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Ryan Skinner - Skinwalker Ranch

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Kindle suggestion: Can you use a reference or hyper link to the pictures, so these could be tapped to enlarge full screen??? Those suckers are toooo small.

I'm just repeating the following as a reminder for when you can get to it... thanks...

Linda Moulton Howe got a grant from Bigelow to study animal mutilation in 1994. She "offered the speculation that Bigelow supported the theory that there was an opening or tear in the electromagnetic fabric of our planet located on or around the property."

Would someone please cite a reference for this. Thanks.

Location 464 on the Kindle.

I found-out the pictures can be enlarged. Instead of "touch tapping" or "finger pinching" the way to enlarge the picture is to touch and hold for a few seconds, then a menu pops-up when you release touching, and you can select an enlargement icon, then, you can even "finger pinch" the image to full screen.
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Holy Crap! I decided to take a break and watch a movie that I haven't seen since it came out in 2002. Staring Richard Gere and Laura Linney. "The Mothman Prophecies"

Wow, a very revealing moment is when Gere asks Dr. Alexander Leek (anagram) for help. They go into the library where he explains about Mothman... BUT, what is completely fascinating is the explanations he gives for its existence with the Pros/Cons. It really is a very insightful scene that is quite sophisticated and very rare for a movie of this kind.

I highly recommend watching this movie just for the benefit of that one scene. I thought it captures our predicament we have within our inner/outer realities, thinking, and debates about Skinwalker, UFO's, etc. Of course, many aspects about the entirety of the movie fall along the themes of abduction, the watchers, "UFO" being encounters, the effects of trauma and high stress, those mentally destabilized by experiencing such events, precognition, etc... I love it!

There is also an otherworldly dimension that is very subtly presented in just the visual spectrum and editing of this movie. It is truly a work of art. If you weren't impressed the first time or only saw this years ago as I did, when I didn't understand its kaleidoscopic presentation, I certainly am now finding this an amazingly haunting movie at the "deeper levels" well beyond the surface of its "screen memory". This movie has abducted me! Lol.

It really matches-up as an excellent road-map and overlay of the problems and questions we face on this forum or listening to Paracast.

The scene begins at about the 1hr:01min mark. Best 7 minutes of the movie.

PLEASE NOTICE: Dr. Leek's name spelled in reverse is:


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Kindle suggestion: Can you use a reference or hyper link to the pictures, so these could be tapped to enlarge full screen??? Those suckers are toooo small.

I'm just repeating the following as a reminder for when you can get to it... thanks...

Linda Moulton Howe got a grant from Bigelow to study animal mutilation in 1994. She "offered the speculation that Bigelow supported the theory that there was an opening or tear in the electromagnetic fabric of our planet located on or around the property."

Would someone please cite a reference for this. Thanks.

Location 464 on the Kindle.

Van Eyck, Deseret News, 1996. I would think the device you are using would have an option to enlarge the viewing field. My apologies, but we are limited to the options provided by Amazon's software.
This is critical: What references or documentation (or whatever) are there about Quoting: "according to other available resources tribal members established a wage pool based on the length of time the new owners would live on the ranch before being driven off."

Location 388 on the Kindle.

What was the price paid for the ranch?

I found Bigelow paid about: $200,000. Location 459 on the Kindle.

Is this actually confirmed somewhere that this is the same price Sherman paid?

(This is what D.L. Wallace noted, but is there a record to show that or just rumor?)


Reference for quote: David Perkins, Spirit Magazine 1997. Our book does not include the price paid by the Shermans; however, in the interview by Resident, it is stated that the sale allowed them to recover some part, but not all, of the money they invested in the property. You may draw your own conclusions.
Hey Ryan and company... according to Kindle I'm 30% finished with the book. I actually had to stop and digest what I read for a couple of hours.

Gotta give Ryan props for sticking it out and discussing his book and this topic with us here on this forum.

The problem I have with some critics who have never written anything is the lack of understanding of limits; whether they’re imposed by the publisher or audience. There’s this “sweet spot” when it comes to lenth – if it’s too short it’s not comprehensive enough and if it’s too long in an effort to be conclusive you run the risk of alienating your audience.

If it’s too short your audience will feel cheated and the critics will complain that you didn’t include enough information. If it’s too long you run the risk of putting your audience asleep and the critics will call you off for being a Smart-Alec and show-off.

