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Ryan Skinner - Skinwalker Ranch

Free episodes:

Chris O'brien's Advice & Warnings to Investigators:

3-23-14 Interview with Greg Bishop

When a case comes out of nowhere, Chris mentions:

“Be really wary when cases come out of the blue.”

(This happened with Sherman-Skinwalker ranch.)

“Watch out for grandstanding.” “Lusts for publicity.”

(Was there TV news? Sherman? Area residents? Skinwalker? Bigelow? Investigators?)

“Bringing in tv crews [or other media].”

(There was at least one newspaper article that started it all by Sherman.
Balloon boy potential and deep cover, a cover story and front for Black Ops or ?)

“I think if you want to be taken seriously as an investigator or researcher you have to look into people's backgrounds.”

(Sherman was co opted immediately with big money and NDA's.)

“As soon as the media gets involved or some other investigator, I stay out of the picture.”

“Try to get a side profile on those involved.”

(Motives, Criminal Possibilities, Financial Reasons, Deep Cover, PSYOPS from different sources, Patsy potential, Covert Designs like Cover Stories, Fronts, Hidden in Plain View, Media Patsies and co opted Assets, etc.)

“You have to be in a position where your not touting off your theories to the media, bringing in tv crews, and all this.”

“I really shy away from the media and touting these things and being the mystery monger.”

"A lot of these cases can be just media induced hysteria! You have this snowball rolling down the hill effect."

"What happens once the media gets involved it's like throwing gasoline on the fire. [...] It really muddies up the waters and makes it extremely difficult."
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Chris O'brien's Advice & Warnings to Investigators:

3-23-14 Interview with Greg Bishop

When a case comes out of nowhere, Chris mentions:

“Be really wary when cases come out of the blue.”
(This happened with Sherman-Skinwalker ranch.)

“Watch out for grandstanding.” “Lusts for publicity.”
(Was there TV news? Sherman? Area residents? Skinwalker? Bigelow? Investigators?)

“Bringing in tv crews [or other media].”
(There was at least one newspaper article that started it all by Sherman.
Balloon boy potential and deep cover, a cover story, for Black Ops.)

“I think if you want to be taken seriously as an investigator or researcher you have to look into people's backgrounds.”
(Sherman was co opted immediately with big money and NDA's.)

“As soon as the media gets involved or some other investigator, I stay out of the picture.”

“Try to get a side profile on those involved.”
(Motives, Criminal Possibilities, Financial Reasons, Deep Cover, PSYOPS from different sources, Patsy potential, Covert Designs like Cover Stories, Fronts, Hidden in Plain View, Media Patsies and co opted Assets, etc.)

“You have to be in a position where your not touting off your theories to the media, bringing in tv crews, and all this.”

“I really shy away from the media and touting these things and being the mystery monger.”

"A lot of these cases can be just media induced hysteria! You have this snowball rolling down the hill effect."

"What happens once the media gets involved it's like throwing gasoline on the fire. [...] It really muddies up the waters and makes it extremely difficult."

While I have no intent to take a position, or defend, in this case, the Shermans, I found nothing that suggests they received any significant monies relative to their experiences while on the Ranch. The ranch sold basically for the same they paid for it; there is nothing that substantiates that they were included in any royalties, or did receive any payments of any sort for the Knapp/Kelleher books; Terry Sherman may have held a position at the ranch for a period of time following the sale, which I assumed was paid. However, reading Van Eyck's articles, no one in the Sherman family seems to go out of their way to make any outlandish statements or to sensationalize. In addition, Gwen states that she continues to work at her job at a local bank. If there was a media effect, it would probably best be attributed to the Knapp/Kelleher book and not the behavior of the Shermans. I apologize for co-opting your thread; but it's all about conversation.
It must have been a labor of love. How do you even survive as a writer? I mean $2.99 to download the Kindle version is so.., well cheap. I’ve downloaded it, and have just started into it.
Well, let's just say other income streams are useful. And there's always the fantasy of selling lots of books (kind of like hitting the lottery--the difference between fantasy and reality is fantasy is not real). I hope you enjoy the book.
It seems Ryan's friend would take issue that there is no evidence of "nefarious designs", since he was brought on the Paracast show as a legitimate whistle blower that Chris and Ryan validated as such. Nefarious designs is a vague idea considering the kinds of scarey and dangerous events that supposedly took place on or near the ranch. Bigelow doesn't show-up for low-tech stories or mythology tourism with an arsenal of expensive guards and X-Military with spook and top secret backgrounds and the genius or "mad scientists", all with NDA's. Typical spook compartmentalization too including medical exams without explanation. Obviously, human experiments were being done on the unwitting human "lab rats" if we are to believe the whistle blower.

