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Stay classy, San Diego.


San Diego died on November 12, 1463 due to an abscess. It was said that it amazed everyone that instead of a foul odor, fragrance emitted from his infection. His body was also rumored to have remained incorrupt, did not undergo rigor mortis and continued to emit a pleasant odor.
You had me until the end my friend... i suggest several more years of research in that area. The flooding in Australia right now is cyclical and anyone who lives there should have had it on their calendars because of the repetitive flooding over the last several hundred years. Come on over to the current "global warming" thread and review some links I posted. CapnG does not allow this sort of discussion here.

No offence Pixel and none should be taken ok.

I don't think, it is wise for me to debate Global warming, with you.

I do know already know this debate, will end up going nowhere in the end. Thanks for asking though. I don't confess to have all the answers, but in my estimation.Global warming was not made up by a few people sitting behind a desk. I believe it is real, happening now, and it has many causes both human and other!

This might interest you, it is reason given for why the flooding in Australia is so bad.

La Niña is a weather pattern that affects the Pacific Ocean region, and occurs when surface sea temperatures are cooler than normal in the eastern Pacific, and warmer than normal in the western Pacific.
Normally, cold water comes up from the deep sea and pools near the coast of South America. Easterly trade winds drag the cold water from South America across the Pacific towards Australia. The cold water is gradually warmed by the sun as it reaches Australia.
Rain clouds build along the coast of Australia due to the warm moist air, while it tends to stay dry along the Pacific coast of South America.

During La Niña, the cold water that pools near the coast of South America surges across the Pacific and there is a greater build up of warmer water along the eastern coast of Australia. As a result, there is a greater contrast in sea surface temperatures between the east and west Pacific, and a greater contrast in air pressure. The easterly trade winds become stronger due to this contrast, dragging warm, moist air along the Australian coastline, creating larger rain clouds and producing more rainfall.

An El Niño weather event is when warm water pushes towards the central Pacific, the cold water retreats and rain falls in the central Pacific area. Strong El Niño years can cause droughts along the eastern coast of Australia.
No offence Pixel and none should be taken ok.

I don't think, it is wise for me to debate Global warming, with you.

I do know already know this debate, will end up going nowhere in the end. Thanks for asking though. I don't confess to have all the answers, but in my estimation.Global warming was not made up by a few people sitting behind a desk. I believe it is real, happening now, and it has many causes both human and other!

This might interest you, it is reason given for why the flooding in Australia is so bad.

La Niña is a weather pattern that affects the Pacific Ocean region, and occurs when surface sea temperatures are cooler than normal in the eastern Pacific, and warmer than normal in the western Pacific.
Normally, cold water comes up from the deep sea and pools near the coast of South America. Easterly trade winds drag the cold water from South America across the Pacific towards Australia. The cold water is gradually warmed by the sun as it reaches Australia.
Rain clouds build along the coast of Australia due to the warm moist air, while it tends to stay dry along the Pacific coast of South America.

During La Niña, the cold water that pools near the coast of South America surges across the Pacific and there is a greater build up of warmer water along the eastern coast of Australia. As a result, there is a greater contrast in sea surface temperatures between the east and west Pacific, and a greater contrast in air pressure. The easterly trade winds become stronger due to this contrast, dragging warm, moist air along the Australian coastline, creating larger rain clouds and producing more rainfall.

An El Niño weather event is when warm water pushes towards the central Pacific, the cold water retreats and rain falls in the central Pacific area. Strong El Niño years can cause droughts along the eastern coast of Australia.

Thanks for the reply. I am well aware of the La Niña/El Niño effects. It should not surprise anyone in Australia that this is the cause. It has been going on for thousands of years.
The final word, (well,,, my finial word anyway). When I stated this discussion, I said that I did not want to have this degrade into an argument about Global warming. I wanted to discuss the idea that popular people will use their position to comment on topics they are not expert in. This is especially true with scientist. If someone has a PhD after his/her name, (or in the case of Stanton, a graduate degree), they feel free to tell us if global warming is real, if God exist, the nature of Consciousness, etc. The idea of being a specialist in a field does not give one card blanch to spew their thoughts, and more importantly we should take those s opinions with a huge grain of salt.
With that said, I realized that it is futile to keep some people from attempting to indoctrinate others with their belief systems. The true believer is not concerned with the data, and no amount of data will sway him or her in there just crusade. If the data shown disagrees with their belief system, they will just say that the data is somehow corrupt, and not trustworthy. If the data agrees with their beliefs, then they will accept and proclaim it as proof, even if it comes from some ex-disc-jockey drug addict, or a boring ex-vice president. The sad fact is that we are lazy for the most part. The real science of climate change argues methods, and degree of change, but we only want knee jerk answers, and are not concerned with research. The human need to convert the unbeliever to our side transcends common sense. If one just sat back for a moment and realized that no one (or nearly anyone), wants man made climate change to be true. We all wish that we could go on living larger than life. Driving our 500 HP hummers, turning out heat to 80 degrees in the winter, and 65 degrees in the summer. We all wish we could go on jamming large quantities of McDonald food down our pie holes, and then paying plastic surgeons to lipo suction it off our fat asses with the returns made off oil stocks. The idea that climate change is real, and if we do nothing to stop it, our children will pay a heavy toll is dishearten to say the least. So in the end, I will keep on looking at the data, all the time hoping that I and the rest of the scientific community is wrong.