Hi guys,
The video analysis on the Dimension Zone (
Forensic Video Analysis - Staking your reputation) is of course created with the only videos available, those on YouTube and Google, no original footage was sent to us, nor do I doubt it would be even if it existed. The analysis was straight and simple as a means of teaching a bit about spotting hoaxers and frauds.
There are too many anomalies within these Jerusalem videos to even consider them anything but a hoax and a fraud; and poor attempts at that. Let's just say I've seen better

, and have actually experienced several sightings myself over the last 40 years...but each time it happened I never seemed to have had the opportunity to run and grab my video (or 35mm) camera, and let's not forget the tripod, before the bloody thing disappeared again!
It reminds me of a time that I was in Las Vegas when Barbara Streisand was giving her last performance at the MGM Grand, there were drag queens all over the place dressed like her... I heard an old man who caught a glimpse of the real Barbara coming into the restaurant before her show and he pointed her out to his wife, to which she replied, "The one by the slot machine over there looked more real that he did!"
The point of this anecdote (true story by the way), is that when we do get a REAL UFO on video, or other concrete evidence, there are always going to be nay-sayers. Even when one lands on the White House lawn and calls Obama by his first name!
For what it's worth,
Jari Mikkola
Editor - The Dimension Zone and The Journal of Anomalous Sciences
World Nexus Publications