Ufology, I like your optimism here in doing the best we can with what we have.Time will tell, although it has been over 60 years since the first reinitiation of the subject of UFOs and before that the ufo subject can be followed into history. I am of the impression that primitive man was neither ignorant or unintelligent.It is only by the preservation of the accumulation of knowledge,by the fast access of it, that we are where we are in history Given all of this, the limits or boundaries have only been seen from a distance. We certainly won't learn if we don't try and so I think that continual trying is at least...well, an attempt.
Our past methods have mostly proven to be empty attempts at anything concrete,wouldn't you agree? One highlight might be that we are more organized and directed at our quest for an answer. None of us are morons here but just as an example if you have one moron or 50 morons what does that matter? Attempting the same things will get the same results and a crowd with no visionary will amount to a crowd same as a bunch of morons.
Goggsmackay, Some great points you have made. I have asked the same questions about the technology that seems to exist. Several years back scientists were saying that there was no way anything could cover those great distances in any reasonable amount of time. Now there are theories that substantiate the possibility that a ship or craft can live in its own little world aside from our time and space and move within that world doing things impossible in this world with its own principles and physical properties.Things like moving between places at unheard of speeds and times resulting from time warps/black holes and the whole lot of it.
When I was thinking on boundaries I wasn't necessarily thinking about a "transgression", although this thought conjures up many more thoughts about the results of pushing the envelope. I'm glad you brought it up. At one point I looked into people who were overt about secrets, and who that are no longer with us. There are only a handful of those people but maybe they are the ones we should be looking at with the most interest. Have you read the book " Behold A Pale Horse" By Milton William Cooper? His demise seems to be a little fishy to say the least. The book is still for sale though and that would seem contradictory if you believe that "they" had anything to do with it. The book itself isn't really anything new but in it he tells of a philospophy concerning our future and world events that I could see raising some dander if half of it is true. Another example that comes to mind is Phil Schnieder. You can still see some of his videos on youtube. He has some really far out things to say about aliens and underground tunnels. His death could have been professionally executed.His videos are still posted though and this raises questions as to why they are still there.He was a very intelligent guy who sure could seem legit.
Goggsmackay,Thanks! my opinion would be just that, my opinion. I don't have the holy grail on ufos. I have some ideas that are unorthodox in the "ufo community" at large. I plan to share some of those later.
Trainedobserver-"It is seems highly unlikely that all
UFO phenomena can be attributed to a single source given the variety of the experience and the length of time it has been around. I think it could be a little bit of everything. That is to say they are a mixture of misidentifications, natural phenomena, psychological phenomena, and real manufactured objects."
I couldn't agree with you more on this one. I think the UFO phenomena is multi faceted. Anything up there we can't identify is a ufo and that covers a lot of territory especially with untrained observers and dare I say gullible and overly imaginative people. Add to this the mountain of disinformation and it can be difficult to steer through all of it. The great interest in ufos has fueled even more speculation. From the early sci fi of the 50s to the history channel the subject is continually out there.
I do think that their purpose here has a lot to do with us. Hanging around nuclear facilities and even going so far as to disconnect our launch systems remotely is one example. Was also experienced by the Russians. I think this is a good example of us pushing some of their boundaries.
Trajanus- I see you are one of the few who doesn't view the government as evil lol. I think one of their finer successes has been to keep almost everyone looking back to 1947. What about the present and what's going down now? Governments need secrets and they need to be kept. Treason is a serious offense here in the USA. I have no doubt that there are people who have signed away their lives and the safety of their families to protect a national secret.
There are supposed whistle blowers out there that thoretically should be dead but are walking around the ufo circuit signing books. What does this obviously say about them and their stories? Where should we really be looking?
It is only human to be curious and want to now the answers. I sincerely believe though that if we were all to be in possession of the answers we might have more questions than answers and might be more unsettled than if we had remained ignorant.In the end answers lead to more questions .We would know more but we wouldn't know it all and we would still be trying . The whole allure and novelty of the subject might evaporate away. In not knowing about it, it can be anything. Knowing can be boring.We would need to know more to keep it interesting.