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Sirius Disclosure Documentary

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My wife watched it with me. She has never seen anything like it.

She is not interested in anything conspiratorial/paranormal. To say she was shocked was an understatement!

She raises her eyebrows and twirls her finger around her temple when she comes into my study to hear me listening to a podcast from the paracast, mysterious universe or red ice radio.

Those of us who enjoy this type of thing, it was nothing new nor was it the sledge hammer of truth to break open the impenetrable vault of ufology!

In saying that my wife said something that struck a chord with me, after having watched the entire documentary: "isn't that dr Greer a brave person?" I mean who would risk their life, reputation et al for something most people would mock and criticise?

For the average person living the life of a "sheeple" this doco would be quite confrontational and I can see where she is coming from.

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Hello everyone!
I was listening to the last show and you guys touched upon the DNA results of the humanoid that was featured in the Sirius documentary. You both seemed to dismiss the body as nothing more than a case of human deformity. I understand that the DNA results came back as "human" but should we simply dismiss the figure as purely human and nothing more? I mean, this is not a fetus. This is not a deformity that to my knowledge has ever been recorded in known human history. This is a humanoid that was apparently walking and eating and only 6 inches tall...it LOOKS like a gray. I understand you both have a dislike of Greer for a bunch of valid reasons and to be honest, I am not too keen on the guy either but it seems to me that your dislike of the man himself factored into the quick dismissal. This deserves a very close look and no, I am not entirely sure how to proceed with it either but I do feel it is a monumentally significant find. Keep up the good work guys.
Chris, did you ever discover a catch-phrase that you didn't love? ...LOL "extra-mundane?" ReallY??>!>!
The DNA is a significant factor. To say it's an alien, and not a deformity or something otherwise mundane is a stretch. Where's the evidence? If it's alien, wouldn't the DNA be at least slightly different? Or do we assume the DNA of a gray is the same as ours?
Human mother, Y chromosome, so its definitely a human male subject, with an unusual number or deformities. That is what the test result show according to the "Documentary", have these tests been pier reviewed? After 20 years drinking the Greer Kool aid nothing the guy has ever claimed has materialized into reality. Again his own documentary says this subject is just a human male with lots of deformities.
I really don't know what to think Gene. I know there have been reports of tiny aliens seen coming out of tiny ships in the past and this little fellow would certainly fit the bill in those cases. But to me the idea of a six inch tall living human being is almost equally as fantastic as it being an alien from another world or at the very least it would shed new light on legends like fairies, gnomes, gremlins, etc. Is it possible that there is something there that we simply do not have the technology to detect? or even fully understand?
Well, until we have actual alien DNA we will never know. Who is to say that aliens don't share the same DNA? We simply will not know...and "an unusual number of deformities" is putting it rather lightly..lol
The problem is, IS it even provable? If this were a fetus I would have an easier time accepting human deformity, but 6 to 8 years old ? If I can be shown a similar deformity that's even REMOTELY close to this I would love to see it.
The problem is, IS it even provable? If this were a fetus I would have an easier time accepting human deformity, but 6 to 8 years old ? If I can be shown a similar deformity that's even REMOTELY close to this I would love to see it.

Well, to be fair, this isn't the first time this thing was analyzed and one of the scientists who was involved with a previous analysis said specifically that it was a human fetus. The only thing this new analysis is able to state definitively is that this thing is human as far as the mother's DNA is concerned. Only more time and analysis will be able to answer the other questions with any certainty.

Also, if you look on page 2 of this thread you will find a picture of a living human being who is only around 2 ft tall, so the small size of the corpse isn't totally out of the realm of possibility.
Whilst not supporting Greers claims on this one, Human DNA is not in and of itself a barrier to this being not alien

For example the second report from the alleged reports that have been around for a while states

The cranium was dissected and it was found that the skull was formed of exceptionally thin and pliant cartilaginous material, appearing to be bone precursor that had been affected in some manner, making it more than usually thin and delicate. The brain itself was extensively and surprisingly formed. There was an unknown cortex superimposed on the forebrain and extending as far back as the fissure of Ralando. Because of this extraordinary formation it was decided not to pursue dissection of the brain at this time. The organ was extracted and placed in fluid preservation pending further study.

