Frank Stalter
Paranormal Maven
Randi rarely touches the topic of UFOs because that's not something that he's interested in disproving. Belief that UFOs are something paranormal does not hurt anyone. I'm sure that most people here are all for Randi's quest to out fraudsters (like Sylvia Browne) and to ultimately find someone that can prove the existence of the paranormal (with the million dollar challenge). To those that have mentioned above that he has deliberately lied, I would like to know when, since from what i understand, he's not one that fudges data to prove his point. I know Shermer was a fundamentalist Christian and then he saw the light (so to speak). He does come off as a bit of an asshole, and I don't agree with some thing he says (such as his politics - he's ultra libertarian), but I share his point of view when it comes to the paranormal.
Most skeptics don't really care about UFOs like they do about garbage like psychic powers and all that. That's something that can be proven to be false by testing the claimant. UFOs can't be tested and most skeptics (including Shermer and Randi, and Dunning) like to leave them as unknown, or use the most plausible explanation until something better can be used instead. As an example, if the lighthouse explanation for the Bentwaters case is proven to be wrong by new evidence, say a clear photographe of the craft, then they will gladly scrap the original explainable and use the new evidence. That's what science does.
Here's the latest from a recent article . . .
Michael Shermer, publisher of Skeptic magazine, says there's no tangible evidence of visits from other planets. "The evidence is so fleeting, so thin, so fraught with human error," he says. "People have fantastic imaginations."
It's like Pat Moynihan said, "You're entitled to your own opinion, but you're not entitled to your own facts." The facts are pretty clear, humans have been documenting visits from extraterrestrials for thousands of years, all around the world, right up to today.
The other was this "debunk" about backwards messaging in rock albums towards the end here . . .
You can debate until the cows come home about this particular one, which is hardly the most famous as he wrongly claims, but this has been been going on in rock albums for decades, artists have said they've done it. It's usually for a laugh but to hear Shermer in this, you'd think this phenomenon is due entirely on "fantastic imagination." Well, yeah . . . by the artists who did it.
I haven't really listened to him that much, but the bit I've seen is, if not deliberately dishonest, fraught with sloppiness.