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Sunday, November 25th Paracast W/ Richard Dolan

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Verum said:
PairOfCats wrote...
He has taken one comment in the second post of this thread and helped steer the subject away from its original subject : "Sunday, November 25th Paracast W/ Richard Dolan" and turned argued it into a rant about US gov't accounting/budget philosophy wrapped up in a tirade against you (David).
I'd suggest you go back to the beginning of this thread. I raised a legitimate question about a posting. I was then "confronted" by Musictomyears and David (who was apparently harboring some silly resentment because I had the nerve to post that I wouldn't read his blog because I didn't share his political views). I never initiated this thread "away from Dolan". As usual with you people you never let facts--even those staring you in the face--get in the way of inventing your own little truth. No beer for you either!:rolleyes:

You knew it had to happen eventually didn't you? You don't reply to posts, as such, you seem to "attack" the person making them. And this is demonstrated in the tone some of your posts contain. You must have known that pretty soon someone would take you to task for it and sure enough it happened. Unfortunately for those of us who wanted to post about Richard Dolan the thread got bogged down in a stoush between you and David.
This argument seemed to eminate from a thread about David's new blog which, if i recall, stemmed from you unnecessarily berating David about the possible content of the aforesaid blog.
So now you're involved in a flame war with one of our esteemed hosts and can't seem to get yourself out of it.
So where to now Verum? Are you going to attack those who criticise your actions here, one by one, or are you going to get off the flame war roundabout and actually post a comment about the Richard Dolan show.
I would prefer to hear your comments on that. :D :)

For mine the Richard Dolan interview was great. He seems much more in touch with the UFO reality re: Gov't disclosure, what's wrong with the field etc. than the previous 3 guests. Can't wait for his new book.

This is what happened. David makes a post essentially saying, "Hey everyone, I've got a new blog!" Verum decides he'll do a threadcrap and makes a dickhead comment. So now David doesn't like Verum and when he sees a Verum post he makes some nasty remarks about him. And now we're left with folks wringing their hands about something that amounts to nothing. Anyway, Dolan was a great guest.
A great round table discussion would be (on any and all UFO subjects) with Gene, David, Richard Dolan, Nick Pope, The Clueless One and Paul Kimball. Logistically it might be stretching but it could be a "Paracast-Mega Show"!

I like you, Phil. I generally agree with you on many issues. I like you. LOL

Also like the idea of all those guys in a round table. I'd even know their voices enough to keep up with who is saying what.
Miah said:
Paranormal Packrat said:
First vid is on O Hare airport. The talking head almost made me forget I'm against violence (generally speaking). I wanted to smack his head. Not Dolan, the host, I forget his name.

His name is Glenn Beck, and I happen to be a fan of him. I don't agree with everything he says, but he sure has most of it right and tells what most of the media hides, even calling out his own network CNN in the process.

So he works for a network that he calls out....Nice. I hate em more. Hypocrite.
The Pair of Cats said:
A great round table discussion would be (on any and all UFO subjects) with Gene, David, Richard Dolan, Nick Pope, The Clueless One and Paul Kimball. Logistically it might be stretching but it could be a "Paracast-Mega Show"!


Gene, David, Royce, Friedman, Knapp, Jeff R. is my roundtable. Oh, and me, cause I sometimes like my opinions.
Paranormal Packrat said:
Gene, David, Royce, Friedman, Knapp, Jeff R. is my roundtable. Oh, and me, cause I sometimes like my opinions.

I think Royce-y-poo is out of the game, but I wouldn't mind him sitting in on an all-star roundtable.

The ideal all-star cast would contain many different ideas, so I'd throw Jerome Clark in there to balance things out. Does he make radio appearances? I've never heard a single Clark radio interview. Same with Dick Hall.

Hey, does the guy who made X-Files actually believe in paranormal phenomena? Anyone know his take on things? He could be an interesting guest. Too bad X-Files ended. Dolan, now a television personality (for 15 minutes, anyway), could have made a guest appearance.
Paranormal Packrat said:
So he works for a network that he calls out....Nice. I hate em more. Hypocrite.

