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The Official Paracast Political Thread!

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... Since the business of America *is* business, an unabashed capitalist may prove to be just what we need ...
That's a serious misinterpretation of what a government should be there for. Consider this quote: " A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people." You might recognize it. It's from the Declaration of Independence. You might also want to recognize that heads of private corporations are for all intent and purpose dictators and all that separates them from being political tyrants is their distance from government and their reputation for way they treat the people under them. Trump's "The Apprentice" show was focused around his absolute power and the dispassionate elimination of anyone who didn't meet his expectations.

Clearly a government of the people, by the people, and for the people cannot operate like a petty dictatorship, and so long as Trump isn't in government, his business is the extent of his power. I'm completely floored at the sentiment that anyone like that should be considered fit to govern the United States. It's the antithesis of what governance there is supposed to be about. You say, "the business of America *is* business", but America isn't just "business". That's the most shallow interpretation I can imagine. America is about life, liberty, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness for everyone from every socio-economic standing. This is 180 degrees from being run as a corporate dictatorship!
A key fallacy of the "businessman as politician" fantasy is that they would somehow operate government more efficiently. But they are devoted to making profits, not benefitting anyone but themselves, their executives, and their stockholders. The operations of government are supposed to benefit the people.

In the U.S., it doesn't work out the way it should because we have one political party that wants to tear the government down. One way to do that is to underfund operations, thus making government inefficient. If government can't do the work, send it off to private industry, which will add its profit margins to the cost of operations, and thus make it less efficient to run.
For all his flaws... at least he's not Hillary.

How did it come about that in every election, we have to pick between Deplorables and Despisables? Why, in my adult life, has my Democratic party, never once run anyone for President who is fit to even be dogcatcher? It began, for me, with Jimmy "Dr. Do-nothing" Carter, and continues to this day...
What's wrong with Carter ?One of the few presidents who DIDN'T start a war.
I have kept an eye on this thread now for several weeks, and I must say that it pretty much echoes the Hillarious campaign trail. There is only ONE reason why Trump will thoroughly and completely CRUSH this election. It has absolutely ZERO to do with him personally. I do not understand how anyone could be as blind as to not see what's right there in front of them.

Finally, FINALLY...professional politics has been caught in it's own trap.

The little girl is dead and the monster is within the windmill being burned alive.
Or do anything else, either... I listened to Call President Carter Day; the man was gormless.
No new wars , did not invade the wrong country , no Watergate , no Reaganomics , Nobel Peace Price , wrote 'Palestine Peace not Apartheid'.
Yep , gormless.
I have kept an eye on this thread now for several weeks, and I must say that it pretty much echoes the Hillarious campaign trail. There is only ONE reason why Trump will thoroughly and completely CRUSH this election. It has absolutely ZERO to do with him personally. I do not understand how anyone could be as blind as to not see what's right there in front of them. Finally, FINALLY...professional politics has been caught in it's own trap. The little girl is dead and the monster is within the windmill being burned alive.
Please elaborate.
Regarding the dog and pony show on Cap Hill today, even though it won't amount to a hill of beans if there's any one person on this planet I would have loved to have been today it's Elizabeth Warren.

I would die a happy man if I had a few hours to publicly eviscerate ANYBODY in the banking industry even though I realize that in the end it will mean nothing to them as they will still get their fat compensation packages.
Regarding the dog and pony show on Cap Hill today, even though it won't amount to a hill of beans if there's any one person on this planet I would have loved to have been today it's Elizabeth Warren.

I would die a happy man if I had a few hours to publicly eviscerate ANYBODY in the banking industry even though I realize that in the end it will mean nothing to them as they will still get their fat compensation packages.

Ironically, I used to work for the company in question. I thought it was a dumbass idea then (as did quite of few of my peers). It was unrealistic and unsustainable to give tellers unreachable sales quotas that they could lose their jobs over. And then there was Stumpf acting surprised when it blew up in his face. I'm only wondering why it took so long.
I have no intention of voting for Gary "What's an Aleppo?" Johnson, but this is funny :D

I'm the first to admit that my enthusiasm for Gary died a little bit that day and let's face it he isn't a true libertarian on some things...hell I'm not all that sure what a libertarian is in the overall sense of things other than smaller government, states rights (a big belief of mine) and personal and religious freedoms. But he's still head and shoulders above Trump in his grasp of the world and this country and the way I look at it depending on what way the house and Congress swings no matter which one of the main candidates gets in we'll probably still be a house divided given the acrimony and derisiveness over both Trump and Clinton.

