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sigh the return of the birthers...

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When ppl start posting rude gestures and make claims they really can't support the discussion has in my mind hit the end. I request a mod lock the topic. For better or worse he is in office for 3 more years. If removed Biden is president. Nothing any one says will charge that.

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Hey guys, I'm not a "birther" by any means, but I did look at a video about the long form certificate once.

If you look at it, there's a very obvious spelling error in the bottom of the document near the signature of whoever it is that does that signature at the bottom right (the official Hawaii whatever birth certificate person or some such).

It says blah blah blah, then has "TXE" instead of "THE". From what I could find that spelling mistake doesn't appear on other Hawaii birth certs from the same time period.

Make of that what you will (I'm not drawing conclusions, I just thought it was weird).
Your claim. Your obligation.

Let me ask you: If Obama was white rather than half-white, would the right-wing still be railing about this?

Unfortunately I think that answer is obvious Gene and to my point And no I think if Obama had been white this thread would not exist.
That being said since the one person had to go on a tirade about Obama's policies, just because some of us know the birther thing is ridiculous and based upon false premises does not mean we are in agreement with the administrations’ policies. I've got issues with drones, useless wars, a very bad health insurance compromise and other things. These are legit things that should be debated, issues that the birthers and their tea-bagger brethren bring up are to obfuscate what really needs discussed.
I’ll bow out of this interchange now, time to review this past weeks show.
Look at this way. It could be worse. He could be a Canadian masquerading as a Senator from Texas. (uh, oh)

i like the way you yanks sneer at canadians, aussies at kiwi's and us manx at brit's, its just sarcasm and dark humour, but its funny.

here a convo that would fit all those rivalries.

told by a manxman talking about brit's to another manxy.

manxman .. i was driving into town today m8, roads were the normal rat race with englishmen rushing/racing about everywhere, then all of a sudden right besides me, WHOLLOP a HGV coming the other way crashes head-on into a car full of englishmen that were over-taking me, blood and guts everywhere.

I thought ffs that cudda bin me.

So i promptly enrolled for a course of HGV driving lessons, start next week.
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i like the way you yanks sneer at canadians, aussies at kiwi's and us manx at brit's, its just sarcasm and dark humour, but its funny.

It was a bad joke. Here, I think this one is better.
We have a half-Canadian (I think it's his backside) down here making trouble as a Texas Senator.
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Unfortunately I think that answer is obvious Gene and to my point And no I think if Obama had been white this thread would not exist.
That being said since the one person had to go on a tirade about Obama's policies, just because some of us know the birther thing is ridiculous and based upon false premises does not mean we are in agreement with the administrations’ policies. I've got issues with drones, useless wars, a very bad health insurance compromise and other things. These are legit things that should be debated, issues that the birthers and their tea-bagger brethren bring up are to obfuscate what really needs discussed.
I’ll bow out of this interchange now, time to review this past weeks show.

Personally, when I read stuff like this, I realize just who it is that is keeping the racism alive and well.
doesnt matter what colour your president is jeff, they all order many many thousands of people killed around the world per annum, to pave the way for their corporate backers to loot and pilage.
Many Democrats hate him too Gene.

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And, in part, because they think he's too middle-of-the-road.

But this isn't a question about being good or bad or somewhere in between. It's the foolish and long-disproven questions about his birth certificate, and the ongoing falsehoods about Benghazi, the IRS, and the ACA. There are plenty of real issues to fret over, such as the NSA without having to make things up.
From World News Daily;

And even though the president has released a document as his birth certificate, the controversy over his eligibility remains, since those who are concerned about the situation have said the Hawaii birth was only part of the puzzle.
Obama still has not released passport records, kindergarten records, Punahou school records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, University of Chicago articles, Illinois State Bar Association records, Illinois State Senate records and schedules, medical records, Obama/Dunham marriage license, Obama/Dunham divorce documents, Soetoro/Dunham marriage license and adoption records.

So Truthers can you get to work on that for us please?
Inquiring minds would like to know.
Even if he was legal, Obama certainly is not fit to lead.
From World News Daily;

And even though the president has released a document as his birth certificate, the controversy over his eligibility remains, since those who are concerned about the situation have said the Hawaii birth was only part of the puzzle.
Obama still has not released passport records, kindergarten records, Punahou school records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, University of Chicago articles, Illinois State Bar Association records, Illinois State Senate records and schedules, medical records, Obama/Dunham marriage license, Obama/Dunham divorce documents, Soetoro/Dunham marriage license and adoption records.

So Truthers can you get to work on that for us please?
Inquiring minds would like to know.
Even if he was legal, Obama certainly is not fit to lead.
Oh please.

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