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UFO Impulsivity & Paranormal Phenomena

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Anyone read "The Rainbow and the Serpent".... awesome read, goes into how they make zombies in Haiti.

Really good read. It is by a Harvard Scientist named Wade Davis. It was made into a movie. But, the book (of course) is the real thing. This is the type researcher that I admire. He is very open to going where the research takes him and not trying to put it in a box. The Serpent and the Rainbow was written in the early eighties but I think there are still reissued copies out there.
When the performance begins there seems to be a impulsive, erratic, dynamic energy present. The word “performance”implies what the UFO phenomenon presents itself as. It is not by chance nor mistake that the UFO phenomenon presents itself to either the experiencer or experiencers, whether physiologically, psychologically, or in tandem. The performance has a tendency to play itself out. In other words the performance has a beginning and an end, leaving either the experiencer or experiencers with a varied array of impressions, from euphoria to terror. The phenomenon is able to detect, and engage different forms of consciousness, interacting with multiple forms of consciousness during any given performance. In some cases either the experiencer or experiencers psyche dictates the parameter of what may be experienced. There have been known instances in which pre-cognitive qualities have been associated with UFO and paranormal phenomena.

The word “Impulsivity” is used in terms of global locations, nature, duration, and erratic behavior of manifestations. They can occur anywhere at anytime. They can materialize and dematerialize. The duration of either sightings or experiences can last from seconds to hours. The UFO phenomenon has been occasionally associated with either injury or death. UFO and other paranormal phenomena usually engage either the experiencer or experinecers at random, but not necessarily at will, even though there are known recurring performances at recurring locales.

The late Terrence McKenna in a short lecture describes the neurotic aspect of the UFO phenomenon. McKenna hypothesized that there is a “neurotic energy dynamic” in the mass psyche which is caused by the repression of legitimate modalities for exploring consciousness. Whether or not his views as to the reasons for the neurosis are valid, there seems to be a type of neurotic energy present.

