He is in love with the desert there, and he get's invigorated into a kind of hyper mania at times by being there. He is a desert nomad hooked on Orbs, and their magic revelations. He's so far down the rabbit hole that he's not coming back, unless one of those Orb wolves smites him where it hurts...You're a Richard Dreyfuss in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, but your LIFE is more weird than that cool movie. May you somehow find peace and happiness in your search for the Orb wolves, otherwise you might consider abandoning that quest if you want other achievements. Maybe there's an Orb Lady you can hook-up with? Lonesome otherwise?
Why are you being such a condescending, argumentative [FILL IN THE BLANK]? You show up here, berate everyone as if we were ignorant little children w/ a condescending trollish attitude. What could you possibly hope to accomplish by introducing yourself in such an immature way? You need to learn how to play nicely w/ the other kids or go find another sandbox mud-puddle to try and splash dry! Sheesh dude, you are wearing thin—an it's only your first thread here.
I'm not crazy about answering for the actions of others BUT I've heard Chris re-account this story many times and he has mentioned that he had later followed up on his flyover sighting at local airports and w/FAA officials mainly along the lines of how could such an archaic machine go the distances it would have needed to go from the Sutherland Ranch to/from any certified field and came up empty. In the book The Mysterious Valley he mentions that the Sutherlands did the same at the time of their sighting.

The fact that he did not bring it up in the above show doesn't mean it didn't occur. I don't want to come off nit-picky and this specific issue you brought up may be small potatoes but you really aren't doing yourself any favors when you bring up these points without looking into it a little more deeply. You bemoan the fact that Ryan does not possess certain appartus to do a real scientific study and at the same time all you need to do is pick up his book or ask Chris what he did as a follow up, but you keep making assumptions. Chris is not one to let such an obvious stone go unturned but if he did he'd take it on the chin. He's always been open and forthright to us forum members if we wanted more insight.

being a sceptic is fine but sceptics need to be informed as well. you can't just squeak by and have a moral leg to stand on by just saying "prove it" to any claim you find dubious. yes the old canard about the burden of proof being put on the shoulders of the claimant is still true BUT that doesn't mean the nay sayers should get a free pass, If you want to take the moral high ground and empower yourself you should be in a position of showing WHY that person can't be right. Somewhere on these forums i posted a link to an essay written by a skeptic and posted on skeptic.com ( i think) who said this very thing and he earned my respect for doing so...not that he was seeking it... I hope Randall is reading this thread as he is really good at pulling these things out.

I’ve noticed that you have the tendency to stay up on the fence. Over here, the dilemma faced is that an individual may be non-cognizant of various aspects of a particular subject, needing to be filled in, bringing them up to speed. In accomplishing this task can take a considerable amount of time and resources, as truncating, (obviously), doesn’t always seem to work. Simply put, not everyone has that type of time, and others may not even care.
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I’ve noticed that you have the tendency to stay up on the fence. Over here, the dilemma faced is that an individual may be non-cognizant of various aspects of a particular subject, needing to be filled in, bringing them up to speed. In accomplishing this task can take a considerable amount of time and resources, as truncating, (obviously), doesn’t always seem to work. Simply put, not everyone has that type of time, and others may not even care.

That's very true, and very insightful of you. For a Scorpio I tend to have a lot of Libra in me :) But for the record I've stated many times I am pretty open minded about everything. I do not need hard tangible evidence l to consider the existence of something. Some may consider this a weakness or shortcoming, it matters not to me.

I'm about to confess to something completely heretical here but much as I can appreciate the desire to want to get to the bottom of things here that has never been in my mileiu I'm more about the experience, whatever the source. The biggest reason why you guys are stuck with me it's because of Chris prescence he's one of the first people I've heard promote the experience portion of the event as much as the event itself. That really resonates with me. If you noticed my profile I call myself a poser originally known the Spooky Mulder the reason for that change was because taking that moniker suggested I'm an investigator that desires to get to the bottom of things and that's just not the case, at least as far as paranormal matters. My only really experience that I would go to the mat for had been on matters of synchronicity...i invite you to read under my personal experiences my post "synchronicity and the mantis" but it's a lengthy post a 6-7 page Microsoft document... Having said that I am completely open to the possibility that synchronicity could be a byproduct of Dopamine.Whatever the source I appreciate the "phenomena" for what it is, an experience.

If i made a road trip to the ranch (or more likely,it's environs ) sure I would nose around but my equipment would probably consist of a folding lawn chair and some Stella...bottles only no cans... and just soak it all in. But if Chris or Ryan showed up I'd be happy to help set up their equipment.
That's very true, and very insightful of you. For a Scorpio I tend to have a lot of Libra in me :) But for the record I've stated many times I am pretty open minded about everything. I do not need hard tangible evidence l to consider the existence of something. Some may consider this a weakness or shortcoming, it matters not to me.

