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Timothy Good

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Tim told us that the alien males could not breed with human woman due to lack of hardness in the junk area. I don't know if Bud Hopkins or David Jabobs had reported this 'fact.' It was new to me, but I'm glad I was made aware of it.
This is my guess in terms of the breakaway, which IMO is a misnomer to begin with as they have most likely never been "with us" to begin with. Billions of years ago sentient, physically biological life, developed on this planet. Via average evolutionary progress, the same precise type that we observe today, mankind developed to the point where what we now loosely term "the singularity" occurred. Via looking at this present age of mankind's progress, I would imagine approx. 500-5000 years post this technological singularity development, the planet became threatened by an eminent catastrophic natural event. As a result, I believe that proto-humanity made the choice to upload their individual, or collective mentalities into what are naturally formed accommodating crystals deep beneath of the Earth's crust, possibly beneath the ocean floor. This *is* their physiology and is why that we specifically cannot interact with them apart from what is their design's intent. The Greys are biological robots that they share a direct remote singularity link with. In this sense they are puppets. The Greys are the only way they can now get stuff done in the physiological world that we occupy. These Greys were most likely accomplished thousands of years prior to the cataclysmic event's occurrence. Most likely, mankind is a genetic manipulation of Earth's ape and themselves. Originally it may have been their design to use us as their host physicality. Perhaps because of our own meta-physiological short comings, this is why they cannot or choose not to based on sheer inferiority. The hybridization effort (if there is any) is to provide these presently crystalline bound intellects/spirits/consciousness with physicality.

I believe that all testing (abductions/humanoid encounters) to have been demonstrative of what will be ultimately their developed means and methods of learning how to best and most effectively interact with us directly.
Tim told us that the alien males could not breed with human woman due to lack of hardness in the junk area. I don't know if Bud Hopkins or David Jabobs had reported this 'fact.' It was new to me, but I'm glad I was made aware of it.

If that is the case then how advanced could these aliens really be? They haven't come up with the little blue pill yet?

I still don't understand how a human could breed with anything other than another human being. I think the whole alien hybrid stuff is complete fabrication. Every time I hear it I want to laugh. Cats and dogs or fish and snails will cross-breed before some form of life from another world breeds with a terrestrial partner. It's biologically absurd. It almost guarantees that these stories are not what they are presented as being.
When Kaczynski 's manifesto was made public some of us hoped his brilliance was outweighed by his insanity and that perhaps he wasn't as insightful as he seemed. However, it seems that those who actually can see the future are often driven insane by the view.

I just watched a documentary on Kaczynhski to refresh my memory. He wasn't driven insane by his insight. Poor bastard was scared for life and psychologically ruined by ignorant medical practices that kept him isolated from his family during a childhood illness. It screwed him up for life. I wanted to cry for child and pity the adult. It is so hard to pity murderers though no matter what the root cause of their maladjustment might be.
Yeah some one or something likes seeing humanity kill its self in the millions and starve hundreds of thousands of children ? Is our World materialism machine and Earth is feeding plate of death which used a method of control as the other hand searches to kill your fellow man , women or child for who? This gets back to those who have encounters with the paranormal. What is the so called Grey a avatar 'some electronically mind control technology of a real wacko. Also regarding hypnotherapist seems about so called abduction is more trouble than it worth going on eyewitness reports. Who want so much death in our World a "evil force?
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I've got a pretty good idea as to what triggers all these wild speculations. I'd call them the products of an ultimate combat between the mathematically insane notion that a half a million year old specie is the pinnacle of intellect against the backdrop of a 14 billion year old universe. I think the heavy elements were available about 10 to 12 billion years ago so you can just imagine the number of times the story may have repeated...

I think there are enough convincing hints that we are visited and probed by technological civilizations, some of which may even have originated on earth (or mars) a few billion years ago. My hunch is that it's a zoo beyond our wildest imagination out there and our telescopes and sensors are about to sniff them out ;)

To speculate on what the needs of these highly advanced civilizations might be beyond security is fun.... At some stage in their evolution I'd guess they would be autonomous to the point where they could build self sustaining ecosystems if they wanted. One of which might even be our planet. That's the kind of power a 10 billion year head start might offer you. You can play in god mode.

On a scale of billions of years even Plato's mythical technological Atlantis becomes a possibility on earth. (it eventually gets crushed by plate tectonics and is now deep in earths mantle lol). One possibility that makes sense in relation to all the documented weirdness and non-intervention is that our reality is encapsulated within someone else's reality... Thus explaining why we are not constantly invaded by all kinds of wild weird aliens :)
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I have been listening to most of his interviews since his book came out and in every one he goes into some depth and with enthusiasm about the "Friendship" case.......also to print a colour photograph of what he believes is a genuine "Alien"when he has been in the past considered a creditable investigator is either pure disinfo or real.
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I have been listening to most of his interviews since his book came out and in every one he goes into some depth and with enthusiasm about the "Friendship" case.......also to print a colour photograph of what he believes is a genuine "Alien"when he has been in the past considered a creditable investigator is either pure disinfo or real.
Speaking of the "Friendship" case. I remember watching the youtube video on it, but is there any other info out their about it?
Timothy Good has been Benewitzed. Now people lets put our collective heads together and find out what or which of his intel is any good.