There are many other examples of UFO and paranormal phenomena characteristics, yet this should suffice in order to suggest a point. And that is, when presented with these observations one may be drawn toward a possible conclusion, that if in fact there are forms of either consciousness(s) or intelligence(s) in the UFO and paranormal phenomena, it may be surprising if the phenomena were self-cognizant by virtues of the behavior displayed. However it is not to say there could be one or more additional driving forces within, or outside the phenomena
For the sake of speculation, or discussion, I will suggest a form of sentience, and yet, non self cognizant, fractal being(s) which either is, or are able to straddle dimensions, and either is, or are expressed by the accumulative collective unconscious of all biological life forms, which have the ability to detect forms of either consciousness(s), or intelligence(s). The form of sentience, and yet, non self cognizant fractal being(s) having existed either on, or near Earth since the advent of the initial biological life form(s), possessing the ability to detect, and interact with various forms of either intelligence(s), or consciousness(s). Figuratively speaking, the phenomena are the sheets thrown over the ghosts, giving the ghosts their forms.
Could the observing biological life form(s) be entangled within the phenomena? Could the phenomena engage either the biological life form(s), or the observer(s) in a way as not to be entangled with the observing biological life form(s), and yet interact? Could the phenomena be a running commentary of Earth’s diverse biology, rather than being either the harbinger, or harbingers of fortune, or misfortune? And could the phenomena continue as long as there were biologically conscious life forms as to be the observers, and lay dormant during periods of extinction?
When you look at some of the UFO cases there seems to be organic components to the craft, why is that? Vallee stated that some UFO trace evidence included ejected sand, why is that? Sonar has observed, and tracked numerous USOs’, and on the Brazilian Island of Colares air force researchers observed, and documented a multitude of phenomenon in which some were described as structured craft, and yet others were organic in nature, originating from both ocean, and sky, occasionally zapping the Island inhabitants.
At the Sherman Ranch you have a prehistoric raptor in a tree, then leaving an imprint in the snow. You have two dog-headed men in trench coats, smoking cigarettes, then vanishing, leaving only their cigarettes to smolder on the ground. You have a disincarnate voice speaking to a NASA researcher, and the odor of a volcanic fumarole. And even when discounting the Sherman Ranch, there are numerous other examples of phenomena described, and documented by Junior Hicks, which have long been occurring. You name it, and it has pretty much been observed, or experienced, all over the globe.
With that said, there are multiple issues within this train of thought which do not seem to mesh. And at its heart lies one of Vallee’s hallmark arguments, and that is, “at the center of the UFO phenomena there is a machine, or a technology.” In either case I would agree with Vallee, that the phenomena are much more complicated than E.T.s arriving in crafts, from other planets
For the sake of speculation, or discussion, I will suggest a form of sentience, and yet, non self cognizant, fractal being(s) which either is, or are able to straddle dimensions, and either is, or are expressed by the accumulative collective unconscious of all biological life forms, which have the ability to detect forms of either consciousness(s), or intelligence(s). The form of sentience, and yet, non self cognizant fractal being(s) having existed either on, or near Earth since the advent of the initial biological life form(s), possessing the ability to detect, and interact with various forms of either intelligence(s), or consciousness(s). Figuratively speaking, the phenomena are the sheets thrown over the ghosts, giving the ghosts their forms.
Could the observing biological life form(s) be entangled within the phenomena? Could the phenomena engage either the biological life form(s), or the observer(s) in a way as not to be entangled with the observing biological life form(s), and yet interact? Could the phenomena be a running commentary of Earth’s diverse biology, rather than being either the harbinger, or harbingers of fortune, or misfortune? And could the phenomena continue as long as there were biologically conscious life forms as to be the observers, and lay dormant during periods of extinction?
When you look at some of the UFO cases there seems to be organic components to the craft, why is that? Vallee stated that some UFO trace evidence included sand, why is that? Sonar has observed, and tracked numerous USOs’, and on the Brazilian Island of Colares air force researchers observed, and documented a multitude of phenomena in which some were described as structured craft, and yet others were organic in nature, originating from both ocean, and sky, occasionally zapping the Island inhabitants.
At the Sherman Ranch you have a prehistoric raptor in a tree, then leaving an imprint in the snow. You have two dog-headed men in trench coats, smoking cigarettes, then vanishing, leaving only their cigarettes to smolder on the ground. You have a disincarnate voice speaking to a NASA researcher, and the odor of a volcanic fumarole. And even when discounting the Sherman Ranch, there are numerous other examples of phenomena described, and documented by Junior Hicks, which have long been occurring. You name it, and it has pretty much been observed, or experienced, all over the globe.
With that said, there are multiple issues within this train of thought which do not seem to mesh. And at its heart lies one of Vallee’s hallmark arguments, and that is, “at the center of the UFO phenomena there is a machine, or a technology.” In either case I would agree with Vallee, that the phenomena are much more complicated than E.T.s arriving in crafts, from other planets

Delberate deception, could explain this though.
Every "strange thing " described fits the description of "muddied waters".

Such "camoflage" fits the overall nature observed, craft that speed off when approached by jets, craft that appear to be able to be invisable at times.
In nature we see all of these types of camoflage, some animals try and look invisable, some try to look like something they are not. Some use speed to distance themselves from the observer as quickly as possible
Extrapolating those models to the engima, including the aspect of different species using those different types of deception, it can make sense in that context
Vallee shared an occurrence where by there were a number of French officers who witnessed a craft. And as the craft was dematerializing one of the officers shot at it three times. When the first bullet struck the craft, it made a metallic sound. The second bullet which struck the craft made the sound of a bullet piercing a phone book. And the third shot went through thin air. There have also been sightings where the craft literally moves through trees, and not around them. When you have craft that appear to materialize, and dematerialize, that may suggest that there is more involved than camouflage
One part of a magicians trick is to make the eye look at one hand, while the other hand is doing the trick.

And again in the animal kindom the use of a decoy is sometimes employed, the lizard that drops its tail, the squids ink, the bird that pops tantisingly in and out of view as it leads you away from its nest full of chicks.

