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Ryan Skinner - Skinwalker Ranch

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More evidence of Ryan being "the chosen one".

In section 1393 Ryan says he's seen Bigfoot both in Duchesne and Uintah Mountains.

More evidence of mental issues or real PSYOPS by HUMANS...

Section 1408 Ryan says:

"[...] whenever I research around the ranch is that it follows me back to Wisconsin for about two weeks. I have all sorts of odd unexplainable things happen in the house. [...] ...it is very common for me to have my door bell ring at 6am for 1 week straight, or to have someone open the door and walk in with NO ONE THERE."

Your interpretation of PSYOPS is confusing. And please explain the term "chosen one".
Excuse me DL, I didn’t mean to not weigh your thoughts, as I have an itch that I can't quite scratch. I found it fascinating that civilization can be traced in that area up to ten thousand years back.

Some of the earliest human beings in the history of our country were found in this area. The petroglyphs and petro graphs, to me, are incredible records of their mythology and legends. I find it intriguing that such a simple people, and I mean that with utmost respect, reference through their imagery what are clearly paranormal or alien entities. We’re talking about people who had no reference point to the Judeo-Christian concept of a supreme being, or any of the shared consciousness references of the early Asian cultures. Not only that, but they seemed not to have any concern for a moral afterlife or paradise, but instead an alternate existence in some place beyond that was not celestial.
Finally, if you are really interested in cattle mutilations, there are links on Ryan’s webpage which suggested they may be little more than poaching by locals interested in veal. Interestingly enough, the odors associated with the process have been linked to a drug administered to the cow to keep her from attacking the poachers and protecting her calf, and the lopping off of the ear is associated with removal of the rancher’s tag that is placed to identify ownership. Often, we believe what we want to believe, and it is that belief that keeps us focused on this perspective, instead of that one. It is often better to read what is there than to seek within the words what it is we want to read.
You make very rational explanations, and it just goes to show how brutal and wicked people can be to kill the cow to take the calf-veal.

I honestly think there is human UFO-cattle "serial killers" or copycat HUMAN(S) killing for the ET-UFO phenomena and PSYOPS and publicity. Violent thrill seekers. UFOology Hoaxers! Seriously. And, also killing for Black Op sampling too. This goes back to Orb technology & humans doing it thanks to policeman Gabe Valdez, Bennewitz, and police EVIDENCE he gathered starting in the late 1970's. His son Greg said he validated and knew his perps after working for NIDS and learned more about it. He was right. It was NEVER ET-UFO's.

You should definitely read Dulce Base the Truth and Evidence by Greg Valdez

Click Here Gabe Valdez uncovers the truth behind the Dulce mystery

As for the Deseret, the archives are easily searchable, and though they have their own system and process, it is well organized, and once you get the hang of it, manageable.

Search Linda Howe or Bigelow or grant or cattle mutilation or Sherman... it does not find it. But it should have. Only this worked for me: "Pennsylvania grant howe"
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Your interpretation of PSYOPS is confusing. And please explain the term "chosen one".
I have posted before about "the chosen one". I will explain more, when I learn more.

By PSYOPS I mean "the trickster" deceptive element that is in all of us or organized groups.

1) This can be lying or exaggerating to get attention and/or make money but, also, harming people and society with this despicable abuse. For example, a sociopath does this. Read the book: The Sociopath Next Door. UFOlogy is riddled with people like this. It is rampant. It attracts people with a lot of mental health issues, so their delusions also become a kind of PSYOPS affecting those around them. There are a lot of Balloon Boys in this area of interest.

2) A psychological set-up to misdirect and cover-up criminal and/or black ops or other nefarious goals. This is absolutely not just government related, but extends to any organization or person with the potential motives and money or power or ability to do this.

The following is from Wiki, but don't apply this to only governments. There are many secret organizations and businesses and sociopaths conducting PSYOPS and black ops...

The source of the gray PSYOP product is deliberately ambiguous.

The true source is not revealed to the target audience. The activity engaged in plausibly appears to emanate from a non-official source, or an indigenous, non-hostile source, or there may be no attribution.

Gray is that information whose content is such that the effect will be increased if the hand of the U.S. Government and in some cases any American participation are not revealed. It is simply a means for the U.S. to present viewpoints which are in the interest of U.S. foreign policy, but which will be acceptable or more acceptable to the intended target audience than will an official government statement.[5][dead link]

The activity engaged in appears to emanate from a source (government, party, group, organization, person) usually hostile in nature. The interest of the U.S. Government is concealed and the U.S. Government would deny responsibility. It is best used in support of strategic plans.

