Paranormal Adept
Is this person "on record" before Moore's book? Anyone else? [Excluding the press release changes in '47.]That's great but Mac Brazel didn't know any of these people the day this happened.
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Is this person "on record" before Moore's book? Anyone else? [Excluding the press release changes in '47.]That's great but Mac Brazel didn't know any of these people the day this happened.
You made the claim its a mummified child. Now you have to prove it.
It is an oft repeated story, now with an industry behind it. It has become cultural myth - a series of suspicions based on countless unsubstantiated narratives, guesses, lies and defections.
Those 400+ slides should offer some clues. IF they traveled and took those 2 pictures, THEN the odds are EXTREMELY high the location can be determined by the other slides. Otherwise, if there is nothing else to connect those 2 slides to the other slides [number sequences on slide film or sleeve], then it's another "I call BS" story, imo. There will just be a number of conspiracy theories to explain it...Do some fact checking...
Birth anomalies often appear together and so it is not uncommon for a hydrocephalus child to have other abnormalities such more or less or more fingers and toes. Hydrolethalus Syndrome is an example of just such a situation. And because humans are weird they seem to have a penchant for turning such children into medical specimens for display, entertainment or education. It's probably more likely to have a slide of this than it would be to have a slide of an alien I would think.1. Most mummified children have 5 fingers.
2. The figures in the Kodak slides don't have 5 fingers.
I can't answer that.I can't say that one day an entire collection of video's and documents surface from someone's death/estate sale (lol) and we're in wonder if this seals the deal. But I also differ with some, that the evidence in testimony lends solid credibility to this case. I believe that testimony is a huge part of this study. And I think we have ways to vet testimony and give levels of priority, two or more versus one account, for example. We do this in society on everything. Having said that...there are multiple avenues of pursuit in Ufology, none of which needs be singled out and obsessed over, but collectively studied. If testimony is to be considered garbage then everyone should pack their bags and leave the hotel. The story is over. And that is the constant debate in this field. If we don't have a flying saucer and a grey dead inside then its a weather balloon or someone off in the head. I just don't agree with that assessment. That's why I'm still here.I do think it's important to tell the story you know to be true as you know it. Roswell is a story that has moved way past an individual's telling but has turned into something so collected, manipulated and reconstructed that no truth can ever be found. It is the sacred quagmire of ufology. And yes ego and the belief that travels in both directions do fuel this fire that has sprawled all across every ufological inch of internet space.
I think your choice of words is interesting, Heidi, "Roswell was always a story waiting to be told..."
Question: is there an actual start to this story or is it just another example of the never ending story. Is it a story we need to have, like a foundation story, a gospel of some sort? I just wonder if there's anything left to learn anymore from the story or will we always be speculating about it. Are there better methods and investments of our energy that could produce new avenues and more intriguing results than trying to recreate the myth, or prove that it really happened?
Is this person "on record" before Moore's book? Anyone else? [Excluding the press release changes in '47.]
i didn't say nothing happened. Something very strange or very mundane did happen. However, how we order, structure and report the events surrounding it is up to the individual writer/investigator. Looking for patterns is what humans do best. Following this we make inferences. With all good stories it's all in the telling. A good retelling of a story soon leads to new permutations of the story, hence nazis. I think Roswell is certainly open to interpretation as we have seen over the years. Whose interpretation you choose, and how convincing you might think it is, also seems to be about personal choice. I champion the story I am most convinced by or by which one I want to believe in.That the Roswell event has assumed 'mythic' proportions over the last forty years does not mean that no event took place, that there is nothing to be discovered but "an oft repeated story."
If you haven't read Witness to Roswell, you should. If you have read it, how did you miss the coherence of the witness statements and other data David Rudiak recognized in it in his 2007 review of the first edition?
Now, now...You could find out the answer to this and many other of your many, many questions posted to others here, continually, habitually, sometimes a half-dozen questions in a single post. We're not here to fill in the gaps in your own reading in ufo history. Google is everyone's friend.
With all good stories it's all in the telling. A good retelling of a story soon leads to new permutations of the story, hence nazis. I think Roswell is certainly open to interpretation as we have seen over the years. Whose interpretation you choose, and how convincing you might think it is, also seems to be about personal choice. I champion the story I am most convinced by or by which one I want to believe in.
I don't understand how anyone can form an opinion without reading the research.
Read Project Beta too![...] read Valdez's book and, especially, to watch Mirage Men too!
I just bet "off the top of your head" you could have provided some Pre-Moore info. Can you help out?
Oh no, I never said that...And you also stated that you prefer to get your information from videos and podcasts. Sorry, I can't help you.
No, I already suggested you can help everyone else that is reading here and lurking. Please share when you can.Sorry, I can't help you.
Can you help out? I'm sure other people reading would be interested too! Think about it from that angle. Help "the readership" here.
Those 400+ slides should offer some clues. IF they traveled and took those 2 pictures, THEN the odds are EXTREMELY high the location can be determined by the other slides. Otherwise, if there is nothing else to connect those 2 slides to the other slides [number sequences on slide film or sleeve], then it's another "I call BS" story, imo. There will just be a number of conspiracy theories to explain it...
Soooo, Mike, can you help us with my post to you too? Thanks.![]()
According to Dew's story. He is the center piece. IF the two slides can match any sequence in the other 400+ slides, then it is very likely true. I've had considerable photography experience including developing negatives and slides too. I know these can be matched-up ABSOLUTELY beyond dispute, but I'm not revealing that now.And again the evidence seems reasonably solid these were taken in the 40's, the couple who owned them made no milage no money or fame from them just hid them away (for reasons know only to them).
The problem I have always had with Roswell is I just can not see how this advanced civilization wrecks in desert in the first place... I have said it before, It would be like me driving a brand new Tesla from New York to Disneyland in California and then driving the damn thing into the parking garage wall. I am like that poster 'I want to believe' I want to believe in the whole crash/body recovery scenario but my brain screams no; for me Roswell has been like cotton candy, this very substantial looking treat but when you bite into it it quickly dissolves into almost nothing. I agree with you Burnt something indeed happened there but I lean towards the mundane, at this particular moment of interpretation but who knows what the morrow brings? Who knows indeed?Something very strange or very mundane did happen. However, how we order, structure and report the events surrounding it is up to the individual writer/investigator. Looking for patterns is what humans do best. Following this we make inferences. With all good stories it's all in the telling. A good retelling of a story soon leads to new permutations of the story, hence nazis. I think Roswell is certainly open to interpretation as we have seen over the years. Whose interpretation you choose, and how convincing you might think it is, also seems to be about personal choice. I champion the story I am most convinced by or by which one I want to believe in.
Allegedly in the past, governments have intervened in swooping down and plucking any evidence out of the clutches of whistle blowers. Why not here? Why hasn’t the US govt. stepped in and confiscated these two potentially world changing images? As a practical matter, if these slides were to be authentically proven, any government on the face of this planet would certainly want to be the first to view them.., especially here in the US. Short of some type of court battle, as a matter of national security the “Dream Team” would have no other alternative than to turn them over. This obviously hasn’t occurred, and at the same time must be on someone’s radar. Or, just maybe, the government already knows the answer, and is secretly chuckling in the background.