Not saying thats the answer, but deliberate deception could also apply in this case
Hello guys, thank you for all the good references. I was at a dead end with my ufo sites. The Utah Ranch is awesome. Did my homework and checked for Valee, and Hicks. As to the Serpent and the Rainbow, I will read it. Back to the matter, I was thinking while reading the long though that SRL share with us that the phenomena does not want us to pinpoint what it is because it goes all over the place doing everything unimaginable jet somehow it showoff; is telling us look what I can do and you can’t. I will repeat it to myself forever, what’s the use of the experience if nothing ever happens. I can understand a medium trying to help a soul, a Clairvoyant avoiding an accident, but just seeing something that is utterly out of this world and the manifestation taking different forms for the sake of what? I am not just talking for my self but for all the real life stories that I have read this past year. I am usually very busy, is not like I am looking for it.
But it’s fun reading and sharing and just trying to make some sense of it.
As ive alluded to in another thread open contact could go one of two ways, it might usher in a leap in mental and social evolution, with humanitys pov completely changed to recognise a new reality, or it might cause the population of earth to go screaming back to the dark ages.

The demographic on sites like this might make most think that the former would be the reaction, but its the global demographic that counts.

If the demographic profile of earth is one that would usher in a dark ages scenario, then vistors would have to tread carefully.

For four years, UFO authority Nick Redfern has been investigating the strange and terrifying world of a secret group within the U.S. Government known as the Collins Elite. The group believes that our purported alien visitors are, in reality, deceptive demons and fallen angels. They are the minions of Satan, concludes the group, and are reaping and enslaving our very souls, and paving the way for Armageddon and Judgment Day.

I personally dont think the global demographic profile is ready for open contact. the vast majority of the worlds population are religious, this in turn is reflected in the governments of the planet.

To remain completly hidden provides no catalyst for change, to land on the whitehouse lawn is to invite disaster, putting our species back mentally by thousands of years

Author and paranormal researcher, Nicholas Redfern joins us for a look into bizarre connections between a shadowy government military-intelligence group called the "Collins Elite", and the ET/UFO phenomena which they believe to be directly "demonic".

Using direct information supplied to Nick by former MUFON investigator and Anglican priest, Ray Boueche; in what can best be termed a vast right-wing religious conspiracy, the group upholds the US is threatened by an imminent Satanic threat, and the country should be locked down under martial law and the citizenry placed under strict Old Testament Law to thwart the "soul snatching" plans of the demonic horde.

These beliefs, by the Collins group, are largely tied to their investigations into the activities of Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons' and the "Babalon Rising" ritual instituted by Crowley and Parsons, along with L. Ron Hubbard in the mid-1940s.

Under the scenario outlined by the group, the American Constitution would be revoked and the nation placed under a type of Biblical Old Testament theocracy/surveillance state with closed borders and severe penalties for interacting with the "demons".

The Collins research also delves into the work of experiencer/researcher, Dr. Karla Turner; and references the early (40 A.D.) works of Emil Schneweis' "Angels and Demons According to Lactantius, as well as Edward Langton's 1949 work. "Essentials of Demonology", and many other seminal works related to demonic/spiritist apparitions.

How ominous are the events reported by Nick regarding this potential theocratic takeover? Are factions of the U.S. government committed to the notion of a lock down and forced conversion to Abrahamic-style nation-state? What is the REAL deception in the ET/UFO paradigm?

Considering this is a Govt level issue, and that contact might result in the aforementioned lock down of society and forced conversion to Abrahamic style nation/global state.

