J. Randall Murphy
When I say 'always' I don't mean in a perpetual sense, I mean as a whole.
In no way did I intend to generalise a group of people or label them 'the same'. However, there is no question (in my mind anyway) that throughout history and up to the present day, religion (as an entity unto itself which, by the way, stretches far beyond your community in Canada) has had more of a negative effect on humanity than positive and is still a major cause of separation in all it's forms including sexism, homophobia, racism and war.
Anyway, I have a feeling we're getting way off topic.
Yes, we're getting off topic, and I'm glad to hear you didn't mean to generalize, but the statement, "Organized religions have always and always will do more harm than good." is in fact a very broad and hard line generalization. Sometimes it's too easy to do that, and although I'm no fan of religion, I felt that because it was such a sweeping statement, it deserved some balanced counterpoint. Even if we go beyond the boundaries of Canada ( second largest country in the world ) we can still find plenty of examples where religion isn't actually doing more harm than good. In reality, the evidence for your statement is limited mainly to historical examples before the separation of church and state, and in less evolved nations where the church is still an influential political entity. I think if we were able to separate the religion from the politics we'd find that most of the harm done is actually political and not religious.
For example, the two largest and bloodiest wars in history WWI and WWII were instigated and carried out after the separation of church and state by politicians and industrialists. Despite the problems with religion today, you'll also find that in general, the church is active in advocating human rights, including the right to life and dignity and freedom from tyranny and torture. It's just that we're so appalled by the acts of vengeance and greed for power carried out in the name of religion that we're tempted to paint all religion with the same brush. In the absence of religion, would all the violence really stop? I don't think it's quite that simple. Still, I can't argue that someday it would be nice to see humanity mature to the point where we could find out.
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