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U.S. Soliders Boo-Hoo About Dying in Afghanistan

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My bankers and industrialists got you Brits out the shit of two world wars buddy. And as I sit here writing this crapola on my IBM lap top in my Hugo boss suit drinking classic coke not the fake stuff we sold you in the 80s and continue to sell you , I can see The Bush family are continuing to help you in light oh the threat of world terrorism. God save America peace to the 911 survivors.
What? You don't like National Socialism Herr Nameless?

As you know, since humans are nothing more than animals, it is moral to predate the brutes just as a farmer manages his livestock.

Survival of the Fittest Old Boy! It's 100% Natural and Scientific.
My bankers and industrialists got you Brits out the shit of two world wars buddy. And as I sit here writing this crapola on my IBM lap top in my Hugo boss suit drinking classic coke not the fake stuff we sold you in the 80s and continue to sell you , I can see The Bush family are continuing to help you in light oh the threat of world terrorism. God save America peace to the 911 survivors.


And as I sit here writing this crapola on my IBM lap top in my Hugo boss suit drinking classic coke not the fake stuff we sold you in the 80s and continue to sell you, aswell as listening to crap music and unfunny comedians.

fixed ^
What? You don't like National Socialism Herr Nameless?

As you know, since humans are nothing more than animals, it is moral to predate the brutes just as a farmer manages his livestock.

Survival of the Fittest Old Boy! It's 100% Natural and Scientific.
i don't know any thing about that dude. All I know is if i see some one crying is not to be desensitised to human emotion.
people shouldn't be denigrated for expressing remorse or fear or sadness, if anything it shows that they have reached a level of self awareness, in the light of a military training which robs you of individuality and "resocializes" you and conditions you into killing (ironically desensitising you to human emotion), the emotion shown here is an indicator of humanity and of "self individuation". so what do we do?? we kick the shit out of the dude some more till he goes postal. empathy brothers.
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I saw this article on Breitbart about U.S. soldiers crying because they get shot in Afghanistan.

'I Didn't Join to Be Sacrificed': U.S. Troops Fed Up with Risky Afghanistan Strategy

From what I can tell Brietbart is some type of NeoCon rag. The level of idiocy is there is astounding.

I have no sympathy for anyone so stupid as to sign up to go die for some Banker. Before the internet one could easily be tricked into doing that. No more. Willful ignorance is not excusable.

Things like the video below are freely available to anyone who spends more than 15 minutes looking into the matter before running down to the recruiter's office.

I saw this article on Breitbart about U.S. soldiers crying because they get shot in Afghanistan.

'I Didn't Join to Be Sacrificed': U.S. Troops Fed Up with Risky Afghanistan Strategy

From what I can tell Brietbart is some type of NeoCon rag. The level of idiocy is there is astounding.

I have no sympathy for anyone so stupid as to sign up to go die for some Banker. Before the internet one could easily be tricked into doing that. No more. Willful ignorance is not excusable.

Things like the video below are freely available to anyone who spends more than 15 minutes looking into the matter before running down to the recruiter's office.

