And yet, you and the others that are doing your level best to demonize President Trump a whopping 4 days now past the election, have never once offered anything apart from disillusion based editorial and opinions. Where's the substance S.R.L.? I have seen nothing so far. Please provide me some genuine factual evidence apart from the typical sarcasm and rhetoric and maybe your concept of "rational & sane" would see the light of day. Or is that not within the parameters of your "rational & sane" model?
But see, you side with the liberals here, and as such, a turkey within a flock of turkeys is most likely to called and recognized as a turkey. Gobble, gobble goes the embittered turkey. Why? How has ANYTHING changed within YOUR life since Nov. 8th? What was that word for unsubstantiated fear again? Oh, that's right. If I remember correctly it's called paranoid. Great Sabbath tune, but doesn't look so good on you in that shade of LIBERAL that you've been wearing lately. Rebel without a clue? Most likely.
My goodness, what stunning rationale you possess. Almost as much as if you would have just replied "I'm rubber, and you're glue". Meaningful.
Now this is a new one. As one wielding a progressive philosophy, you must be plugged into the very cutting edge of psychosociology. I wasn't aware that laughing my ass off at utter nonsense was now referred to as "ranting". No fooling.
Could you provide just a smidgen of evidential support, let alone proof, for what you're ranting here about like some cheese eating alarmist teenager. Personally, like most rational adults, I would think that a.) since Trump is NOT even acting President yet, it might be just a wee bit too early to tell, and b.) all REAL change, unlike the BS Obozo has peddled for the last 8 years, begins with the art of diplomacy. Diplomacy is primed by creating an atmosphere of enhanced mediation. An atmosphere of mediation is one not bred of acting out your fears by being too compulsive, or impulsive, like those here that are opposing President elect Donald Trump are. He understands according to the rules of successful methodology that while gaining the trusted endorsement of those who's home you're about to foreclose on, and renovate for the sake of the county's great occupancy anew, one must exercise the skillfully enacted prudence, of a disciplined and exacted discretion, while tactfully transitioning this post formally governed institutional threshold, now well under his stable and aptly guided foothold. It's just another successful corporate take down, for who is a long term experienced corporate American conquistador, recently turned the 45th United Sates President elect, Donald J. Trump.
And yet you own and actively maintain an internet facilitating micro processing computer of one sort or another. My, that's impressive. A regular Ted Kaczynski even. It's too bad that you're directly plugged into the biggest and most effective propaganda machine on earth at the sake of not owning a TV. Television is great! Like my buddy Groucho Marx always said: "
I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book."
We all need our beauty rest, and goodness knows that I'd do best in that category via a sleep cycle indicative of a one day on, one day off policy.

Now, as to how President Trump is doing in the popular vote? Well, he won the election for POTUS and all the whining and petitioning in the world will NOT change that fact. Here's a little something that I hope will help to add some meaningful perspective to your understanding of the popular vs. electoral vote with respect to potential election strategy priorities.
Memo to Liberals Obsessing Over Meaningless 'Popular Vote:' House GOP Won It By Three Million
If Trump wanted to he could have completely CRUSHED HC's "popular vote", however my friend (and I hope you know that I do sincerely mean that inference) that was meaningless in the scheme of his obviously successful election strategy. Have a GREAT weekend everybody!