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Sirius Disclosure Documentary

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Many of us agree. There was a time when Steven Greer seemed to be making huge contributions to the field. He did. Then he started with this messiah complex, and squeezing lots of money from people, supposedly to signal/invite UFOs to order. That's what he claims. Now, c'mon - if anyone in the world could bring UFOs down to order, we'd probably know what the truth of the mystery is. Also, that person would garner lots of fame and wealth. Easily.
NO, the guy is pretty much off his rocker now. I don't even know if he believes everything he spouts but it's like he's this unstoppable machine, all about himself and aliens being benevolent space-brother types.
I think he is a modern day snake-oil seller. There might have been some good stuff done, I'll even concede that Steven probably still contributes to a few good movements but overall the guy literally gives me the creeps. Just watching a one to one interview with him leaves me really uneasy about his character and motivations. The Paracast quite rightly always questions motivation and a bit like 'follow the money' we have 'find the real motivation' and it always leads to a truth, and often a truth people don't want revealed. Be suspicious of people who are not totally open.:)

I roughly gathered that there was split with regards to Greer, but i wasn't quite sure the real reasons, so i wasn't really aware of his claims as Ive only seen the odd one or two clips on Youtube, Ive not delved any deeper on him, so you will have to excuse my ignorance. As you say it does seem to point to where his real motivation is. I wonder if he was ever interested in this area, has he just been caught up with in it and lost all perspective or just its just a calculated move to reel in new followers?

Have the witnesses from The Disclosure Project credibility been affected from the association with Greer or is their testimony still regarded as valid?
I have seen the full movie yesterday.
Fist off, the way they distribute the movie fits in Greers money making agenda.
You can rent the thing for 9$ -Then you can watch it a couple of times within 3 days or so and that's it!
(there's really no point of watching this multiple times)
You can also buy a DVD for 16$

I don't know exactly what he's doing with the dough, but I heard it's for his ?LAB?

The movie basicly shows:
  • An introduction to what Greer has done in the past, bringing all these testimonies together and let them speak about their experiences. (This is old news, videos of that are in full length on youtube)
  • The CE-5 initiative, Greers project where he's taking people outside in the night to get in contact with ET. The movie does not show any real contact/ hard evidence. (Like all the other material you'd find on youtube)
  • The conspiracy behind alternative propulsion systems, how the bank/ oil industrials have supressed and systematically destroyed new inventions uintil this very day.
  • In between the movie shows the analysis of the Atacama humanoid, with the all known Result: "We don't know what it is, we just know what it's not: a human" (That's all there is to it so far)
Personally I don't understand why the guy distributes the film that way. First off it's croudfunded, than it come's out and everyone has to pay for it. Why then croudfunding? That's everybody paying double!!
(Some musicans out there put ther albums out and say: "You can decide what you want to pay for my work"
So you pay, whatever you think is right.)
He should've done it the same way, saying: "If you're convinced what I talk about is legit and you want to help me founding my lab, I'd be glad to have your support"
And the CE-5 thing is just rediculous! Those ppl who go there and believe this stuff must be on drugs.
He's a piece of work and that's it really. I think he only harms ufology now and despite that, he still has plenty loyal supporters - I can only imagine these are the type of people who fall into cults. He absolutely has a messiah complex.
This morning I was sent a link on You Tube of the Greer Sirius doc. and watched it immediately. Glad I did because shortly after I finished it it was pulled down claiming copyright violation. HOWEVER ...

I am presently setting up a very special DMR in which I will be hosting 2 or 3 special guests to discuss this. I think I can promise a real "do not miss" episode.

Because its still funny

Oh, and they used material from the video "UFO over the dome of the rock in jersualem"
Isn't that a known hoax??
Yes it was, along with all the boring standard stock footage of historical events. In fact there was very little "shot footage" for this so-called documentary. It felt more like an attempt to brainwash the viewer into believing his words, kind of like "A Clockwork Orange". It was a jumbled mish-mash of all his other DVD footage. Complete crap.
Also I don't recall the DNA expert saying it was not human, he said it's mother was an Indian woman and further testing would be needed (more money) to determine the rest. He did not confirm anything more than that, but he kept injecting Greer's agenda in almost every statement. I bet he not only got paid for the examination but also for his appearance and probably a percentage of the sales.
Oh I forgot to mention, The DNA expert had a drink coaster on his desk, it was round with an alien Grey's face on it. Hmmmm objective opinion, I think not.
So how long until this goes from being called a straight up alien, to being called a "hybrid" ala Lloyd Pye? From what I've been able to find online, RobDel is correct, they have identified part of the DNA to be that of a human woman. The guy conducting the tests was Dr. Gary P. Nolan of Standford University Medical School, here's an excerpt of his report that I was able to find:

