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They Should Tell You Climate change

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When you throw tons of industrial pollutants in the air every day and foul the earth's water, you can't belief there is not going to be some sort of drastic change in the environment. Take a look at those photos of the polluted Chinese skies. You think that crap stays all in one place?

What you say is obviously true. So why has all the attention, and hundreds of billions of dollars, been focused on a harmless gas(co2) that will aid in the reforestation of the earth?
As far as the governments and corporations are concerned, the earth's resources are here to be used up any way possible. They aren't concerned that future generations will need to live in a clean environment. I like to use the term 'global weather change' instead of 'global warming' as it is more truthful.

These people who rave about living in warmer climates seem to forget that they are lacking rainfall and don't have enough water. You can't expect other states to keep supplying your needs forever. Warm temperatures come with a price as well. Look at all the raging fires going on. I am not one for sitting in multiple hour traffic delays so I can travel thirty miles to work and live in a hot climate year round.

I come to my environmentalism honestly from a family history where one's church was the natural world, and worship was about climbing mountains, hiking and rock gardens. Our house was purchased because of the wild forest the person next door was growing. He turned out to be one of Canada's foremost environmentalists, with numerous Governor General's Awards for his Elm Recovery Project and Genetic Seed Bank. His name was Henry Kock. We shared the deaths of family members within the first six months of moving in. He became a substitute dad, mentor and taught me to grow trees from seed.

His yard was littered with quotes from Edward Abbey. He, and his partner, were tireless planet loving, anti-nuclear, cycling, veggie eating, anti-corporate protestors and artists. I learned more life lessons from this man, about just how truly devastating the absolute deforestation and destruction of the forest and it's humus layer in Southern Ontario has been. This book of his was published posthumously and is basically a guide book of how to recreate forests and landscapes. In our neighbourhood we continue to follow his precepts, care for his yard and grow trees from seed like it's a religion.

It was the profit of corporate gods that told his family, who ran a nursery, that it would be fine for teenage Henry to spray all the young seedlings etc. without a mask while using what we now know to be some of the most carcinogenic agro-toxins -all since banned. Henry contracted a very rare and most deadly form of brain cancer while in the middle of writing his book. And so I will forever hate the duplicity of the corporate gods whose lies continue to tell us that everything is fine, nothing to worry about - the planet is doing just fine. I know these lies well and would dishonor my friend's life and reputation if I did not persistently rage, rage against the dying of the green trees. You can call it kool-aid if you like. I just see blindness and folly when the voice of corporate greed speaks, whether knowingly or unknowingly; it makes no nevermind to me. The Lorax must live on.


Each year I grow trees and plant them and give them away in a response to the dying of the land. I do this in memory of my dad and of Henry. I do this because it is the best use of my spare time during the growing season.

What motivates you? Who do you speak for?
As far as the governments and corporations are concerned, the earth's resources are here to be used up any way possible. They aren't concerned that future generations will need to live in a clean environment. I like to use the term 'global weather change' instead of 'global warming' as it is more truthful.

These people who rave about living in warmer climates seem to forget that they are lacking rainfall and don't have enough water. You can't expect other states to keep supplying your needs forever. Warm temperatures come with a price as well. Look at all the raging fires going on. I am not one for sitting in multiple hour traffic delays so I can travel thirty miles to work and live in a hot climate year round.

Los Angeles factors in the drought, now, as a base-line. Just as in it's urban planning it is factoring in a sea-level rise.
As far as the governments and corporations are concerned, the earth's resources are here to be used up any way possible. They aren't concerned that future generations will need to live in a clean environment. I like to use the term 'global weather change' instead of 'global warming' as it is more truthful.

These people who rave about living in warmer climates seem to forget that they are lacking rainfall and don't have enough water. You can't expect other states to keep supplying your needs forever. Warm temperatures come with a price as well. Look at all the raging fires going on. I am not one for sitting in multiple hour traffic delays so I can travel thirty miles to work and live in a hot climate year round.

They are taking our [provinces and states] water from the Great Lakes so they can live in the dessert.
I have two questions:
It is my understanding that combustion engines make carbon monoxide. Secondly It is my understanding that plants cannot use carbon monoxide and it is therefore useless. Is this correct? Secondly why is no one talking about carbon monoxide?

I come to my environmentalism honestly from a family history where one's church was the natural world, and worship was about climbing mountains, hiking and rock gardens. Our house was purchased because of the wild forest the person next door was growing. He turned out to be one of Canada's foremost environmentalists, with numerous Governor General's Awards for his Elm Recovery Project and Genetic Seed Bank. His name was Henry Kock. We shared the deaths of family members within the first six months of moving in. He became a substitute dad, mentor and taught me to grow trees from seed.

His yard was littered with quotes from Edward Abbey. He, and his partner, were tireless planet loving, anti-nuclear, cycling, veggie eating, anti-corporate protestors and artists. I learned more life lessons from this man, about just how truly devastating the absolute deforestation and destruction of the forest and it's humus layer in Southern Ontario has been. This book of his was published posthumously and is basically a guide book of how to recreate forests and landscapes. In our neighbourhood we continue to follow his precepts, care for his yard and grow trees from seed like it's a religion.