He has one of the most listened to radio programs in the US, www.glennbeck.com . CNN offered him a show, and he took it with the knowledge that he was free to say whatever he wants...so he does. Now his show's viewer base is off the charts. One of his specials was the 2nd most watched ever.

Don't hate what you don't know.
I previously said :
grannysmith said:
As much as I find David to be an arrogant, opinionated a'hole at times, I must confess that I not only share his political views but find his expression of them reasonably coherent and persuasive (though maybe not quite as much as he sometimes seems to think - LOL).

The 'politics' (read 'worldview') of the show is partly what keeps me listening (it is a legitimate backdrop to the material discussed under the rubric 'paranormal) and it's good to see those views 'out there', if only on .... well, whatever scale the Paracast is.

But :

David Biedny said:
Verum said:
For some reason you see yourself as the ONLY person--or certainly one of an elite few--who holds strong sentiments about this country. That is, of course, preposterous and so presumptuous as to defy belief. People of all political persuasions hold strong beliefs. But few of us ever publicly express not only a readiness but an eagerness to leave this country. This is not, as much as you'd like to pretend, a matter of your self-declared "brave" stance to "throw away the chains of political correctness". This is about the absolute abhorrence of your underlying message of clear disdain for this country. I have many friends and acquaintances of differing political persuasions. None of them are extreme, and all of us share a common love of this country and a legitimate desire to see us continue our place as the shining light of freedom and democracy and opportunity throughout the world. Much of what you have said indicates you are in a very different place. And, please, spare us the old extremist cover of "caring too much" and "being too much the patriot".

That is absolute, utter nonsense. Again, you have NO IDEA of how I see myself, so to claim that I somehow feel that I am the "ONLY person" to "hold strong sentiments about this country" is completely disingenuous. Not that I'm surprised - this is typical bully banter, the last fallback of a morally bankrupt Republicon POV. And then you throw in the "you hate your country" bullshit, which is downright heinous and demonstrative of your own intolerance of differing views. The right wingers always fall back on this nonsense, so again, no surprise. You love a country? How childish and limiting. Nationalism is no longer compatible with the current global reality, there are those of us who see ourselves as global citizens, who are just as comfortable in Argentina as we are in Albany, and who understand that it's a big world, and that the US is NOT the center of the universe. Being bilingual + has been influential in molding a worldview which does not prescribe to sad little patriotic pandering, and which recognizes the true dynamics of the current state of American imperialism and the damage it's inflicting on the world. So when the dollar is completely flushed down the drain, when the Muslim world seeks revenge on us for your immoral war on Islam, when the Chinese knock on the White House door and deliver an invoice for whatever remains of our treasury, you can cook your patriotism up on a grill, place it in a burrito and shove it in your eye. History will be the true judge of the impending fall of the American empire, regardless of whatever you OR I have to say about it. And if you think I'm happy about this tragic state of affairs, then you're as sharp as a sack of wet mice.

David Biedny said:
Verum said:
Let me end by saying, I do pity you. You've shown enough of yourself, of who and what you are, for me to know you're a lonely, angry, pathetic man, with serious delusions (your flying saucer and disappearing girl stories are almost frighteningly psychotic) and a miserable little life. I'll remember you in my prayers.

Wow, you really are something. I'm so glad that your true colors are spilling of your fingers - you think you know something about me and my life, and you found the need to denigrate my paranormal experiences and my character, after I was brave enough to share them with our audience. Nice work, Verum. I knew that going public with my experiences was likely to bring out scum like you, so I'm not shocked that you finally dove down to that level and accused me of being delusional. Fuck you, I know what I've seen, as have the folks who have been with me for many of these experiences - the UFO episode in Caracas involved my family and hundreds, if not thousands of other people. My close friend Bill saw the apparition with me. If he hadn't been there, I might have doubted my own eyes, but his presence made it clear that something objectively happened.

For your information, not only am I blessed with wonderful, close friends and a wonderful love of my life, I have had adventures and life experiences that someone like you can really, truly only dream of, and I feel comfortable saying this without even knowing anything about you. Anyone who actually knows me would read your words and laugh. You couldn't be further from the truth in your accusations.

