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Sirius Disclosure Documentary

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I was hoping to find a decent review of this but struggled to find one, but early days I'm still very unsure of Dr Greer and his motives like many are, but I was impressed with the disclosure proj for effort if nothing else, it was a bold direction in which to drive and ithas not been done before or again on the same scale as far as I know, so I at least respect him for that. His recent paths seem more focused on an area rather then starting the baby steps, something just doesn't feel quite right with this fella. Saying this I still am willing to give it a chance, but I'm not sure I want to pay to watch it.
I went to the screening last night.. Yaaaaaaaaawn!!! I think he is trying to start a Cult. No new information and to be honest, it was really poorly done. The V/O was trying WAY too hard to be like Johnny Depp. The whole thing was just annoying. If you search youtube for one hour, you will see 85% of the footage that was in the movie. You didn't miss anything.,
HAHA!!!! Nothing!! They said it's close to human and that it's mother was an Indian. NOTHING new in the Doc. Yaaaaaaawn, again. Even talking about it makes me sleepy.
Is anyone really surprised that nothing of any real substance was discussed in this "documentary"? In keeping with the recent trends in the field, I'm sure you'll eventually be able to get your hands on the results of the tests done on the tiny "alien," provided they're favorable, for 35$ plus shipping and handling.
I was hoping to find a decent review of this but struggled to find one, but early days I'm still very unsure of Dr Greer and his motives like many are, but I was impressed with the disclosure proj for effort if nothing else, it was a bold direction in which to drive and ithas not been done before or again on the same scale as far as I know, so I at least respect him for that. His recent paths seem more focused on an area rather then starting the baby steps, something just doesn't feel quite right with this fella. Saying this I still am willing to give it a chance, but I'm not sure I want to pay to watch it.

Many of us agree. There was a time when Steven Greer seemed to be making huge contributions to the field. He did. Then he started with this messiah complex, and squeezing lots of money from people, supposedly to signal/invite UFOs to order. That's what he claims. Now, c'mon - if anyone in the world could bring UFOs down to order, we'd probably know what the truth of the mystery is. Also, that person would garner lots of fame and wealth. Easily.
NO, the guy is pretty much off his rocker now. I don't even know if he believes everything he spouts but it's like he's this unstoppable machine, all about himself and aliens being benevolent space-brother types.
I think he is a modern day snake-oil seller. There might have been some good stuff done, I'll even concede that Steven probably still contributes to a few good movements but overall the guy literally gives me the creeps. Just watching a one to one interview with him leaves me really uneasy about his character and motivations. The Paracast quite rightly always questions motivation and a bit like 'follow the money' we have 'find the real motivation' and it always leads to a truth, and often a truth people don't want revealed. Be suspicious of people who are not totally open.:)
I paid and watched it, curiosity got the better of me. The whole meditation slash "the secret" style
law of attraction for ET's wishing the UFO's into your realm was cringeworthy for me personally.

I haven't been on a CE5 viewing, actually I didn't know what a CE5 viewing was! So many of his supporters believe it and many attest to the validity of the incidents? They have more than 200 videos showing the success of these "visitations". Some of which they showed lasers beaming into the sky and and all of a sudden an orb or object starts to move around?

It was like a watered down zeigeist to be honest. Outlining the basics of the plutocratic / corporatocracy which rules us today.

The little alien posed more questions than answers to some very respected scientists. Once again many "whistleblowers" coming forward....but so what?!! What is going to change?
I've been on a couple skywatch outings. Absolutely saw a couple things I couldn't easily explain. It was fun, looking to go again with the better weather.
I've been on a couple skywatch outings. Absolutely saw a couple things I couldn't easily explain. It was fun, looking to go again with the better weather.
You see that's what I'm saying, easy for me to dismiss, but I haven't experienced it so how would I know?!

To me it (the sitting in a circle meditating to UFOs) looks about as comfortable watching your kids play the violin really badly at a recital whilst attempting at holding a smile!

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You see that's what I'm saying, easy for me to dismiss, but I haven't experienced it so how would I know?!

To me it (the sitting in a circle meditating to UFOs) looks about as comfortable watching your kids play the violin really badly at a recital whilst attempting at holding a smile!

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Go out on a nice clear night, so you have the night sky to look at anyway and you're with cool people. Get away from the light pollution. Meditation is never a bad thing. You can't go wrong. It's a nice night out. If you see something you can't explain, it's icing on the cake.
Go out on a nice clear night, so you have the night sky to look at anyway and you're with cool people. Get away from the light pollution. Meditation is never a bad thing. You can't go wrong. It's a nice night out. If you see something you can't explain, it's icing on the cake.
Ill do that, the only thing is I'm the only nut who's willing to try it in my family!

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The little alien posed more questions than answers to some very respected scientists.

Just out of curiosity, did they give the names of these scientists or the lab they're affiliated with, or did they just refer to them as respected scientists? I ask because I haven't seen it yet, and every article I've read on it fails to name anyone involved and I'm curious as to who's doing the testing.