Being elusive is the only sensible policy imo, like boiling a frog

The premise is that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability of people to react to significant changes that occur gradually.<SUP id=cite_ref-snopes_0-0 class=reference>[</SUP>
You may be correct in your logic. It seems as though Western culture has been somewhat conditioned to except the ETH hypotheses. Other cultures may have a more supportive view if an alternative hypotheses is proved to be correct. Have you heard of the Brookings Report?. It speaks to what you are referring to.
Although Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs discusses the need for research on many policy issues related to space exploration, it is most often cited for passages from its brief section on the implications of a discovery of extraterrestrial life. The report does not specifically recommend a cover-up of evidence of extraterrestrial life, but does touch on this as a possibility. Noteworthy passages include the following:
"While face-to-face meetings with it [intelligent extraterrestrial life] will not occur within the next 20 years (unless its technology is more advanced than ours, qualifying it to visit Earth), artifacts left at some point in time by these life forms might possibly be discovered through our space activities on the moon, Mars, or Venus." – page 215
"Anthropological files contain many examples of societies, sure of their place in the universe, which have disintegrated when they had to associate with previously unfamiliar societies espousing different ideas and different ways of life; others that survived such an experience usually did so by paying the price of changes in values and attitudes and behavior." – page 215
"Since intelligent life might be discovered at any time via the radio telescope research currently underway, and since the consequences of such a discovery are presently unpredictable because of our limited knowledge of behavior under even an approximation of such dramatic circumstances, two research areas can be recommended––
Continuing studies to determine emotional and intellectual understanding, and attitudes–and successive alterations of them if any–regarding the possibility and consequences of discovering intelligent extraterrestrial life.**
Historical and empirical studies of the behavior of peoples and their leaders when confronted with dramatic and unfamiliar events or social pressures. Such studies might help to provide programs for meeting and adjusting to the implications of such a discovery. Questions one might wish to answer by such studies would include: How might such information, under what circumstances, be presented to or withheld from the public for what ends? What might be the role of the discovering scientists and other decisionmakers regarding release of the fact of discovery?" – pages 215-16
"An individual's reactions to such a radio contact would in part depend on his cultural, religious, and social background, as well as on the actions of those he considered authorities and leaders, and their behavior, in turn would in part depend on their cultural, social, and religious environment. The discovery would certainly be front-page news everywhere; the degree of political or social repercussion would probably depend on leadership's interpretation of (1) its own role, (2) threats to that role, and (3) national and personal opportunities to take advantage of the disruption or reinforcement of the attitudes and values of others. Since leadership itself might have great need to gage the direction and intensity of public attitudes, to strengthen its own morale and for decisionmaking purposes, it would be most advantageous to have more to go on than personal opinions about the opinions of the public and other leadership groups. – page 215
"The knowledge that life existed in other parts of the universe might lead to greater unity of men on Earth, based on the "oneness" of man or on the age-old assumption that any stranger is threatening. Much would depend on what, if anything, was communicated between man and the other beings . . ." – page 215
"The positions of the major American religious denominations, the Christian sects, and the eastern religions on the matter of extraterrestrial life need elucidation. Consider the following: 'The fundamentalist (and anti-science) sects are growing apace around the world . . . For them, the discovery of other life–rather than any other space product–would be electrifying. . . . some scattered studies need to be made both in their home centers and churches and their missions, in relation to attitudes about space activities and extraterrestrial life.'" – page 225, n.34
"If plant life or some subhuman intelligence were found on Mars or Venus, for example, there is on the face of it no good reason to suppose these discoveries, after the original novelty had been exploited to the fullest and worn off, would result in substantial changes in perspective or philosophy in large parts of the American public, at least any more than, let us say, did the discovery of the coelacanth or the panda. – page 225, n.34"
"If superintelligence is discovered, the results become quite unpredictable. It is possible that if the intelligence of these creatures were sufficiently superior to ours, they would choose to have little if any contact with us. On the face of it, there is no reason to believe that we might learn a great deal from them, especially if their physiology and psychology were substantially different from ours."– page 225, n.34
"It has been speculated that, of all groups, scientists and engineers might be the most devastated by the discovery of relatively superior creatures, since these professions are most clearly associated with the mastery of nature, rather than with the understanding and expression of man. Advanced understanding of nature might vitiate all our theories at the very least, if not also require a culture and perhaps a brain inaccessible to earth scientists." – page 225, n.34
"A possible but not completely satisfactory means for making the possibility 'real' for many people would be to confront them with present speculations about the I.Q. of the porpoise and to encourage them to expand on the implications of this situation." – page 226, n.36
"It is perhaps interesting to note that when asked what the consequences of the discovery of superior life would be, an audience of Saturday Review readership chose, for the most part, not to answer the question at all, in spite of their detailed answers to many other speculative questions." – page 226 n.34
"Such studies would include historical reactions to hoaxes, psychic manifestations, unidentified flying objects, etc. Hadley Cantrel's study, 'Invasion from Mars' (Princeton University Press, 1940), would provide a useful if limited guide in this area. Fruitful understanding might be gained from a comparative study of factors affecting the responses of primitive societies to exposure to technologically advanced societies. Some thrived, some endured, and some died." – page 226, n. 37
While not specifically recommending a cover-up of evidence of extraterrestrial life, Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs does suggest that contact with intelligent extraterrestrial life (or strong evidence of its reality) could have a disruptive effect on human societies. Moreover, it does mention the possibility that leadership might wish to withhold evidence of extraterrestrial life from the public under some conditions.<sup id="cite_ref-autogenerated1_0-0" class="reference">[1]</sup>
Some ufologists and conspiracy theorists<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference">[2]</sup> argue that this section of the report, by outlining plausible motives for government suppression of a discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence, furnishes evidence of an ongoing cover-up of intelligent extraterrestrial life already discovered. This interpretation of the report may have been influenced by contemporary mass media coverage<sup class="Template-Fact" title="This claim needs references to reliable sources from November 2010" style="white-space:nowrap;">[citation needed]</sup>. A 1960 New York Times story on the subject had a headline reading "Mankind is Warned to Prepare For Discovery of Life in Space: Brookings Institution Report Says Earth's Civilization Might Topple if Faced by a Race of Superior Beings" <sup id="cite_ref-2" class="reference">[3]</sup>
In his article "The Brookings Report Re-examined," Keith Woodard writes that the Brookings Report "did raise the possibility of withholding information, but took no position on its advisability. 'Questions one might wish to answer by such studies,' intoned the report, 'would include: how might such information, under what circumstances, be presented to or withheld from the public for what ends? What might be the role of the discovering scientists and other decision makers regarding release of the fact of discovery?' Those two sentences comprise the report's entire commentary on the subject of covering up the truth." <sup id="cite_ref-autogenerated1_0-1" class="reference">[1]</sup> Others argue that many passages from this section of the report (e.g., those passages that suggest close study of the historical record regarding the effects on traditional cultures of contact with previously unfamiliar or technologically more advanced societies) comment on the subject of cover-up indirectly by suggesting factors that leaders would want to consider if faced with a decision about whether to release such information to the public.
For the sake of speculation, or discussion, I will suggest a form of sentience, and yet, non self cognizant, fractal being(s) which either is, or are able to straddle dimensions, and either is, or are expressed by the accumulative collective unconscious of all biological life forms, which have the ability to detect forms of either consciousness(s), or intelligence(s). The form of sentience, and yet, non self cognizant fractal being(s) having existed either on, or near Earth since the advent of the initial biological life form(s), possessing the ability to detect, and interact with various forms of either intelligence(s), or consciousness(s). Figuratively speaking, the phenomena are the sheets thrown over the ghosts, giving the ghosts their forms. Could the observing biological life form(s) be entangled within the phenomena? Could the phenomena engage either the biological life form(s), or the observer(s) in a way as not to be entangled with the observing biological life form(s), and yet interact?