You can’t please everyone so you have to please yourself… and your editor/publisher!

Which reminds me of some criticism that was mentioned on a podcast and not intentionally directed towards anyone here...

I wrote a review for The Lost Civilization Enigma and some clown ripped into me because I didn’t give the whole book away so he wouldn’t have to read it himself. No – my goal is to tell you why I liked it and why I think you would like it, too. Just like what I’m going to do with this book on The Skinwalker Ranch. Another critic attacked me and Mr. Coppan’s book “a load of non factual nonsense rather than actual historical and archaeological research?” It’s not up to me to defend Mr. Coppans or any other author, I’m only out to introduce books to the folks who might enjoy it…

There are some people out there who are going to like what you do and that’s the end of it but there are those who are either jealous of you and the work you’ve done and have to weave themselves into your story or by being known as your most vocal critic.

The only critics worth hearing from are the ones who post stuff like “I’m not clear on what you were trying to say in paragraph three of your text… can you clearify” or “I respect what you’re trying to do/say but I don’t agree with your conclusions and here’s why.”

Ryan and others wrote things and put their name on it. That takes a lot of courage and should be applauded.
Our book does not include the price paid by the Shermans; however, in the interview by Resident, it is stated that the sale allowed them to recover some part, but not all, of the money they invested in the property. You may draw your own conclusions.
Utah is very high tech, and most county records would be online now usually free. It is highly likely the bill of sale with the title information will be in a searchable database in that county's records about what the Sherman's paid. It's worth checking right at the source of the records.

Just an FYI:

I found-out the pictures can be enlarged. Instead of "touch tapping" or "finger pinching" the way to enlarge the picture is to touch and hold for a few seconds, then a menu pops-up when you release touching, and you can select an enlargement icon, then, you can even "finger pinch" the image to full screen.
I found my old geo magnetic map that I researched years ago here: http://skinwalkerranch.org/maps/magnetic skinwalker.jpg

fascinating part of my website worthy of discussion

Thanks Ryan. The Pic description is: The map above displays the geo-magnetic anomaly surrounding Skinwalker Ranch and the entire Uintah Basin.

What exactly are these measurements? Units of what and how much variance is in the color gradations?

Is there an expanded view showing much larger regions of the USA and beyond?
From that article it says:

Among the stream of curiosity-seekers to the ranch in the Sherman's final days was a man who identified himself as a "Naval Intelligence Officer" from North Carolina.

The "polite" Navy man sympathized with their situation and had a great interest in reviewing their photos and videos.

Another man, who wasn't' so polite, lurked around the property in a white four-wheel-drive vehicle. Terry noticed that it had different plates every time he saw it. After an angry confrontation, Terry took the man's photo. Doing a little detective work of his own, he determined that the man was an agent with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations out of Hill AFB.

The Ranch From Hell Utah's UFO Ranch

This wreaks and stinks of black ops... OSI and the Orbs trace back to 1979 and the Bennewitz/Doty PSYOPS.

Plus, I bet some Indians (or nasty/greedy neighbor?) wanted Sherman off that ranch! Taking-up a betting pool, when Sherman bought the ranch, about how long he will last AND blaming Skinwalkers STINKS of probable CRIMINAL activity! (Read Tony Hillerman.)

Was someone running cattle on the vacant land when the Meyers weren't there for 7 years??? Were Black Ops running on the ranch while the Meyers left the land vacant for 7 years???

Quoting from the Van Eyck 1996 article:

"For a long time we wondered what we were seeing, if it was something to do with a top-secret project," said Terry Sherman, who reluctantly agreed to speak publicly about the activity for the first time. "I don't know really what to think about it."
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This contradicts what Chris O'Brien says:

Spirit '97 article:
"At the suggestion of several different researchers, the Shermans were put in touch with Las Vegas millionaire Robert Bigelow, who in recent years had invested substantial amounts of money in UFO related research."

This stinks.

Chris said Bigelow contacted Sherman based on an article in the media about Sherman???

So, what is the truth about this??? Chris? Anyone?
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Van Eyck, Deseret News, 1996.

If you're referring to the Frequent Flyer article, then I see no word mentioned about Linda Moulton Howe???

