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They Should Tell You Climate change

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I am being honest. More CO2 would be good. You are stating things perfectly.. Btw I was banned once while discussing this topic.

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Here's proof from people who make a living off the global warming industry. They are obviously disappointed about the benefits of increased CO2 and try to downplay it. But give them credit for presenting the data any ways. Increase in foliage from 1982 to 2010
The data is unassailable, so expect ad hominem attacks and diversionary tactics.

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Here's proof from people who make a living off the global warming industry. They are obviously disappointed about the benefits of increased CO2 and try to downplay it. But give them credit for presenting the data any ways. Increase in foliage from 1982 to 201o
I'm glad this article was posted as it's a good example of corporate lust and greed instead of dealing with the reality of life on earth in an age of environmental devestation. But this criticism of CSIRO who produced this info says it better than me:

"Such issues generally fall into what these days some scientists call “post-normal science” where the facts are uncertain, values are in conflict, the stakes are high, and the matter is perceived to be urgent. They are usually highly politicised, so that official advice about them needs to be perceived by both politicians and the public as independent and unbiased. That requirement alone has, or should have, major implications for organisational structure, funding and scientific behaviour. The background here is that national and international groupthink (of the sort that seems to have emerged in the global warming debate, for instance) is distorting some aspects of serious science. Among other things, the CSIRO can do without a reputation for being no more than a mouthpiece for the science of others."

From:Has the CSIRO lost its way?

So who exactly is profiting off the global warming industry? Well it sure isn't the lonely environmentalist or climate analyst or the enormous amount of scientists on earth who are in agreement that we've botched this whole stewardship thing. No, it's the monolithic corporate gods who try to sneak stuff like this out into the world for the sake of division profits.
What does cutting trees down have to do with human generated CO2 causing global warming?

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because if you chop down the lungs of the world, one day ya going to find it hard to breath.
the rain forest's are vital to conversion rates, wouldnt surprise me one iota, if when measured, deforestation is solely responsible for rising co2, man and nature have been pumping it out for millenia, but theyve only been decimating rain forest for a few decades, from about the same time co2 started rising, go figure.
Until recently, I bought into the "lungs of the earth" notion of the Amazon jungle. However, NASA satellites have recently revealed that the Amazon ecosystem uses nearly all of the oxygen it produces. Most of the o2 we breath is produced by ocean plankton. That's good news because the Amazon is owned by Brazil and they're going to do whatever they want with it.

The best documentary I've seen about how the climate works is called Earth From Space, by NOVA. The part describing the oxygen cycle is at 1:15:00.

Ok, this is a good idea. I was hoping to post the ice age in Florida UFO cartoon but it's not grabable. Thanks for posting the Nova doc. I'll watch that. But first, one for my favourite prez.
Wow Burnt you really guzzled the kool aid didn't you...

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For the first twenty years of my life there were three solid months of winter January, February and March. Then the winters started to get shorter. The winter was not solid like before. Sometimes it was broken up with rain and/or no snow. The arctic air was replaced with warmer damp air. This feels to me much colder. Winter in the past twenty years was reduced to one solid month which would come either in January or February. Ice on the lake only froze a near the shore. Much of the time there was no snow. This leaves a very bleak landscape with bare trees, nothing green, and gray skies. That is until this year when winter began in November. It snowed until the start of February with one week of continuous winter storms. It has stopped snowing in February and is now getting closer season average from well below what was normal.

When I was growing up it was hot in the summer. You could swim starting in June and ending in August. The hottest summer was in 1988 when the smog would turn your sweat red. Generally summers have been cooler and damper since 1988. The lake temperature was increasing. This summer was different with lots of rain and storms.

Fall and spring were consistent when I was growing up. The first frost would come shortly after the middle of September and it would get colder until the snow fell in November and the lake and river would freeze in December. Spring stated after March and it generally got warmer until June. The ground thawed and things would start to get green. For the past twenty years there has been no consistency. March can be really warm and May really cold. In the fall sometimes it did not get cold until January. There have been lots of green Christmases.

The sky was blue when I was growing up. Now it is a much lighter colour. I remember looking at the sky a couple of years ago ant thinking it is blue like when I was a child. Then I realized I had on my sun glasses. The clouds were big round white, and puffy. Now they are long and kind of a yellow colour. There is always some sort of haze. There are many breaded clouds.