Covert PSYOP is not a function of the U.S. military but instead is used in special operations due to their political sensitivity and need for higher level compartmentalization. Further, black PSYOP, to be credible, may need to disclose sensitive material, with the damage caused by information disclosure considered to be outweighed by the impact of successful deception.[6] In order to achieve maximum results and to prevent compromise of overt PSYOP, overt and covert operations need to be kept separate. Personnel involved in one must not be engaged in the other.

PSYOPs convey messages via visual, audio, and audiovisual media. Military psychological operations, at the tactical level, are usually delivered by loudspeaker, and face to face communication. For more deliberate campaigns, they may use leaflets, radio or television. Strategic operations may use radio or television broadcasts, various publications, airdropped leaflets, or, as part of a covert operation, with material placed in foreign news media.

In order to create a successful PSYOP the following must be established: 1) clearly define the mission so that it aligns with national objectives 2) need a PSYOP estimate of the situation 3) prepare the plan 4) media selection 5) product development 6) pretesting - determines the probable impact of the PSYOP on the target audience 7) production and dissemination of PSYOP material 8) implementation 9) posttesting - evaluates audience responses 10) feedback

Before these steps can occur, intelligence analysts must profile potential targets in order to determine which ones it would be most beneficial to target. In order to figure this out, analysts must determine the vulnerabilities of these groups and what they would be susceptible to. The analysts also determine the attitudes of the targets toward the current situation, their complaints, ethnic origin, frustrations, languages, problems, tensions, attitudes, motivations, and perceptions, and so on. Once the appropriate target(s) have been determined, the PSYOP can be created.
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From where do you get the information that '3D projection is the primary means of creating skinwalkers at ground level'? I mean, it sounds silly, it sounds like you must have read a research paper (that would no doubt be classified) that would have to actually mention 'creating skinwalkers' and also stating that it is the most used method to do so - more used that what other method of 'creating skinwalkers at ground level'?
Troll behaviour I'm calling.
Read all my posts and call me a troll? Really? Seriously?

I've directly offered to Ryan to delete or correct or "tone down" any posts I've made. I've corrected every post that had an error or needed more clarity as best I can.

Regarding the 3D wolf or imaging... Have you attended some famous magic shows? Las Vegas light shows or laser light shows or seen holography? Are you fully informed about the Orb technology regarding Bennewitz, Gabe Valdez, cattle dissections, etc. I've listened to every interview I can find, and have studied much about this. That was 1979. Well, 35 years later it IS REASONABLE to expect 3D technology or image projection is in use and continues R&D and testing.

Ryan needs to answer about "his wolf".

He writes in location 1477:

"I often wondered if that was an illusion or a picture put into our head to distract us from something else going on. Because when we were there, two of us, we started not looking at the same thing. One would look, observe the obvious, and the other would search for something else, and we usually would find something else going on."

Ryan, please respond to what you wrote above and the following:

Please read post 122, which already asked about 1, 2, 3, below...

1) It seems Ryan does NOT quite see the same things his companion investigator sees at the same time he does??? It's only about 5 feet away, and yet there is confusion about what is being seen?

2) No where does Ryan answer about drug use (legal or not), though I'm not finished with the book. Do we have Carlos Castaneda? He is intrigued by the Indian uses of forced altered states initiated by food, water, drug manipulation within ceremonial rites. What is going on with this? What altered states or rites/ceremonies or other mind altering practices does Ryan engage in??? Seriously!

Ryan goes to a deserted island off Florida for an entire week alone. Share your adventures and experiences Ryan!

3) Ryan seems to say, where I quoted him in post 122, that none (or almost none) of what he is experiencing is "nuts and bolts". He agrees with his Dad that it is all between his ears. Well, now, don't you think Ryan should expand on this topic? What does he mean by this?

Wade: Your cartoon is hilarious!!! Thanks, sincerely. Btw, I have only inferred that Linda Moulton Howe is a probable or possible sociopath. Read the book: The Sociopath Next Door. Please.
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(1) Sherman was a well-respected breeder of cattle, whose anxiety and financial woes stemmed from attrition rates due to the disappearances of his prized breeding stock.

(2) Robert Bigelow, losing his son, and having relatives witnessing alleged UAPs became interested in the possible origins of consciousness.

(3) Colm Kelleher, a world renowned molecular biologist, responded to an ad placed by Bigelow, to investigate possible origins of consciousness, and became deputy administrator for NIDS.

(4) The reason for all the hoopla, with the release of information, along with the book, (and subsequently the Ranch), was due to the fact that Bigelow wanted to research any potential hot spots, in the hope that others may come forward.