I've no problem with the story, Brietbart was a conservative punk and he is dead now, good riddance to bad garbage. The subject heading of this thread was chickensh*t and chosen to get a reaction, now you have mine in addition to others.. Doubtful if you would make this statement in a bar in front of anyone in uniform, you'd probably get a combat boot in the butt.
Call me (a) sensitive guy or something, but it hurts me what is going on (deploying millitary 'Berkut' forces against people?!) in the Ukraine. No word from the US yet ?
Here is the best article that I have found on what exactly is going on in the Ukraine:
The geopolitics of the Ukrainian conflict: back to basics
Looking at the amazing footage coming out of not only Kiev, but also from many other cities in the Ukraine, one can get the idea that what is taking place is absolute total chaos and that nobody controls it. This is a very mistaken impression and I think that this is a good time to look at who the actors of this conflict are and what they really want. Only then will we be able to make sense of what is going on, who is pulling the strings behind the curtain, and what could happen next. So let us look at the various actors one by one.
The Vineyard of the Saker: The geopolitics of the Ukrainian conflict: back to basics
You're a sensitive guy.
Just kidding.
Whenever there is some "crime against humanity" occurring anywhere in the world, people start looking for the USA to "do something". I get it: "with great power comes great responsibility". But it really isn't working out for us. Every time we try to help, we lose a bunch of young people, go further in debt, and are called A-holes by the very same people we were trying to help. The Europeans and Canadians seem to think they have all the answers, let's see how they do.
This is not true. What is true is that the U.S. corporate media cries out "Look what terrible things are happing in this country because the ruling elite want that countries resources or their leader is not being obedient enough to please them. Everybody else including many U.S. citizens wish the U.S. would look after it's own people. Never will you hear cries from U.S. media for humanitarian intervention in Saudi Arabia or Israel.
Part of the reason I ranted about "victim" in my first post and get disgusted with these threads in general is that it's easy to hate the banker, the government, the warrior, etc. All over the net there's articles waiting for you to propagate that hatred to yourself and to others. We all claim that "they" do that to us, they have their media, their money, high ranking government positions, etc. We give them this. Willingly. In America, less than half of our people vote. From our local towns all the way up. People refuse to understand even basic expenses of running a town, a city, a state. They don't know how laws are passed. When a levy breaks their baffled how it happened. Getting a paycheck means buying things. Cable T.V, rent, food, dinner out, gas for the car. We expect all those things to be there. We get angry and rude to the cable guy if the service is interrupted. Dammit, we paid for it! We don't really want to think about the threats that buzz around us everyday, from the local nut that wants to blow up city hall or the guy that want's to walk into a school and blast holes in our children. So we expect our government to deal with it. We want them to prevent it so we can watch the Simpsons tonight and not feel awful. We want our house to be warm in the next cold front. We want our cars. We want to go skiing and not have avalanches bury us. You name it we want it.
So when a subject is presented here and everyone goes on a rant about how crappy the system is or how our soldiers shouldn't cry over dying, all I see is a tiny spot of the issue in a giant ass web. I don't once see a solution offered up. I see rants and righteousness. It's not honest. It's a victims stance. Granted this is just my own opinion....but if your going to get heated up about all these issues....figure out what you can do about it, albeit limited in scope and lifetime, and do it.
This is not true. What is true is that the U.S. corporate media cries out "Look what terrible things are happing in this country because the ruling elite want that countries resources or their leader is not being obedient enough to please them. Everybody else including many U.S. citizens wish the U.S. would look after it's own people. Never will you hear cries from U.S. media for humanitarian intervention in Saudi Arabia or Israel.
Mambo dogface to the banana patch?
Think back to the combination of misdirected energy and ignorance that is adolescence, combined with the increasing difficulty of earning a living wage without specialized job skills and job experience. Add to that slick marketing to testosterone saturated young American males nurtured from childhood on violent movies and video games. This, I'm guessing, is what motivates many young enlistees of this era to sign on to participation in our almost endless wars. Patriotism is perhaps a factor. But allegiances are now vague and hazy. This was a topic for superficial discussion with friends here recently, who seemed to regard enlistment in our armed services as a desirable career option for aimless youth. I think there was a time when it often was. (For some, perhaps it still is.) Young men (usually) signed up for a specified "hitch", acquired a sense of self-discipline often lacking in their lives plus salable job skills useful after honorable discharge.

I see this less and less. Like the almost endless re-living of WWII in the American psyche, public regard for what it means to serve in today's military seems (admittedly from a distance) to be sadly outmoded. And I think thousands of young--and now not so young--Americans are paying an immorally high price.
patriatism ?, its about time you sucked this poison out of your system, and spat it back into the face of the snake oil salesmen..

heres a new slogan

Help save young american lives NOW.

''shoot a recruitment officer TODAY''