Quoting the whistle blower:

"We were the guinea pigs. They were testing us. They were examining us. We were the test dummies here. Like they have some new military thing out here, and they wanted to see how it effects people."

Also, that same guy said he knew of top level military that also visited the ranch including a General with 3 other military in uniform.

Skinwalkers, Police Orbs, Orb-Wolves, and Grease Spot Dead Dogs (true or not) is not a uplifting mythology by any means. It's meant to drive away what is there. Could ET's be seeing this as some kind of ancient friendly beacon??? Disneyland?

Man, read Tony Hillerman. The Indian lore of Skinwalkers doesn't seem to exist until after "the white man" conquered and isolated them on reservations. Skinwalker legends might be born from this sad ending to their freedom? I honestly hope this is not true, but I'm curious if it is.

Hillerman is a great mystery writer making great detective stories from these Skinwalker legends in a modern context.

I'm sure there is something interesting in this jumble of words, and I assure you I will read it until I find it. As for my words, they are mine and do not reflect Ryan's experiences or perspective. He is quite capable of speaking for himself. I hope you have had the opportunity to read this book.
While I have no intent to take a position, or defend, in this case, the Shermans, I found nothing that suggests they received any significant monies relative to their experiences while on the Ranch. The ranch sold basically for the same they paid for it; there is nothing that substantiates that they were included in any royalties, or did receive any payments of any sort for the Knapp/Kelleher books; Terry Sherman may have held a position at the ranch for a period of time following the sale, which I assumed was paid. However, reading Van Eyck's articles, no one in the Sherman family seems to go out of their way to make any outlandish statements or to sensationalize. In addition, Gwen states that she continues to work at her job at a local bank. If there was a media effect, it would probably best be attributed to the Knapp/Kelleher book and not the behavior of the Shermans. I apologize for co-opting your thread; but it's all about conversation.

I emphatically plead for you to engage in my posts, such as you have done so now, and I'm hoping for your detailed explanations and critiques. I am happy to correct any errors/mistakes and "tone down" any offensive posts I may have made.

Do you know if Sherman, the family, area residents, signed any NDA's?

Thank you for your help and knowledge, and please do continue, sincerely so.
I'm sure there is something interesting in this jumble of words, and I assure you I will read it until I find it. As for my words, they are mine and do not reflect Ryan's experiences or perspective. He is quite capable of speaking for himself. I hope you have had the opportunity to read this book.
Here is the link to the free Paracast download:


Please listen to this Paracast: Christopher O'Brien on the September 2, 2012 broadcast said one of the undercover guests "Chip" did work on the ranch, and Chris said he had enough proof to believe it. That guy said they were government funded by contract to Bigelow. Listen to it yourself. Chris indicated he believed him. Ryan confirmed he's legit too. So, follow the money! Also, that same guy said he knew of top level military that also visited the ranch including a General with 3 other military.

Quoting the whistle blower "Chip" from that show:

"We were the guinea pigs. They were testing us. They were examining us. We were the test dummies here. Like they have some new military thing out here, and they wanted to see how it effects people."

Here is the Broadcast Audio Paracast/Podcast Info:

September 2, 2012 — David Weatherly, Ryan Skinner, and “Chip”

Gene and Chris present a special roundtable discussion covering one of the most important on-going cases of location-specific phenomenal events on record: The Uintah Basin/Sherman Ranch (Skinwalker Ranch) case. This episode will feature new information and up-to-date analyses of these enigmatic events that continues to baffle scientists and researchers of paranormal events. UFOs, crypto-creatures, cattle mutilations, portals, native legends, a shadowy billionaire, melted dogs and rumors of fire-fights with aliens. Our guests include investigators David Weatherly and Ryan Skinner. We'll also present "Chip," a Sherman Ranch insider, who will offer exclusive details.
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Well, let's just say other income streams are useful. And there's always the fantasy of selling lots of books (kind of like hitting the lottery--the difference between fantasy and reality is fantasy is not real). I hope you enjoy the book.
How long have you been writing, and do you find anything of particular interest that you gravitate toward?
I'm downloading the book now, because I think it's excellent that the authors are posting to this thread. I will soon be better informed assuming the Kindle edition is as good as the paper. Thanks for your participation.
How long have you been writing, and do you find anything of particular interest that you gravitate toward?

