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Sunday, November 25th Paracast W/ Richard Dolan

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Chuckleberryfinn said:
Paranormal Packrat said:
Gene, David, Royce, Friedman, Knapp, Jeff R. is my roundtable. Oh, and me, cause I sometimes like my opinions.

I think Royce-y-poo is out of the game, but I wouldn't mind him sitting in on an all-star roundtable.

The ideal all-star cast would contain many different ideas, so I'd throw Jerome Clark in there to balance things out. Does he make radio appearances? I've never heard a single Clark radio interview. Same with Dick Hall.

Hey, does the guy who made X-Files actually believe in paranormal phenomena? Anyone know his take on things? He could be an interesting guest. Too bad X-Files ended. Dolan, now a television personality (for 15 minutes, anyway), could have made a guest appearance.

Both Clark and Hall have appeared on Strange Days... Indeed, with Errol Bruce-Knapp. They would each make good guests for this show.

DBTrek said:
At the beginning of this thread Verum pointed out that the article wasn't saying what someone implied it was. This observation led to you and a couple other forum members dog-piling on him over political issues. How are forum members supposed to have any sort of positive discussion in such a hostile atmosphere?

I concede that Verum was simply highlighting a point in his post and for that i apologise.
Verum is quite entitled to his opinion and comments despite what others may think, including myself.
However, it is a shame that this thread got sidetracked from it's original subject matter.
I hope that Verum continues posting as it is always challenging to respond to them! :) :) :)
The Pair of Cats said:
I hope that Verum continues posting as it is always challenging to respond to them! :) :) :)

Well, as I already wrote, the fact that Verum decided to dub me as "psychotic" because I shared some paranormal stories about my life, along with witnesses (my brother Barry and close friend Bill), is enough for me to want him to stay far away from these forums. It's not that I can't take criticism - doing this show has exposed me to a significant amount of that - but it really makes me wonder why he even bothered to participate here. Why do folks like this even listen to the show? I try to be honest and straight, as well as skeptical, in presenting my experiences. I don't pretend to have answers to explain what I saw, I'm not pushing a specific theory, I don't claim to be imbued with some special power or insight, I'm just someone who wants to explore and discuss my experiences, and for this, Verum has diagnosed me as being mentally ill. I didn't realize that he was a psychiatrist or psychologist. I called him a "Republicon", which might be a bit judgmental, but he admitted that he tends to vote Republican. I was correct in my general assessment, and if I alienated some of our Republican listeners with that, too bad. I've also alienated the Meierites. Fuck 'em, I think they're a bunch of empty-headed cultists. I'm not interested in having reasonable discussions with them, I already know that they collectively have the intelligence of a lump of clay.

I will concede that I am a bit extreme in my politics, but as I've said, extreme situations call for extreme tactics. Perhaps I was even a bit harsh in my words to him, but you know what? He was every bit as harsh in what he wrote to me, IMO. I'm not religious, but Verum says he goes to church every week. Does he listen to what is preached in his church? I would imagine that it includes forgiveness and understanding. I don't go to church, and I'm not interested in making peace with the right. I'll fight them to my last breath. I am not an American Patriot, I do not give my love to countries or nationalities. I love individual people, and music. I love my girlfriend, I love my closest friends, I love the smell of the redwoods in West Marin. I love Citizen Kane. I love Radiohead. It's like having loyalty to a corporate brand - a fool's errand at best. The love is never reciprocated. Verum says he loves America. Does it love him back?

Verum has been writing me private messages, claiming, without doubt, your were out of control and we had no hope of ever getting on commercial radio.

I told him what I would say on this board, which is that David Biedny makes this show work. I could not do it without him. Yes, he is at once outrageous and infuriating in some respects, but that's what makes him a unique, wonderful person, and i cherish his friendship.
Gene Steinberg said:
Verum has been writing me private messages, claiming, without doubt, your were out of control and we had no hope of ever getting on commercial radio.

I told him what I would say on this board, which is that David Biedny makes this show work. I could not do it without him. Yes, he is at once outrageous and infuriating in some respects, but that's what makes him a unique, wonderful person, and i cherish his friendship.

Yeah, so I guess Savage, Limbaugh, Malkin, O'Reilly, Coulter and all the other right-wing extremists don't have a chance on radio either, eh?