(did you see what i did there?)

And herein lies the SCAREY part! :eek:

Seriously, it does sorta creep up and hit you up side the old noggin doesn't it? It's none too comforting to know or realize just how close to, or possibly even in tandem support, that the various UFO subculture iconographies that Good accepts and reports based on hearsay, lie juxtaposed next to different yet often seemingly interconnected cases supporting previously validated information. Before too long you're left wondering if there is anything of real value or not and that's the part that hurts core interest in the subject.

Not to laud Chris, but I was quite proud of him the other night when he and Gene were chatting with Don on the latest Paracast episode. Chris was stating how he viewed as much as lazy journalism as far as Good's acceptance threshold was concerned. That was spot on but I would add one feature. It's lazy colorful journalism and is IMO most certainly intentional as Tim is very gifted at it. Without someone pointing out the man behind the curtain that lurks in the realms of what best instigates true belief, it makes for an effortless, fun, thrilling, ride as one reads along through his fast paced books. However, with even a modicum of familiarity with the pitfalls of "trust me" sources bearing out factual information, it does not take much effort to take note where Good's UFO folklore fabrications don't so much act to change unsubstantiated informational content to serve his agenda with the stories he renders, but rather to entertainingly segue and navigate the UFO subculture initiate, or enduring fan, through a slalom course of UFO intrigue as he glosses over red flags that would otherwise send his thrilling big picture ufology to the kill file in a heart beat. In what is a delightfully pseudo scientific smorgasbord feast of what are these various iconography's mythically animated historic lineages, one's sense of fulfillment is as complete as it is compelling via just plain good ol' story tellin'. Enough to satiate the most glutenous adventuresque paranormal inspired appetites.
Timothy Good has been Benewitzed. Now people lets put our collective heads together and find out what or which of his intel is any good.

(did you see what i did there?)

You've cited an important and pervasive aspect of this phenomenon. The creeping nuttiness we see in some researchers is probably latent, but in others seems to be induced by the process of active investigation. We take as a given the fact that direct and close up interaction with the UFO has the potential to forever alter a person's psychological makeup. The same my be true of those who dive intensively into investigation. Rational researchers are sometimes given the impression that their lives are intimately under scrutiny by someone or some thing. Some seem immune. While others, such as Jim Penniston or Paul Bennewitz, are seemingly "Benewitzed" and spend a lifetime struggling with the aftermath. Some are made slightly paranoid by too many strange coincidences related to their work but handle it well. This is X-files stuff, but I believe it's for real.
Because we participate in creating the universe every day, synchronicity follows any person who begins to dive into something. Especially if it is a little unusual and they pay attention. A Momon missionary, for instance, will see much 'divine' help along the way and many minor miracles that are personal. This he will perceive as proof God is with him. A person working with Tarot cards or looking for UFOs will also have many odd encounters and synchronicity. They can easily perceived this as help from spirits or aliens - or as someone watching, etc.

If you tune in to synchronicity itself, you will see it everyday. Then you realize you are conjuring the universe itself.
Speaking of the "Friendship" case. I remember watching the youtube video on it, but is there any other info out their about it?
there is a book but in Italian and the translation I have heard is poor(written by one of the participants).....there is a history channel documentary but it is the usual "pants" sanitized t.v.
This is my guess in terms of the breakaway, which IMO is a misnomer to begin with as they have most likely never been "with us" to begin with. Billions of years ago sentient, physically biological life, developed on this planet. Via average evolutionary progress, the same precise type that we observe today, mankind developed to the point where what we now loosely term "the singularity" occurred. Via looking at this present age of mankind's progress, I would imagine approx. 500-5000 years post this technological singularity development, the planet became threatened by an eminent catastrophic natural event ...
Billions of years is a stretch. The Earth is only around 4.5 billion years old to begin with, and then it took time to cool and form an atmosphere and seas, and for the first life forms to evolve. Science has mapped out the evolution of life pretty well from these very beginnings, and there's no evidence in the fossil record of some advanced ancient civilization. And where is the archaeological evidence? Surely, if some past civilization on Earth were to have developed there would be a trail of such clues. Yet the best we have is the rare OOPART, most of which aren't all that remarkable or have debunked.
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Yeah some one or something likes seeing humanity kill its self in the millions and starve hundreds of thousands of children ? Is our World materialism machine and Earth is feeding plate of death which used a method of control as the other hand searches to kill your fellow man , women or child for who? This gets back to those who have encounters with the paranormal. What is the so called Grey a avatar 'some electronically mind control technology of a real wacko. Also regarding hypnotherapist seems about so called abduction is more trouble than it worth going on eyewitness reports. Who want so much death in our World a "evil force?

I afraid it is all just part of the natural order of things.

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