I have been writing for a number of years now, since I have retired from my real life. My latest novel is called Bethany Bloom Into the Four Lands. It is a fantasy and can be found on Amazon, also for 2.99. I have three other books under that particular name. I have also ghostwritten a number of other novels and short stories, all under the names of the "authors" who have published the works. One is called Abandoned, and can also be found on Amazon. The author is Michael Keene. It is an interesting topic. Ultimately, I like Science Fiction (Asimov, Herbert, Heinlein) and Fantasy (Tolkien, Eddings, Brooks). Ryan's work is the first in which I participated in terms of the Paranormal.
I'm downloading the book now, because I think it's excellent that the authors are posting to this thread. I will soon be better informed assuming the Kindle edition is as good as the paper. Thanks for your participation.

The paperback version has some corrections and editing since pointed out/discovered that have not been addressed in the Kindle version. Nonetheless, other than the slower pace of the transcripts and logs--both of which I think are quite intense, not withstanding, both editions are entertaining and revealing. Thanks for reach out.
I have been writing for a number of years now, since I have retired from my real life. My latest novel is called Bethany Bloom Into the Four Lands. It is a fantasy and can be found on Amazon, also for 2.99. I have three other books under that particular name. I have also ghostwritten a number of other novels and short stories, all under the names of the "authors" who have published the works. One is called Abandoned, and can also be found on Amazon. The author is Michael Keene. It is an interesting topic. Ultimately, I like Science Fiction (Asimov, Herbert, Heinlein) and Fantasy (Tolkien, Eddings, Brooks). Ryan's work is the first in which I participated in terms of the Paranormal.
Do you have a blog or website?

What title and when was your first published book under your name?

Any other science fiction, fantasy, or spiritual books you wrote or "ghosted" you did not mention above?

I emphatically plead for you to engage in my posts, such as you have done so now, and I'm hoping for your detailed explanations and critiques. I am happy to correct any errors/mistakes and "tone down" any offensive posts I may have made.

Do you know if Sherman, the family, area residents, signed any NDA's?

Thank you for your help and knowledge, and please do continue, sincerely so.

My understanding, is yes, there was a non-disclosure following the completion of the sale. The previous owner alludes to it in the book. As for other residents, I have no insight that supports that contention.

As for offensive remarks, please keep in perspective that my role as the author was simply to package and present the available information in such a way as to allow/encourage the reader to think reflectively on the topic. I make no speculation nor wish to appear subjective.
Do you have a blog or website?

What title and when was your first published book under your name?

Any other science fiction or spiritual books you wrote or "ghosted" you did not mention above?

Bethany Broom Into the Four Lands. My first published book is an instructional baseball manual. The game was a big part of my previous life. All are available on Amazon--at a cheap price, by the way (that's the sales pitch).
I'm about to confess to something completely heretical here but much as I can appreciate the desire to want to get to the bottom of things here that has never been in my mileiu I'm more about the experience, whatever the source. The biggest reason why you guys are stuck with me it's because of Chris prescence he's one of the first people I've heard promote the experience portion of the event as much as the event itself. That really resonates with me. If you noticed my profile I call myself a poser originally known the Spooky Mulder the reason for that change was because taking that moniker suggested I'm an investigator that desires to get to the bottom of things and that's just not the case, at least as far as paranormal matters. My only really experience that I would go to the mat for had been on matters of synchronicity...i invite you to read under my personal experiences my post "synchronicity and the mantis" but it's a lengthy post a 6-7 page Microsoft document... Having said that I am completely open to the possibility that synchronicity could be a byproduct of Dopamine.Whatever the source I appreciate the "phenomena" for what it is, an experience.

If i made a road trip to the ranch (or more likely,it's environs ) sure I would nose around but my equipment would probably consist of a folding lawn chair and some Stella...bottles only no cans... and just soak it all in. But if Chris or Ryan showed up I'd be happy to help set up their equipment.
Wade, your honesty and humility make us think better of words chosen and how we use them.

