She's already been found innocent of any wrongdoing. This is a crossing dots sorta thing.
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If this is about Huma's devices, it has nothing to do with Hillary's email server or her devices. Do you not understand that?Well one should wait til some more details out BUT if Huma is involed in using one of these devices I'd say it bears looking into.
Furthermore I can't help but think that this was a known factor by Hilary at the time and she should have come clean at the time of the investigation...kind of preempt it's so because of her penchant(obsession) for secrecy if this does bite her in the ass she deserves it.
To me this fits the Clintons self sense of being above the law.
Nobody in his/her right mind or with an ounce of intelligence ever believes anything Morris says. Just apply the word "wrong" to his crap, and you will almost always been right. Most media outlets won't even put him on anymore since he's become so toxic. Even Fox News dumped him at one time.
He worked for a short period of time for the Clinton's in the 1990s. They fired him, partly because he was diddling with his mistress while he was supposed to be working. Diddling should be done on one's own time.Including the Clintons that EMPLOYED him for many years as a PR and Political consultant!! Just shows you what great taste they have!! LOL!!! Gene I gotta say, that was WAY off base. Have a look for yourself.
Dick Morris - Wikipedia
The laugh is on you because this is not about her email server, but about Anthony Weiner's messages. You have to dig deep, because the media really got this one dead wrong.
Just do your research. It's like they are aching for anything to make Clinton look bad even if it's only peripherally related. So Weiner's soon-to-be ex-wife is Hillary's assistant.
Will the story truly grow legs? Probably not enough to sway the outcome of the election. Nate Silver is fairly savvy. He seems to chime with Gene’s impression.
Election Update: The FBI Is Back — This Time With Anthony Weiner
Politics that have seen a fat ass bunch of rich old men and women on both sides of the magician's choice partisan arrangement, get extremely wealthy and entitled off of the legitimate working class's backs, which BTW, you still have not openly aligned yourself with.
I'd wager 29 quatloos that it soon won't matter.And what does Trump look like to you .., The Fabulous Fabio?
Dude, you really need your eyes checked out.
BTW, how much did you wager on your savior?
Let me guess.., not one dime.
I'd wager 29 quatloos that it soon won't matter.
He's gonna go down harder than the chick in the shiny bikini in The Game Masters of Triskelion.
And what does Trump look like to you .., The Fabulous Fabio?
Dude, you really need your eyes checked out.
BTW, how much did you wager on your savior?
Let me guess.., not one dime.
Dude, I love it when I go all meta and someone realizes the whole second layer of meta!She really rocked that Collar of Obedience didn't she?
It will be a liberal conspiracy, of course. And there will be folks that will always believe that.Once again, no wager.., no guts, no glory.
I was just wondering what will become of you after your champion loses the election? Like a little sissy with an AK-47 will you go screaming foul up & down the streets discharging your firearm with the rest of the Davis clan?
My pro-liberal positioning merely dovetails with your pro-Trump positioning. Same process operating methinks.Quote me, or link back to, one single political FACT supporting your pro liberal positioning minus the typical poor wittle liberals being victimized by the big bad republican wolves editorial.
You are wayyyyy too touchy. When I was being sarcastic, I said so. I was not being so then. I was genuinley puzzled regarding what happened 60 years ago. But now you answered - you had mis-stated. Okay.This being minus the one single fact that I did find via your sarcastic reference to my "last 60 years, so what happened in 1956?" remark which is an obvious, ridiculously overt, literalization of the point that I was making.
Looks like you don't need to have me in the conversation. You do quite well on your own. As we have never had a political conversation before, not sure how you can so characterize. The entire sentence tells me you do not really discuss, but posture. No real dialog possible.Of course concerning the real issue in point, you will predictably avoid by replying that I had no point to begin with.
Aided and abetted by a lazy voting public - 42% of the U.S. voting public cast a ballot in 2014 at the mid-terms. We struggle to keep 50% to 60% voting in presidential elections. The 'regular Joe' is not minding the store. That's a fact that those with clever minds depend on.Tyger, this is not philosophy we're referring to it here, it's utterly and completely FAILED politics.
Conspiracy theories suit the lazy mind, I often think. Knowing history takes far more rigor. That's not to say there is not collusion - there most certainly is (and I totally agree that lots of folks have been getting rich on the back of the commons) - but it's usually more parochial than grandiose, albeit wide-spread and systemic. We've been dealing with such collusion since the Robber Barons in the 19th century (and the East India Company centuries earlier - and when it comes to that - the Romans). But keeping to the near present, it was through grass-roots activism - and the fabled muck-raking journalism of the early 20th century that turned things around to usher in the world you (possibly) look back on as the 'better America' Trump promises to hail back to. Good things happened because of activism - and the election of a politician who could listen and negotiate amid the political ice floes of his time.Politics that have seen a fat ass bunch of rich old men and women on both sides of the magician's choice partisan arrangement, get extremely wealthy and entitled off of the legitimate working class's backs, which BTW, you still have not openly aligned yourself with. Are you a natural born US citizen that has spent their adult life working professionally in the United States while paying your slave master's their unjust due, all the while carrying the rest of the failed slaves and freeloaders? I would very much like to introduce some factual perspective into the conversation if you don't mind.