(5) Outside of the original Ranch narrative, the mythos has been perpetuated largely by hoaxers, frauds, and charlatans, engaged in the fabrication of fantastic fable laden fantasies.

(6) Whether fabricated, (or not), there are images to be viewed which were supplied by members of NIDS.

(7) Vallee, and Kelleher were not totally muzzled, as were able to relate most of what they had unearthed. Unfortunately, Knapp received exclusive rights and quite possibly rushed to publish, with some information as being inaccurate.

(8) After initial research possibly uncovered phenomena outside of current scientific worldview, the military most likely became involved.

(9) MUFON, a hollow husk of its former self, and the Bigelow connection is disturbing .However, in respect to the hording of information, if investigating; the last thing NIDS would want is everyone to converge on their case study in progress.

(10) I have doubts about the security guard’s employer, as there was some question as to the initials of the issuer of the guard’s check.

(11) Bigelow, like other researchers has now gone underground, due to the fact that the noise level is deafening up here.

(12) Once again, motive and possible repercussions from psychological torture are valid questions.

(13) The troll refuses to take the mask off..., yes seriously.
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… Finally, if you are really interested in cattle mutilations, there are links on Ryan’s webpage which suggested they may be little more than poaching by locals interested in veal. Interestingly enough, the odors associated with the process have been linked to a drug administered to the cow to keep her from attacking the poachers and protecting her calf, and the lopping off of the ear is associated with removal of the rancher’s tag that is placed to identify ownership…
I'd like to see even the slightest documentation supporting this particular theory. Is this a one-size-fits-all theory for the entire phenomenon on your part, or simply your take on local Uintah Basin cases?
Often, we believe what we want to believe, and it is that belief that keeps us focused on this perspective, instead of that one. It is often better to read what is there than to seek within the words what it is we want to read.
When it comes to the "mute" mystery you would be best advised to follow your own advise... :rolleyes:
…I honestly think there is human UFO-cattle "serial killers" or copycat HUMAN(S) killing for the ET-UFO phenomena and PSYOPS and publicity. Violent thrill seekers. UFOology Hoaxers! Seriously. And, also killing for Black Op sampling too. This goes back to Orb technology & humans doing it thanks to policeman Gabe Valdez, Bennewitz, and police EVIDENCE he gathered starting in the late 1970's. His son Greg said he validated and knew his perps after working for NIDS and learned more about it. He was right. It was NEVER ET-UFO's. [my emphasis]
Be very careful when you talk about the cows if I'm around, dude. Many here (me included) cannot take anyone seriously if they insist on pontificating with absolutes. And if you insist on grandstanding in this manner—especially stating your "mute" opinions as absolute—I will take great pleasure in intellectually carving YOU a new one and I'll back up my butchering process up with more data than you can handle. :rolleyes:
One glaring omission in Ryan's book is there is no info about Jr. Hicks regarding his employment working for Sherman at the ranch. Mr. Salisbury said that Hicks worked for Sherman doing electrical work at the ranch... isn't that just fascinating!??? WTF.

So, Utah's SUPER ET-UFO guy works for Sherman at his ranch before [and/or] after Bigelow? Well, well, could Sherman have gotten some good UFO ideas from Hicks? And, supposedly Hicks found "the rod" of power. Oh man, how typical.
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Is it getting a little hot in here for you? What’s your real name? Everyone is going to want to know who cracked the “Skinwalker” case, so go ahead and tell us. The “balloon boys” will assuredly want to thank you personally. Especially Robert Bigelow who you likened to ?
Be very careful when you talk about the cows if I'm around, dude. Many here (me included) cannot take anyone seriously if they insist on pontificating with absolutes. And if you insist on grandstanding in this manner—especially stating your "mute" opinions as absolute—I will take great pleasure in intellectually carving YOU a new one and I'll back up my butchering process up with more data than you can handle. :rolleyes:
I'm not pontificating with an absolute. That 'absolute' was Gabe Valdez's conclusions, and I 'absolutely' stand by that, bud. He had no pony in this game like LMH and others. (I already stated in many posts other possibilities, which makes it clear there is no one-size fits all.)

Chris, you got the ET-UFO evidence for a cattle mutilation, then PLEASE DO tell us!

Just the facts 'man'. Absolutely!
One glaring omission in Ryan's book is there is no info about Jr. Hicks regarding his employment working for Sherman at the ranch. Mr. Salisbury said that Hicks worked for Sherman doing electrical work at the ranch... isn't that just fascinating!??? WTF.

So, Utah's SUPER ET-UFO guy works for Sherman at his ranch before [and/or] after Bigelow? Well, well, could Sherman have gotten some good UFO ideas from Hicks? And, supposedly Hicks found "the rod" of power. Oh man, how typical.
Again, and again, over, and over, again, and again, over, and over, again, and again, over, and over....good gawd....

