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The Moonship UFO

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The case of Posey Gilbert has all the aspects of a excellent Ufological cautionary tale. I had thought to compose a rant about how this whole Moonship UFO thread illustrates everything that is wrong with pop Ufology from faulty reasoning to the willingness to present or accept things without proper evidence amongst other things and I still may.

Posey, I honestly think you would be better served to frame your writing and present it as fiction rather than fact. I think you could find readers. Based on what you have presented in this forum over the past months, I for one cannot take anything that you say seriously. Based on what you've said, I cannot trust your standards of evidence or your ability to tell fantasy from reality. It seems you have added more to the UFO myth than anything else through your efforts. I for one just am not interested in that any longer.

Well said, and your point about truth in the subsequent post is also spot on, how can someone bring Truth, when their history includes presenting rocket stages as moon ships......

By all means take whatever comfort you may from your own personal Truth, but i doubt anyone here wants it.

It is in fact one of the primary red flags in this genre, people who claim to know the truth.

I/we dont know, is the most honest most useful answer in this field, it may not be very satisfying, and hopefully that will change one day.

You posted with obvious hubris that moonship photo, taking credit for it, You were convinced the "truth" was it was a moonship...........

As you've read some people are happy to read your experiences, but dont ever wrap it as "the truth" gut wrenching or otherwise, I would even hazard to guess thats the underlying issue you've had with other UFO groups.
this must be the kinder gentler Paracast Forum... in the old days this Poser would have been banned by now.
this must be the kinder gentler Paracast Forum... in the old days this Poser would have been banned by now.

That's the truth for sure for even when I started here I kept my mouth shut and just listened for the most part as the discussions could get extremely brutal.
Really in light of that I am too surprised that Posey has not been run out of town already....

sort of what attracted me to the Paracast to start with as I had had enough of the moon bats.