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They Should Tell You Climate change

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No problem. We all do it everyday. The average office can be up to 10,000 ppm.. The global average is 399 ppm right now. It sounds like you know very little about CO2.

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I had to stop reading this thread because I can't take listening to the self-destructive ingrates who don't understand the marvellous significance of this Earth, and the life it harbors. Spoiled and careless, too aggravating.
But I saw the tar sand image, and I want to say I couldn't agree more with the following text:

.. I'm entirely tired and bored with the discussion to be honest. Either you love the planet and want our environment to be healthier or you are on the side of the billionaire who wants deregulation so they can frack up your backyard if they need to. Those are my choices....
The extracting industries are without care and without consciousness, history shows that to be the absolute truth. They must be regulated, not least for environmental concerns.

It is morally bankrupt and an offense to reason to make the environmentalists the bad guys in these matters. Without the environmental movement, I shudder to think where we'd be today. Maybe where China is now, where huge areas are now deemed unfit for living.
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Hopefully some of you "alarmists" will learn something from the video above.

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Hopefully some of you "alarmists" will learn something from the video above.

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I'm going to try and be kind about the constant pro-billionaire drivel that you pump out in favour of damning the planet so the ultra-wealthy can get even more wealthy. The video you posted led by wingnut weatherman John Coleman is a frequent guest speaker at pro-oil, anti-environmental conferences. KUSI news has descended into pro-republican, and pro-Koch Industries rhetoric in a manner that could only be called shameful by any real news standards. The Koch Industries are best know for taking their wacko fringe ideas to the mainstream through people just like you. They rely on gullible people who want to hate: O'Bama, the planet, social security, and environmental regulation just to name a few of their pet peeves.

Please try completing some actual research into the anti-planet ideas that you are promoting. The billionaires that you are actively being a mouthpiece for are really only interested in dismantling government, specifically environmental regulations so they can get on with fracking the planet into the stone age. You call that alarmist? I think what's pretty alarming is when human beings, either willingly or unwittingly, continue to promote ad nauseum the fringe crap that the billionaires pump out through mouthpieces like Coleman.

Get a grip and look a little more clearly at the connections between the ultra wealthy and their fringe messengers. You like conspiracies so it shouldn't take you more than a minor amount of searching to connect the dots between the anti-planet, pro-oil, pro-ultrawealth ideology that you are willingly pushing on behalf of your friends, the Koch brothers. Hope you're at least getting paid well if you really are in favour of such 'death to the planet' endeavors.
fact's not presenters say it all, a 1 degree rise between 1978 and 1998, and no rise since, that kinda piss's on the warmist's chip's doe's it not.
Burnt knows very little about the topic. He should check actual data and who the billionaires are funding his belief system.

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global warming is about one fact, not billionaire's, and not liberal hand-wringers, its quite simple, is the temperature of the planet rising?.

the answer is no, end of debate about 'global warming.

are billionaire's, oil companie's, and conglomerate's raping and destroying the natural world ?.


somehow burnt state, et al, try to argue both are the same thing.
Something I don't hear mentioned much in the climate change discussion: the potential loss of all kinds of valuable medicinal plants that need cold for their seeds to germinate. Alex Jones (who's done much entertaining radio over the years, I admire him strictly as a performer) likes to talk about how a future globally-warmed world will make everything "lush" and tropical and wonderful. But where does that leave the medicinal plants of the northern hemisphere? I've noticed a difference over the last ten years in planting in the fall for spring flowers! I will always admit I'm no expert and no climatologist, but I don't hear anyone but herbalists discussing potential northern hemisphere plant species die-off. It's got to the point where things like bachelor buttons would be sown in October, well, nowadays, in AZ, forget it, it's not cold enough any more. When you're lucky enough to get a poppy or bachelor button to germinate, their schedule is all off, and they either dwarf, bolt, or both. This never used to happen, "never" meaning my own experience of 20 odd years.