Anyway, it's clear we don't see eye to eye (and never will), and while I'm completely open about who I am and how I feel, your show yourself to be an abusive, hollow person who doesn't even have the integrity to follow your own religious dogma. Good American and Christian you are, yeah, let's go kill some more innocents in the name of God, country and empire. You disgust me.

So I wish you adieu, and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.


..... this is just children in a sandbox stuff, though, on both sides.
I had a clever comment in this thread regarding Godwin's law that has been deleted. Apparently this thread is confined to petty bickering.
DBTrek said:
I had a clever comment in this thread regarding Godwin's law that has been deleted. Apparently this thread is confined to petty bickering.

Ha! I've got an idea, I'll insult you and you can splice your Godwin's law comment into a witty comeback.
DBTrek, I have no idea who deleted any comment of yours on this thread, but I promise that it wasn't me. In fact, it's been quite awhile since I deleted any comment, or even banned anyone, and for the record, even though Verum claimed that he would be banned, I never had any intention to do so.

I can deal with the political differences between us, given that this is now normality in the U.S., but when he started in on calling me psychotic because of my paranormal experiences, it makes me think he's really nothing more than a troll, looking to pick a fight. Well, as someone else pointed out, he got one. I'm not the kind of person who backs away from bullies, never have been. If anyone has learned anything about me from listening to the Paracast, it's that I am willing to go mano-a-mano over the things that are important to me.

The really interesting thing about Rich Dolan's presentation at the X-Conference is that the majority of it dealt with the underlying causes of secrecy of the U.S. government, and how it relates to the UFO topic. Rich says to follow the money, and in speaking with him privately at the X Conf, it's clear that his political views are pretty in line with my own, perhaps less radical (which is not surprising, as I do indeed think of myself as being left of left). If anyone wants to question his findings, well, the guy is a true researcher and scholar and not an "armchair expert". He is willing to attach his name to this topic, as well as his professional reputation. For this he earns my total respect, and I think he's one of the absolutely best guests ANY show could have. I'm proud that he finds the Paracast to be one of his favorite places to come and talk about the UFO topic in a way that is truly rare.

David Biedny said:
DBTrek, I have no idea who deleted any comment of yours on this thread, but I promise that it wasn't me. In fact, it's been quite awhile since I deleted any comment, or even banned anyone, and for the record, even though Verum claimed that he would be banned, I never had any intention to do so.

I had a feeling it probably wasn't you or Gene. I'm just mentioning it because it's happened a few times in the past as well. I think one of your forum mods might be a little trigger happy. Hopefully they'll relax a little bit and reserve their powers for violations of policy instead of wiping out people's post.

Godwin's law, by the way, is: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one." I was waiting to see if you and Verum were going to vindicate Godwin.

I'm assuming the mod just saw the word Hitler/nazi and wiped the message out without bothering to read the content. Anyway . . . I'M ON TO YOU, TRIGGER HAPPY FORUM MODERATOR, SO JUST RELAX, EH!!!



So I have a question: why do you bother participating on these forums? You rarely actually deliver an opinion about an episode, but seem to thrive on the negativity factor. Did you make a comment about your thoughts of the Dolan interview on this thread? I don't think so, I'm not going to take the time to look back through the thread to verify this, but that's the way it seems to me. While I have no problem with you expressing your opinions, they don't often seem to have anything to do with the show. What's up with that?

David Biedny said:

So I have a question: why do you bother participating on these forums? You rarely actually deliver an opinion about an episode, but seem to thrive on the negativity factor. Did you make a comment about your thoughts of the Dolan interview on this thread? I don't think so, I'm not going to take the time to look back through the thread to verify this, but that's the way it seems to me. While I have no problem with you expressing your opinions, they don't often seem to have anything to do with the show. What's up with that?


I'm a rational guy that likes to arrive at conclusions through taking a series of logical steps. There isn't much tolerence for this process on these forums, so I don't spend a lot of time commenting on most of the topics you cover.

Guest: "I have the skull of an alien hybrid"

Me: "That's ridiculous. You have no evidence of the existence of extraterrestrials on earth, much less their ability to interbreed with us, much less a skull of the offspring between humans and beings that may or may not exist"

Forum Lackey: "Aliens do exist, we have plenty of photos showing them. You're just a hateful debunker. David has seen a UFO, are you calling him a liar!?!?"