I'll take a chance of being a left-wing loon... we need a counterbalance on commercial radio, and I don't think Franken or his ilk are cutting it. They're too nice.

And thanks for kind comments, Gene, we seem to have a on-air chemistry that someone finds compelling. I totally enjoy doing the show with you, podcast, terrestrial or otherwise.

I for one do not consider D.Biedny or G.Steinberg's participation on this forum "self-indulgent," as Verum put it. In fact, I filled out that questionnaire thing and said that their participation on the forum makes the show more fun.

Keep up the good work, guys. You have made my swing shifts at work endurable. There's meaning in that, I think.
Chuckleberryfinn said:
My only problem with Dolan has to do with his continued discussion of various high level military people who privately talk to him, insisting on anonymity. I don't like this kind of thing. Shouldn't it be apparent to UFO researchers that the military loves feeding them disinformation? Haven't we learned our lesson from poor Paul Bennewitz? These bastards cannot be trusted.

Not to re-rail this thread or anything, but if you search Google News for "condition of anonymity" you'll find over 30,000 results. It's a fact of life. You're not always aware of the reason for their need for anonymity, and it may not be as hostile as you think. I mean, doctors must remain anonymous if they're leaking medical information or lose their jobs. It doesn't mean they're part of some disinfo campaign.

Just want to thank the fine folks that put together the Paracast for another interview with Richard Dolan. I wish he'd stop doing conventions and interviews all over the place and just get his damn book out, but he's always very polite and well-spoken and reasonable. Fascinating figure in UFOlogy.

I first read UFOs And The National Security State about 4 years ago and found it to be a most resourceful book on the subject. Especially with the Vallee connection.

Given that I feel the "official" evidence is more legitimate in the time period covered in his first book, I am anxiously anticipating to see where volume 2 leads, as "the national security state" infrastructure that has been developed since 1973 is far more "Big Brother" than the 40s-60s. Picking right up with the MK-Ultra stuff I'd imagine, I'm curious to see if and how Dolan will tie the mind control to UFOs and remote viewing, as a few lesser-known researchers have begun to do.
Gene Steinberg said:
Verum has been writing me private messages, claiming, without doubt, your were out of control and we had no hope of ever getting on commercial radio.

I told him what I would say on this board, which is that David Biedny makes this show work. I could not do it without him. Yes, he is at once outrageous and infuriating in some respects, but that's what makes him a unique, wonderful person, and i cherish his friendship.

Radio stations want listeners. So long as you and he don't use the "N" word, they don't care too much how that's done. Controversy is good for the ratings. Crap, I sound like Art Bell again.

David's "realness" is one of the reasons why many people like this show. Interesting that many who are bashing the show, still hang out here. I guess it's like I mentioned to Gene earlier with Stern (there's someone outta control who's a big success btw). The people that like the show listen about an average of an hour. The people that hate it, average 2 hours. Or something like that. Wonder if it's contagious. If so, I'll be hanging out at Dr. Laura's site when I catch it.

If I'm wrong, then charge the people who hate the show, and let the few who like it have it for free :)
Well, as requested by David, I've not been posting--notwithstanding his typically "courageous" (he always pats himself on the back for his courage, have you noticed?) continuing to pile on even afterwards. And I put up with it. But there are two things I have to respond to.

First, Gene wrote...
I told him what I would say on this board, which is that David Biedny makes this show work. I could not do it without him. Yes, he is at once outrageous and infuriating in some respects, but that's what makes him a unique, wonderful person, and i cherish his friendship.
I sent Gene a private message in response to his "help get us on radio" posting. I was surprised--since he NEVER "told me what he would say on this board"--that he chose to refer to that private message, but I'm fine with that. (I do think it's always discourteous to share a private communication without explicit consent, but I guess he read my comment that I would have shared my comments publicly as implicit approval, just as I'm reading his contention that he told me what he'd say as his approval to share what he actually wrote.) However, he left out part of his response, which was this...
However, I can see where his mode of expression wouldn't play well in certain work situations.
Gene knows David's a problem. He excoriates religion and anyone who believes in religion at every turn, he denigrates this country in the most extreme terms imaginable, and on and on. He generally has a public track record that would make a Klansman blush; the fact that it comes from the left doesn't make it acceptable. And I can assure you beyond any doubt that all of his indiscretions will be vetted before any major broadcaster ever finishes a due diligence.