Overall, this corpus presented the appearance of a human embryo of three to four months duration that had been the subject of considerable alteration and modification, some of it obviously surgical. Other modifications, such as that of the brain, were harder to understand. In addition to the alterations, there was the matter of the size of the body and the relatively mature condition of the epidermis and nails. It would appear that this fetus was separated from its mother and brought to a semi-functional state by artificial means.

3. Conclusion

This is a human fetus that has been subjected to forced maturation without normal gestation. Its degree of functionality while living if it ever was alive is unknown

Roswell: Autopsy Reports

Its not completely impossible that a Von Neumann probe scenario might use local biological materiel to carry out its mission

A von Neumann machine able to move over interstellar or interplanetary distances and to utilize local materials to build new copies of itself.
Self-replicating spacecraft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It would also fit a post native biological entity scenario, where the native bioform is optimised for an offplanet environment, and used as the next substrate once the native platform has worn out.
Well, perhaps he said it was a human fetus because he simply had no other logical explanation for a 6 inch tall humanoid. If it truly was 6+ years old, How big was it when it WAS a fetus? 3 inches? And if that was the case, how could parents in a fairly primitive culture feed him and keep him alive when a fully equipped modern hospital would have an extremely difficult-if not impossible- time doing the same?
It has to be pointed out my autopsy quote is not related to greers "alien" in any way, predates this one by many years and is allegedly the result of autopsys done on entitys recovered from a crashed craft possibly roswell.
One allegedly was described as a human fetus that has been subjected to forced maturation , the other described as

Not a cadaver of a kind previously observed by or known to this pathologist. It appears to be a form of creature utilizing elements of both the animal and vegetable.

A scenario if true, again not incompatable with a VNP, or post biological scenario. That being local DNA was used to create biological vehicles.
Hello everyone!
I was listening to the last show and you guys touched upon the DNA results of the humanoid that was featured in the Sirius documentary. You both seemed to dismiss the body as nothing more than a case of human deformity. I understand that the DNA results came back as "human" but should we simply dismiss the figure as purely human and nothing more? I mean, this is not a fetus. This is not a deformity that to my knowledge has ever been recorded in known human history. This is a humanoid that was apparently walking and eating and only 6 inches tall...it LOOKS like a gray./quote]

On what evidence do you base this on? How do you know it once walked and ate?
Well, until we have actual alien DNA we will never know. Who is to say that aliens don't share the same DNA?

Personally, I find it impossible that we share DNA with a creature that developed completely independently on a far away world. i would find it more likely that an alien life form not have DNA as a building block but rather an entirely different set of life governing principles all together.

DNA exists to promote genetic diversity. This is important to every living creature on the earth because of the constant state of evolution we find our selves in. Perhaps this evolutionary cycle is managed differently elsewhere. Or, perhaps there is no genetic diversity in their species. We obviously have no clue.

The one thing I think we can assume is that it will not directly mirror our situation. The likelihood of a being from X light years away having 23 chromosomes is remote. Now if you consider that in humans sex is determined by the Y chromosome and that the default sex in humans is always female. The matching of X/Y or X/Y chromosomal pairs provides the mechanism for determining sex. Sex is the mechanism for injecting genetic diversity throughout the species. How likely is it that these same mechanisms would be present in an independently developed organism from beyond our planet? Highly unlikely is an understatement. Hell, there are variations in these mechanisms on our own planet.

The mere fact that DNA could be extracted at all should let us know that there is nothing alien about this thing. Weird? Yes. But, weird does not equal alien.
The DNA is a significant factor. To say it's an alien, and not a deformity or something otherwise mundane is a stretch. Where's the evidence? If it's alien, wouldn't the DNA be at least slightly different? Or do we assume the DNA of a gray is the same as ours?

The thing with DNA, is that you can't definitely ever state that you have "alien" DNA without an actual alien DNA sample. You can't verify a sample by simply looking at it, because we have innumerable variations to the DNA sequences on every life form on this planet. When it comes to the "fetus" itself, these are very common in the area, and to the unusual look of the fetus itself, anyone who's interested enough can look for answers here: http://www.scielo.cl/pdf/chungara/v37n2/art10.pdf .