Morphologic features include that the specimen has only 10 ribs, mild mid face hypoplasia, and shows abnormalities of the skull. The observed abnormalities do not fall into any standard or rare classification of known human pediatric disorders. As represented by a specialist in pediatric human bone and growth disorders (see attached report), the 6 inch specimen is a human that was likely 6-8 years of age at the time of death (age based on epiphyseal plate X-Ray density standards). X-Ray imaging and CT scan results confirmed the specimen is biological and is not a non-human primate. The specimen was concluded by the medical specialist to be a human child with an apparently severe form of dwarfism and other anomalies... Reconstruction of the mitochondrial DNA sequence and analysis shows an allele frequency consistent with a B2 haplotype group found on the west coast of South America, supporting the claimed origination of the specimen from the Atacama Desert region of Chile. Sequence analysis definitively rules out the specimen as an example of a New World primate.

A 6 inch human that was 6-8 years at the time of death?!? Whaaaaaaaaat? Honestly, that sounds more far out than it being an ET. Anyway is it just me or does Greer look especially creep-tacular in the still image of the video posted by vesvihighfolk?

Why does every cult leader I've ever seen look like a complete creep?
Whitley Strieber has weighed in on the Sirius Documentary, he raises a good point, mainly that Greer probably knew that the 6" corpse wasn't alien at all, especially since it has been examined by scientists previously, and held back that information so as not to dampen sales of his boring, disappointing documentary. Whitley does come across as a bit of a hypocrite when he takes Greer to task for charging for his movie, but overall I think he makes some decent points.

The Disappointing Case of the Sirius Documentary

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

On Monday, April 22, Dr. Steven Greer released his documentary, Sirius. Reading and watching the pre-release publicity, I got the impression that the small figure that was its primary subject might not be human or a known animal. Just before release, it was announced that evidence indicated that the individual had been 6-8 years old at death, and therefore that the many suggestions that it was a fetus were incorrect.

As pointed out by Lee Spiegel in the Huffington Post, the lead scientist featured in the documentary, Dr. Gary Nolan of the Stanford School of Medicine, states briefly in the documentary that the body was 'human.' It is also stated in the documentary that another year of DNA research will be needed to make a final determination about the DNA. However, Alejandro Rojas of Open Minds reports that he inquired of Dr. Nolan, asking him by email for further clarification. Mr. Rojas states that he replied, “The sequence that we got from the mitochondria [energy factories of cells] tells us with extremely high confidence that the mother was an indigenous Indian from the Chilean area.”

Of course, it's always possible that a deeper study will reveal some greater mystery, such as a father of unknown origin, but more probably what we are looking at is exactly what it appears to be: a child with an unusual and spectacular deformity.

In the documentary, Dr. Greer is vague about the origins of the small body, saying only that it came from Chile. In fact, it was found in 2006 by a souvenir hunter in the ghost town of La Noria. He sold it to a barkeep for about $65, and it was displayed in the bar for many years to paying customers. It was eventually bought by a UFO investigator and appears to have come into Dr. Greer's possession in 2009, at a conference in Barcelona. In the documentary, he states that he was 'not allowed' to do DNA testing on it until 2012, but does not explain why that would be.

The balance of the documentary makes an extensive case that is the backbone of Greer's Disclosure Project, which is that a power-mad elite bent on retaining its wealth is keeping the truth about aliens--that they are benevolent and stand willing to share extraordinary technology with us--from ordinary people. This is, in effect, the opposite of the Budd Hopkins hypothesis, which was that a terrified and incapable government is keeping the truth about aliens--which is that they are dangerous and exploitative--from a helpless public.