You have made an assertion - as you often do. An assertion is not a fact.Everything you've stated in the last reply to me, and this reply, are the products of media introduced information and perspective.
This is funny. I think. I would have to link you to my brain, methinks.If they are not, and I am incorrect in assuming as much, I deeply apologize, but for that apology to be anything remotely sincere, I will need you to link me to your alternate source of information for the sake of verification.
Too many documentaries have you spinning down a certain highway - maybe?This information that we are all spoon fed motivates reactions within everyone of us that tune into it. Be that reaction reflect outrage, or adulation, is all based upon your own personal predetermination.
Exactly so, but they also let it happen while they pursued 'happiness' to the exclusion of 'duty' (voting and keeping an eye on the checks and balances). LINK: Why did Jefferson change "property" to the "pursuit of happiness"?There is not one question in my mind. The American people have been had.
Our problems have always been large and difficult. Historically, we deal with them. Historically, our presidents have been a mixed bag, as have our Congresses. There has been progress but we still have to maintain vigilance - and vote! We have to elect the right people and make those who serve us accountable. We have been failing as a populace, just as the elected have been failing the whole. We are all culpable. It's as simple as that - and as onerous a task to effect change as it ever was in the deep dark days of child labor and slavery.This being by what are no less than a oligarchically entrenched bunch of ruthless alpha lawyer politicians that are in fact greed infested barbarian monetary warlords seeking ONLY to profit themselves at the expense of working societies utter enslaved turmoil, and sweat soaked brow. Those are my predetermined feelings on the matter, what are yours?
The disappearance of the American Way - curious phrase. What's the American Way? Immigrants, innovation, cutting edge thinking - not the past (that you are touting and gazing back to longingly). People have come here to get away from the calcification of the 'old world' thinking and social constraints. I live in a cauldron of immigrant energy, innovation (by immigrants) and cutting edge thinking (by immigrants). As well as 'born and bred' Americans. But this longing for some idylic past (that never really existed) is very much 'old world' thinking. Some Americans have become 'old world'.Look, lets get something straight between you and I right now Tyg, there is ONLY ONE WORD that I can without reservation blame the entirety of the absolute disappearance of the American way on. The same word that I can FACTUALLY link every single inspired social injustice from racism to perpetuated poverty on. The same word that characterizes and depicts Hillaryous the evil clown that would be Queen Clinton right down to the brass buttons on her sickly old booty's bottom line. And that single word? POLITICIAN. Note how the word politician does NOT denote one of the two military industrial complex business interest factions that by official definition are the Democrat and Republican party base. Those two names are synonymous with one single phrase. Corporate Conglomerate Interest. Wake up!
Well, that's what Trump wants you to believe. He's defintely tapped into a near treasonous undercurrent in the US. I haven't been around it enough to know, but it appears to be rooted out of the Civil War. It's a disturbing phenomenon - linked to the talk of violence and threats against the opposition. That's thuggery - shades of the Robber Barons modus operandi.The problem *is* the current sham that in grotesque and grandiose fashion calls itself the United States Government. Trump is KEY to a new day in that neighborhood.
There certainly is concern over Trump that has grown exponentially in recent weeks. We've got a knot here for sure. Reducing the complexity to emotional tirades helps nothing.If you have a single brain cell one you know that NO PERSON ON EARTH could have run for POTUS without aligning themselves with one of either camp, and that's precisely why 90% of those that officially make up those two camps can't stand him. They are frightened to death of becoming the proverbial Christmas tree ornaments that they rightly deserve to become. I say getterdone!
You write with a great deal of hate. I am reminded of an wise old saying: "The moment one feels anger, one has ceased to argue for the truth and begun to argue for oneself."There is little hope for you my friend if in fact by now you are HONESTLY not aware that Hillaryous's backers own the present and thoroughly corrupt "justice" system. For the Clinton's sake, they really should rename it the Just Us System, that'd be a helluva lot more accurate. How can you state what you just did and actually feel righteously justified? Are you REALLY that dependent on bought and paid for media to get your reality's source of accurate information? It's certainly a good thing that your welfare is not dependent on it. Then again, if you fall into the liberal camp, that's right where they want you. That woman and her drug crazed sex fiend credit taker of a husband are little better than mobsters.
Normal.I'm not sure what planet you're currently residing on
I guess that explains it. Quite a different world where I reside.but personally, I speak on a professional basis with 20-30 different people every day of the working week, hearing from every age and background imaginable, and in the course of the last 4 months I have spoken with TWO people that had clearly made up their minds to support Hillary. That's because this is a meat and potatoes neck of the Midwestern woods
Dare I ask? How has Obama sold you out?and we certainly know what it feels like to have been "sold out" per the likes of the good reverend Obozo.
Well, those folks need to look more closely at how they voted, if they voted, who they supported, and how they kept who they elected accountable. It has not been easy countering the conservatism that has overtaken the US, but that's what one does, as should they.There were those that were admittedly undecided at the time, however the VAST majority expressed sincere and adamant support for Trump, and utter disgust for the current state of political affairs and the path that the United States has been on for the last 52 years, 327 days, and 12.5 hours. Get out much?![]()