Inasmuch as I am able to understand this approach, I find it a very interesting line of inquiry. Are you saying there could there exist entities, or configurations of intelligence, that are at once greater than the human mind, but also lacking in self-awareness and lacking in psychic individuation ? The seemingly "feral" and childlike behaviors of the ufo phenomenon might be what we would expect from such life forms. Would such a consciousness be more akin to an advanced computer, or perhaps some kind of hive intelligence?

Self-organizing principles seem interwoven with the fabric of our universe. An example (I think) are the short lived but enormous "rogue waves" in the oceans. These should not form or exist at all according to the laws of classical physics. They seem to come into existence in ways more akin to quantum particles than macro events. The so-called paranormal phenomena likewise seem to assemble themselves out of randomness, and disappear the same way.

Sorry if I am rambling, or if I have have misconstrued the original intent of S.R.L.'s post.
What I was speculating about was that perhaps there could be a being, or beings which could straddle dimensions. The fractal being, or beings could detect various biological forms of either consciousness(s), or intelligence(s). The fractal being(s) either does not, or do not know of it’s, or their own existence, and yet are able to interact via the accumulative collective unconscious of all biological life forms which possess various forms of either intelligence(s), or consciousness(s). As far as a fractal being, it could be a technology, or something which you have brought up, a type of hive, form of intelligence, or something entirely out of our comprehension, which physics may one day detect.
I apologize for not making myself as clear as I could have to your query. I think one of the first questions you might need to ask is, how great is the human mind? I would suggest that given the tools, and time needed, the human mind is limitless. I would then speculate that if the fractal being(s) were tapping into the accumulative collective unconscious, what would be discovered? Perhaps innately, the answers to questions which haven’t even been asked yet. In this respect I would find it difficult to suggest that the being(s) intelligence would be greater than the human mind, but perhaps reflections of it. Though overall, your analogy seems fair.
Inasmuch as I am able to understand this approach, I find it a very interesting line of inquiry. Are you saying there could there exist entities, or configurations of intelligence, that are at once greater than the human mind, but also lacking in self-awareness and lacking in psychic individuation ? The seemingly "feral" and childlike behaviors of the ufo phenomenon might be what we would expect from such life forms. Would such a consciousness be more akin to an advanced computer, or perhaps some kind of hive intelligence?