Yeah, sure, Junior Hicks the retired science teacher from the local school is also part of your vast conspiracy theory. Laughable is not even the word, as that is little more than the cherry on your sundae.
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Yeah, sure, Junior Hicks the retired science teacher from the local school is also part of your vast conspiracy theory. Laughable is not even the word, as that is little more than the cherry on your sundae.
I really don't have a vast conspiracy theory... I have a lot of probabilities... there are some conspiratorial aspects to some of these, but it would hardly be vast!

Here's why we need to hear from Ryan about possible substance use:

Ufology it sounds like you are personally very 'anti-' drugs that are not used medically. Of course it is everyone's right to have a personal opinion on these matters but I would point out (to anyone) that there is a world of difference between the using of drugs and the negative connotations attached to 'dealing' and 'drug crime' etc. It's my belief that there are of course 100% provable negative consequences from abusing drugs but that it is far, far worse to criminalise people for what they do to their own bodies and minds. I think 99% of social trouble stemming from drug use is because they are illegal. People only do silly things to get drugs and the money for drugs because they are ridiculously over-priced due to the law.

Anyway, whether anyone believes that say, psychedelics can 'open doors' to other states of consciousness and suchlike, it is undeniable that drugs can make the brain think in new, novel ways. Those new ways can be either good or bad, but certainly different. I not only think but know that some drugs can allow your mind to do things it just could not do otherwise. Maybe it doesn't matter if these 'other realities' are actually 'real' or not. It feels like they are and they can certainly be completely 'new' - they might as well as be real!

I don't want to sound like some campaign in support of drug-taking but I do think that due to the criminalisation of drugs, humans have missed out on many opportunities to learn about the brain and consciousness. LSD was demonised due to the counter-culture associations despite it being able to provide amazing chances for discovery. Rick Strassman's book on DMT is fascinating and it can only be important to discover how this chemical works - it seems to be made in many living organisms, plant and animal, and there is strong evidence that it could be partly the cause of all religious/mystical experiences that we, humans, have.
Here we go again with the drug culture ( shamanistic or otherwise ). However, one thing I will admit is that there is scientific evidence based on MRIs that show mind altering drugs alter consciousness by activating and/or inhibiting neural connections that are different from our baseline ( normal ) state, and that measurable changes remain after the drugs have left the system. So if we suppose that these new "abnormal" pathways represent a residual ability to perceive and/or process sensory data in ways we had never before learned, we could conceivable make a logical claim that there is empirical evidence in support of the idea that we can "expand our consciousness" or that certain drugs can be useful from a therapeutic perspective.
So, story teller, weave us a tale of the elderly Mr. Junior Hicks and his covert PSYOPS mission. We’re all just waiting on pins and needles for this one. Does he have to scale any tall ladders in order to accomplish his mission? Honestly, I’m wondering if you’re some little kid somewhere feverishly typing away in their parent’s room. Wouldn’t that be the kicker!
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So, story teller, weave us a tale of the elderly Mr. Junior Hicks and his covert PSYOPS mission. We’re all just waiting on pins and needles for this one. Does he have to scale any tall ladders in order to accomplish his mission? Honestly, I’m wondering if you’re some little kid somewhere feverishly typing away in their parent’s room. Wouldn’t that be the kicker!
Hick's was in his mid-to-late sixties in 1995-96. He was STILL doing electrical work at the age of 84. I'd say Jr. Hicks was in amazing health. He fits a perfect profile for starting-up this ET-UFO hysteria on the Sherman ranch... not saying he did it willfully... He probably had just retired from teaching with UFO time on his hands.

So, Utah's SUPER HERO ET-UFO guy works for Sherman at his ranch before [and/or] after Bigelow? Well, well, could Sherman have gotten some good UFO ideas from Hicks? And, supposedly Hicks found "the rod" of power.

Just saying Sherman is NO COUNTRY BUMPKIN. And, neither is Jr. Hicks, gotta love that name! Jr. Hicks. :) IF it's true this Hicks found the supernatural "rods of power". (This is what Ryan confirms by another source too. Jr. found "the power".)

Bigelow has the keys to the Kingdom... The Ark & UFO Covenant of Rods Almighty!!! :)

This Titanic-UFO sinks INSTANTLY if the infamous Linda Moulton Howe is involved in this INSANITY... you'd better jump ship now if you want to save your reputation and credibility!!! :)

I hope you already jumped, because The Titanic-UFO SINKS INSTANTLY... Check this...

