Part of the reason I ranted about "victim" in my first post and get disgusted with these threads in general is that it's easy to hate the banker, the government, the warrior, etc. All over the net there's articles waiting for you to propagate that hatred to yourself and to others. We all claim that "they" do that to us, they have their media, their money, high ranking government positions, etc. We give them this. Willingly. In America, less than half of our people vote. From our local towns all the way up. People refuse to understand even basic expenses of running a town, a city, a state. They don't know how laws are passed. When a levy breaks their baffled how it happened. Getting a paycheck means buying things. Cable T.V, rent, food, dinner out, gas for the car. We expect all those things to be there. We get angry and rude to the cable guy if the service is interrupted. Dammit, we paid for it! We don't really want to think about the threats that buzz around us everyday, from the local nut that wants to blow up city hall or the guy that want's to walk into a school and blast holes in our children. So we expect our government to deal with it. We want them to prevent it so we can watch the Simpsons tonight and not feel awful. We want our house to be warm in the next cold front. We want our cars. We want to go skiing and not have avalanches bury us. You name it we want it.
So when a subject is presented here and everyone goes on a rant about how crappy the system is or how our soldiers shouldn't cry over dying, all I see is a tiny spot of the issue in a giant ass web. I don't once see a solution offered up. I see rants and righteousness. It's not honest. It's a victims stance. Granted this is just my own opinion....but if your going to get heated up about all these issues....figure out what you can do about it, albeit limited in scope and lifetime, and do it.