Self-organizing principles seem interwoven with the fabric of our universe. An example (I think) are the short lived but enormous "rogue waves" in the oceans. These should not form or exist at all according to the laws of classical physics. They seem to come into existence in ways more akin to quantum particles than macro events. The so-called paranormal phenomena likewise seem to assemble themselves out of randomness, and disappear the same way.

Sorry if I am rambling, or if I have have misconstrued the original intent of S.R.L.'s post.
S.R.L., No apology needed. These are very abstract but also very interesting concepts. Your post rang a bell with me because the notion of entities which might be intellectually very powerful, yet not possessing self-awareness as we know it, has crossed my mind as related to ufo and other paranormal stuff. Jung's notion of the collective unconscious is of a kind of "overmind" which is vast and powerful, yet dependent, as you seem to suggest, on actualization in the physical for self-awareness. At least, I think so.

If we see our minds as tips of a larger iceberg that is the collective unconscious, so to speak, then they would indeed be limitless. Although maybe limited at any given time or in a given context. I hope I am making some sense!

The fractal hypothesis is a new one for me. I must confess very limited knowledge of what constitutes "fractal", much less the mathematics involved. But I believe it has to do with an innate order woven into the fabric of the universe. This is evidenced by self-organizing properties of certain systems that have sometimes stunned researchers.
The fractal being hypothesis is nothing new. Vallee mentions it here on Pg. 314. I cannot copy the link so you will have to Google it up. It's in google books, and there's enough there to make it worth your while. The book is called : The Biological Universe: The Twentieth Century Extraterrestrial Life Debate ... By Steven J. Dick.
NOVA made a whole episode on the fractal theory on how the trees in a jungle have a specific pattern that you can find it the whole jungle. It was very informative as Nova usually does it. So if I understood correctly, fractal is copy of a copy and how it gets random is like its original composition appears transposed (just to put it in a very simple context for it is obviously very complicated). If someone wants to share his theory of the phenomena, please try using analogies and other methods, for not only intellectuals read these threads. Very common human beings have these experiences and some knowledge of why I see it and others don't is welcome, but as up to now is all very speculative.
Simply put, a fractal being is made up of separate parts.
A fractal is "a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole,"<sup id="cite_ref-0" class="reference">[1]</sup> a property called self-similarity. Roots of the idea of fractals go back to the 17th century, while mathematically rigorous treatment of fractals can be traced back to functions studied by Karl Weierstrass, Georg Cantor and Felix Hausdorff a century later in studying functions that were continuous but not differentiable; however, the term fractal was coined by Benoît Mandelbrot in 1975 and was derived from the Latin fractus meaning "broken" or "fractured." A mathematical fractal is based on an equation that undergoes iteration, a form of feedback based on recursion.<sup id="cite_ref-patterns_1-0" class="reference">[2]</sup> There are several examples of fractals, which are defined as portraying exact self-similarity, quasi self-similarity, or statistical self-similarity. While fractals are a mathematical construct, they are found in nature, which has led to their inclusion in artwork. They are useful in medicine, soil mechanics, seismology, and technical analysis.
<table id="toc" class="toc"> <tbody><tr> <td> Contents


</td> </tr> </tbody></table> [edit] Characteristics

Frost crystals formed naturally on cold glass illustrate fractal process development in a purely physical system

A fractal often has the following features:<sup id="cite_ref-2" class="reference">[3]</sup>

