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Sirius Disclosure Documentary

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The thing with DNA, is that you can't definitely ever state that you have "alien" DNA without an actual alien DNA sample. You can't verify a sample by simply looking at it, because we have innumerable variations to the DNA sequences on every life form on this planet. When it comes to the "fetus" itself, these are very common in the area, and to the unusual look of the fetus itself, anyone who's interested enough can look for answers here: http://www.scielo.cl/pdf/chungara/v37n2/art10.pdf .
We can say that certain DNA is human. That is exactly the case here. The debate can now rage about the specific deformity but the question of alien origin is answered. It's human.
We can say that certain DNA is human. That is exactly the case here. The debate can now rage about the specific deformity but the question of alien origin is answered. It's human.

Exactly. When it comes to the "documentary", it's as bad a joke as the guy that made it.
September 15, 2013

I find Greer's escapades to be giving serious UFO researchers nothing but problems. Greer appears to be a CULT LEADER and con operator and Greer's movie is NOT worth renting or purchasing. Don't give him the luxary of making any more money from his grade F movie. Go to a library and borrow it, watch it for the laughs you will get, and then return it to your library. Your total cost is $0.00 and that is what Greer and his movie are worth is NOTHING.

Steve Zalewski
Syracuse, NY
I can only speak from a position of ignorance on this matter, because I have not seen the "documentary" or read about the "baby".

If I suspend my disbelief momentarily and accept that greer is in conference with "aliens", would the said "aliens" not take issue with him parading and experimenting on one of their "babies"?
I find it unlikely that they would "hand" over a dead child* as evidence of their existence, and that is what we are dealing with, a dead "being". I find it all distasteful to say the least, and I hope that it is not really an unborn human child, as I suspect it is.

*I am unsure of how greer acquired the "corpse" but suspect he has the funds and inclination, to use a "real" human body for his own gain. (the more I think about this the more angry I get)
The "alien" in reality is human in origin. Science Magazine published a story stating that DNA was extracted and analyzed and the "skeleton" was determined to be human. See the story Bizarre 6" skelton is Human in origin. The story was posted on Science's website, the story was published on 5-3-13.

Steve Zalewski,
Syracuse, NY
This particular "alien" is very much human. Archaeologists have found numerous mummified fetuses around Atacama desert, specifically Camarones valley, remnants of an ancient culture called Chinchorro. Also, the area around Camarones valley, where Chinchorro people lived and died, has about 100 times the allowed amount of arsenic in the water, resulting in extremely high numbers of stillbirths and miscarriages. Chinchorro are among the oldest known civilizations to have developed artificial mummification techniques, likely due to the high mortality rates suffered because of the toxic environment they lived in. To find a mummified fetus in this area is definitely not that uncommon, and various physical deformations in these fetuses due to the mummification techniques and environmental factors are fairly common also. A couple of interesting articles for those that care http://www.scielo.cl/pdf/chungara/v37n2/art10.pdf, Making the Dead Beautiful: Mummies as Art - Archaeology Magazine Archive.

Since Greer's talking to these aliens of his on a regular basis, maybe he should've checked with them before claiming to have one of their babies. Just to prevent any unnecessary embarrassment.
quote Steve Z

I find Greer's escapades to be giving serious UFO researchers nothing but problems. Greer appears to be a CULT LEADER and con operator and Greer's movie is NOT worth renting or purchasing. Don't give him the luxary of making any more money from his grade F movie. Go to a library and borrow it, watch it for the laughs you will get, and then return it to your library. Your total cost is $0.00 and that is what Greer and his movie are worth is NOTHING.

Do the next reader a solid, before returning to library, add a little card to the package with a warning. That is what I did with one of Imbrogno's book's when I was half way through it and did a little search on his name. I thought future readers of this subject should have the right to know that the author's "true accounts" are most likely fantasy.
In our May/June issue of 1995, Volume 10 Issue 3 the theme was "UFO Cults". In this issue we took a look at various UFO groups that seemed to display cult like behavior. Here is a short list of "some groups" we named.

Billy Meier, Claude Vorilhon & Raelian movement, Ruth Norman & Unarius, Allen Michael &img-001031.jpg Utopian Synthesis, Sean David Morton & Delphi Associates, George Green & Phoenix Liberator, and of course Steve Greer & CSETI. None of these groups were explored in great depth but it was interesting that roughly a week to two weeks after the issue hit the streets we received a 15 page letter from Joe Burkes, CSETI's west coast "Director" or whatever he was calling himself. At the time Burkes was connected to Greer but later he left and no real reason was ever given. This ended up with Joe Burkes making an appearance on my show UFOs Tonite!, and at the end of the broadcast Burkes stormed out of the studio. FWIW, in my opinion and everyone else that was around then ... as well as now ... is that Greer ALWAYS saw himself as the CSETI "Guru". Oh, and he is extremely thin skinned.
