Has it ever dawned on you that, by repeating the Republican talking points about Clinton, you are succumbing to political spin rather than considering factual material about a Presidential candidate?
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And anyone want to wager that the Scots won't have a second go at independence vote ?
A lot of those Clinton exposes are poor fiction. That's what 25 years of public exposure gets them. But Bill was no worse than other presidents who cheated. Must be a symptom of something.
. If in the upcoming U.S election, your preferred candidate does not win, I wouldn't despair because no President ever takes decisions in a vacuum. Around a President will of course be many sensible people, military and civil service who advise. If Trump gets in, he won't just constantly say silly things or get his way - I think most heads of govt. quickly find out that they don't have anywhere near as much power to wield on their own, that they may have imagined they were going to have
Voting for a third party candidate is not viable either, because all that does is allow one major candidate or the other to win or lose depending on the percentage of votes lost.
@Gene Steinberg & all here whom I most sincerely do in fact respect greatly. Discussing passion inducing political stuff is dangerous amongst friends with many common interests that are well apart from the sickening mess that is politics. Let alone rare special friends that have a deep level of interest in the extremely esoteric subject that is the paranormal. So I'll keep my comments as brief and specific as possible.
To KNOW beyond question that Hillaryous, who is anything but a qualified leader, is an insufferable matriarchal bitch doesn't require one getting anywhere near a washing machine, or the media's saturation level spin cycling. Go back as far as you possibly can into that treacherous woman's past personal history and you will find a conniving, ruthless, absolutely demeaning, and I do mean literally MEAN, human being. Always to be constantly found smack dab in the center of all her self forwarding, serving, and highly manipulative activities. She has a very real and easily verifiable reputation that precedes her by a distance of near interstellar proportions. My job for the last 30 years has seen me interface daily with a large cross section of the public. While providing key or essential integral repair services to these people, I have spoken directly with several people over the last 25 years that have worked directly beside and with the Clintons. One individual was an air force one mechanical flight crew personnel, and another was a local county level Democrat politician who's still a great frequent customer. A truly good guy. Bill and Hillary are RARELY ever together in real life, and literally despise and basically HATE one another, as they go about their professional self aggrandizing agendas. Hillary is absolutely known as being one of the most self elevated and intolerant human beings on the planet. In reality she is a champion of NO cause but her own, and is thoroughly FEARED by anyone by whom she is assisted including the secret service personnel that accompany her. This political media machine's media foisted champion of children and civil rights is an absolutely deplorable crown of horseshit and that's a simple fact. She is a fraud like any and ALL professional politicians (on both party sides) that have the ravenously desperate and greed starved weight of the political machine behind them.
The reason why I honestly believe Trump will in fact win this election hands down, is straight down the middle, a matter of sheer common sense with respect to human behavior. Ultimately, due mostly to the human animal's pack oriented instincts of survival, at the end of the day birds of a common feather do in fact tend to flock together. The vast majority of people in this country work very hard for a living, and rely very little on the government to get by and make ends meet. This being at ALL levels (30,000.00 - 500,000.00 annual incomes) and this vast majority are NOT members of some minority special interest group that the democrats have in FACT motivated and leveraged their seesawing presidential candidates into office with now for the last 60 years post Kennedy. This is simple history people and it's all right there in the public historic records should you @Gene Steinberg decide to have a look see. It's simply a politically proven effective modus operandi at this point and there can be no denying as much. This majority of voters who do in FACT comprise an extremely large voting populous on both sides of the bi-partisan political fence, are utterly and completely pissed off beyond any and all reason at this point. Who wouldn't be? We are basically enslaved within tax payer servitude at this point, supporting programs and agendas that do nothing but see our cost of living skyrocket and our earnings diminish. So many are so pissed off with matters governmental that the only thing they see at this point is RED. What color of feathers are adorning the bird that is soon to be your political heinous highness the ignoramus? He's RED HOT pissed off from top to bottom people, and he's sure as hell beyond any and all reason. Guess why so many people are feeling so closely aligned with a pissed off near madman? What happens when a huge group of animals are pushed into a corner and forced to react like an angry mob? First they realize the utter despair of having perceived their very own helpless little innocent girl liberty as being offed at the hand of some cruel and grotesque political system of a monster. Then they impulsively reach for their pitch forks and torches as they chase that old ugly monster with the greatest of fear induced mass hysteria motivating their little enraged hearts, right into the nearest windmill. The same political Frankenstein machine that's been playing both sides against the middle for as long as they can remember. An oligarchic monster assembled from the greed drowned dead corpses of an elitist's ring led hand me down crown of political entitlement. Things in the USA are simply beyond pathetic at this point thanks to ONE word. Politician. The media keeps spewing and projecting it's false imagery of a utopia that's nowhere to be found and that just has people somewhere between more pissed off than ever, and total zombie level desperately despondent. How the bleep could anyone expect the highly materialistic and intelligent apes that the mob consists of to react differently? You can only carry on such a greed motivated political charade for so long.
You see, there's only one media projected presidential candidate with enough upside down beyond all reason hysterical rage at this point to satisfy this political blood thirsted mass of the near psychotically deranged proportions. Don't blame them. They're only reacting like any group of threatened intelligent animals would when facing tyrannically imposed extinction. Besides, they're really just bent on raising the corpse of precious little liberty from the dead, and they are ALL voting for the pissed off mad Doctor Donald Trumpenstein to get the job done for them. Cake, really.
1.) Fact-free hate speech about the politician you don't like. 2.) There's no real way to respond to lines and lines of unproven claims, and 3.) repeating old opposition research that is largely misleading or false.
So you will actually vote for madman Trump ?Hillaryeous. Love it. Jeff is spot on.
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So you will actually vote for madman Trump ?