Pixel and Angel,...you are proving my post right. You guys are just yelling at each other,
just like everyone else on this subject!
There's people for it ....and people against it.
There's evidence for it,....and there's evidence against it.
And both sides seem to be "fundamentalist" in thier beleifs.
Which brings me back to my original statement,
there is most certainly something fishy here.
Leaders on both sides are doing thier damndest to polarize this subject to hide something, to misdirect peoples attention.
In this kind of hostile climate, there is no way the average Joe or Josephine can get real, unaltered, unfiltered,
unbiased information to make up their own minds.
And I think this is by design. Why the hell else would leaders and experts get people so riled up, so pissed off, so "I'm right and you're just STUPID" kind of attitude about something that should be carefully studied, discussed, and tested in a rational, unemotional manner?
Instead they are
pushing the emotional aspects to this, NOT the data. On EITHER side.
So the real question comes down to, "
What are they hiding?"
Angel and Pixel, you guys can yell at each other, call each other stupid or whatever...but it's not going to answer a single question. Worst of all,
it's just going to perpetuate the unecessary angst and confusion over whatever reality there is on global warming.
So you guys want to continue to act like Trolls? Or do you want to find out what's really going on?
---------- Post added at 05:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:15 PM ----------
Guys I wish you would stop this. There are already too many threads detailing the same thing on this topic. We've heard it over and over and over again.
Again, this thread is not intended to be an argument for or against AGW!! It is merely highlighting the fact that people who are in no way experts in the field of climate are weighing in on this like their opinion is supposed to be considered equally. And that is just plain ridiculous.
So let me try and steer this another way although I may be ignored again. Who or what organization should be looked at as the experts in this topic?? Apparently Pixel doesn't consider the IPCC to be credible. He also doesn't seem to give an approval stamp to any scientific organization that has endorsed the IPCC's conclusions. And let me add that nearly every major scientific organization has endorsed the AGW. To what degree doesn't matter at the moment. And we must also understand that they could be wrong, ..... we are humans after all. So perhaps somehow the cart is being placed in front of the horse.
So, I want to know, from anybody, especially Pixel: who are we to look at when considering this matter?? Who are the people that are going to give us the least biased evidence and conclusions?? Who?? Who are the experts that you can trust??
For Christ sake we can't even agree on the data much less conclusions. Perhaps it is too much of a complex thing to even know for sure. Hubris does run rampant at times throughout the scientific community.
Excellent post!