Because they appear similar at all levels of magnification, fractals are often considered to be infinitely complex (in informal terms). Natural objects that are approximated by fractals to a degree include clouds, mountain ranges, lightning bolts, coastlines, snow flakes, various vegetables (cauliflower and broccoli), and animal coloration patterns. However, not all self-similar objects are fractals—for example, the real line (a straight Euclidean line) is formally self-similar but fails to have other fractal characteristics; for instance, it is regular enough to be described in Euclidean terms.
Images of fractals can be created using fractal-generating software. Images produced by such software are normally referred to as being fractals even if they do not have the above characteristics, such as when it is possible to zoom into a region of the fractal that does not exhibit any fractal properties. Also, these may include calculation or display artifacts which are not characteristics of true fractals.
Thanks for all the info. Fractal being hipotesis is difficult but comprehensible. It's true, eventualy physics will find something, if in fact there is such thing.
Thou, the Sherman references you mentioned I did not find them. Sometimes you have to pay to be able to review these stories.
Something I read in the Utah Ranch page was that of strikes of lights, and oddly enough that is one of the weird things I have seen in this house (because all but one experience, have been in this house). I have been living here for almost 25 years. In the list of weird things there are two strikes of light: one green and one orange. They appeared at mid air and traveled two or three feet up and vanished; and they occurred in a spam of two or three days. Utah Ranch is considered a hot spot, maybe I am located in some hot spot but only I have the sensitivity to see these things.
Back in the days when the development was new some neighbor told us that the small mountain range about a quarter mile away was nicknamed "close encounter" because there were a couple of sightings. Here in Puerto Rico it sims that we don't have that many sightings like California, to mention one, or people are not willing to come forward for fear of redicule.
They occur in the human body too
your veins are fractal in nature, as are your lungs


Its actually very clever because as the quote below says, you dont need the genetic instructions for the entire system, just the fractal pattern

This characteristic of many human structures is called "self-similarity." Self-similarity is found in fractal structures. Fractal structures are chaotic forms that are complex even though only a few simple mathematical rules can produce their shapes.
One advantage of self-similar, or fractal, structures in the human body is that such high complexity of structure allows a high complexity or amount of function. Another advantage is that since only a little information is needed to make a fractal shape, only a few genes can produce a very complex body system.

A decade after Mandelbrot published his physiological speculations, some theoretical biologists began to find fractal organization controlling structures all through the body. The standard 'exponential' description of a bronchial branching proved to be quite wrong; a fractal description turned out to fit the data...." --James Gleick
Thanks for all the info. Fractal being hipotesis is difficult but comprehensible. It's true, eventualy physics will find something, if in fact there is such thing.
Thou, the Sherman references you mentioned I did not find them. Sometimes you have to pay to be able to review these stories.
Something I read in the Utah Ranch page was that of strikes of lights, and oddly enough that is one of the weird things I have seen in this house (because all but one experience, have been in this house). I have been living here for almost 25 years. In the list of weird things there are two strikes of light: one green and one orange. They appeared at mid air and traveled two or three feet up and vanished; and they occurred in a spam of two or three days. Utah Ranch is considered a hot spot, maybe I am located in some hot spot but only I have the sensitivity to see these things.
Back in the days when the development was new some neighbor told us that the small mountain range about a quarter mile away was nicknamed "close encounter" because there were a couple of sightings. Here in Puerto Rico it sims that we don't have that many sightings like California, to mention one, or people are not willing to come forward for fear of redicule.
Here’s a clip of George Knapp who is a Las Vegas reporter, interviewing Robert Bigelow who is a real estate tycoon, aerospace investor, and a investing party in the research, confirmation, and disclosure of Anomalous Phenomena (UFO’s and the paranormal). Mr. Bigelow funded NIDS which stands for the National Institute of Discovery Science. NIDS researchers were, and still are (in a sense) studying the Sherman, or “Skinwalker” ranch. Colm Kelleher was the principle researcher heading up the NIDS group. Mr. Bigelow rarely gives interviews, and this was his most recent. To hear about the ranch start clip 6/12 at 6:24 into it. The previous clip 5/12 is informational as well.
In Hierarchy Theory there is discussed the organization of fractals, and neural networks. In this relationship one might be able to perceive how a fractal being, or entity may exist. However, some of this theory is based on the standard model, which there is some healthy dispute over.

---------- Post added at 09:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:30 PM ----------
