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The Official Paracast Political Thread!

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Considered what Trump has been said in the past I'm pretty surprised that he has softballed this issue which makes me wonder what's up his sleeve.

I don't see any double standards here because both candidates are pretty shady on their overall health issues which matters to me a lot more than any tax filing. They just take a different path.

I still think Trump either dictated his doctors letter or maybe stole a piece of stationary from his doctor while he was distracted and when busted got the Doc to fall on the sword. I'd be surprised if he could pull off one push up.
I think there's a double standard because the media wants a horse race. So it's easy to softball Trump and hardball Clinton during interviews and coverage, to bring them closer together. That means hits, ratings, ad revenue. It's all about the money.
No, the entire campaign. This doesn't make Clinton the perfect candidate either, but such publications as The New York Times — the alleged liberal bastion — has been going after her and her husband since the early 1990s. Just the facts, sir!
Some interesting statistics from Charles M. Blow of the New York Times on Hilary's comment that 1/2 of Trumps supporters can be lumped into what she called a "basket of deplorables". IMHO, she hit the nail right on the head. These are some of the most racist, homophobic, misogynistic, xenophobic, religiously intolerant morons to ever grace the face of Planet Earth. They wear their antiquated, intolerant views like a badge of honor and the Trump campaign caters to them on almost every level, the latest travesty being Trump's campaign manager and some prominent supporters being photographed with a well known white power symbol identified as Pepe the Frog.

Why do I speak so harshly about some of these down right sad Trump supporters? Let's take a look at a poll of Trump voters conducted in South Carolina and see some of the sick ideas that these boneheads cling to:

A February Public Policy Polling survey found “Trump’s support in South Carolina is built on a base of voters among whom religious and racial intolerance pervades.” What the poll found about those South Carolina supporters’ beliefs was truly shocking:

• Eighty percent of likely Trump primary voters supported Trump’s proposed ban on Muslims.

• Sixty-two percent supported creating a national database of Muslims and 40 percent supported shutting down mosques in the United States.

• Thirty-eight percent wished the South had won the Civil War.

• Thirty-three percent thought the practice of Islam should be illegal in this country.

• Thirty-two percent supported the policy of Japanese internment during World War II.

• Thirty-one percent would support a ban on homosexuals entering the country.

Yeah. These are the mental midgets you're allying yourself with by casting a vote for "The Donald". A man who, besides having six bankruptcies and numerous lawsuits from people who he outright defrauded, has to be one of the biggest hypocrites I've ever encountered among politicians, and that's really saying something.

Consider his railing against corporations who outsource jobs to other countries, meanwhile his own brand of clothing is manufactured in China. Consider his railing against Hilary for taking money from the Saudis through the Clinton Foundation when Trump has been involved in major business deals with them, not to mention making millions of dollars renting them an entire floor in one of his apartment buildings for their diplomatic use. Do you see the pattern here? It's okay for Trump to do these things but if anyone else engages in similar practices, they're crooked. Let's not forget the fact that he had to be sued in order to let black tenants into his apartment buildings. The list goes on and on.

As Charles says in his excellent editorial, if the basket fits, wear it. If you support this kind of bigotry and hypocrisy than, imo, you belong in that basket of deplorables yourself. Regardless of how many times a week you go to church or what a good person you think you are, you're complicit in this mans despicable behavior by offering him your support. Don't like that idea? Find a new candidate or just keep deluding yourself into thinking that you're part of the solution and not the problem.

Guess what, you are the problem and so is the awful human being you're planning to vote for. End of story.

Oh, and lest I forget, to the people who cancelled their Paracast Plus subscriptions because "waaahhh Gene doesn't share my political views!" Give me a break. What a bunch of babies. Does everyone in your life have to share your views or risk being ostracized? What boring conversations you and all the yes men you hang around with must have.

Grow some thicker skin and man up, you're free to think and say what you want, no matter how wrong headed and deplorable it may or may not be, and so are the hosts of this show. If you're that bothered by it, why not hit the bricks instead of sticking around and crying about it on the forums as you listen to the completely FREE show that Gene and Chris provide for you week after week. The nerve of some people...
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Here's another excellent article about Trumps 15 years worth of lies and trying to ingratiate himself with the public on the backs of the victims of a national tragedy. The man claims to have lost "hundreds" of friends on 9/11, his words, and yet can't name one.

This is the kind of sick POS you want running the country? I'm not some kind of super Hilary supporter either but she definitely has one thing Trump lacks, and that's decency. This turd would say anything to get elected, he makes me want to vomit.

15 Years of Donald Trump’s 9/11 Lies, Insults, and Slights
Speaking of health issues, Ever the consumate showman The Donald announcer he will disclose his health matters on Doctor Oz this week. i chose this particular site because it said why "this could be a brilliant move"

The reason, apparently why this could be potentially "brilliant" is because surprise, surprise Doctor Oz trends high w/women and Donald desperately needs this demographic. There are only so many deplorables to go around. My take is that it COULD have been a brilliant move as Donald will have to open his mouth. i am betting there will be no teleprompter to guide him.

Why Trump’s Dr. Oz Appearance Could Actually Be A Brilliant Move
So I'm on the run now and can't post a .jpg file for awhile but Trump has released his latest health records
Letter from Donald Trump's doctor on his latest physical exam

and while they do go into a better amount of details and show things that would not be uncommon for a man his age i ask any interested parties to note the stationary and signature on the second page of this letter above with the one that made the rounds last month.

while it's not such a big deal that the stationary has changed...a little less formal heading ... since last december when the first letter was actually released it appears to me that the Doc's signature has also changed.
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In short, we don't know if it's genuine.