As to David's contention that I called him a psychotic, as one would expect, that's a "David truth" not THE truth. I referred to his experiences as "almost-psychotic". That is my honest opinion, that his experiences are so wildly out of the realm of probability that they are likely a break from reality (i.e., psychotic). Anyone who thinks his stories aren't primarily hallucinations--the gigantic, disappearing flying saucer seen by thousands, and the faceless disappearing girl--is welcome to that conclusion. Personally, I think anyone with a pattern of intense anger and bizarre hallucinatory episodes likely has had a break from reality.

Now, if you're going to ask me to stop posting, which I complied with, a decent person would let up on the unliateral attacks, and cease puffing out your chest like you're a hero. That's an act of cowardice. And one I won 't allow unanswered. So, why don't you get in your one last cheap shot--Mr. HOST--at me and go about your business. Tying someone's hands behind their back and then taking a shot at them isn't how it works for grown-up men. You will be characterized as many things, David. But brave ain't one of them.

Need to go. I have meaningful things to do.
I see that Venom continues his slanderous attacks on me, but at this point, this will be my last post about him. I am fully aware of the truth of my life, while this faceless person makes baseless pronouncements from the safety of anonymity. So be it. I knew I was swimming into a sea of shit when I agreed to do this show with Gene, and I'm reminded of it all the time. That's the nature of this situation. The support of the listeners who find value in the show is precious to me, I thank you all for the positive feedback and kindness, it more than makes up for these types of interactions.

Verum - did it ever occur to you that religion is for douches and so this country is full of douche bags? While pointing that out may upset the monkey mind and lead to isolating a portion of a potential audience, it's worth it when you put conscience over profit. What about that is difficult to understand or wrong?

Modes of thought are hierarchical. Go look up Ken Wilber's massive work, he and other have proven it. Is it an elitist stance to say, "Know what? I've figured something out that you haven't. That book in your hand does not contain specific instructions from a god. It's a book of parables and metaphors written by men thousands of years ago. I figured this out because after puberty, my adult brain formed properly and I didn't need to believe in things that aren't real. I also stopped sucking my thumb and carrying a blanket. I studied history. You didn't. Know what? That's not worthy of respect. You're a douche bag. Please stop voting."

I know I'm paraphrasing but I see nothing wrong with that.
Verum said:
That is my honest opinion, that his experiences are so wildly out of the realm of probability that they are likely a break from reality (i.e., psychotic). Anyone who thinks his stories aren't primarily hallucinations--the gigantic, disappearing flying saucer seen by thousands, and the faceless disappearing girl--is welcome to that conclusion. Personally, I think anyone with a pattern of intense anger and bizarre hallucinatory episodes likely has had a break from reality.

You're right. Disappearing flying saucers and faceless disappearing girls are pretty ridiculous and unbelievable.

Luckily, you're much more sane. You only believe in rational things like burning bushes that speak, women getting divinely impregnated by angels, and magical arks that brings down city walls with their powers.

Glad to see you have such a good head on your shoulders.
Frank Warren seemed to really dig the Dolan interview- well, at least the first two minutes of it.
"The reason I repeated the first two minutes of Dolan’s interview, is because he articulated some of the most accurate, portentous and perceptive analysis of Ufology that I have heard in a long time, if ever!"
Link to Frank Warren's blog
As Alea pointed out in an earlier post on this thread, there are so many folks in the UFO field who claim to be researchers, yet cannot demonstrate a single element or aspect of their research methodology. Rich Dolan is an actual scholar and researcher, and does the heavy lifting involved in tracing back through time and sourcing specific issues and situations. His serious approach and well-honed voice and really unique in this field, and I personally feel that his "Security State" book is the most important tome one can read in order to get some objective, rational understanding of the situation. Rich leaves opinions out of his writing, and instead, gives us names, dates, and background information that is otherwise overlooked, delivering a concise and (I feel) accurate read of the reasons that the government, or elements within the government, are withholding information regarding this topic.

I absolutely LOVED the Richard Dolan episode. I would love to see him become a regular like Jeff.

ya know after listening to him its very conceivable that the government couldn't disclose, even if they wanted too due to being sued. They could also breach an agreement in regards to Intellectual property sharing or whatever its called