Here is the reference I was asking for:

Linda Moulton Howe got a grant from Bigelow to study animal mutilation in 1994. She "offered the speculation that Bigelow supported the theory that there was an opening or tear in the electromagnetic fabric of our planet located on or around the property."

Would someone please cite a reference for this. Thanks.

Location 464 on the Kindle.
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I found this online. IF TRUE... I SCREAM SHAM, SCAM, BS, FRAUD...

I despise Linda Moulton Howe!!! This is just another government intelligence cover-up and media whoring from their "lovely" idiot PATSY. This WREAKS EVIL.

Sherman told the Deseret News and journalist Linda Moulton Howe on a national radio broadcast that his family saw several types of UFOs, witnessed lights emerging from circular ``doorways'' that seemed to appear in midair, had three cows mutilated and several others disappear and found unusual soil impressions and circles of flattened grass in a pasture.

Weeks later, Bigelow hopped a jet to Vernal and met with the Shermans, offering to buy the ranch for about $200,000.

THEN, I found this PILE of SHEEIT...

(Even Ryan Skinner has this posted on his website...)

In his book Reading the Enemy's Mind, remote viewer Paul Smith relates that in 1992 Robert Bigelow put the wheels in motion for a radio show on the paranormal, called Area 2000, hosted by Art Bell and featuring reports from George Knapp (whom Bigelow has had a long association with - Knapp was given an exclusive to the Skinwalker Ranch story, and also has covered the Bigelow space efforts) and Linda Moulton Howe. While Bigelow later withdrew sponsorship of the show, Art Bell continued with it and it later evolved into the massively popular Coast to Coast AM.

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This is lifted straight from Ryan Skinner's website too:


(This is a sample of what is on the webpage and not the entire post.)

IMO, Skinwalker is an example of PEOPLE, HUMANS, who play God using Evil PSYOPS and advanced Orb/UFO weapons. These "weapons of mass hysteria" can control the world better than nukes. They want to control society, God, Mythology, and control your mind's belief's and "reality". Get Real... This has NOTHING to do with ET-UFO's except what your Human Masters have designed for you to believe! We're doomed by these insane sociopaths...

PLEASE read the book: The Sociopath Next Door.

D.O.D. / Department of Defense

This agency has been identified as providing funding via a research grant with Bigelow Aerospace for Skinwalker Ranch. We are unable and unwilling to provide evidence to support this claim. This funding was provided with the oversight of a unnamed high level politician, and several military advisers. Currently the understanding is that the agency has withdrawn funding, but will reallocate in the future. On a side note, three high ranking military officials have frequented the property on more than one occasion. One of these officers was a three star general and a CIA representative. The branch of the military that the general represents is unknown as well as his identity. However what is known is that a faction of the US government does fund research and security activity in conjunction with Bob Bigelow on the Ranch.

Contact: its a black project and going to remain that way!

Just read the rest of that webpage too. Here's a sample of its leadership:

Colm A. Kelleher

Email:XXXXXXXXX Henderson, NV colm_kelleher@XXXXXX.com

We believe Colm to be a much more major player than what is portrayed in the book. Confirmed by Ryan Layton, Alien Dave and other sources.

Colm Kelleher is a senior research scientist with a twenty-year career in cell and molecular biology. Following his PhD in biochemistry from the University of Dublin, Trinity College in 1983, Dr. Kelleher worked at Canada's flagship Ontario Cancer Institute, the Terry Fox Laboratory at the British Columbia Cancer Research Center in Vancouver and the National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine in Denver. More recently, Dr. Kelleher served as Research Director for Bigelow Aerospace in Las Vegas and as administrator for one of its subsidiaries, Space Sciences, Inc.

Dr. Kelleher also acted as team leader and project manager for the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS). Currently, Dr. Kelleher is the Director of Labs for a biotechnology firm in San Francisco. He has authored 38 peer reviewed publications in molecular biology, immunology, biochemistry and virology as well as articles in popular magazines such as OMNI.

NSA & Naval Intel Officer Harold "Hal" Puthoff

Address: EarthTech International, Inc.
Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin
11855 Research Blvd.
Austin, TX 78759

Website: EarthTech
Born 6/20/36. BS and MS in electrical engineering from the University of Florida. After graduating, Puthoff served in the Army on duty with the NSA at Fort Meade, Maryland. There, he worked as an engineer with Project Light, which studied fiber optics, lasers, and high-speed computers (very cutting edge at the time). After leaving, he invented the tunable infra-red laser.

