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...Re Rendlesham: they were willing to launch the above project [under cover of 'manganese nodules'] to recover a nuke and possible some codes. Do you really think they'd fuck around with mind games on a base filled with illegal nukes?)
no credible evidence or reasonable theory
is right, where would they go, how could a civilisation live here undetected, under the sea, under-ground, why?.
David Vincent?
Dolan sees it as a major issue of national security whereas Clark sees offialdom has having no more of a handle on it than anyone else, just in possession of a lot more data.
Now where Dolan sees a grand cover-up and total control over the situation, secret military study groups, hiding disclosure from the masses etc., Clark sees a gov't that has nothing of merit to even disclose in the first place.
If anything the three letter agencies have successfully used the UFO as a ploy to mask their own manipulations.
Here is the opening narration at the start of each show - shades of Rod Serling's writing -
Narrator: The Invaders: alien beings from a dying planet. Their destination: the Earth. Their purpose: to make it *their* world. David Vincent has seen them. For him, it began one lost night on a lonely country road, looking for a shortcut that he never found. It began with a closed deserted diner, and a man too long without sleep to continue his journey. It began with the landing of a craft from another galaxy. Now, David Vincent knows that the Invaders are here, that they have taken human form. Somehow, he must convince a disbelieving world, that the nightmare has already begun...
I think these memes set in motion the imaginative life of many people. Such stories had a powerful impact.
Listen to Serling's liquid tones....
so they cut the line off to do with gas chambers in a programme about nuremberg because the sponsors were kitchen and gas appliance manufacturers . this programme weirdly is particularly relevant .Here is the opening narration at the start of each show - shades of Rod Serling's writing -
Narrator: The Invaders: alien beings from a dying planet. Their destination: the Earth. Their purpose: to make it *their* world. David Vincent has seen them. For him, it began one lost night on a lonely country road, looking for a shortcut that he never found. It began with a closed deserted diner, and a man too long without sleep to continue his journey. It began with the landing of a craft from another galaxy. Now, David Vincent knows that the Invaders are here, that they have taken human form. Somehow, he must convince a disbelieving world, that the nightmare has already begun...
I think these memes set in motion the imaginative life of many people. Such stories had a powerful impact.
Listen to Serling's liquid tones....
Listen to Serling's liquid tones....
...The selective case work and partial reading of documented UFO encounters which more often enough is parochial at best only goes to support this stance and this is what the status quo of ufology has been built on and why it has gone no where in 60 years. ...
Serling is one my heroes. A great speaking voice.
They are both smoking on T.V.! Serling died of a heart attack at age 50! Rumor is he was a patient of the Hollywood doctor who was giving folk vitamin shots that essentially consisted of methamphetamine.
Serling is one my heroes. A great speaking voice.
They are both smoking on T.V.! Serling died of a heart attack at age 50! Rumor is he was a patient of the Hollywood doctor who was giving folk vitamin shots that essentially consisted of methamphetamine.
Excellent post. Yes indeed. The practice of cherry picking what gets put in the ufological box is exactly what goes on in the religious realm as well and hamstrings both from any progress, if progress is even possible in these arenas, which I have come to severely doubt.
I'm reminded of John Keel's position statement in Ronald Story's Encyclopedia.
"...Basically, a large part of the UFO lore is subjective and many alleged UFO events are actually the products of a complex hallucinatory process, particularly in the contactee and CE III-type reports. The same process stimulated religious beliefs, fairy lore, and occult systems of belief in other centuries.
Great post nameless one!
I'm willing to go into this but can't now due to time - but the careful, reasoned analysis breaks down completely here with such a blanket - and ignorant - statement by Mr Keel. As the saying goes - "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." Perception and experience are skewing the picture here.
P.S. Its also a topic maybe best explored in another thread as this could easily flood this thread. What do you think?
I think the religious nature of ufology is a valid observation and worth a separate conversation. A lot there to tangle with.
I'm willing to go into this but can't now due to time - but the careful, reasoned analysis breaks down completely here with such a blanket - and ignorant - statement by Mr Keel. As the saying goes - "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." Perception and experience are skewing the picture here.
P.S. Its also a topic maybe best explored in another thread as this could easily flood this thread. What do you think?
I think the religious nature of ufology is a valid observation and worth a separate conversation. A lot there to tangle with.
Ignorant statement? Hardly. The parallels between UFO and other "paranormal" encounters and religious experience are startling and cannot be dismissed so easily.
Sure, start another thread. Like most of the discussions in this forum, we tend to branch off frequently.
The ignorant statement is this blanket: The same process stimulated religious beliefs, fairy lore, and occult systems of belief in other centuries.
And he knows this how? His knowledge of the past is that omniscient? The same process?
But I will start another thread on Ufology and Religion - since this is an endless stumbling block to reasoned analysis imo.
A fine rantThis is the crux of it and where the real schism in the UFO community lies and could possibly be an analogy or an onion skin to a more complex understanding of human behaviour and experience ...
But this clinging to the the idea that the powers that be or the government are going to provide the answer is the problem off basically everything in our society at the moment and completely understandable and in some ways true.