Somethings have changed. Why? What can we do about it, or should we bother, letting whatever is happening good or bad take it course. I have driven less, grown my own food as much as I can and bought local products.
I welcome global warming.

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I like winter. It is my favorite season. The cold arctic air with lots of snow is the best. Cross country skiing is the best sport of all. Camping in the winter with no insects is the best. I welcome global cooling.
For the first twenty years of my life there were three solid months of winter January, February and March. Then the winters started to get shorter. The winter was not solid like before. Sometimes it was broken up with rain and/or no snow. The arctic air was replaced with warmer damp air. This feels to me much colder. Winter in the past twenty years was reduced to one solid month which would come either in January or February. Ice on the lake only froze a near the shore. Much of the time there was no snow. This leaves a very bleak landscape with bare trees, nothing green, and gray skies. That is until this year when winter began in November. It snowed until the start of February with one week of continuous winter storms. It has stopped snowing in February and is now getting closer season average from well below what was normal.

When I was growing up it was hot in the summer. You could swim starting in June and ending in August. The hottest summer was in 1988 when the smog would turn your sweat red. Generally summers have been cooler and damper since 1988. The lake temperature was increasing. This summer was different with lots of rain and storms.

Fall and spring were consistent when I was growing up. The first frost would come shortly after the middle of September and it would get colder until the snow fell in November and the lake and river would freeze in December. Spring stated after March and it generally got warmer until June. The ground thawed and things would start to get green. For the past twenty years there has been no consistency. March can be really warm and May really cold. In the fall sometimes it did not get cold until January. There have been lots of green Christmases.

The sky was blue when I was growing up. Now it is a much lighter colour. I remember looking at the sky a couple of years ago ant thinking it is blue like when I was a child. Then I realized I had on my sun glasses. The clouds were big round white, and puffy. Now they are long and kind of a yellow colour. There is always some sort of haze. There are many breaded clouds.

Somethings have changed. Why? What can we do about it, or should we bother, letting whatever is happening good or bad take it course. I have driven less, grown my own food as much as I can and bought local products.

You are right about the sky looking different, but it's really no mystery. There has been a massive increase in airline traffic in the last few decades. The contrails from all these flights blanket the earth in the milky haze you describe. In the days after the 9/11 attack, when there were no flights over the US, the sky got deep blue, the nights cooled significantly, and the sun became more intense during the day. Many people can't imagine there are enough airline flights to cover the planet this way, so here is a map showing the daily commercial flight pattern:
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You are right about the sky looking different, but it's really no mystery. There has been a massive increase in airline traffic in the last few decades. The contrails from all these flights blanket the earth in the milky haze you describe. In the days after the 9/11 attack, when there were no flights over the US, the sky got deep blue, the nights cooled significantly, and the sun became more intense during the day. Many people can't imagine there are enough airline flights to cover the planet this way, so here is a map showing the daily commercial flight pattern:
Do the contrails that you see effect the weather, the planet, your health, or the puppies you love?
Does the exhaust that you do not see, think of the amount of kerosene that is burned each day, effect the weather, the planet, you, your health, or the puppies you love?
Do the contrails that you see effect the weather, the planet, your health, or the puppies you love?
Does the exhaust that you do not see, think of the amount of kerosene that is burned each day, effect the weather, the planet, you, your health, or the puppies you love?

Good questions. In the days after 9/11/2001, meteorologists saw a 1.8 degree Celsius increase in temperature during the day because the contrails block the sun. There was also more cooling at night because there was a reduced greenhouse effect so heat radiated into space more efficiently. It is inconclusive whether there was is a net warming or cooling effect. Climate scientists have been surprisingly dismissive of these observations and have even resisted adding contrail effects to the climate models they us to predict global warming.

I'm sure the exhaust isn't good for my puppies and me, but it is probably minute compared to other environmental poisons. I hope so anyways.
Wow Burnt you really guzzled the kool aid didn't you...

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I keep asking for an unlike button for flights of fancy but it never comes. Maybe I should donate more to The Paracast?

*sighs for the sake of those still supporting the rhetoric of corporate for profit group think and trots back to the rear field for some evening shade*
When you throw tons of industrial pollutants in the air every day and foul the earth's water, you can't belief there is not going to be some sort of drastic change in the environment. Take a look at those photos of the polluted Chinese skies. You think that crap stays all in one place?