According to author Jim Schnabel (and confirmed by Dr. Puthoff), he served at the NSA in the early 1960's during his tour with the Navy, not the Army as McRae reported above, and later stayed on as a civilian.

Joined SRI in 1971 as a specialist in laser physics. Worked for the previous eight years in the Microwave Laboratory at Stanford University. Served as an officer in the Navy from 1960-63 at Ft. Meade.

Head of the SRI remote viewing program, 1972-85. After he left, Puthoff was replaced with Ed May. Former Naval Intelligence Officer.

"Dr. Harold E. Puthoff is Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin. A theoretical and experimental physicist specializing in fundamental electrodynamics, his research ranges from theoretical studies of quantum vacuum states as they apply to the stability of matter, gravitation, cosmology and energy research, to laboratory studies of innovative approaches to energy generation. A graduate of Stanford University in 1967, he has published over 30 technical papers in the areas of electron-beam devices, lasers and quantum zero-point-energy effects, has patents issued and pending in the laser, communications, and energy fields, and is co-author of a textbook Fundamentals of Quantum Electronics

"Dr. Puthoff's professional background includes engineering work at General Electric and Sperry; three and a half years with the U.S. Department of Defense, where his work on high-speed opto-electronic computers resulted in the award of a DoD Certificate of Commendation for Outstanding Performance; post-doc appointments at Stanford University as Research Associate, Ginzton Laboratories, and Lecturer, Dept. of Electrical Engineering; Director of the Cognitive Sciences Program at SRI International for over a decade, where he was responsible for large-scale, innovative, government-funded research programs; and, since 1985, Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin.

"Puthoff regularly serves various government agencies, the Executive Branch and Congress as consultant on leading-edge technologies and future technology trends; is a member and officer of several professional organizations (NY Academy of Sciences, Amer. Assoc. for the Advancement of Science, Amer. Physical Soc., Soc. for Scientific Exploration); is listed in American Men and Women of Science, Who's Who in Science and Engineering, Who's Who in the South and Southwest and in Who's Who in the World; and has been designated a Fetzer Fellow (1991)."
(Biography provided by Dr. Puthoff)

He is claimed to have been at OT (Operating Thetan) Level III with the Church of Scientology at the time of the experiments. He wrote the preface to Scientology: a Religion, and was married in a Scientology church. "Puthoff says his involvement with the church more than a decade ago was casual."

Puthoff joined the Church in the 1960s, and left in the mid-1970s. After leaving, he lent support to a group that criticized the Church. It was during an LA training seminar that he met Pat Price, who later worked at SRI.

According to Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, in The Secret Life of Plants, while at SRI, Puthoff did experiments with chicken eggs. Using an e-meter (invented by L. Ron Hubbard and used in the practices of Scientology), he attempted to see if an egg would react if another was broken nearby.

Since the early 1970s, Puthoff had been a part-time, paid consultant to Bill Church regarding alternative fuel sources. At Puthoff's urging, Church developed a company, Jupiter Technologies, to research zero-point energy. In the summer of 1985, after giving only two weeks notice, Puthoff left SRI to work for Church full time.

Currently with the Institute of Advanced Studies at Austin, 4030 W Braker Ln, Suite 300, Austin, TX 78759, and president of Earthtech International at the same address here for Earthtech's home page. His current work is involved with quantum physics, zero-point energy, and electrogravitics.

Puthoff is working with Robert Bigelow and his National Institute of Discovery Science. He posted a NIDS mission statement on USENET in March, 1996.
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This IS HILARIOUS... Linda Moulton Howe being funded by Bigelow for cattle mutilations in 1995... What a crock of sheeit...

In 1995 Saucer Smear reported that Bigelow had packed up his greenbacks and gone home:
“Las Vegas businessman Robert Bigelow has terminated his financial help to the three major UFO organizations – MUFON, CUFOS, and FUFOR – due to ‘irreconcilable differences’. We are told that Bigelow wanted more control over how his money would be spent. We also hear that one leading ufologist went so far out of control at the final meeting with Bigelow that he had to be gently escorted from the conference room….Bigelow’s flirtation with the Offbeat is not over, however, as he is still apparently funding cattle mutilation investigation by Linda Howe…”

Oh, and what's up with this Chris O'brien??? ...

