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The Moonship UFO

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No I did not start it seems I damned sure fell victim to it though for years.​
Thanks for the info.​
What? Did you not say ...

You may have seen this picture all over the Internet these days but it is always blurry grey or badly discolored.​
Well I am the one whom originally got the picture from Nasa and did the work on it and made the discoveries on it.​
I sent my work to Bob Dean from there it went global but as of yet the better renditions have not been seen.​
I share them now.​

You either are the one who "originally got the picture from Nasa and did the work on it and made the discoveries on it." and sent it to Bob Dean or you weren't. It can't be both ways.
Posey, you need to realize that the people in this forum are highly skeptical of UFO photos like this. We really don't fall for junk, which is what this literally is.

Well I fell for it hook line and sinker back in the days when there was no forums like this.​
Otherwise I would have never known, now would I?​
The photo was real but the story behind it was not.​
Keep up the good work guys.​
The one that questions, but asks is a fool for a moment.​
The one that questions, but does not ask is a fool forever.​
Posey, you need to realize that the people in this forum are highly skeptical of UFO photos like this. We really don't fall for junk, which is what this literally is.

I will also add that we expect evidence that can be backed up and will hound anyone to death for it if they make wild claims.. I have said this before but I think it fits most of the people here "I don't want to believe, I want to know" and that creates a totally different mindset. On top of that some here are engineers and technicians, among other professions and I don't know about the rest but my skill set for trouble shooting and analysis get's used when I look at this stuff.

I guess in short I am saying we want answers not hope, evidence not faith and if you lie you will be found out.

PS: This is not an attack just how things are.
I think Posey has a history of being fooled and fooling others going waaay back. I also find it very hard to believe he and his mother have killed creatures from space or another dimension.
I think Posey has a history of being fooled and fooling others going waaay back. I also find it very hard to believe he and his mother have killed creatures from space or another dimension.

No creatures died in the making of the Moonship UFO Photo hoax.

The question is, "Which statement is true?"

"Well I am the one whom originally got the picture from Nasa and did the work on it and made the discoveries on it.I sent my work to Bob Dean from there it went global ..."


"No I did not start it seems I damned sure fell victim to it though for years."
I think Posey has a history of being fooled and fooling others going waaay back. I also find it very hard to believe he and his mother have killed creatures from space or another dimension.

I agree with you on this.

My BS meter has be stuck on pure for a little while now.


The question now is this an honest mistake or intentionally misleading?

Posey you have the floor.
No creatures died in the making of the Moonship UFO Photo hoax.

The question is, "Which statement is true?"

"Well I am the one whom originally got the picture from Nasa and did the work on it and made the discoveries on it.I sent my work to Bob Dean from there it went global ..."


"No I did not start it seems I damned sure fell victim to it though for years."

POSEY! which is it? Here is your chance to defend yourself. You my friend are discrediting yourself and everything you have worked for to this point. You are being exposed as a hoaxer on these forums, defend yourself sir.
POSEY! which is it? Here is your chance to defend yourself. You my friend are discrediting yourself and everything you have worked for to this point. You are being exposed as a hoaxer on these forums, defend yourself sir.

I am going to throw my hat in the ring as well and ask you to please explain yourself.. if there is one thing I can not stand its the intellectual dishonesty of a hoaxer.

You have the floor and we are all ears....................................
its the jim moseley tricksterhoaxerthingamejig.

Answer these fine forum members posey when you next come online. Willing to give you the benefit of the doubt but it is a valid point about answering whether you indeed got the original photo from NASA and studied it and passed it to bob dean, before it went worldwide. Or, you were a victim of it all along. Both statements cannot be true and you need to clarify this or risk having no-one listening to a word you say.
It is important to many members here to not be taken in by hoaxers or people who deliberately mislead.
Don't be one of those people!

I am not here to be mean Poesy but I will find out everything. The thing about the Paracast is we work on trust that you tell the truth and back your claims up with evidence. To break that trust is to more or less render anything you say form there on in suspect even if you are telling the truth.

The thing about the internet is that everything you have said and posted or has been posted about you is still there and with the right tools it can all be dug up.

So you have the floor and please explain so we can clear all this up as I personally hate drama.
It is obvious he is telling the truth, you can tell by the way his eyes dart from side to side ;-)... Posey should be a guest on The Paracast so he can answer some of the questions we have for him.
he keeps popping in and out of the forums but I think we may have seen the last of him.