Experience seems to be at the heart of all the paranormal narratives since their first tellings around the cold cave and their expansion into contemporary digital culture. The experiencer is a changed person, take Ryan for example. How much would you say that your own life has been altered by the experience? What about the contactees, and all the people who have spoken on the Paracast and elsewhere about how they were first hooked into UFO's and paranormal discourse? This show is all about listening to other people's experiences. The curious history of the paranormal is directly linked to the altered lives of the experiencer, their searches and their findings.

Chris often talks a lot about noticing things and how attitudes around the creative possibilities of what reality may include may be a function of how open and creative we are as people. I think that the minor theme of synchronicity and the trickster in this thread speaks to how the way we look has a lot to do with how we experience.

Here's my synchronicity regarding Chris's witnessing of the yellow helicopter from a thread gone by, talking about his retelling of the story on Hidden Experience if i remember correctly:

"as i was listening to Chris's story today about the yellow helicopter check this out - literally seconds after he wraps up the second appearance of the yellow copter that he witnesses, what am i driving past on the highway, but the fuselage of a very old yellow mustard coloured helicopter, no glass, wood construction, very small seating - certainly nothing military or threatening about it, but a really old model stripped down. i burst out laughing immediately having felt not the slap of the trickster but more of a tickle."

Here is the link to the free Paracast download:


Please listen to this Paracast: Christopher O'Brien on the September 2, 2012 broadcast said one of the undercover guests "Chip" did work on the ranch, and Chris said he had enough proof to believe it. That guy said they were government funded by contract to Bigelow. Listen to it yourself. Chris indicated he believed him. Ryan confirmed he's legit too. So, follow the money! Also, that same guy said he knew of top level military that also visited the ranch including a General with 3 other military.

Quoting the whistle blower "Chip" from that show:

"We were the guinea pigs. They were testing us. They were examining us. We were the test dummies here. Like they have some new military thing out here, and they wanted to see how it effects people."

Here is the Broadcast Audio Paracast/Podcast Info:

September 2, 2012 — David Weatherly, Ryan Skinner, and “Chip”

Gene and Chris present a special roundtable discussion covering one of the most important on-going cases of location-specific phenomenal events on record: The Uintah Basin/Sherman Ranch (Skinwalker Ranch) case. This episode will feature new information and up-to-date analyses of these enigmatic events that continues to baffle scientists and researchers of paranormal events. UFOs, crypto-creatures, cattle mutilations, portals, native legends, a shadowy billionaire, melted dogs and rumors of fire-fights with aliens. Our guests include investigators David Weatherly and Ryan Skinner. We'll also present "Chip," a Sherman Ranch insider, who will offer exclusive details.

I, of course, listened to the Paracast. (I do not take it as you suggest I did not; just confirming). Chip is in the book under another name, one of two security guards that shared significant insight. Once you read the logs, and the conversations provided by Rocky and Ranch Hand (clues), I think you’ll have a more realistic perspective of what was going on at the ranch. Pay particular attention to how they describe themselves and their roles. I’m not saying that’s the extent of the activity, but it does give one pause to consider what may be hyperbole.
This is critical: What references or documentation (or whatever) are there about Quoting: "according to other available resources tribal members established a wage pool based on the length of time the new owners would live on the ranch before being driven off."

Location 388 on the Kindle.

What was the price paid for the ranch?

I found Bigelow paid about: $200,000. Location 459 on the Kindle.

Is this actually confirmed somewhere that this is the same price Sherman paid?

(This is what D.L. Wallace noted, but is there a record to show that or just rumor?)

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Linda Moulton Howe got a grant from Bigelow to study animal mutilation in 1994. She "offered the speculation that Bigelow supported the theory that there was an opening or tear in the electromagnetic fabric of our planet located on or around the property."

Would someone please cite a reference for this. Thanks.

Location 464 on the Kindle.
As I stated in the interview I am preparing for a new career that will allow me to travel to ANY STATE at ANY TIME to do investigations and find new material/adventures to report. Sorry I have not been able to participate in this forum. I will ty to answer some questions over the weekend. I believe the 200k figure was posted in a Utah Desert News Article around 1996
I have found the entire basin to have a unusual electromagnetic property when viewed form space satellites. I posted a link to the picture years ago on my website. I'm not sure if I can find it anymore. The entire basin formed a much darker color on the spectrum.