Excerpt found online:

The secretive behavior concerns several regional UFO researchers, including Ryan Layton of Davis County and Chris O'Brien of Crestone, Colo. Both visited the ranch in July before Bigelow became involved.

``It's the most impressive case I've ever personally investigated,'' said O'Brien, author of ``The Mysterious Valley'' about UFOs in Colorado's San Luis Valley.

Moulton Howe, who has written books on cattle mutilations and other phenomena, received a research grant from Bigelow in 1994 to study plant and animal tissue associated with mutilation cases. She was not surprised at Bigelow's interest in the Sherman ranch.

``There's a lot of speculation about possible openings or tears in the electromagnetic fabric of our planet,'' Howe said from her Pennsylvania home.

Chris, you said on the Paracast you gave Sherman the contact info for Bigelow. How do you know Bigelow, the media, Sherman, and you aren't orchestrated and part of a frame-up and/or cover for this sham? A FRONT???

You have a glaring discrepancy here... this isn't adding-up below...

Chris, your story does NOT match what I quoted from that Spirit '97 article quoted below. Why not??? Chris said Bigelow contacted Sherman based on an article in the media about Sherman.

Spirit '97 article:
"At the suggestion of several different researchers, the Shermans were put in touch with Las Vegas millionaire Robert Bigelow, who in recent years had invested substantial amounts of money in UFO related research."
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If you're referring to the Frequent Flyer article, then I see no word mentioned about Linda Moulton Howe???

Here is the reference I was asking for:

Linda Moulton Howe got a grant from Bigelow to study animal mutilation in 1994. She "offered the speculation that Bigelow supported the theory that there was an opening or tear in the electromagnetic fabric of our planet located on or around the property."

Would someone please cite a reference for this. Thanks.

Location 464 on the Kindle.

Van Eyck wrote more than one article on the subject. I am confident that if you continue your research you will find what you are looking for. An no, it is not the Flyer article, but it does appear in the Deseret News.
This IS HILARIOUS... Linda Moulton Howe being funded by Bigelow for cattle mutilations in 1995... What a crock of sheeit...

In 1995 Saucer Smear reported that Bigelow had packed up his greenbacks and gone home:
“Las Vegas businessman Robert Bigelow has terminated his financial help to the three major UFO organizations – MUFON, CUFOS, and FUFOR – due to ‘irreconcilable differences’. We are told that Bigelow wanted more control over how his money would be spent. We also hear that one leading ufologist went so far out of control at the final meeting with Bigelow that he had to be gently escorted from the conference room….Bigelow’s flirtation with the Offbeat is not over, however, as he is still apparently funding cattle mutilation investigation by Linda Howe…”

Oh, and what's up with this Chris O'brien??? ...

Excerpt found online:

Chris, you said on the Paracast you gave Sherman the contact info for Bigelow. How do you know Bigelow, the media, Sherman, and you aren't orchestrated and part of a frame-up and/or cover for this sham? A FRONT???

You have a glaring discrepancy here... this isn't adding-up below...

Chris, your story does NOT match what I quoted from that Spirit '97 article quoted below. Why not??? Chris said Bigelow contacted Sherman based on an article in the media about Sherman.

Spirit '97 article:
"At the suggestion of several different researchers, the Shermans were put in touch with Las Vegas millionaire Robert Bigelow, who in recent years had invested substantial amounts of money in UFO related research."

It would be best not to take each source as being the source, but instead to cross-reference what you find and come to conclusions with which you are comfortable. Much of the information out there has been interpreted and restated according to those interpretations. The information in the book relative to MUFON and BAASS is derived from actual letters between Kelleher and Carrion. There are statements that clearly define what that issue was. It seems that the primary disagreement was money and the particular services that money would buy. It seems through the content of those letters, that for about one -half million dollars, BAASS was expecting more validity in the way of UFO sightings than what they were getting. Interestingly enough, very little comes directly out of the ranch, and spend as much time as you like, nothing about the ranch is coming from Bigelow. It's the locals and outsiders that provide the stories. If you are interested in Bigelow's doings, look into his space stations. That's where his money h going, to the tune of 500 million. The ranch, by comparison, is peanuts. Doesn't that suggest something?