It was the profit of corporate gods that told his family, who ran a nursery, that it would be fine for teenage Henry to spray all the young seedlings etc. without a mask while using what we now know to be some of the most carcinogenic agro-toxins -all since banned. Henry contracted a very rare and most deadly form of brain cancer while in the middle of writing his book. And so I will forever hate the duplicity of the corporate gods whose lies continue to tell us that everything is fine, nothing to worry about - the planet is doing just fine. I know these lies well and would dishonor my friend's life and reputation if I did not persistently rage, rage against the dying of the green trees. You can call it kool-aid if you like. I just see blindness and folly when the voice of corporate greed speaks, whether knowingly or unknowingly; it makes no nevermind to me. The Lorax must live on.


Each year I grow trees and plant them and give them away in a response to the dying of the land. I do this in memory of my dad and of Henry. I do this because it is the best use of my spare time during the growing season.

What motivates you? Who do you speak for?
This is a most excellent post. Thank you for sharing Burnt State!
yea horse power!
I have two questions:
It is my understanding that combustion engines make carbon monoxide. Secondly It is my understanding that plants cannot use carbon monoxide and it is therefore useless. Is this correct? Secondly why is no one talking about carbon monoxide?
Flipper, do you think the oil companies and the car industry are going to raise any red flags about carbon monoxide? Anyone who seriously want to take on these people will be slapped down hard.
I have two questions:
It is my understanding that combustion engines make carbon monoxide. Secondly It is my understanding that plants cannot use carbon monoxide and it is therefore useless. Is this correct? Secondly why is no one talking about carbon monoxide?

Modern cars don't produce much CO because they burn fuel more efficiently, and the catalytic converter converts the rest to CO2. No one talks about it because it is only 0.1 ppm of the atmosphere.
Modern cars don't produce much CO because they burn fuel more efficiently, and the catalytic converter converts the rest to CO2. No one talks about it because it is only 0.1 ppm of the atmosphere.
That may be for the Western nations but the Chinese only enacted more stringent emissions laws in 2013. The Chinese automakers are afraid the cost of more emissions equipment on cars will result in a drop of car sales.
Modern cars don't produce much CO because they burn fuel more efficiently, and the catalytic converter converts the rest to CO2. No one talks about it because it is only 0.1 ppm of the atmosphere.

Is .1 parts per million ia lot? Does anybody close their garage door and leave the car running?
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From CRISES IN CLIMATOLOGY | Watts Up With That?

Frequently we hear that we must accept that the earth is warming at an alarming rate due to anthropogenic CO2 because 90+% climatologists believe it. However, science is not a consensus discipline. It depends on skeptics questioning every hypothesis, every theory and every model until all rational challenges are satisfied. Any endeavor that must prove itself by appealing to consensus or demeaning skeptics is not science. Why do some proponents of climate alarm dismiss critics by implying they are like Holocaust deniers? Presumably most climatologists disapprove of these unscientific tactics, but too few speak out against them.
A Flood Of Propaganda
The recent media coverage of severe floods in the UK demonstrates this assimilation and herd mentality of corporate media professionals about as well as any other topic today. No matter how extreme the weather, and how awful the hardships endured by ordinary people in the floods, the culpability of corporate-driven industrial 'civilisation', its inherent ecological unsustainability, and the urgent need for radical changes, must not be addressed in any meaningful way.

A careful analysis by Carbon Brief of 3,064 flood-related newspapers stories, published between the start of December and 10 February, makes this clear. Their stark conclusion is that over 93 per cent of press stories did not mention climate change (never mind the role of humans in disturbing the delicate balance of climate).


Media Lens - Bias Towards Power *Is* Corporate Media ‘Objectivity’: Journalism, Floods And Climate Silence
A Flood Of Propaganda
The recent media coverage of severe floods in the UK demonstrates this assimilation and herd mentality of corporate media professionals about as well as any other topic today. No matter how extreme the weather, and how awful the hardships endured by ordinary people in the floods, the culpability of corporate-driven industrial 'civilisation', its inherent ecological unsustainability, and the urgent need for radical changes, must not be addressed in any meaningful way.

A careful analysis by Carbon Brief of 3,064 flood-related newspapers stories, published between the start of December and 10 February, makes this clear. Their stark conclusion is that over 93 per cent of press stories did not mention climate change (never mind the role of humans in disturbing the delicate balance of climate).


Media Lens - Bias Towards Power *Is* Corporate Media ‘Objectivity’: Journalism, Floods And Climate Silence

You have to remember that the press has been obediently reporting most weather anomalies as being caused by global warming for at least a quarter of a century. They were bound to get tired of it at some point. I'm pretty sure that if someone could actually explain how global warming caused the incessant low pressure system off England's coast, the press would write about it. What bugs me is that 6.7% of the press still follow the party line without questioning.
Of course for an alternate view of media and climate change please consider the Canadian perspective where our gov't is planning on removing charitable status from any environmental agency that wants to talk climate change. This gov't primary focus is to sell Tar Sands oil from Alberta to the U.S. and to do that they are pulling out all the usual fascist stops, muzzling any voice, including the voice of scientists:

"According to an Environment Canada document, reported by the Montreal Gazette in March 2010, "Media coverage of climate change science, our most high-profile issue, has been reduced by over 80 per cent" since 2007.[9] The Canadian government is being accused of "muzzling" its scientists,[10][11][12][13] as journalists need to file a request to government officials before being allowed to interview scientists, which requests are often denied or only allowed after the news story has already been published by the journalist.[10]"
Environmental policy of the Harper government - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So before we identify the media as biased I think that there is more to be gained by exploring the interests of oil and who actually stops people from speaking altogether. That's a much more suspicious position.