No, because I did. Plenty of facts everywhere. Question is: can you recognize them?
Quote me, or link back to, one single political FACT supporting your pro liberal positioning minus the typical poor wittle liberals being victimized by the big bad republican wolves editorial. This being minus the one single fact that I did find via your sarcastic reference to my "last 60 years, so what happened in 1956?" remark which is an obvious, ridiculously overt, literalization of the point that I was making. Of course concerning the real issue in point, you will predictably avoid by replying that I had no point to begin with. Tyger, this is not philosophy we're referring to it here, it's utterly and completely FAILED politics. Politics that have seen a fat ass bunch of rich old men and women on both sides of the magician's choice partisan arrangement, get extremely wealthy and entitled off of the legitimate working class's backs, which BTW, you still have not openly aligned yourself with. Are you a natural born US citizen that has spent their adult life working professionally in the United States while paying your slave master's their unjust due, all the while carrying the rest of the failed slaves and freeloaders? I would very much like to introduce some factual perspective into the conversation if you don't mind.
Not sure I was expressing 'feelings'. There were some ideas presented that it seems you have not considered, or possibly been able to identify as ideas.
Everything you've stated in the last reply to me, and this reply, are the products of media introduced information and perspective. If they are not, and I am incorrect in assuming as much, I deeply apologize, but for that apology to be anything remotely sincere, I will need you to link me to your alternate source of information for the sake of verification. This information that we are all spoon fed motivates reactions within everyone of us that tune into it. Be that reaction reflect outrage, or adulation, is all based upon your own personal predetermination. There is not one question in my mind. The American people have been had. This being by what are no less than a oligarchically entrenched bunch of ruthless alpha lawyer politicians that are in fact greed infested barbarian monetary warlords seeking ONLY to profit themselves at the expense of working societies utter enslaved turmoil, and sweat soaked brow. Those are my predetermined feelings on the matter, what are yours?
There is no question that we must be vigilant about influence peddling. Get involved - work to reverse Citizens United. That's how democracy works. Your focus is skewed in the wrong direction - as is intended. Hence, you labor against your own best interests.
Are you sure your name's not Rose Fonda? Talk about some seriously skewed kabob.
Clinton is not 'utter evil' - that's a characterization very far from the mark. There is no evidence of such 'utter evil'.
I call *this* utter evil.
8 Actual Hillary Quotes That Reveal How Evil And Psychotic She Truly Is -
Benghazi: What the report reveals about Hillary Clinton
The hideous, diabolical truth about Hillary Clinton
"People Need To Know The Real Hillary Clinton And How Dangerous She Is" | Zero Hedge
However, the characterization of Trump as an 'ultra successful American business man' (curious phrasing you use) is demonstrably false - and an insult to all genuinely successful (American) business men (and women, I would assume). While he has been 'successful' to a point (by certain standards), he has amassed his wealth (such as it is) at the expense of others (others like you - the earnest, hard-working, tax-paying fella). His success will prove short lived, I think you will find. His business career is a string of failed enterprises. He bargained a presidential run would make his 'brand' sparkle. He miscalculated, as he has so often done in his business career.
Boy, for a guy that's got an underscored MINIMAL net worth of 3.5 BILLION dollars, 100% of his wealth consisting of money that he didn't need honest hard working tax payers like myself to line his pockets with, unlike the Clinton's favorite parasitic financial plan has. The same one that enabled their oligarchically entrenched pretentious political sanctuary of a front they call a a legitimate foundation most definitely has. You certainly do your best in attempting to provide a puke colored glasses perspective of his dismal failure as a businessman! Nice try.
The past several decades have been a 'gift' of Republican presidents and members of Congress (like Newt Gingrich shutting down the government). Many concede that the two best 'runs' we've had have been under two Democratic presidents (Clinton and Obama). Even Trump stated in the video linked above that Clinton's time was one of exceptional prosperity in his view. Obama peeled us back from a brink as best as he could do with an oppositional Congress - and it's far from all fixed.
Look, lets get something straight between you and I right now Tyg, there is ONLY ONE WORD that I can without reservation blame the entirety of the absolute disappearance of the American way on. The same word that I can FACTUALLY link every single inspired social injustice from racism to perpetuated poverty on. The same word that characterizes and depicts Hillaryous the evil clown that would be Queen Clinton right down to the brass buttons on her sickly old booty's bottom line. And that single word? POLITICIAN. Note how the word politician does NOT denote one of the two military industrial complex business interest factions that by official definition are the Democrat and Republican party base. Those two names are synonymous with one single phrase. Corporate Conglomerate Interest. Wake up!
To say again, the problem lies in the Congress. Until that is solved, we are in for a bumpy ride no matter who is elected.
The problem *is* the current sham that in grotesque and grandiose fashion calls itself the United States Government. Trump is KEY to a new day in that neighborhood. If you have a single brain cell one you know that NO PERSON ON EARTH could have run for POTUS without aligning themselves with one of either camp, and that's precisely why 90% of those that officially make up those two camps can't stand him. They are frightened to death of becoming the proverbial Christmas tree ornaments that they rightly deserve to become. I say getterdone!
She is not a criminal - but your single sentence illuminates why Trump is an aberration. He has made you believe that such language and ideas are acceptable. Americans don't burn their capital to the ground over disagreements of policy and opinion. Political opponents don't threaten the well-being of the opposition as does Trump, and as you clearly think is okay to do.
There is little hope for you my friend if in fact by now you are HONESTLY not aware that Hillaryous's backers own the present and thoroughly corrupt "justice" system. For the Clinton's sake, they really should rename it the Just Us System, that'd be a helluva lot more accurate. How can you state what you just did and actually feel righteously justified? Are you REALLY that dependent on bought and paid for media to get your reality's source of accurate information? It's certainly a good thing that your welfare is not dependent on it. Then again, if you fall into the liberal camp, that's right where they want you. That woman and her drug crazed sex fiend credit taker of a husband are little better than mobsters.
BREAKING: Hillary's Campaign Caught RED HANDED - Things Just Got Worse!
Articles: Hillary Clinton -- Career Criminal
From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer
The Facts Keep Undermining Hillary’s E-mail Tales
There is no 'sheer hate' of the Clinton Foundation among the 'average Americans' I know.
I'm not sure what planet you're currently residing on, but personally, I speak on a professional basis with 20-30 different people every day of the working week, hearing from every age and background imaginable, and in the course of the last 4 months I have spoken with TWO people that had clearly made up their minds to support Hillary. That's because this is a meat and potatoes neck of the Midwestern woods, and we certainly know what it feels like to have been "sold out" per the likes of the good reverend Obozo. There were those that were admittedly undecided at the time, however the VAST majority expressed sincere and adamant support for Trump, and utter disgust for the current state of political affairs and the path that the United States has been on for the last 52 years, 327 days, and 12.5 hours. Get out much?