The Atacama child remains something of a mystery. In a study completed a few years ago, Dr. Francisco Etxeberria Gabilondo, a professor of Legal and Forensic Medicine in the Basque Country University, concluded that the body was “a completely normal mummified fetus.” However, Dr. Ralph Lachman, Co-Founder and Co-Director of the International Skeletal Dysplasia Registry at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles has concluded that the body is that of a child, not a fetus.

The remains reveal what appears to be a unique abnormality, but they are the remains of a human being, not a creature from another planet.

It is impossible for me to believe that Dr. Greer has not known this for some time. One wonders if, had he revealed Dr. Nolan's clear and unequivocal report that this was a human child on the day he received it, the documentary would have been such a sensation, or even if there would have been enough financial backing to enable him to make it.

I have to say that I'm disappointed. The Atacama child is a scientific mystery, but a human one. I had hoped it would be otherwise, I must admit, although I had serious doubts that any alien corpse would be left lying around anywhere on Earth. In fact, I am most unsure about the whole nature and origin of UFOs and the close encounter experience. We have yet to come to a clear answer about any of it, frankly.

Still, it is worth remembering that the mystery is very real. I hope that Dr. Nolan's statement that "the people I’ve come to meet through this process have convinced me thoroughly the observed phenomena around the planet should not be ignored. That has been an awakening for me,” will be heeded by other scientists.

There are quite a few things that the scientific community could do to sharpen the focus of the mystery, and probably even solve at least some parts of it. There is plenty of physical evidence out there that can be gathered, and is accessible to study at a high level of scientific finish. It is simply not true that the phenomenon is too ephemeral to admit of study.

In my book Solving the Communion Enigma, I outlined exactly what can be done and how to do it. The book was not reviewed in any mainstream media, or in the popular scientific press. No interest was expressed from any quarter in the quite straightforward and relatively inexpensive studies that can and should be done.

The Atacama child is a human mystery, and one that has, I suspect, nothing to do with the UFO and close encounter phenomena. It is to be hoped, though, that something can be gained from the documentary's notoriety. Maybe some scientists will heed Dr. Nolan's comment, and begin to take a closer look at the extraordinary evidence that is available.

If so, I stand ready to offer them whatever guidance and support I can. And, unlike the Sirius documentary, I don't cost ten dollars. My help comes free.
A 6 inch human that was 6-8 years at the time of death?!? Whaaaaaaaaat? Honestly, that sounds more far out than it being an ET. Anyway is it just me or does Greer look especially creep-tacular in the still image of the video posted by vesvihighfolk?

Well, she's 2 feet at 18 yrs old. I'd love to see her baby pictures. But yea, 6 inches is hard to believe.
The guy is depressing its so sad a thought he was contributing to the ufo subject when he first came on to the scene but now he's obviously in it for the money a mean he charges money for just about anything. (Do u think he would charge me for his autograph) lol
I downloaded the movie for free via openminds steaming of the movie using a flash video downloader (which is perfectly legal btw). It was the usual Greer fair with self aggrandizement and lot's of woowoo sprinkled throughout. Not that I would have to convince this crowd of Greer's nonsense, but I like to share this video, which isn't well known with folks whenever I can when he comes up. This is before he had formal "protocols which are no more scientific or compelling then how he described it early on "flashing some flashlights to them" as it were.

Basically, it shows an early greer before he became more well known, and how he literally transferred over all his finances to his significant other so he could go be with the space brothers. To make it even more amusing, if not frightening, this man made sure he was *the first* to be on board when the mother ship lands as it were. They were planning this shit out like it was some sort of creepy student exchange program. Of course steven has to be first......

Ya, my understanding is this little guy has a lot of strange mutations that make it worthy of further study and investigation, and I would agree with that. However, the likelihood that any of this little guy's genesis comes from aliens just shot way down, it's possible I suppose? Unlikely. Frankly this movie is weak-sauce, and it pales in comparison to some of the genuinely admirable work he did do in his heyday, despite his frequent missteps even with those "successes".
It's not as bad as Greer haters claim or as good as Greer lovers say. It does lack a logical progression and is very much all over the place, starting badly with a lot of political conspiracy theory and not getting into ET until several minutes in. It gets back on track a little later, but the message could have have been a bit more cohesive.