And I thought I spoke in riddles
Now how am I supposed to parse and interpret the "zombies in paradise" bit? I happen to think (if I could formulate a belief in zombies on the spot as I am now) that zombies are already in paradise even as they devour the brains of others (figuratively speaking). And then of course there's the thing without form: a
ghost. Both ghosts and zombies have an interesting characteristic of being dead and alive at the same time--well that just blows the fuses on binary based human brain derived logic now doesn't it? Zombies are more interesting because for all intents and purposes, they are automata void of any reference to the world aside from infinite consumption. Perhaps that's what we might look to other alien races (if they exist). Why that may even provide us a motive for their "toying with us" as Vallee and other's have so often indicated (again, purely hypothetical).
Strange that you speak of the "voices" of deities--when the irony is that the most demented versions of those in question are often found repeatedly bowing and reading from a
text as if they are a demented parrot. Political despots notwithstanding, thoughts are easily extinguished by a mere quote from the good word--a zombie of course being that automaton that has taken in the exotic words as if they are divine commandments and have extinguished reason
altogether. The horrors of Syria should be an epic reminder of just where things go when certain people have either given their minds over to hedonism, excessive wealth and power, or
But ages have past and still we don't learn...429 children die writhing on the ground like ants under a lethal pesticide as their parents scream themselves hoarse and die with them. We have learned nothing. Why do I say this? Because we continue to create the very infrastructure that could lead to our own extinction overnight.
I happen to think that sending the entire contents of a previous life into a child is one way to undo that programming--too bad we aren't all afflicted with the memories of even more than that. Perhaps everyone should just be afflicted by 1,000 years of memories from earlier lifetimes ...perhaps its already happening now.
And of course by now people are already taking exception to my one (among many) examples that perhaps throw a bit
too much reality into their worlds for them to bear.