While fictional, that exchange is par for the course around this place. You ask why I seem to revel in the 'negativity', but I challenge you to show me where the positivity resides in these forums. I respond simply to what's here. Since the vast majority of posts focus on quibbling over political or paranormal perceptions, that's what I do (when trigger happy mods aren't zapping my posts, that is).

At the beginning of this thread Verum pointed out that the article wasn't saying what someone implied it was. This observation led to you and a couple other forum members dog-piling on him over political issues. How are forum members supposed to have any sort of positive discussion in such a hostile atmosphere?

Anyway, there's your long-winded answer. I don't comment on the show much because refusing to drink any portion of the offered kool-aid will result in a flame war.
DBTrek said:
David Biedny said:
DBTrek, I have no idea who deleted any comment of yours on this thread, but I promise that it wasn't me. In fact, it's been quite awhile since I deleted any comment, or even banned anyone, and for the record, even though Verum claimed that he would be banned, I never had any intention to do so.

I had a feeling it probably wasn't you or Gene. I'm just mentioning it because it's happened a few times in the past as well. I think one of your forum mods might be a little trigger happy. Hopefully they'll relax a little bit and reserve their powers for violations of policy instead of wiping out people's post.

Godwin's law, by the way, is: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one." I was waiting to see if you and Verum were going to vindicate Godwin.

I'm assuming the mod just saw the word Hitler/nazi and wiped the message out without bothering to read the content. Anyway . . . I'M ON TO YOU, TRIGGER HAPPY FORUM MODERATOR, SO JUST RELAX, EH!!!



OK, there are four people with the power to delete messages on this board. I didn't do it. David didn't do it. Rich Gunn hasn't been here in a while, so he didn't do it, nor did Kevin Still (Ondafritz). So I don't know what to say.
Gene Steinberg said:
OK, there are four people with the power to delete messages on this board. I didn't do it. David didn't do it. Rich Gunn hasn't been here in a while, so he didn't do it, nor did Kevin Still (Ondafritz). So I don't know what to say.

Riiiiiiiiiiight, Gene.
You're all in on it with the illumanati. You guys have secret meetings near the owl statue . . . plotting which of my posts to delete at random and denying it later.

(Maybe I hit preview instead of post? *shrug*)
DBTrek said:
David Biedny said:

So I have a question: why do you bother participating on these forums? You rarely actually deliver an opinion about an episode, but seem to thrive on the negativity factor. Did you make a comment about your thoughts of the Dolan interview on this thread? I don't think so, I'm not going to take the time to look back through the thread to verify this, but that's the way it seems to me. While I have no problem with you expressing your opinions, they don't often seem to have anything to do with the show. What's up with that?


I'm a rational guy that likes to arrive at conclusions through taking a series of logical steps. There isn't much tolerence for this process on these forums, so I don't spend a lot of time commenting on most of the topics you cover.

Guest: "I have the skull of an alien hybrid"

Me: "That's ridiculous. You have no evidence of the existence of extraterrestrials on earth, much less their ability to interbreed with us, much less a skull of the offspring between humans and beings that may or may not exist"

Forum Lackey: "Aliens do exist, we have plenty of photos showing them. You're just a hateful debunker. David has seen a UFO, are you calling him a liar!?!?"

While fictional, that exchange is par for the course around this place. You ask why I seem to revel in the 'negativity', but I challenge you to show me where the positivity resides in these forums. I respond simply to what's here. Since the vast majority of posts focus on quibbling over political or paranormal perceptions, that's what I do (when trigger happy mods aren't zapping my posts, that is).

At the beginning of this thread Verum pointed out that the article wasn't saying what someone implied it was. This observation led to you and a couple other forum members dog-piling on him over political issues. How are forum members supposed to have any sort of positive discussion in such a hostile atmosphere?

Anyway, there's your long-winded answer. I don't comment on the show much because refusing to drink any portion of the offered kool-aid will result in a flame war.

Actually it was ForumLackey3 and NaziHitler666 who had surreptitiously hacked into your computer and deleted that portion while you were writng it. lol :)