Really interesting show this week an enjoyable two hours of radio. Firstly, I do appreciate Stanton, many years of endevour, of trying to figure out the UFO Phenomenon. Also I hope my opinions, will not be viewed as been too derogatory in tone, I'm just expressing feelings on what Stanton said, during the show.
Stanton seems like a nice man, his style of laughing scary, but who among us is perfect. His beliefs are well articulated, some of those beliefs he has, though are not deserving of lot of attention and respect. Stan belief or opinion, is that aliens may have appeared, showed up right after our Atomic testing, as a preventing measure keeping an eye on us for their own protection and safety. Interesting theory.
How realistic is it "Aliens" been so far away, light years away, could have spotted what we were doing on this planet. And then taken an interest to what we were doing to motive themselves to travel across space to come here and keep us in check. Why even notify the primitives of your existence? Would that make it not more desirable fo us to explore, to get out there quicker, knowing other live forms exist in the vastness of space? Would it not be better for the "others" to remain silent totally to us and stay away?
What threat are we to an intersteller species coming here from the vastness of space. We as a species, can't even get pass our own moon, we have not got the technology to go to other planets, that exist outside of the solar system. And us getting out of here, is not likely to happen in our near future. I think we have to be realistic in outlook here. If aliens are now here and are arriving in giant-motherships miles long in length. We have hardly no chance of fighting of an attack if it happened in theory, their survival is not really an issue. In theory we probably end up wiping out ourself in defending the planet.
In aroundabout way Stan "Opinion" is not all different to mine. We differ slightly. I think the interest for visitors, may be less about security preventing us from travelling to other planets, their far more interested I think in the protection of this planet and nature for their own well-being agendas and goals.
Personally, I believe the body of evidence points to whatever this is, has been with us for a very long time. We certainly were not flying aerial vehicles around the planet, 150 years ago, never mind a couple of thousand of years ago in the past. I think the interest UFO's have in our Atomic weapons and Nuclear power plants, as I said before, could be more a caring to the well-being of the planet, then us, actions tell alot.
I don't think Aliens, would have cared if we blown ourself up. How many of us have died in wars famine illness sickness and so on no aliens have ever stepped in to stop that, but when he used a couple of nukes on Japan. There does to seem to have been a reaction from whatever this is. If aliens if there hiding out among us may not have liked this, ye kill yourself away, as long as you do it in a way, that does not harm us, pissed of they'd got a little worried we'd wreck the biosphere for them, a biosphere that we had no right to wreck. Is that the reason UFO's have been reported messing with our weapons of mass-destruction, remainding us we are not alone, and we have no right to wreck for them too?
I can't discount the ETH hypothesis. I think some of what is happening could be dimensional in nature. I think we have to be open to the possibility, if there was interaction in the past between humans and others. Ancient cultures from around the world, may have had reasons to point to certain star areas of our sky?
Orion, Sirius and Pleiades, star cluster were extremely important locations for ancient man. These areas in the sky were important enough for ancient cultures to put the effort into building, monuments, temples, structures, with a purpose of marking those locations in the sky above.
Is this real prove aliens interacted with humans on the ground, no it does not at all, but those areas in the sky captured their imaginations, enough to do what they done. We also have to remember there is velocity of light constraint. They can't get there from there the distances are too far. The theory of general relativity as opposed to the special theory of relatively, makes lot more sense in explaining how an advanced other could have got here from there. An advanced species, many thousands of years old millions of years even, might have knowledge of science we don't understand, and their technology is so advanced, their bypassing the speed of light constraint that does exist.
Any advanced species milions of years old who lives on a planet in this space and time. May be using additional dimensionalties to get here. Skipping to an area a dimension closer to this planet and then entering that way to here. Is possible but still only a theory as this stage. When your advanced enough in technology, anything could be possible. Anything we have thought of in science-fiction movies and drama, could exist in reality on another planet. We do time-travelling with our minds, having visions of what is possible, but lot of it does not exist it fantasy what we love to see happen, but it is likely, we could fulfil those fantasies given enough time and space and effort.
Anyway, I like to comment more on what Stan said, but this post would take too long to write out. Finally since this is a debate taking place on the forum. Global warming.
Stan should no better then saying C02, is not that important. Stan should be aware extra C02 can thicken our atmosphere. Carbon-dioxide is not a pollutant at sustained regular levels, but at higher levels C02, can be detrimental for the climate. The extra carbon-dioxide will increase the temperatures on the planet, and our weather patterns could change for the worse, and it very possible we are beginning to feel the effects already of global-warming this year. Take a look at what is happening in Australia at the moment. There seeing floods on the biblical scale. All the best for people who live over there!
The planet will live on go on, no matter what happens to us. It not that well understood this area, But global warming can also cause a global cooling of the planet as well as a warming up of our climate. There is lot of science supporting global warming. But this is just an example of what is happening and can be put down to temperature rise of the oceans.
When large areas of ice sheets melt due to the extra heat in the atmosphere and the increased heat of the water. The extra water flowing into the seas and oceans, right away, causes the normal sea levels to get higher. The extra water adds more moisture to the air. More clouds form leading to extra rain that extra rainfall can overflow rivers and lakes. All this in combination and more has lead to widespread flooding we have seen across the world.
Get a jug with a marked level. Fill it with a water to that level (that is our sea level) what happens if you pour more water in. It overflows, just imagine outside of the jug land exists! this is really basic, but you can understand, why it very important for us, to stop the ice caps from melting and prevent what is happening, even if not all our fault we still are part of the problem. I think the sun is playing a role in the weird weathers we are having lately too. I think from what I have seen in last few years. The weather has changed not sure how bad it will get longterm?