Regardless, Trump is fat. He's maybe an inch or two taller than me, and weighs 50 pounds more.
For all his flaws... at least he's not Hillary.

How did it come about that in every election, we have to pick between Deplorables and Despisables? Why, in my adult life, has my Democratic party, never once run anyone for President who is fit to even be dogcatcher? It began, for me, with Jimmy "Dr. Do-nothing" Carter, and continues to this day...
Sanders was (and is) my first choice, but I'll glady vote for Clinton considering Trump's foreign ties and now this pay-to-play scandal involving his foundation and Trump U.
But Hillary practically has a patent on scandals, and her pay-to-play scandal is as large or larger. Trump is racist, in the sense of "any person disagreeing with a Democrat"; I'll accept that over Hillary's brand of it- "having race on the brain".
There is absolutely no evidence of any "pay-to-play:" scandal. No evidence at all. All of the main documents for the Clinton Foundation are online, and, while journalists may complain from time to time about nonsense such as "optics," there is no evidence the Clintons enriched themselves from the foundation. It has an "A" rating from groups that evaluate charities, and the Clintons do not derive a salary from it.

Indeed, none of the so-called scandals has been proven to be important or even to exist. The email controversy is utter nonsense. She really did nothing terribly different from her predecessors, except that a conservative group, Judicial Watch, made a huge deal of it. What about Colin Powell's email scandal? He used AOL, rarely a paragon of security, and has saved none of those messages. At least she made the effort, unlike her predecessors, to provide work email, and most of the ones recovered by the FBI appear to be messages that were already provided.

The myth of constant Clinton scandals is all about the opposition party making hay of nonsense that is never proven. The only proven scandal is that Bill did stuff that other politicians did, which is to stray outside his marriage. But so did JFK, and most other presidents, along with one or two of the Republican members of Congress who wanted him impeached for that reason.

Instead of attacking her over her pant suits or the problems one might have with her voice or delivery, let's criticize her specific policies or at least compare them to Trump. Let's actually talk about issues rather than silly gossip. When people dwell on the gossip, they play into the hands of the political opposition.
There is absolutely no evidence of any "pay-to-play:" scandal. No evidence at all. All of the main documents for the Clinton Foundation are online, and, while journalists may complain from time to time about nonsense such as "optics," there is no evidence the Clintons enriched themselves from the foundation. It has an "A" rating from groups that evaluate charities, and the Clintons do not derive a salary from it.

Indeed, none of the so-called scandals has been proven to be important or even to exist. The email controversy is utter nonsense. She really did nothing terribly different from her predecessors, except that a conservative group, Judicial Watch, made a huge deal of it. What about Colin Powell's email scandal/ He used AOL, rarely a paragon of security, and has saved none of those messages. At least she made the effort, unlike her predecessors, to provide work email, and most of the ones recovered by the FBI appear to be messages that were already provided.

The myth of constant Clinton scandals is all about the opposition party making hay of nonsense that is never proven. The only proven scandal is that Bill did stuff that other politicians did, which is to stray outside his marriage. But so did JFK, and most other presidents, along with one or two of the Republican members of Congress who wanted him impeached for that reason.

Instead of attacking her over her pant suits or the problems one might have with her voice or delivery, let's criticize her specific policies or at least compare them to Trump. Let's actually talk about issues rather than silly gossip. When people dwell on the gossip, they play into the hands of the political opposition.

Gene, you're a media guy, so how then is it that a guy like Trump, which represents the epitome of self-centered corporate snakes in suits business types get any credibility whatsoever? I don't get how the guy is even a serious contender. I thought the whole basis of American culture is an emphasis on individual freedom. Nobody who works for a private corporation is free. Private corporations are petty dictatorships. What makes anyone think he wouldn't try to run the country any differently? At the very least he's likely to erode the freedoms of common people even more. Why don't people see this? Or do they see it and actually want it?
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The media doesn't treat them equally. He's a so-far amateur politician so he gets a pass when he makes hateful comments, or demonstrates via his past acts that he's slime.

Clinton, however, is bad because, well, the competition says she's bad and keeps leading a gullible media on wild goose chases in search of the terrible scandal of the day. Indeed, a large portion of the public has fallen for such deceptions, and imagines that a woman who grew up in modest conditions, and has helped the poor and the downtrodden since she was quite young, is a terrible person. They say she's not transparent because she withheld information about her pneumonia diagnosis for a few hours, because she probably figured the media would be treating it as a major catastrophe so she didn't say anything about it until it became necessary.

At least we know more about her than we know about him. And what we know about him, such as the Trump apartments signing consent agreements because they wouldn't let blacks live there in the 1970s, demonstrates he's nothing but a ruthless huckster and entertainer who doesn't care about anyone but himself.

If Trump wins, it's the media's fault for being punked by him over and over again. They should know better, but he's the monster they created.
Both sides say *their* scandals are really nothing. But Trump is, as you pointed out, *not* a politician... a great point in his favor, IMHO. Businessmen who don't please and who don't meet payrolls, don't last long. He must be doing something right... Since the business of America *is* business, an unabashed capitalist may prove to be just what we need. Or we could elect Hillary, get more of the same, and wonder why... "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result."
Yes, Trump has learned to deceive people for years by pretending he is something that he's not.

As to Clinton, if you actually looked at the Democratic platform and her online proposals, you'll see lots of changes are being proposed, small and large, compared to what Obama did. You can't say it's "more of the same" when the evidence indicates that's just not so.

This is not a matter of whether you agree with her proposals or not. It's the acceptance of the fact that they are different to various degrees.
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