It will probably be a cold day in hell before we ever see a third party candidate share a debate stage with a Republican or Democrat due to the rule charges made by the CPD ( a corporation run by both Republicans and Democrats) changes made after Perot's appearance. The fact is both Stein and Johnson rate higher in some demographics (millennials) than either Trump or Clinton but the CPD gets to determine which polls they use to make any determination. The two party system got it done.
So now Gary can't name a single world leader it would seem...at least one he admires...WTF is going on with our candidates and more to the point this political season ? Johnson isn't some neophyte in politics he's been around for sometime it's hard for me to think he can't name a single political leader. I'm guessing he's going to start shedding voters .

I blame the shift in consciousness as Mercury is no longer in retrograde until December
And you need to look at his beliefs, such as no social security, no Medicare, with the government doing little or nothing beyond military so to speak. When it comes to food or product safety, hope someone sues when there's a problem to regulate the market.

Do people really want more private sector abuse? Ask the people that Wells Fargo bank abused when it created fake accounts in their name.
He's a mixed bag to be sure and didn't exactly be given a mandate by his own party but he doesn't want to get rid of Medicare he wants to make it more of a states issue and let them decide the cap but he admited that some states are Ill equipped to take the burden.

As far as SS he doesn't discount raising the age to 72 even 75 but politician that he is hasn't let himself get pinned down at that (this may have been modified lately)

As it is those upper ages are probably going to be the norm in a few years from now anyhow.
Raising retirement ages guts the program. It should be left alone.

Making Medicare a set of block grants also kills the program. It's more efficient nationwide. There's already state control of such things as supplemental insurance, which is something that was given as a gift to insurance companies who earn lots of money from it.

States are not always the best arbiters of programs. Consider how many refused the Medicaid expansion in Obamacare, meaning that millions and millions of people are denied health care. Some of them have died. Who is going to take responsibility for that short-sightedness?
And you need to look at his beliefs, such as no social security, no Medicare, with the government doing little or nothing beyond military so to speak. When it comes to food or product safety, hope someone sues when there's a problem to regulate the market.

Do people really want more private sector abuse? Ask the people that Wells Fargo bank abused when it created fake accounts in their name.
And you need to look at his beliefs, such as no social security, no Medicare, with the government doing little or nothing beyond military so to speak. When it comes to food or product safety, hope someone sues when there's a problem to regulate the market.

Do people really want more private sector abuse? Ask the people that Wells Fargo bank abused when it created fake accounts in their name.
The people who think Trump should be in are in favor of a corporatocracy where anyone who doesn't like the way the corporate geedhead scam tyrant at the top dictates should get fired or exiled beyond the big freaking wall he wants to build. It's insane! Responsible business people know that reasonable and responsible taxation and regulation of highly successful businesses is essential for the welfare of their country and that running it like a business is totally inappropriate. What 14 billionaires have to say about Trump

... and I still get a kick out of this: Official funny stuff — Part 2
The people who think Trump should be in are in favor of a corporatocracy where anyone who doesn't like the way the corporate geedhead scam tyrant at the top dictates should get fired or exiled beyond the big freaking wall he wants to build. It's insane! Responsible business people know that reasonable and responsible taxation and regulation of highly successful businesses is essential for the welfare of their country and that running it like a business is totally inappropriate. What 14 billionaires have to say about Trump

... and I still get a kick out of this: Official funny stuff — Part 2

Gee Ufology, 14 votes coming from the 1 %, now that's gonna really sway this election isn't it? No one gets it? This is precisely why Trump has the vast majority support that he presently has. It's not the definitive man, man. Never will be.

And for goodness sake, well apart from Trump's blatant buffoonery, are you honestly going to pretend that Hillary is a better human being, or a qualified leader? That uptight %$^@! is so fake I'm surprised she doesn't have genuine imitation tattooed across her forehead. She's a complete FRAUD.

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