I'm about to confess to something completely heretical here but much as I can appreciate the desire to want to get to the bottom of things here that has never been in my mileiu I'm more about the experience, whatever the source. The biggest reason why you guys are stuck with me it's because of Chris prescence he's one of the first people I've heard promote the experience portion of the event as much as the event itself. That really resonates with me. If you noticed my profile I call myself a poser originally known the Spooky Mulder the reason for that change was because taking that moniker suggested I'm an investigator that desires to get to the bottom of things and that's just not the case, at least as far as paranormal matters. My only really experience that I would go to the mat for had been on matters of synchronicity...i invite you to read under my personal experiences my post "synchronicity and the mantis" but it's a lengthy post a 6-7 page Microsoft document... Having said that I am completely open to the possibility that synchronicity could be a byproduct of Dopamine.Whatever the source I appreciate the "phenomena" for what it is, an experience.

If i made a road trip to the ranch (or more likely,it's environs ) sure I would nose around but my equipment would probably consist of a folding lawn chair and some Stella...bottles only no cans... and just soak it all in. But if Chris or Ryan showed up I'd be happy to help set up their equipment.

So, I’m guessing that you speak Jung. Synchronicity and the mantis, I’ll give it a read. Thanks for sharing.
No, not so much, I do have a hard time getting my brain wrapped around some of Jung's concepts but that's what makes ny story so cool. At The time I had little knowledge of this concept.

My point being that i was not encumbered by any preconceived notions because I was not aware of any narrative regarding a praying mantis and the concept of synchronicity until after I started looking Into it and I was looking into it because I was experiencing it...if that makes sense... In fact one of the first suggestions put before me was a book by Jung and I knew I didn't quite have the sophistication to understand it yet so instead I opened up another book by Alan Combs and came across a anecdote about Joseph Campbell and his experience with a Mantis.
No, not so much, I do have a hard time getting my brain wrapped around some of Jung's concepts but that's what makes ny story so cool. At The time I had little knowledge of this concept.

My point being that i was not encumbered by any preconceived notions because I was not aware of any narrative regarding a praying mantis and the concept of synchronicity until after I started looking Into it and I was looking into it because I was experiencing it...if that makes sense... In fact one of the first suggestions put before me was a book by Jung and I knew I didn't quite have the sophistication to understand it yet so instead I opened up another book by Alan Combs and came across a anecdote about Joseph Campbell and his experience with a Mantis.

I do know Jung. Combs and Campbell, not so, even though their names have been occasionally noticed around here. I detect some irony here in being that the more I learn, the more I realize how little I truly know.

Edit, I meant to write: "I do know Jung"
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Christopher O'Brien said:
Sheesh dude, you are wearing thin—an it's only your first thread here.
I just want to get as close to the truth as possible, and that may 'not' be just one answer.

I have real concerns for Ryan's well being. I have to admit I have a similar personality that he does, as we both can become very focused on what interests we have. As Ryan knows, some people would say we're obsessive to levels that can affect other areas of our life. Ryan lost his marriage over this interest of his. (At least it was in large part due to this.)

I have two main concerns about Ryan's investigations:

1) Orb and 3D detection equipment that can expose or locate its sources.

2) Is he going to maintain an open mind to sincerely check-out other causes, ideally, at least as well as his own beliefs? After all, 'he believes', so no need to close his mind to other causes and sincerely use those other possibilities as "truth seeker" probes to confirm and validate what he believes is true.

I'll be happy to delete or change any posts that Ryan thinks are too mean spirited or "over the top". I've already sent Ryan a private email and offered to do this.
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I do know Jung. Combs and Campbell, not so, even though their names have been occasionally noticed around here. I detect some irony here in being that the more I learn, the more I realize how little I truly know.

Edit, I meant to write: "I do know Jung"

Synchronicity : Through the Eyes of Science, Myth and the Trickster from Allan Combs

"...Mythologist Joseph Campbell recounted a related instance involving the praying mantis. He was at his home, a fourteenth-floor apartment in New York City, while reading about the mantis, which plays the part of the Hero in Bushman mythology. lie sat near a rarely opened window that faced Sixth Avenue:

I was reading about the praying mantis-the hero--and suddenly felt an impulse to open the window .... I opened the window and looked out to the right and there was a praying mantis walking up the building. He was there. right on the rim of the window! He was this big [showing the size]; he looked at me and his face looked just like a Bushman's face. This gave me the creeps..."
Whenever I purchase a vehicle, I start noticing similar vehicles around me. They seem to pop out from everywhere.

Thats an excellent example, have experienced this myself

In truth none of us "see" reality, its an internal construct cobbled together from various inputs and assembled according to our internal filters

There Is No Now - The Nature of Reality

The same with every object you see or person you talk to. Take a look around. You may think that you are seeing all these objects at once, or “now,” even if they are at different distances from you. But you really aren’t, as light bouncing from each one of them will take a different time to catch your eye. The brain integrates the different sources of visual information, and since the differences in arrival time are much smaller than what your eyes can discern and your brain process, you don’t see a difference. The “present”—the sum total of the sensorial input we say is happening “now”—is nothing but a convincing illusion.