Well, as requested by David, I've not been posting--notwithstanding his typically "courageous" (he always pats himself on the back for his courage, have you noticed?) continuing to pile on even afterwards. And I put up with it. But there are two things I have to respond to.
First, Gene wrote...
I told him what I would say on this board, which is that David Biedny makes this show work. I could not do it without him. Yes, he is at once outrageous and infuriating in some respects, but that's what makes him a unique, wonderful person, and i cherish his friendship.
I sent Gene a private message in response to his "help get us on radio" posting. I was surprised--since he NEVER "told me what he would say on this board"--that he chose to refer to that private message, but I'm fine with that. (I do think it's always discourteous to share a private communication without explicit consent, but I guess he read my comment that I would have shared my comments publicly as implicit approval, just as I'm reading his contention that he told me what he'd say as his approval to share what he actually wrote.) However, he left out part of his response, which was this...
However, I can see where his mode of expression wouldn't play well in certain work situations.
Gene knows David's a problem. He excoriates religion and anyone who believes in religion at every turn, he denigrates this country in the most extreme terms imaginable, and on and on. He generally has a public track record that would make a Klansman blush; the fact that it comes from the left doesn't make it acceptable. And I can assure you beyond any doubt that all of his indiscretions will be vetted before any major broadcaster ever finishes a due diligence.
As to David's contention that I called him a psychotic, as one would expect, that's a "David truth" not THE truth. I referred to his
experiences as "almost-psychotic". That is my honest opinion, that his experiences are so wildly out of the realm of probability that they are likely a break from reality (i.e., psychotic). Anyone who thinks his stories aren't primarily hallucinations--the gigantic, disappearing flying saucer seen by thousands, and the faceless disappearing girl--is welcome to that conclusion. Personally, I think anyone with a pattern of intense anger and bizarre hallucinatory episodes likely has had a break from reality.
Now, if you're going to ask me to stop posting, which I complied with, a decent person would let up on the unliateral attacks, and cease puffing out your chest like you're a hero. That's an act of cowardice. And one I won 't allow unanswered. So, why don't you get in your one last cheap shot--Mr. HOST--at me and go about your business. Tying someone's hands behind their back and then taking a shot at them isn't how it works for grown-up men. You will be characterized as many things, David. But brave ain't one of them.
Need to go. I have meaningful things to do.