Things like rhodiola, currently trendy as an "adaptogen", are circum-polar and depend on cold to exist. Some plants (Goldenseal is a famous one -- still, to this day, extremely difficult to cultivate... not to mention extremely weird cases like the now critically endangered Lady's Slipper Orchid, a sedative that was widely used in the 19th century) have extremely arcane and still, to science, mysterious requirements for germination, that are being tweaked this way and that by climate change. A lot of the action in anti-cancer/anti-inflammatory/pro-immune system herbalism is, no doubt, locked up in the tropics and the Amazon, but not all of it, by a long shot. So there's more to this discussion than "more CO2 is gonna be great, just great." A truly unbiased, science-based public debate on the subject is still, after all these years, nowhere in sight. Why? I think it's in the interests of bureaucrats, corporations, politicians, and special interests of varying flavors, to keep it that way.
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Something I don't hear mentioned much in the climate change discussion: the potential loss of all kinds of valuable medicinal plants that need cold for their seeds to germinate. Alex Jones (who's done much entertaining radio over the years, I admire him strictly as a performer) likes to talk about how a future globally-warmed world will make everything "lush" and tropical and wonderful. But where does that leave the medicinal plants of the northern hemisphere? I've noticed a difference over the last ten years in planting in the fall for spring flowers! I will always admit I'm no expert and no climatologist, but I don't hear anyone but herbalists discussing potential northern hemisphere plant species die-off. It's got to the point where things like bachelor buttons would be sown in October, well, nowadays, in AZ, forget it, it's not cold enough any more. When you're lucky enough to get a poppy or bachelor button to germinate, their schedule is all off, and they either dwarf, bolt, or both. This never used to happen, "never" meaning my own experience of 20 odd years.

Things like rhodiola, currently trendy as an "adaptogen", are circum-polar and depend on cold to exist. Some plants (Goldenseal is a famous one -- still, to this day, extremely difficult to cultivate... not to mention extremely weird cases like the now critically endangered Lady's Slipper Orchid, a sedative that was widely used in the 19th century) have extremely arcane and still, to science, mysterious requirements for germination, that are being tweaked this way and that by climate change. A lot of the action in anti-cancer/anti-inflammatory/pro-immune system herbalism is, no doubt, locked up in the tropics and the Amazon, but not all of it, by a long shot. So there's more to this discussion than "more CO2 is gonna be great, just great." A truly unbiased, science-based public debate on the subject is still, after all these years, nowhere in sight. Why? I think it's in the interests of bureaucrats, corporations, politicians, and special interests of varying flavors, to keep it that way.

Exactly so - well said. I just read an article - and I won't be able to pull it out, I'm afraid, I can't recall where I saw it (it might come to me) - that showed the slow movement by a foot a year, I think, forcing species to move in various directions.

A family member has been talking about the changes in the spring planting in the Northeast (US). This has been an on-going discussion in biodynamic agricultural circles for some time now. There is definitely a change a-foot, whatever the cause.
Thanks Tyger, it definitely is real for anyone who gardens. I'd like to see that article and hear more Northeast US info whenever it's convenient to post. Cheers.
The ongoing joke with my neighbour was that when our climate modifies enough we'll stop growing apples and berries and just start an avocado farm once winter disappears from Southern Ontario.

I had brought up this idea previously, that there is so much untapped potential in various plants and sea life to help positively alter pharmacology for humanity. We are a wasteful bunch folk, not caring about other species or or own self-destructive inclinations.

The whole "things will get greener with more co2" argument always fails to recognize that actually we'll have more deserts and less arable land for food production. There will be only less rain with more co2. I thought the recent major deaths of the farmed scallops on an unprecedented scale, not to mention the proliferation of jellyfish on a global scale, was giving us a hint of what's to come as the oceans start their acidification process.
Better do a little research, the deserts are greening because of CO2. I am curious, did you graduate high school?

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Your ability to consistently produce low level propaganda in this discussion without actually responding to the actual academic events does not help the conversation at all. Try cultivating new sources of information to broaden your understanding of current events in a more nuanced manner. This may take you out of your comfort zone and cause you to read things other than the conspiracist material sponsored by Koch and the oil empire. Why not research the origin of your sources a little and see what the academics actually think about that fringe stuff?
By June 2012 he finally came to one inescapable conclusion:

The planet will not be habitable for the human species long beyond 2030. And there is NOTHING the human species for all its sophistication and technology can do about it.
In the following interview, recorded in early February, 2014 following a talk in Winnipeg, Mcpherson goes through the evidence, challenges techno-fixes, such as geo-engineering and re-location to the planet Mars, and reflects on the opportunities that arise when one is faced with the end of everything.

This discussion is among the most provocative this interviewer has ever conducted for radio.
Near-Term Human Extinction: A Conversation with Guy McPherson | Global Research
A consensus of scientists also overwhelmingly concluded the world was flat as well.
We have been told "we have 10 years to live" now for the past 40 years.. Wake the f#€k up.

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