SandanFire: good points, but let’s get our terms straight. Skepticism in the western definition relates to someone who must be shown empirical proof in the form of physical data such as changes in mass, charge, velocity, etc, that would support their hypothesis. The idea of “Belief” has nothing to do with science. The major issue that science takes with the UFO phenomena is the idea that we have never collected any hard data such as metal, biological tissue that is reproducible in a labatory setting, and can be shown to be of alien origin. With that said, the flaw lays in sciences corner. With the 400 year old western rationalist world view, we would never be able to verify modern chemistry as it exist today because it involves pi bonds which are entangled and therefore share there energies, which makes there bond strength less, and is the basics of most modern materials. Of course we cannot “see” the entangled pi bonds, and this transcends western skeptical knowledge. We would deny dreams because we could never prove them in a double blind test and heaven help art in general. No definition would exist, and therefore art would not exit, not to mention human conscienconess.