Well, well, what do you know... Sherman told the Deseret News and journalist Linda Moulton Howe on a national radio broadcast [Art Bell?] that his family saw several types of UFOs, [...] had three cows mutilated and several others disappear [...]

Weeks later, Bigelow hopped a jet to Vernal and met with the Shermans, offering to buy the ranch for about $200,000.

The Shermans made national news in July - the same time as the blockbuster "Independence Day" hit the theaters - by going public with bizarre tales of [...]

LMH got her grant from Bigelow in '94. She KNOWS the high-strange cattle mutilations are ET-UFO's. Oh sheep-dip, the magical mystery tour of dissected cattle begins again at Skinwalker ranch... (S.R.L. -you rock!)

The Titanic-UFO submerges into oblivion! A master stroke of PSYOPS? Did THE FRONT begin?

All of the above is subject to speculation. I think there is more to this story... The property was vacant for 7 years before Sherman arrived. That leaves plenty of room for Orb and Aerial-Object testing, and Black Ops exercises, and criminal actively. Some of it possibly launched from the Indian Reservation, neighbors, or high in the sky. It could easily still be A FRONT, A PSYOPS, TO COVER for some nefarious Black Ops objectives and testing. I think its all shutdown since 2010, if there was Black Ops going on.

Quoting from the Van Eyck 1996 article:

"For a long time we wondered what we were seeing, if it was something to do with a top-secret project," said Terry Sherman, who reluctantly agreed to speak publicly about the activity for the first time. "I don't know really what to think about it."
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So, story teller, weave us a tale of the elderly Mr. Junior Hicks and his covert PSYOPS mission. We’re all just waiting on pins and needles for this one. Does he have to scale any tall ladders in order to accomplish his mission? Honestly, I’m wondering if you’re some little kid somewhere feverishly typing away in their parent’s room. Wouldn’t that be the kicker!

I’M TELLING YOU GUYS… There’s one in every bunch. I’m ashamed to admit it but in every forum I’ve ever joined there’s someone out there who has to get on top of someone else’s story by either criticizing them to death or denying their story ever happened. Then there are those self-appointed experts who have to counter-point everything someone says.

Fine example – one rainy Friday night in the late 1980’s I was hiking on an abandoned roadbed when I encounter a group of Satanists performing a sacrifice ritual. I ran out of the woods with three of them chasing me. When I first told this story on a forum someone who I never met before in person said it didn’t happen.

Where’s my proof? Where did it happen? What did they look like?

Even after I have the details (It happened in Sterling, Mass. And they had Black Robes and Hoods…) and pointed out there were various newspaper articles on the subject (which are somewhere in a scrapbook in my dad’s massive pile of junk) of SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) in the region… this character still didn’t believe me.

I filed a police report with the local police – this character wanted me to go to the same police station 25 years after the fact and get a copy of the report for him. It got to the point where I was spending more time entertaining the skeptic then enjoying my time on the forum.

There are good critics and skeptics, and there are bad. A good critic and skeptic will actually help keep your facts (and spelling and grammar) in check. Bad critics and skeptics are lazy keyboard jockeys who like nothing more than poke holes in other peoples stories because they’re angry with their lives and how they wasted it while stuck in mama’s basement.

I’m here to share my experience at Four Corners and my enjoyment of the book so far and not read posts from someone else trashing or trying to debunk it WHILE I’M STILL READING THE BOOK!

What I would like to know is the skeptic’s IP. See what Whois.org has to say about him and his location. That would tell you everything you need to know.
I'd like to see even the slightest documentation supporting this particular theory. Is this a one-size-fits-all theory for the entire phenomenon on your part, or simply your take on local Uintah Basin cases? When it comes to the "mute" mystery you would be best advised to follow your own advise... :rolleyes:

The document relative to the mutilation theory is available on Ryan's website to read. It is a "what-if" scenario developed by the proposer to assess plausibility relative to particular conditions. To see it, all you need do is go to the website, under reports. As for the "mute" comment, I don't understand the reference. I made no mention of any mute mystery. Perhaps you're confusing your conversations.
The document relative to the mutilation theory is available on Ryan's website to read. It is a "what-if" scenario developed by the proposer to assess plausibility relative to particular conditions. To see it, all you need do is go to the website, under reports. As for the "mute" comment, I don't understand the reference. I made no mention of any mute mystery. Perhaps you're confusing your conversations.
'Mute' is short for mutilation.

This is the link to the report that entertains the plausibility of calf mutilations as poaching. For those who are a little too obsessed with topic here, I am not claiming the information is an explanation for these events, only offering reading material that may be of interest. The report considers plausibility of other possible explanations and does not intend to confirm or deny.