You've actually lost me, Jeff. I will engage in conversation on-line if I have an honest debater to deal with. You are proving not to be so. I have taken the time twice to answer you, and in niether instance have you done me the courtesy of a direct reponse to ideas. Instead, there is yet another blast of rhetoric, much of it personal characterizations, and down other pathways. Responding to you takes too much time, far more than I have to give on-line, but in truth, I don't think it's responses you are really after. That said, the below I will leave as a final grace note.
Tyger, I cut to the bottom line because indeed it sums your thoughts up perfectly. You are the epitome of a thoroughly unsubstantiated pseudo self empowering feminist belief system aren't you? One that is represent of just one more typical bra burning leftover hippie utopian idealism faction. You'd do well to cleanse yourself of such liberal post LSD chicanery
To be clear, you have said nothing here but deliver characterizations that - beyond (probably) being false, are irrelevant. You are not debating ideas but serving up the ideational bubble in which you dwell. There is nothing there.
and get with that little appreciated notion of what are the universal constants depicted within the undefeated success modeled by and within physical nucleic reality. Nature has a way of being a little too perfect to dismiss. That is, if, you're into intelligently modeled survival at all. Go devour some Ayn Rand, that ought a do it!

And BTW, don't let the liberal spin that the media tries their best to paint her words and legacy with alter your perspective or judgement.
I am well acquainted with Ayn Rand. I need no filters to know the damage her philosophy did to a generation. Do you not see a contradiction here? I assume you want to go back to the 'idyllic' 1950's - which were idyllic (economically, for a certain segment of the US population) because of socialist government programs enacted decades prior.
I did my very best in my response to you Tyger, to avoid opinion informed political spin, and even provisionally antithesized that sort of irresponsible and unsubstantiated behavior.
Political discussion
is opinion. You've lost me there, especially with your overly ornate language. How about paring that down a bit? Your meaning would be clearer. Take a page from Hemingway.
Not ONCE, not a SINGLE time in your whole response, did you link to substantial facts in support of your positioning
Then I can't help you. Take my posting as a whole and you will see such is there. I'm not going to repeat.
apart from quoting the fantasist that is the pseudo intellectual science FICTION socialist, David Brin.

I'll return the favor:
David Brin vs. the anti-Warmists - The Skeptics Society Forum
Now this is seriously funny. The Brin reference was solely to do with a quote - yet even with this, instead of addressing the content of the quote - and hence, an idea - you do this side-step. Point made. Can't have a debate with someone who does this.
What does that lack of genuine linked substantiation tell me? Oh that's right, it's supposed to tell me that a direct link to your brain is the best little fast food theocracy in town, and that I would do well to take your word like it were a jewel in the forehead of some third world temple God.
Your response is a bit over-ripe. Theocracy? Hey, we're on a chat-site. If you can't deal with other people having opinions - and (gasp!) - their own ideas about stuff - why are you bothering? It's just getting you in a stew. People do have their own thoughts, without being 'influenced'. Besides which, even when we do have our own way of seeing things, we tend to find our ideas confirmed, rather than changed, by what we view.
I made no false assertions Tyger, just as I took no historic shortcuts in the name of lazy conspiracies. Certainly none as would your sloppy white wash worthy passive aggressive abrasiveness attempt to paint me with.
You are not a happy camper, I can tell. I suggest you not read my posts because you seem unable to read them with a cool head and happy heart.
I linked directly to multiple examples for nearly everything I claimed, but then again as Hendrix once quoted Dylan as stating, "but you and I, we've been through that." Haven't we Tyger.
Yeah, you linked to a lot of stuff that assumes bogus information is legit and then, consequently, draws erroneous conclusions. Can't argue it all with you.
And you honestly sit there wondering why it takes a man as ridiculously self righteous, loud mouthed, and boisterously vehement as is Donald Trump to get the job done, and the message across?
I am actually heartened that you recognize that he is pretty much a buffoon in affect. However, none of his histrionics, nor his resume, convince that he is capable of getting any job done except 'the con'. Trump is the ultimate confidence man - and he's running the griff on you.
All the while wondering how in the world could such a man ever garner so much support?
I know why he has so much support - our elected officials failed us, greed infected people's hearts (too much Ayn Rand), and in reaction to being 'had' (something Ayn Rand would say is a 'good thing' to have happened) we got angry people, filled with fear and prejudices, becoming ripe for 'being influenced', led by the thug.
BTW I do know that all Trump supportes are not 'deplorable'. The ones who espouse hatred, violence and treason are exactly that - but I also know (in person) good, decent people, genuinely lovely people to know, who do good work in the world, who are evidencing significant lack of judgement. How sane people come to such we can lay at the feet of a failed press.
Listen to RFK Jr - around 2006 - he puts it to starting in 1988.
Let me ask you this Tyger: Ever built something that you could really be rightfully proud of, knowing on a deeply undeniable and convicted level that it was solely accomplished in and of your doing? Something that took a great deal of hard work and sacrifice in the form of your own blood, sweat, and tears. Only to be gagged and bound, while being forced to look on as it's burnt to the ground by the very children that you initially built it for. You wept for days in the shadows of your own grief and disillusion. Only to become aware that it was all at the behest of a small group of ultra rich old men that most effectively brain washed your children by lining their pockets, while tainting them with a rewarded corruption of ideals, thus robbing them of all their inherent virtue.
Up to this point you are following a coherent thought (albeit with excessively florrid language - you really should tone it down). I can chime in with the gist of it - but I will give a different conclusion. A good example of what you are describing is our country. It really is being brought to it's knees - both by the forces you identify, and the puppet of those forces (Trump).
By filling those now empty spirited kid's skulls with utterly twisted Marxist, pseudo self empowering bullshit that merely served to perpetuate those same old king's lineage of wealth and deceit, the kings enslaved the masses that the now grown children once belonged to. The children became an utterly wicked and ruthless ruling class that are just now arrived at the great courtyard gates of mass induced justice. Judgement is upon them and I personally think it's about to rain once proud heads like they did on Bastille Day.
Twisted Maxist? In another post you denigrated Socialism. You are your own worst enemy. If there is any pure example of thought control it is this: why you think so negatively about Marxism and socialism if you are an American - the US had an intellectual purge in the late 1940's, 50's and 60's - of which the way you think is the direct result. That is the lineage of your thinking.
The more troubling aspect is your ever present suggestion of violence - of violent pay-back. People with views like yours cannot be dismissed. There is a threat being made to civil order. But keep in mind, that every man jack of them who rolled heads after Bastille Day, had their own heads roll, in the end. Think of that - what they set in motion, gobbled them up as well. Something similar happened in Hitler's Germany, though in that case it was after law and decency came back at Nuremburg. The same happened in Yugoslavia. The devil you ride has no love for you - and I don't even mean that wholly metaphorically. Trump will pitch you as soon as use you. Be careful how you pick your way through the mine-field you are seeding.
It's somewhat synchronously appropriate Tyger, that I should rap up my response to you with another Dylan relevant follow up, albeit in a slightly paraphrased context for comprehension's benefit. Remembering that short and assuring conversation between the joker and the thief, it's fittingly funny, albeit in a truly tragic sort of way, how the conservative patriot is so often painted the joker by the media, so that the liberal socialist might be justified as being the thief. As Poe's Raven once declared: "Nevermore, Nevermore!"
True conservatives are not painted as jokers. Conservatism - and 'liberal socialism' as you call it - are political views. Get beyond the tags and labels. Get beyond anger and hate. Debate the ideas.